
$100k Exes
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“So. When are you going home? I can’t bring girls over when you’re here 24/7!”


“Oppa, I know you have no girls who are willing to descend to this dump.”


“Yah… Taeyeon-ssi. If i have to pick you up one more time, I’m kicking you off the team.”


“Well if you let me concentrate on the enemy, maybe I won’t die and you won’t have to kick me?”


Heechul laughs at his underling. The loversick girl had been crashing at his place for the last three weeks avoiding her girlfriend. It so bad not being able to get his groove on with the ladies because he has to babysit his sworn in sister. Skipping dinner and coming home late from a love hotel around the corner was a better option than leaving his sister stranded. She doesn’t want to go back to their apartment because she doesn’t want to see Tiffany right now. Taeyeon’s not sure what Tiffany meant by Let’s take a break. She could ask, what the terms for taking a break means, but her ego denied her the ability to speak to the latter. Taeyeon’s ego also won’t allow her to pick up the phone either. And that’s the part that makes this whole Kim family drama even more head busting for Heechul.


He’s been working as the mediator with no benefits or pay. Just out of love and care. He had turned away a sweet crying Tiffany, picked up Taeyeon’s phone calls from her worried parents because Taeyeon’s parents can’t seem to convince the hot headed shortie to make amends with Tiffany either.


Unlike them, Heechul knew how difficult it had been for his younger sibling. Taeyeon doesn’t like to show weakness with other people and would often translate all her hurt and frustration into anger and rage. But with Heechul, she can be herself and sulk about her problems. But this time was an entirely different situation. He had never seen Taeyeon show up unannounced at his place in the middle of the night, eyes red and swollen before. Heechul knows not to ask and just let the poor girl come crawling in. It wasn’t until several days in that she finally announced out of the blue “Tiffany broke up with me.”


Considering the involved parties, Heechul thought that Taeyeon would be the one to break it off seeing how much she had to put up with. But seeing now how it was the other way around, it made him feel very irritated for his sister. “Just give her some time to cool off” he would tell them, “she’s been having such a hard time dealing with this. I'm sure she’ll make up her mind when she’s ready. Let her decide what’s best for her.”


“Are you guys really over?” Heechul asked.


“What?” Taeyeon feigns ignorance. She ran away to get away, and still doesn’t want to go anywhere near that topic.

“Come on. You can’t just announce that she broke up with you and then says nothing about it for weeks. Tell Oppa, I can introduce you to a hottie.”


“Ew. Do you hear yourself? So greasy.”


“Don’t underestimate me. I have connections, baby TaeTae.”


“Ew. Don’t call me that, people might lose their hearing if they heard it.”


Heechuls laughed loudly and pushed the feeble person, knocking the controller out of Taeyeon’s hand and sent her flopping on the hardwood floor like a magikarp. Without missing a beat, Taeyeon extended her leg and landed a firm foot in his face, sending him to the other end of the room. The TV screen bleed red and the two died. They sat up, laughing and restarted their game. He enjoyed her company, as the two happily indulge in a mutual assault sibling relationship.


“Want to come out with Oppa tonight?” Heechul asks, his eyebrows dancing weirdly.


“To where you weirdo?” Taeyeon chuckled.


“It’s a place downtown. It's really nice and fancy and I’ve already made reservations for two. Come on, there’s going to be fireworks and it’ll just be amazing to do something that’s not gaming.”


“Ugh. What place? Fireworks? There's going to be a crowd isn't there? That doesn’t sound like it’s fun. No thanks.”


“Good God woman. You flew straight to New York after you’ve been dumped instead of going home to LA. Been here for three weeks, done nothing but mope around and play video games. Is this how the rest of my summer is going to be? Babysitting you and having no fun?” Heechul raised his hands as he cried out the injustice. “Not to mention I’ve been handling this like a divorce lawyer, dealing with both your end, your parents, and her end.”


“Fineeeee. Let’s go to your much needed, overcrowded, suffocating, party.”


“YES!!! But stay away from me when you see a hot chick come my way. They’d think you’re with me and I’d lose my chances.”




