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Let me tell you guys one thing this story is not going to be M-Rated but still I'm giving you WARNING! because this story is not about rom-com it's going to be base on Polygamy, , ual abuse, Child abuse, and the age difference (18 years). Yes, you have read it right, if you guys aren't comfortable with the plot, so this one is not for you. So, please don't waste your time here or come here to bash me. I'm humbly requesting you not to report the story if you found any kind of issue. Thank you~♦

Let's meet the cast of today's Chapter

Her room was all dis-sorted. the windows were open but still curtains blocking the sunlight to come inside her room and lighten it up. It was a long night for Chaerin, she had been praying the whole night if it's a dream so she wanted someone to wake her up. She felt hurt and she wasn't ready to accept the reality that her Jiyong can a girl. He wasn't like that. He used to be such a sweetheart it's has been so many years since she knows him. He never had to commit anything wrong in his whole past life then why now? How can he do this to her? Chaerin's mind was all upset and she was sitting on the floor with her legs hugged close to her chest, her head was resting on her knees. She's continuously staring blankly at the white curtains in her room.

Her face was covered with the wet traces of her tears whenever she blinks a tear slide down from her cheek. She sniffs and closes her both eyes.

She heard the knock on the door "Chaerin?" it was Soon Jae when she didn't reply to him. He decided to open the door and start to observe the view in the room. Chaerin picks her head up and looks at the door she found that her father-in-law was standing there "Can I come in?" he asked for her permission

She hurriedly stands up and fixed her hair while looking around "Yes.. please" he knew what she was looking for. He let out a breath and pulls out a pocket square from his Coat. Soon Jae pushes her hand in the Chaerin's way.

She looks at his hand and then his face he closes his eyes and nods his head. Chaerin hesitantly takes it from his hand and tried her best in smiling and bow down to time in 35 degrees in his respect.

"If you don't mind can I have a word with you" she nods while wiping her eyes

Soon Jae carefully takes her hand and makes her sit on the couch. "Sit here" and also takes his seat right in front of her. For a few sec he looked at her swollen face on the other hand she has been trying her best to avoid looking back in his direction.

"Chaerin? Why are you sitting here all alone by yourself like him?" when she heard those words she looks up at him her eyes were wide open. It was crystal clear that she wasn't able to understand what Soon Jae just meant by saying that. "You should be down there, standing beside him, instead of crying like a baby" she looks away from his face as tears again quickly build up in her eyes. She does want to go and stand right next to her beloved Jiyong but sadly doesn't know why she doesn't want to, on the other hands she also thinks she's on a mistake

Soon Jae continues with his magical words "Honey, look at me. You know he needs you more than anything, especially right now. My child, why? Why can't you agreed to support him?" Chaerin pressed her lips and shakes her head.

"D-dad... I'm.............. I'm Sorry, ........ I don't know, why? But I am sorry" she covers her eyes with his her both hand and starts crying again like babies.

Kwon Soon Jae stayed silent there for few more moments while looking at the poor lady but finally, he decided to have his words but in a harsh way.

"Sorry, Chaerin I didn't want to brings it up to you but your childish behavior didn't leave me another choice." He sounds pissed of

"It seems like you already have forgotten your crime? Hmm,...................." he chuckles "That's great, my son has done a great job, am I right, Chaerin? this time he puts the pressure on her name and Chaerin's heart skips a beat after hearing his word. She looked back at him with a scared look on her face

"D-dad!?" It was getting hard for her to speak.

"I don't need your tears Chaerin.............. Look at me" he pointed at his face with his own hands "Do you remember that time? When he pushes everything away just because of you?" Soon Jae raises his voice which makes her a little scared because it was the first time in her life when saw him getting angry like this. "It's you Chaerin, who had killed his father because he was an abuser? Jiyong covered you up at the right time and takes all charges, just for the love of his life, you Chaerin, you. Have you forgotten everything that my son has gone through? You have makes me disappointed in yourself, Chaerin.

"I didn't want to kill him" she whispers. She wasn't at fault this time but as the father, she's annoying him with her emotions.

