
Let's Get Married!
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“Grandpa, meet my fiancé, Xi Luhan.”


What the flying is going on? Luhan can heard several gasps around them as the jerk— no, Oh Sehun wraps his arm around his shoulders. 


“What do you think you are doing?” Luhan asked subtly in a gritted teeth as he tried to pull away from Sehun.


“Don’t you dare embarrass me or else I’m going to tell everyone what happened nights ago.” The despicable jerk whispered back.


Luhan gritted his teeth to stop himself to beat the living daylights out of this shameless sonofa.


“You choose well my dear grandson. You are indeed my blood.” Chairman Oh pats Sehun’s shoulder. Then he faced Luhan. “Nice to meet you, Dr. Xi. I didn’t know that my future grandson-in-law is a resident doctor here. I will be expecting a dinner and better, a wedding soon. I am not getting any younger.”


Luhan lets out a force smile. He doesn’t know how crazy this man is so he can’t defy him and risk ruining his reputation in his workplace. “Nice to meet you as well, Chairman Oh. I’ve been longing to meet you.” He offered his hand to shake which was accepted a little ecstatic by the old man. If Oh Sehun is crazy, then he doesn’t know Luhan yet.


“Grandpa, can I have a private time with my fiancé first?”


“Oh, Sehunnie don’t worry. I know how hard it is to be apart for so long from your love. I remember when your grandma—”


“We’ll go ahead grandpa!” Sehun didn’t let his grandfather finish and pulled the struggling Luhan with him. 


“Let me go, son of a ! This is considered as kidnapping!” Luhan shouted when they were already in the hospital’s parking lot. 


“Will you shut up? Your voice is hurting my ear.”


Luhan can’t believe what he just heard. Did these jerk just commanded him to shut up? “W-what? What did you just say?!” He successfully pulled his arm off this poor excuse of a human being.


“Do you expect me to kiss you just to shut you up like in those romantic movies?” 


Luhan gapes at the smirking rainbow haired man in front of him. He was totally speechless. In his 29 years of life he haven’t meet such egotistical and obnoxious guy. He may look handsome (Luhan admits, the most handsome man he ever saw) in his corporate attire but he can’t even stomach this guy’s attitude!


“Oh, God tell me I heard it wrong. Are you even ing real? Just because you are handsome, doesn’t mean that I will ing kiss your !”


“So you admit that I am handsome then? Don’t be shy, Doc Luhan.”


“Did I told you to call me by my name?! And how on earth did you know my full name? Don’t tell me you like me? You even told your grandfather that I’m your fiancé.”


The least thing that Luhan expected for Sehun to do is to ing laugh. He just freaking laugh at Luhan. “No offense but,” To add insult on his injury, the guy has the audacity to stare at him from head to toe. “You are not my type, honey.”


Luhan looked at the smug with sneer in his pretty face. “You are not my type too, Mr. Oh. You better tell Chairman Oh the truth. I don’t want to be associated with a likes of you so excuse me, I have a duty to do.”


“I am not yet done with you, darling. The reason I pulled you here is that I have a proposition to you.”


“Don’t call me disgusting pet names.” Luhan pointed his forefinger on Sehun’s face. “And whatever you want to say, I don’t care. Just tell your grandfather that it was all misunderstanding. I don’t know what drug you intake or maybe you have naturally loose screws that need to be fixed. But don’t you dare involve me in this.” Luhan smiled sarcastically at the guy. 


He dipped his head toward Sehun’s ear to whisper. “Oh, this is for spilling that hot coffee and laughing at me at the bar.” Luhan stomped Sehun’s feet so hard then kicked him where it hurts the most. He laughed mockingly when he heard a painful cry from the arrogant heir. It was a good decision that he wore leather loafers instead of his usual crocs. Serves him right.


“You will pay for this!”


“Bring it on, .” He flashed him his middle finger to emphasize his point.




