Is there something?


End of January 2016


Ah… the sky is light blue, the birds are singing, a gentle breeze covers my face as I look at the woman who makes me happy. Of course it's just how I feel and my imagination, since its night and a very cold one, since is been snowing. She happily eats what was my ice cream, because of course, she didn't want to eat anything that would take her out of her diet, and it was too cold to eat ice cream. But seeing me eat, she realized it wasn't such a bad idea to eat MY ice cream.

So we spent another night, walking. Enjoying our usual night walk. Our beautiful relationship has no name. So what? I am happy, and I can see in her smile eating what was MY ice cream, that she is happy too. Smiling still stupidly I feel something icy touching my face.


"Ha, Ha. Very funny Jun. First you take MY ice cream and now you throw it in my face."

“I can clean it easily”


Krystal walks over and runs her tongue over my cheek where the ice cream was. I freeze, holding my breath, as I feel my ears burning. Instinctively I pull back somewhat ashamed of her lack of modesty, since we are in the street. True, it’s night, and there is practically no one around. But even so, I distance myself and look around to make sure that no one has seen us.


"Don’t worry. The good thing about going out at this time is there’s no many people around, especially in these part of the city”

“You are the devil, Jung”

“Like you don't enjoy it”

“I never said that, I just try to keep our date low-key. Can you imagine if some saseang sees us and exposes us?”

"That will not happen. It's the good thing about not being that popular"

"I guess you're right"

"Of course. I'm always right"

"And you're very humble too"


Krystal, as always, answers me with a mischievous smile and sticks out her tongue at me like a little girl. Once finished what was MY ice cream, she casually takes my hand, while we walk along the banks of the Han River, enjoying the tranquility and stillness of the place. I stop at a small gazebo, under a dim light. Krystal turns to look at me, after noticing that I am not walking with her.


"What's wrong?

"Nothing... Nothing… I'm just trying to convince myself that this is real and not another one of my stupid dreams"

"Does this seem like a dream to you?"


Krystal leans into me, and as usual, she presses her lips gently against mine. I inadvertently sighed and with my eyes closed I answered almost whispering.


"Actually, yes. Everything that is happening now seems like a dream."

"What about this?"


Krystal leans in once more, but this time it's not her lips I feel, but her teeth. She bites my bottom lip hard enough to make me step back a little.


“Ouch. Okay, that felt real. It wasn't necessary, you know. You could have just pinched me or something."

"I can hit you if you want"

"No. No need now thank you. I already noticed that I'm not dreaming. You know, you're pretty pushy for how adorable you can be."

"Are you looking for me to hit you for real, Lui?"

"Easy. Hands down to you. I surrender, your highness."

“You better… We should go back now”

"Are you tired already?"

"No, but tomorrow I have a Photoshoot for WKorea"

“Then let's go back. It wouldn't be good for your highness to have dark circles tomorrow at such an important meeting."


We walked slowly back to my apartment, where we only went to look for her things, in order to take her to her house.


"You know? The photoshoot will be with Taemin.”

"YEAH? That is interesting. At least you'll be with someone from your generation and someone you know."

“Mhm… There will be someone else I know. You know him too"

"Yeah? Someone else from the company


"Who is it? Are you being too mysterious, or too careful to tell me? Or not telling me"


"Oh I see"

"You got mad"

"Of course not. Should I get mad or feel jealous?

"Of course not. You know there was never really anything between us."

"I know. I believe you. That's why it doesn't bother me at all. Also, it's not like you can choose to work with him or not. The idea of seeing you posing with him makes me a little uncomfortable, but there's nothing we can do about it."

“Why don't you come with me and wait for me? You could make me company between takes

“I'd love to, but I'm going to see Jonghyun. These dates are a bit complicated for him, and I want to go out so he can have a little distraction. We will surely go to eat and drink something”

“You're going to have fun while I work and suffer all day boring. You are the worst girlfriend in the world"


My neck gave a little crack as I turned my head quickly when I heard she said girlfriend. Krystal looked at me without realizing what she had said. She considers me her girlfriend. I could die right now of happiness. I tried to follow the conversation normally, as if calling me her girlfriend hadn't affected me.


"That's how it is. I'm sorry, but you must work to keep this being for now, who will one day become the biggest star in Asian music and will give you the best gifts forever."

"The good thing is that you are realistic and do not aspire too much"

"Obviously. I have to be more ambitious if I want to fulfill your luxurious and fancy taste. I will send you photos of how well I had”

"I hate you"

"It's not true... I'll send you photos of what I eat, Okay?"

