A Symphony of Heartache

Could You Love Me?
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So, today I'm feeling a lot inspired, so I may add more than one chapter until I feel out of inspiration, hehe.


The silence hung in the air, palpable and heavy with tension. Jongin watched as Sehun's eyes searched Luhan's face for answers, desperation and hurt written all over his features. Luhan, on the other hand, his eyes shifting between Jongin and Sehun, mirroring the hesitation that played on his face, stood there, conflicted, torn between telling the truth and preserving the delicate balance of his relationships. However, Sehun felt a wave of emotions crashing over him – confusion, anger, and the unsettling feeling that something was amiss. Baekhyun, sensing the escalating tension, placed a hand on Jongin's shoulder, offering a supportive squeeze. He exchanged a worried glance with Sehun, silently acknowledging the complexity of the situation. Sehun's voice cut through the heavy air, his eyes narrowing with intensity. Each word is laced with an undercurrent of pain.  « Luhan, is this true ?» His gaze bore into Luhan's, desperately seeking a denial, a reassurance that this was all a misunderstanding. Luhan sighed, his shoulders slumping as if the weight of the truth bore down on him. Glancing at Jongin, his expression betraying a mix of frustration and resignation « Sehun, I... » He paused, searching for the right words, his gaze finally meeting Sehun's and his voice barely audible « Yes Sehun, it's true. » A whirlwind of emotions swept across Sehun's face – disbelief, hurt, and a hint of anger. « Why, Luhan? How could you? » Sehun's world seemed to crumble around him, the revelation hitting him like a tidal wave. He took a step back as if physically pushed by the weight of the truth. A myriad of emotions danced across his face—betrayal, heartbreak, and a profound sadness that cut deep into his soul. Jongin regretted his decision to reveal the truth. The pain etched on Sehun's face was too much to bear. He wanted to reach out, to comfort his friend, but the gravity of the situation had an invisible barrier between them. Jongin could feel Sehun's pain, and he regretted bringing this truth to light. Baekhyun tightened his grip on Jongin's shoulder, silently supporting him through the difficult moment. Baekhyun, witnessing the unfolding drama, felt a surge of empathy for Sehun. He could see the hurt in his best friend's eyes and knew that Jongin's intentions, though rooted in concern, had opened a Pandora's box of emotions. Sehun's voice wavered as he spoke, his eyes never leaving Luhan's face. « Why, Luhan? Why did you do this to me, to us? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you choose to betray me and hurt me like this? Was I never enough for you? You never loved me; I was just your plaything. Three years, Luhan, for three years, I devoted myself to you. I was loyal; I fought for you. But is this how you reward me? By betraying me and going around cheating on me? » The hurt was palpable, and his hands trembled with a mix of anger and sorrow. Luhan struggled to find the right words, his own eyes glistening
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This is , am sorry :'(


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744 streak #1
Chapter 12: I voted for advancing the storyline. If Sehun finds out Xiumin is Minseok, it would be grief overload and that would not be good for him right now. I feel so sorry for all involved, even Jongin, who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am looking forward to seeing how they navigate through this heartache. You’re doing a good job, so glad I ran across this story.
cikihem #2
Zndjcjaj #3
Chapter 11: My gosh, what deception.
Kyoyanemesis #5
Chapter 10: When are you going to upload the next chapter?
Chapter 10: Welcome back. And thank you for the updates
Chapter 8: Hopping for more updates!!!!
Chapter 9: This is very interesting I want to know why Kyungsoo really broke up and who is Lu kissing. Hope you get some inspiration soon.
What is main couple?!
sekai or honhun???
Chapter 7: What she did is so disgusting. I'm so thankful I didn't read any of her stories. Use kaisoo to gain fame and then talk bout my babies urgh i hate her. Already blocked her as soon as I saw this tweet on twitter. She's pathetic.