“You know, for someone who hates crowds and the party life. You sure have an undeniable fate with making celebrities friends and attending the biggest event of the year.”


“It’s not my fault people decided to become a celebrity after they met me.”


“Like I said, fate baby TaeTae.”




“There she is, stepping out of a 3 million dollars Bugatti Chiron in an all black silk and feather lace dress. A firm, strong, hand quickly catches the breathtaking model as she steps onto the red carpet. She doesn’t need a man to hold her, to guide her! She’s a strong, independent woman who will knock the heart out of you with just a look. Ahhh Jessica Jung~”


“Gross, you’re drooling. I can’t watch this anymore. So creepy. Stop narrating for the love of Christ.”


Taeyeon turns her back and starts to walk away. The flashing lights and screaming fans, along with the hoards of reporters all fighting for a chance to be noticed, to have their questions answered, their pictures taken with the hottest stars as they marched the red carpet all reminded her of someone she’s trying to desperately not think about.


“Wait, wait, wait. You’re not going to say hi to your friend?” Heechul pulls Taeyeon back by the arm.


“I'm just a normal girl, who belongs in an abnormal circle of elites. Please just let me drown in alcohol” Taeyeon pleads for freedom.


“Ok normal girl. Just do me a favor and introduce me to your abnormally famous friend. Then i’ll leave you alone for the rest of the night.”


“Is that why you brought me tonight? To be your wing woman?” Taeyeon pouted, feeling a little used.


“Come onnn. Just introduce us. You knew her back in high school right?”


“I wouldn’t count on me. We’ve only exchanged small greetings.”


Yea, Taeyeon knows who Jessica is. She and Tiffany went on a group blind date with Jessica, Yuri, Sunny, and Sooyoung back in the days. But they weren’t exactly friends, Jessica was Tiffany’s acquaintance and they’ve only occasionally ran into each other whenever Jessica and Tiffany happen to be guests invited on the same show.


“I don’t really know anything about her except her name.”


“Come on, just say hi and somehow magically introduce me as your Oppa.”


“Right. Magically.” Taeyeon regretted giving into Heechul’s pathetic sympathy play.


She awkwardly crossed the room, sipping the last bit of her cocktail before tapping the model on the shoulder, interrupting the model’s mid sentence as she was answering the sea of questions as camera clicks, clicks, clicks. Heechul’s shell shock watching the event unfold. He didn’t mean right now when he was asking Taeyeon to introduce him. The sister seemed off and wacked and suddenly, it hit him. How many drinks have she had?


“Ah. Excuse me, I’ll have to take my leave, my dear friend is here” Jessica spoke eloquently and waved the broken hearted reporters goodbye before returning her attention to Taeyeon. She gave Taeyeon an incredible warm hug and kept an arm around the latter’s waist as if they’re inseparable friends. Jessica steered the two toward a table in the front row, asking all sorts of questions. The sudden overwhelming closeness from a stranger almost made Taeyeon ask herself if she had forgotten a long lost friendship. But Taeyeon knew that for the sake of being social and busy so Jessica wouldn’t have to act politely with reporters, Jessica had attached herself to this small and untroublesome little person. Taeyeon’s been around these golden, glittering celebrities long enough to recognize when someone needed to be saved. And seeing how Jessica was swarmed earlier, it was the perfect moment for her to come in. Taeyeon turned her head toward Heechul and smirked feeling satisfied with seeing how his soul had left his body. The zombie brother comes marching towards their table.


“I think you owe me a favor” Taeyeon whispered to Jessica, her hand reaching for another glass of champagne as the waiter passed by. She feels mighty and victorious to be such an amazing wing woman that’s about to deliver for her best friend.


“As if. You’re sitting in the front row at the Oscars all thanks to me” Jessica scoffed and takes the champagne right out of Taeyeon’s hand.


“I am a victim of kidnapping.” Taeyeon rebuked. Her head felt light and dizzy.


“Hey! Jessica right?” Heechul neatly seated himself across from the two.


