Lucky Ones




A bunch of Kyusung one-shots (possibly two-shots), drabbles and stuff. Just some short stories I work on the side.
Don't expect fast updates though because my main priorities are still my chaptered fics. This is here mostly for when I want to take a short break from chaptered fics and work on something else for a little bit.

This will be Main!Kyusung with side pairings.
Of course there will be a blend of fluff, angst, fantasy, maybe character death, and possibly horribly written chapters.

I will be accepting prompts for this story! So please send in some prompts and help an author out ?



  1. REQUESTER NAME (Twitter or AFF):
  2. PROFILE LINK (Twitter or AFF):
  3. Genre (As many or little as you want):
  4. Side Pairings/Characters you want (Optional):
  5. Plot (as specific or vague as you want):
  6. Ending That You Want (choose one): (ex: happy/sad/tragic ..... or Author's Choice)
  7. Anything To Add (Optional):


(My Melody and Fortune's Favor's stories will be deleted and moved to this one, as I realized handling so many stories is a bit of a hassle, sorry ?)







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401 streak #1
Chapter 3: wow >_< I thought it's going to be a sad ending, but well, LOVE IT!
Chapter 3: Wow i love it,,its very lovely and fluffy kyusung
Chapter 3: Awww. Sweetttttt :)
TaiShanNiangNiang #4
Chapter 2: Gah! Ya'll are killing me with all the KyuSung angst lately - and yet, because it's KyuSung (and your writing) I'm happily here ;)