"Oh yes, I do know, you were trying to defend yourself,........................I tried to convince him not to ruin his life but know he didn't listen to me for once. All he was thinking to save you from this mess that you had been created. Have you forget the look on my face. Have you forget how did I feel at the moment and how much I tried to save him. I and my lawyer tried over best to gives proves that it was self-defense but still he went to jail for five years and missed the most important part of the youth. He wasn't able to complete his studies and he had worked hard to get his name back again in the good list it's taken so much time."

Now Chaerin started to cry harder "I'm so-sorry, D-da-dad! I kn-ow it was all m-my fau-lt" she was looking like a little girl to him. He takes a deep breath and came to sit right next to her. "Chaerin,......" he politely called her name this time and placed his left around her shoulder to gives her support. "Chaerin, I didn't want to hurt your feeling. I didn't talk like that on purpose. All I just wanted you to understand what you need to do right now besides while crying all alone in your room. Please, be a strong woman like you used to be, and now it's your time to return him" which makes her look back at Soon Jae in surprise and he shakes his head in yes with a sweet smile. Chaerin wiped her tears with her hands or even the sleeves of her shirt "Yes, you are right. Jiyong need me I have to stand with him."

"Yes, my child, all he needs right at the moment is your belief, your support, and your love. Okay now go and wash yourself be ready for breakfast Jiyong must be waiting for you." Chaerin also smiled brightly and hugged him "Thank you, Dad" which also makes him smile brightly this time.

Jiyong has been sitting all alone at the table for the past few minutes and no one came down here to join him for the breakfast. Which makes him lost in his own deep and depressing thoughts

"Good morning, Sir"  Seung Hoon came and bow down to greets him "How are you feeling now, Sir?"

"Forget about me, you tell what's bring you here late today? Can I ask for it? hmm?" Jiyong looks at him for the explanation

"A-ahhh, actually sir, the breakfast isn't ready yet" in the response Jiyong got shocked because it's never happened before

"Huh! Really? Why?"

"Because of me" Chaerin answered to him which gives a little shock to Jiyong. He left his seat to turn around in surprise "Ch-chae-rin!? W-why are you here?" it was a stupid question to ask Chaerin but still it was valid at the moment because he wasn't expecting her to be here. She comes closer to surprise Jiyong. "Shocked!?" she asked him while putting her arms around his neck and pull him closer to gives a kiss on his cheek. "Sorry, you have to wait a little more because it's has been a long time since I had cooked something so I have messed up with everything." she sounds a little disappointed in herself which makes him giggle over her situation.

Seung Hoon smiled while looking at a lead couple of the household "I'll go and check the kitchen and the breakfast too" and he left them alone.

They both were having their moment when the villain Chanyeol makes his entry to ruin the moment.

"Wohooo! Look what we got here? Two love birds" he laughed at them and takes his seat, they also sit right in front of him. "Finally you got your senses back." Chanyeol pointed at Chaerin "You shouldn't have left your spot Noona. Please, always stay by his side" Chanyeol politely said

Chaerin hold Jiyong's hand "Don't worry Chanyeol I have finally made my decision. Nothing can change my mind now" in return Jiyong also placed his hand on her hand "Thank you, Chaerin" now both were looking at each other happily when Kwon Soon Jae also came there to join them "Seriously, I'm really happy to see you guys together.



Seung Hoon park the car right in front of the club "Don't you dare to be over smart this time" Chanyeol warned Seung Hoon who was busy while unbuckling to himself

"Excuse me!?" he responded so confuse "Sorry,.......I didn't get it?" but in reality, he knew why Chanyeol said this to him.

"Yah! Stop playing with me, you little ........." and he runs his eyes over his body “Just look at your tone how disrespectful you are" Chanyeol about to reaches his collar but he stopped himself before doing this “You are just a servant and I,” Chanyeol paused for a moment while grinding his teeth together “I am his brother and this time I'm going to be the one, who will help Jiyong. So, don’t you dare to steal my spotlight this time and just stay behind me. You got it?” he gets off from the car and smacked the door harder

Seung Hoon nods while smiling “Sure, Young master” he was happy to see Chanyeol's jealousy he also gets off of the car and starts to follow him.