"If you want me to talk to you again, you better not do it"


I couldn't help but laugh watching Krystal get out of the car and slam the door angrily. I yelled at her that I would send her photos of the two of us eating then. Her response was to raise her middle finger at me, as the door of the building closed.

The next day, as I had planned, I went with Jong to spend the day. It has snowed so due to the cold it is easier to go covered and go to places without being recognized. Krystal texts me whenever she has free time, telling me how bored and how hungry she is.


"So, from your goofy smile when you look at your cell phone and answer, I must assume that everything is fine between you and Krystal"

“You assume well my dear Jong. Everything is more than fine. I think for the first time in my life, I'm really happy. Even when I was accepted into the agency, I didn't feel like this. Although I must admit that this scares me a little”


"I don’t know. I'm not very used to being this happy, or being in this strange state of euphoria. I feel that sooner rather than later everything is going to end and it is going to leave me sunk in the worst of miseries”

"That's called anxiety, you know"

"Could be. But then there's the fact that, you know. Krystal and I are…”

"Women? Beautiful and wonderful women who deserve to be happy?

"That they are together in one of the countries where the subject is not even discussed"

"I know, I know. But for now you should only worry about being with Krystal as long as you can and enjoying with her. You will think about what to do if something happens one day. Meanwhile you just enjoy and be happy, because I can tell just by looking at you that you are”

“I know… you're right. I will take your advice and enjoy these moments. And now come here, because I want to send a picture to Krystal, just to annoy her, since she is working”


Once the photos were sent, I received a few messages with some hate and envy, saying not to speak to her or call her again, because it was unheard of for me to have fun while she’s working without even a decent meal. So all I can do is promise her a good meal, invited by me of course, to obtain the forgiveness that I still don’t ask. After the promise of an invitation to eat, only nice and kind messages arrived and asked if I could go for her to the location she’s shooting, and of course, as the good servant I agreed without any problem. But I forgot something…


“Krystal, I would gladly go to pick you up now. But I had a few drinks and I can't drive like this. Why don't you just ask Lee manager to take you to my apartment?"

"Okay, but the food will have to be amazing to make up for not coming to get me."

"Whatever you say princess. You know that in the end you always get everything you want from me."

"Amber, are you drunk?"

“It is possible… But just a little bit, nothing more”

"See you when you get home"

"At your command, Your Majesty..."

"I'm sorry, Jon. My princess will wait for me in what is now our "love nest", so I must go…"

“Wow… even I got chills from you talking like that. Have a coffee before you arrive, okay. That way you will avoid the shame of your corniness tomorrow."

“Shut up, Man”


I said goodbye to Jong after paying the bill and walking home a little wobbly. I felt a bit dizzy, but it must have been the fresh air or something. I didn't drink enough to get drunk.

I got to the apartment before Krystal did, so I decided to take Jong's advice and have a coffee so I'd have a clear head when Krystal got here. I threw myself on the bed for a moment to rest a bit and I must have fallen asleep. Because when I woke up, Krystal was sleeping next to me, comfortably propped up on my shoulder. We were even covered. I tried to roll over as gently as I could, wrapping my arms around her and staying calm and quiet as I watched her sleep.

After a few minutes, she whispers to me, breaking the silence.


“Creep. How long are you going to keep looking at me while I sleep?”

“As long as I can”

“Freak and cheesy… You smell like alcohol”

"I'm sorry. I didn't think I'd wake up with your face glued to mine like this. I'll go wash myself"

“No… Don't get up. It's cold and you feel warm. Do not move"

"Okay, but you'll have to put up with the smell of beer"

"I don't care, just stay"


So I did it. We stayed like that throughout the night. Curled up under the covers, listening to the rain fall and feeling each other's presence without caring about anything other than the warmth we felt being together.




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hello everyone. im so sorry for being off for so many years. many things happened. but i neves forgot this story, so i hope this time i can finifh it and give to kryber a happy ending. i hope every person who read this is fine and doing okay.


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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 20: we need moree!!
amhar03 #2
Chapter 20: Welcome back and thank you for writing this
Appledots5 #3
Chapter 19: Oh no T T
Anw thank you… thank youuu author!
Thanks to you for keep reading :)
2078 streak #5
Thanks for the update!
2078 streak #6
Chapter 18: I like this chapter
2078 streak #7
Chapter 18: Thank you for the update
amhar03 #8
Chapter 17: Okay trouble coming, and is that soojung at the end?

Though i wanted to keep it positive that she has a reason for doing that. It would be more challenging if we got some problem but not too long pleasee just like 1 or 2 chap then they resolve the problem i can't bear with angst phase for too long..
Appledots5 #9
Chapter 17: moree pls 🤧
2078 streak #10
Chapter 17: Oh god no soojung