Hush hush baby

Love works like Magic (Editing)
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After recovering from the shock surfaced up by his mother, Sunggyu carries the unconscious Woohyun to his room, trying to bring him as few discomforts as possible. He drops Woohyun carefully onto his bed and covers the man under the blanket.

     Woohyun looks terrible – pale face and cold hands. It’s concerning.

     Sunggyu puts the back of his hand on Woohyun’s forehead to test on his temperature. Non-magic people usually would catch on fever if they were hit by magic, more so if the witch is a powerful one, like his mother.

     Thankfully Woohyun’s temperature doesn’t spike up too horribly. He lets out a relief sigh at the realisation.

     Sunggyu hangs around the unconscious man for a bit while, mostly because he dreads the inevitable talk he is going to have with his mom. Oh he knows for a fact that they are completely and utterly ed. There’s no way she’s going to let them scot-free after learning their visit is not just a – well – a visit. It’d be impossible to dance his way around his mother’s clutch once she caught him lying.

     Just when Sunggyu finally relent to his doomed destiny and about to get up, he feels a tug on his sleeve, “Don’t leave.” Woohyun says meekly, eyes peeking slightly, looking like he hasn’t sleep in forever.

     Sunggyu sits next to him again, “Woohyun, are you feeling okay?”

     Woohyun opens his eyes a tad bigger, his brown eyes glint tiredly, “I- what happened?” He manages to croak.

     “You fainted.” Sunggyu says softly, hands busy adjusting the pillow that Woohyun is resting on, just for the sake of it. The guilty feeling nestled in his heart increases, tenfold. Woohyun got hurt because of him, and now he’s causing him another pain, albeit not directly. But he can’t not feel like this isn’t his fault.

     Woohyun grouses a bit, “My head hurts.”

     “You need to sleep off the residue.” Sunggyu says knowing well what Woohyun is feeling at the moment. Suffering from being hit by magic will make you feel like having a very bad hangover.

     Woohyun winces, his skull pounds like he’s taking a hit straight on the head. He’s not much of a drinker, so having a hangover is not something he’s familiar with.

     “. I feel like vomiting” Woohyun curses lightly, he’s feeling nauseous all of a sudden.

     Sunggyu mulls at the sight in front of him, before nodding slightly as if he’s coming to a decision. “I'll do something to ease your pain. I owe you that much at least.”

     Woohyun would’ve responded if he could but right now, even opening his eyes is making his head moving in circle.

     Sunggyu looks around as if he were about to be caught doing something illegal, heaves a quiet shameful sigh and deposits his hand on Woohyun’s forehead. “Hey doggie, don’t bark. Our baby sleeps so well.” He starts the spell-song with a soft voice. The nursery rhymes-spell is usually used to chase nightmare, but it also could be used to bring comfort.

     Woohyun tenses under his touch, probably surprised by the action, but he doesn't open his eyes. Sunggyu himself turns amazingly red even though Woohyun couldn’t see him.

     “Hey chickie, don’t bark. You’ll wake our child’s sweet sleep.”

     Woohyun’s shoulders relax as the pain he’s feeling is subsiding. The magic is soothing. Sunggyu’s magic feels like stream of cold water. Not the ones that chills into your bones, but the ones cooling your heated body after a long day.

     “Hush hush our baby. Our baby sleeps so well.”

     Woohyun’s breathing is getting even.  

     “A baby more beautiful than the moon. A baby more beautiful than the stars.”

     Twinkling stars appear out of thin air, gleaming above them gracefully. A few falls on them but neither of them gives a care.

     “Hush hush our baby. Our baby sleeps so well.”

     Sunggyu’s voice turns softer, almost like a whisper. There’s something about Woohyun’s looking peaceful that tugs the deeper part of his heart; he can’t help but to keep on looking, to keep staring at the man’s profile as if he’s enchanted by the sleeping beauty.

     “A baby more beautiful than flowers. A baby more precious than gold.”

     The song is approaching to its ending.

     “Hush hush our baby. Our baby sleeps so well.” Sunggyu finishes the nursery with a hush voice upon seeing Woohyun's peaceful state. Serenity is plastered all across his face as he is wrapped in profound sleep. His chest rising and falling rhythmically. His lips, being rosy in colour look even more tempting than usual.

     What if Sunggyu just leaned down and…

     Sunggyu stands up in start at the thought. He feels as if he’s just been waking up from a deep trance. His chest beating loudly, he’s worried Woohyun might hear it and wake up again.

     That thought itself colours his cheek in red, he abruptly leaves the room to calm himself down again.




“How is he?” Mrs. Kim asks Sunggyu as soon as he shows up again in the kitchen. He spends a quite sum of time in the bathroom, dunking his face under water to cool his head down again and only comes out once he felt he’s not as shaken as before.

     “He's fine, sleeping. I casted a spell.” Sunggyu says, approaching the table.

     His mom lets out a relieved sigh at the answer, “That's good to hear.”

     Sunggyu sits on the vacated seat across his mom. He pushes the bowl of rice away to make a space for his propped-up arms on the table, resting his chin on his hands. “Yeah.” Sunggyu murmur

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I reread this again and decided to edit the atrociousness and cringiness of this story. Sorry for the upcoming notification(s)


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Chapter 16: will update this??? i miss your story authornim
aitenshinYuri28 #2
Chapter 16: Didn't see you updated before. Sorry for being late 😭 Thank you for the update. Anyway, Sunggyu is getting to whipped 😁 I love it. And Woohyun is so cute and adorable.
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 16: Omg I thought it was finished 😭😭😭 I'm dying to know what will happen, how will they fix everything?
I feel like Woohyun has something to do with the magical world and his adoptive mom saw something or she found out about it and that's why she pushed him away.
I hope for your update one day author-nim hehehhe 🥺❣️ (although it is from 2018 but hope is the last thing that is lost (?
DaniaOthk #4
Chapter 13: OMG finally his feelings are coming out 😳
DaniaOthk #5
Chapter 5: What will happen to Woohyun? I feel like it also has to do with the spell Sunggyu did about listening to his heart.😳 Woohyun's destiny is Sunggyu 🤭(? "
Chapter 16: Woohyun is too cute.. Please i need for about his prents
704 streak #7
Chapter 16: Woohyun is so cute 😀
Chapter 15: what if woohyun actually a warewolf clan?? 😭😭
704 streak #9
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update authornim. Looking forward for the next chapter.
aitenshinYuri28 #10
Chapter 15: you updated baby... im so proud of you. sunggyu kissed woohyun 😭