Chanyeol about to step into the club but he stopped because his phone rings, it was from Nana so he received the call “Good morning, babe” Chanyeol also showed his hand sign to Seung Hoon to stop right here but he didn't. Seung Hoon heads inside first followed by Chanyeol this time because he didn't want to waste more time outside the club. He was desperately wanted to find the clues from inside the club.

“No, Nana, I am not coming ..... I know babe you told me that we have this charity event going on but you know Jiyong is more important for me” as Chanyeol said Nana seems to get it what was he saying “Yes,......... please after finishing your work go straight to Chaerin Noona. I'm sure she still a support, okay?” he smiles and hangs up on his phone. Chanyeol notices the manager was already waiting in the corridor for them because Seung Hoon had already fixed the appointment with the club's manager, both of them slowly went towards him.

Well, Chanyeol used to adore this Club a lot because they used to know how exactly to serve him in fact, he was their most prestigious and precious client.

Kim Jiwon bowed down to Chanyeol and Seung Hoon with pleasure "Welcome sir, it's has been a long time since you last time visit our club" there was a little disappointment in his voice and the sulky look on his face "

Chanyeol frankly response to Kim Jiwon's words "Sorry man but my girl don't want me to hang out here anymore. I hope you get my point now frow where it's coming" he also winked at him which cause Seung Hoon to get annoyed, that was one of the reasons why Seung Hoon and Jiyong's didn't want him to join them in this mission. Seung Hoon slowly rubs his temples when he saw a waitress coming in their direction along with the glass of Chanyeol's favorite cocktail to serve him.

"What is this for?" Seung Hoon asked Kim Jiwon about the service

"Ahh,.... this one" he takes the glass from the tray and handed it to Chanyeol " For him. If you also need something you can ask for anything without hesitation." now he ignored Seung Hoon, he also got angry and thought "Is this man had forgotten why we are here?"

So he attacked him "Young Master! So you used to visit this club and you didn't even mention it to us?" Seung Hoon suspiciously looked at him but Chanyeol rolled his eyes before answering him.

"Yes, but not anymore"

"Can I ask you why?"

Chanyeolreally got pissed "Do I have to inform you guys of my personal issues, Hmmm!?" It was clear to Seung Hoon how much Chanyeol disliking him right now but it's not the right time to argue. So, he asked Kim Jiwon about the workers while ignoring him.

"Mr. Kim, have you get together all workers here from the eighteenth of October night"

"Huh! Oh, yes, yes, ...... I had called them here and they all already waiting to see you"

Seung Hoon bends over him "Why didn't you tell us before? Hmm?"

Kim Jiwon got a little scared "Ahhh-mmm" he looked at Chanyeol like he was begging for his help. "S-sir Chan-yeol"

"Stop getting on my nervous just answer my question, you stupid man, take us to them"

“Y-yes sir, they all are in my office, please follow me”  Seung Hoon followed the manager so do Chanyeol did the same while enjoying his cocktail drink.

When they enter the Jiwon's office. They found thirteen employees who bow down to them as they come in. Seung Hoon comes first to stand right in front of them and Chanyeol directly went to own Jiwon's seat. Kim Jiwon also came and stand on the right side of Chanyeol.

Seung Hoon was examining the all employees before looking at Chanyeol to ask his permission "Should I?" and Chanyeol also gave him the green signal.

“Okay, listen, do you guys know me?" he starts to walk around the staff "Did anyone of you has ever saw me in this club” all of the staff members look at each other because they were don't why they were asked to be here and being question by him. After few seconds a girl spoke up. "Oh yes,................ with Mr. Kwon. Kwon Jiyong ......... I have seen you with Kwon Jiyong here many times." Seung Hoon turns around in her direction and other staff members slowly start to agree with her answer.

“Now I want those members to come forward who served Mr. Kwon Jiyong on the Eighteenth night of October or saw him in the Club" in the response five members come forward. Two were male Bar attender and the other three were females who were appointed to serve drinks in the VIP room.

"That's all?" Chanyeol questioned Jiwon "Yes, sir." so Chanyeol asked him to send away the remaining eight staff members so they can investigate the further questions.

So Jiwon follows his order and sends the others staff away which makes the scenario intense for the remaining staff. So Seung Hoon begins "You guys don't have to get worried about anything. All I just want you guys to answer my simple Questions, please cooperate with us and don't try to hide any single info from us. Okay!?" all of them were confused but they agreed to tells every single detail to them without knowing any reason.