“Can you even believe him? That guy just put me in a ing limelight. I heard ridiculous rumors that I easily got here because of him.” Luhan said fuming. He turned to check his bestfriend’s reaction and saw that Baekhyun is munching a chocolate cake. 


“Are you seriously eating while I’m almost losing my mind here?”


“Ludeer, take a chill pill, okay? Here, have a taste of this heavenly cake. It will make you forget everything that he did to you except the good ones.”


Luhan took the spoonful of cake. “What good ones? All of them are nightmares.” He rolled his eyes as he remembered everything that guy said to him. 


“Well, don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy the night you spend with him. You can’t even walk for days and had a fever. Admit it, Ludeer, he’s good in bed.”


He glares at Baekhyun for reminding him. He tried not to remember those touches that still burn on his skin and how good it felt to have Sehun inside him. He felt the heat creeping on his cheeks. “I will never follow your advice again next time, Byun Baekhyun. I swear to my great ancestor, if I saw that guy again, I might not be able to finish my residency. Tell my mom and dad that their son will be in jail,” says Luhan in attempt to mask his reddening cheeks into anger.


“Kidding aside, you shouldn’t stress yourself over those peasants. They’re just jealous that you are Sehun’s fiancé.”


“How many times have I told you to stop saying that?” 


“Well, tell that to this news outlet.”


“What? What news outlet?” 


Luhan almost crushed Baekhyun’s phone when he read the headline in a news that the latter’s watching. His phone vibrates on his coat. He fished it out and saw his mother calling him. He bites his lower lip nervously. He has a feeling that his parents already saw what is on the news. 


“Mother deer is calling you? Uh oh, this is not good.”


Yeah, this is not good. Who knows what his parents will do over this. They’ve been pushing Luhan to get married and have kids already, and there’s the news, serving what they want in a silver platter. He waited for his phone to stop vibrating. He’s about to turn it off when a message flashed on his screen. 


From: Unknown

Do you like my gift, my beloved fiancé? I told you that you will pay right?


Oh Sehun, you piece of . Luhan stares again at Baekhyun’s phone screen, drilling holes on Sehun’s handsome face with a caption, “Heir of Oh Conglomerate and model, Oh Sehun announced his engagement with a doctor Xi Luhan.” May his ancestors forgive him if ever he kills someone.


To: Unknown

You better hide now.




Right after his duty, he drove himself toward Sehun’s penthouse. He will never let this pass. He furiously pressed the doorbell. He is still fuming because he had to hide his face to avoid some of the press that camped outside the hospital. He was not aware that Oh Sehun was famous not only as the only heir of Chairman Oh but also as a part time model. He almo

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Chapter 6: I'm back at here again natatawa parin ako hayup ka sehun🤣 and loey's entrance aksksskskksjs
Chapter 7: My gosh! I want to know what happen in the past between Chanyeol and Luhan, and Sehun is so whipped for Luhan now.. can't wait for the next chapter, and I wish Luhan to get pregnant soon, so I will get to see Sehun being overly protective and whipped for their baby. Keep up the good work author-nim, will be waiting for the next update. See ya!
749 streak #3
Chapter 7: I am really enjoying this story so far and with Chanyeol making a grand entrance, the plot definitely thickens. I can’t wait to see how our Luhan will juggle his two giants. Something tells me that Chanyeol has feelings for him as well. Looking forward to your next update.
Chapter 7: Sehun 😭 just tell Luhan whatever your feelings are, Don't stress him out like that😭😭 first u come in his life and make him your fiance blah blah blah, without listening to him that much, and now u are just taking over his life just like that 😭😭

I hope Chanyeol would be straightforward..
Chapter 7: Omg I'm stressed out. Luhan do something!
Chapter 7: OMG!!! The dominance of the 2 men. I am excited on what will happen next. How Chan will get Lu. The tug of war between the giants.
r u forgetting this fic authornim🥺
Helookpppp #8
lu_chen #9
Chapter 6: thanks for the update, looking forward to the next chapter ❤️
Chapter 6: I feel like chanbaek gonna happen after this.