Chapter four

Temptation, Ignorance

     Thumping bass reverberating in her chest, the soft curves of her senior against her, it felt right. The music was so loud that she couldn't think, it was one of the pleasures she had discovered here. The other pleasure being Taeyeon's mouth. God, was it just the right amount of sinful. The club that the older had brought them to was a tad bit on the higher end, meaning that two famous idols could be there 'dancing' on the middle of the floor and no one batted and eye at them. Which was a good thing because that 'dancing' had quickly digressed into something more than just PG13.

     Seungwan was buzzing off of top shelf whiskey and the vodka she could taste on Taeyeon's tongue. They broke away for air, keeping close. "Seungwan, are your members expecting you to come home tonight?" She wanted to answer back, but it was impossible to speak with the toned thigh pressing inbetween her legs. "They shouldn't but I didn't really tell them anything."

"Wow not even Irene?"

     They had separated a little since it was obvious Taeyeon wanted to talk. She huffed, it wasn't something that she really wanted to discus. "No, especially not her. I told you last time that we weren't on good terms." She waited for a nod. "So I've decided it's time to move on." Taeyeon grinned, sharp and predatory. "Unnie, do you want to help me forget about her?"

     Hands slid around to her and taeyeon moved in close, "I would love to. How about we go back to my place?" She didn't have to answer, she took Taeyeon's hand and headed to get a taxi.


     Her back hit the wall. Frantic fingers in her hair and Taeyeon was everywhere. Once again, she was in the moment. She didn't have to think about anything but this. All of her jumbled thoughts had faded away. And it wasn't just numb, no, she was feeling things. Sure, they were all temporary and she would eventually have to go back but she could deal with that later. 

     The Seungwan at the dorm was an empty husk of her former self. This Wendy was in charge. She could feel the surge of power she had over Taeyeon. A touch here and she would receive a moan, an automatic reaction. A kiss there and she would hear the praise of the other, an uninhibited response. Here in this dance there was no need for hiding or lying.

     After there was no need for further thought. Complete exhaustion and satisfaction were it. There was beauty to be found in the simpleness of it all. Both of them knew what this was, it didn't need to be explicitly stated. Of course they were running, they just happened to be running in the same direction. No real progress was ever made in this journey but the distraction was more than welcome. And the older girl was surely distracting.


     Four days had passed and none of the members had seen the resident snowman. Everyone was on edge. This wasn't some stranger, this was Wendy, a girl that they had known for years. Her behavior was as enigmatic and out of character as it had ever been.

     Irene had used Joy's network of idol acquaintances to here about Wendy's escapades. It wasn't easy for her to push the younger girl away. She cared for Wendy, but it wasn't the kind of care the other wanted. It was all confusing. Irene had never really thought about her uality before that night.

     Idol life had kept her busy. Before then she assumed that she would marry some relatively tolerable man, have a kid or two and go on to tell tales of the good ole days. Yet there was Wendy, a person she was inexplicably drawn to. They spent time together, confided in each other. Irene had been perfectly content in basking in the other's warmth.

     Despite all that had happened she can't even bring herself to say that the kiss was the worst thing that had ever happened to her. Feeling the younger slip away hurt. She knew that time would go on, she just didn't know that Wendy would leave too. Was it childish for her to think that they would always be together?

     Seeing someone you love spiraling out of control, wasn't something Irene would wish on anyone. How do you go from talking to someone every day to being strangers. Wendy was a person that could make anyone fall. But Irene this wasn't falling in the romantic sense; instead of Wendy being there to catch her, the floor was rushing to catch her in a bone crushing embrace.

     The other's thought that she had been cold to Wendy but that hadn't been the truth. Of course she blamed herself. Why didn't she like Wendy back the way she needed to? It was a thought that plagued her at all times. She was scared of the voice that said you do. After coming down from the high of Wendy, she was scared. Absolutely terrified. Wendy was not the bland man she thought she would love. Wendy was so much more. 

     Fear should not have governed her but it did. Fear of being judged. Fear of messing up. That last one was probably a moot point all things considered. She was angry and confused. Angry that she had lost someone so god damn close. Angry that Wendy was going out. Angry that those girls were able to experience a side of Wendy that she would never see outside of her dreams.

     She was confused about why it had to matter so ing much. Why it felt like her heart had been shredded and scattered. Why she let things get to this point. Why all she wanted was to kiss Wendy and let her know that she was here. Why Wendy would do this to her. Why it mattered so damn much.

      Yet deep down she knew. She knew the answers, she knew the ramifications. She knew why the consequences had started to feel so small. If she was honest with herself for a single minute she would know that all of these fears would disappear in Wendy's arms. But lying had become an essential part of being an idol.

     The vocalist stepped into the living room, apperence perfectly fine. Fine without her. Love bites displayed on ivory skin, blatantly honest. She didn't know if she envied the person who had the privilege to put lips to Wendy's body or if it was the honesty in which the marks were placed.

"Hey, Irene."

    The sound of her name should not have made her want to be honest.

"Hi, Wendy."

      But it did. Oh god she wanted to bare her soul to this goddess before her.

"You've been out for a while," a lull, "are you hungry?" Extending the olive branch. Though she knew it was more like a sacrifice.

"Yeah, I... I'm pretty hungry." Acceptance. A truce.

"Okay, let me get you something."


Wow ok so another chapter out. Thank you for everyone who is reading and commenting. This story was just a little idea that I wanted to explore but my life has lowkey started to become this odd push and pull, so that blows. Ha but its kept me angsty enough to spit these out. Till next time guys

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I’m just a gay mess tbh and I write this stuff so I don’t have to think.


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 4: Hot
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 2: Woah
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 1: Read again
Chapter 16: all the cloths possible for my beloved Wendy
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 16: It's end?
Chapter 16: omgggg not the story ending just like that!!?? but i love it nevertheless <3 thank you so much for this story
WluvsBaetokki #8
Chapter 16: Gosh Damm! This was painful to read. I didn't know if I'm gonna be mad at Wendy or empathize with her. NGL I wanted to smack her head a couple of times or maybe even more ugh