"So, tell me first who served him that night?" Seung Hoon look at the girls

"Me," one girl cames forward

"What's your name?"

"Park Jin Hee"

"Right," Seung Hoon looks back at Jiwon "Mr. Kim can you please take the remaining members you and wait outside until the next call?" Jiwon obeyed to him take them with him. Now it was only three of them in the room, Chanyeol, Seung Hoon, and Park Jin Hee.

"Please take the seat" Seung Hoon offers her to take the seat first and also sit right in front of her.

"Park Jin Hee, what kind of service did you provided to Mr. Kwon?"

"Huh!? What do you mean? I had only served drinks to Mr. Kwon and his friends"

"Friends!? So Mr. Kwon didn't come alone here that night?"


"Can you tell me how many people were present in the room when you visit the room?"

"Umm, I guess four or ........" she tried to remember "Oh yes, there were five people included Mr. Kwon"

"Five,......." Seung Hoon take a deep breath and relax his shoulders

"I guess it must be them" Chanyeol speaks up after hearing her words. Seung Hoon also nods his head while looking at him

"Well, who else can be with him beside them." they were talking about Jiyong's childhood friends. Choi Seung Hyun, Kang Daesung, Lee Seungri, and Dong Youngbae.

Now Chanyeol asks her "Are you sure it was only five of them?" she nods her head in yes "Where there any other girl or lady beside you in the room?"

"No sir, I didn't found any girl in the room also they had didn't asked for any kind of special service here. I guess they were just get together for a celebration" she answered Chanyeol's question. Both of them blankly look at each other when Chanyeol gave him a signal to show her a picture from his phone. It was Dara's picture.

"Do you know her or did you had saw her around this club?" Seung Hoon asked her while showing the picture from his phone. Park Jin Hee tried to remember but she wasn't able to "Sorry, sir. I have never seen this lady here before. You should ask someone else maybe they had saw her here because it's has been only a week since I have joined this club so I don't have more info."

There was a pause when Chanyeol asked her last question "What were they talking about?"

"Huh! I'm sorry,......." she looked confused over this question and Seung Hoon also looked curious at this time

"Yeah, I want to know what they were discussing or talking about. I want to know if you remember anything right now. Anything means anything" Chanyeol left the seat and comes forwards to listen to her answer. She became a little afraid of how she was sitting in between the two six feet men. She looks above on her head to see their deadly stares before open .

"Ah,...... I, I c-cant" Chanyeol bend over her


"Because I can't clearly remember anything right now"

Chanyeol sign and went back to sit on the chair where he was sited before, he looked so

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Finally I'm working on Page 4 😭 I'll try to update sooner


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Tariki_inday #1
Chapter 6: don't stop writing are very talented... hope ur doing fine... i thought i cant get the update anymore... i luv to read it again... 😊😊😊
745 streak #2
Chapter 6: ✨💗✨💗✨

He is surely in a difficult situation as he faces it all and some facts come to life. It is true that dealing with everything that was about to happen and it will be hard for him to face others, family and friends especially. Every action has a reaction, there is no doubt about that, but we'll see what's the catch, in the end. Things can be manufactured. Hmm. 👀

*sighs* His wife is in a huge dilemma, and it's obvious that she doesn't know what to do. This whole situation is crazy... I mean, if I were in her shoes, I would probably react the same... if it were my husband and he did the same... supporting him would be difficult... so I don't know... Everyone is different. 👀👀

Things are getting more and more complicated for all of them, but that's what I like about this story! It keeps the attention and if one focuses, it's easy to understand! 👌✔

Thank you and I can't wait to see what happens next! 💗🌹

745 streak #3
Chapter 5: ✨💗✨💗✨

In a way, I can understand his wife and the thoughts that were going through her mind so her behavior, as I mentioned earlier, is normal. Such accusations are never easy to handle or deal with, let alone when the person accused is your husband. the father of your child. The person with whom you share a bed, but the events that followed afterward caught me off guard a bit. The conversation she had and what she was told, how her husband stood up for her after everything that had happened, really hit her spot and she was able to snap out of it. *smiles * I'm impressed.
But it only goes to prove that not everything is as it seems and all the characters here have a story to tell. *winks* This confirms my first thought, that there was more to this family than one could imagine!

So far Chanyeol is doing his part in the investigation, but this is going to be tiring, from what I can conclude since there are things that are not being said. Hmm. Let's see how this develops. *smirks*

*blinks in shock* Blackmailing? Really? That is a big NO! Things are getting heated that's for sure, but I love the way it keeps my attention!

Thank you! 💗🌹Another great chapter! 👌✔ Can't wait to see what happens next!

P.S - Sorry, I didn't have much time to read for the past two days, but I am back now. 💗🌹

Daraxxi_2Ne1 #4
Chapter 6: Thanks for updating. The plot is interesting that's why we keep checking for updates in your story. A lot of secrets will unravel in each character. I think all of them have certain secrets. I'm looking forward to what will happen to Dara and Jiyong and the rest of the characters.
Chapter 6: More twist and drama authornim
745 streak #6
Chapter 2: ✨💗✨💗✨

Surely, such things are not pleasant to hear for any family, especially if that person has a wife and daughter. I can actually understand his wife and her reaction. It's hard to know who to trust, of course, she had lived with her husband and one would think that she knows him well, but that doesn't actually mean anything. There are cases where people lived with their spouse for years and in the end, they find out that they had no idea about their spouse's true face. *sighs* 👀😱😨

I feel sorry for his wife. *sighs* It's normal for her to feel that way. What woman wouldn't, right? *shakes head*

It surely threw everyone off their tracks and it's no wonder that Chanyeol is zoning out, thinking about everything. Did he do it? Did he not do it? One starts doubting everything and it's crazy. It goes to show that one's life can change overnight for 360 degrees and there is nothing one can do about it, but try to calm down and come to the bottom of it.

Dara is surely persistent in making them pay. But who wouldn't be, right? It's not going to be easy, because r*pe is difficult to prove (My major was Criminal Psychology and Psychology), and based on my experience the victims of r*pe go through hell. *sighs* It's not pretty but I hope that things will go well for Dara in the end and justice will win. If Jiyong really did that then he needs to pay. If he didn't, the real culprit must be caught.

Chanyeol's reactions... at times he confuses me. In a way, it seems that he is happy that his brother is in trouble and at times he seems worried. I would say there is some rivalry between them? Hmm. I might be wrong, we'll see. That's just based on what I noticed. 👀👀

Those who know him, partly believe in his incense and partly they are doubting it all. Things are getting interesting. 👌✔

His father has a point, an investigation needs to be done. 👌✔

I can't wait to see what happens next!
Thank you! ✨💗🌹👌✔

Chapter 6: Welcome back authornim
745 streak #8
Chapter 1: ✨💗✨💗✨

Interesting: 👌✔

Characters: 👌✔

Keeps the attention: 👌✔

Intense: 👌✔

I love the first part of this one. The Kwon family has surely caught my attention at this point and their ties with the government, all that makes me wonder about their background and what else will be revealed about them and their ties inside and outside the family. Also, there was a situation with Chanyeol being drunk right away, learning that he is Jiyoung's half-brother and Nana is Chanyeol's future wife. But there is surely more to the relationship between the two half brothers, but we'll see. ✔👌😉 So far, so good. 😉 (I'm a er for Chanyeol *drools*)

I could literally imagine his wardrobe and the collection he has. It suits him well. 👌😉😍 But I adored his state of panic and how he described the way his father will react if he doesn't show up. Then the wake-up scene was quite something and Nana's reaction to it. 👌✔ Loved it!

Things escalated fast! *blinks* 👀😱😨😰 With Dara's appearance everything changed and surely her pointing at Jiyoung that he r*ped her came as a surprise to everyone. It's only the first chapter so I am not sure which side to take, so for now, I will be neutral. Either way, the act itself is hideous and NO WOMAN deserves that. A no is a no.

Thank you for this chapter! ✨💗🌹👌✔

Can't wait to see what happens next! 👀

745 streak #9
Something tells me that this will be a great fic as well! UGH, I need a vacation where I can read all day long. XD

Can't wait! <333