“Jesus” Taeyeon and Jessica rolled their eyes as they cringed. The two looked at each other and laughed at the uncanny unity in their response.


“I’m so confused. So are you friends with Jessica or are you not?” Heechul scratched the spot behind his ear. Taeyeon had told him that they’ve only exchanged names in greetings but now that he’s in front of them, the two seem to be effortlessly communicating with that dry, icy, lack of empathy sense of humor.


“So what can I do for you Heechul Sunbaenim?” Jessica asked and made a yikes expression as she watched Heechul’s eyes dance.


She knows who I am and is speaking to me. “Uhm. I just want to be friends, that's all.” he shyly said and Taeyeon squinted her eyes to see the pathetic man lying through his teeth as he sent hearts and butterflies towards Jessica.


“Oh gosh! You’re terrible at lying” Jessica laughed hysterically as she wrapped another arm around Taeyeon and pretended to hide herself behind the small figure, hugging her tightly. Taeyeon feels her cheeks hot and her body stiff in her seat. She’s not used to having skin ship with strangers yet this person next to her does it effortlessly and repeatedly. She locked eye contact with Heechul and mouthed S A V E M E.


Heechul’s eyebrows slowly started to do the weird dancing thing as a childish smirk formed at the corner of his lips. His eyes bounce back and forth between the hysterical model and a flustered Taeyeon. At that moment he understood that his love for little Taeyeon outweighed his lusting desires. Heechul got up from his seat, with teary eyes he mouthed. B E H A P P Y. And just like that, Taeyeon watched Heechul’s traitorous shadow disappear, leaving her alone to accompany a high profile flirt. Her solution for the night is drinks. More drinks.


As the night went on, Taeyeon’s not sure if she’s had too much alcohol, or perhaps not enough alcohol. But something is starting to stir inside of her. The alcohol is getting to her head, the room starts to spin as singers and dancers perform. The world seemed a bit upside down and all Taeyeon could think about were the hurtful words delivered to her three weeks ago. Let’s take a break. She sighs heavily when she feels cool arms tightens around her waist. Jessica hadn’t let go ever since she had her arms wrapped around Taeyeon.


“Are you cold?” Taeyeon asked.


“I’m cool. But I’m not cold. Why?” Jessica replied, her eyes fixated on the stage. This little person in her arms is incredibly warm. It's like having your own portable mini body heater.


“You can let go then?” Taeyeon's head started to throb, she scanned the table for a bottle of water but found none.


“Then I’m cold.” Jessica insisted and held Taeyeon tightly.


“You are eccentrically peculiar.” Taeyeon sighed, closing her eyes. She doesn’t mind being held against her will tonight. She senses no threat from this one, only a playful vibe. Being held, and having skinship, it makes her miss Tiffany. That thought made Taeyeon grunted and broke herself free of Jessica’s whimsical embrace.


“Oh! It’s Tiffany! Wow she’s Mc-ing for the Oscar?” Jessica exclaimed at the sight of a familiar face coming up from behind the stage.


Tiffany? Taeyeon was suddenly sober. Her eyes searched the room until it landed on a gorgeous, glowing smile from the stage. Taeyeon sat up straight and felt overwhelmed by the appearance of her lover. Her ears tuned into every word, her eyes followed Tiffany's every movement, and her

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
Chapter 8: I'm reading it in 2021 and still hoping that's gonna be an update on this story.
standvastig #3
Chapter 8: Really like this story, can't wait for next chapter :)
Chapter 8: OH my a new plot which I found interesting~~ ❤️
Keep it going, love your style in writing it!
qiugui #5
Chapter 8: Thx for updating fast,i really love sunny and jessica caracter here. Hope to see more taenysic drama
Chapter 8: I hope the headache does not turn into something bad in the future.
Chapter 8: hope both will get back together, delighted with these updates author nim
wanderluzt05 #8
Chapter 8: I DUCKING LOVE THIS UPDATE! And cheers tiffany! You earned it, girl!
Chapter 8: Ah taeyeon ah pls make it up to fany...
22 streak #10
Chapter 8: Aww poor taeng.. Glad fany is there to take care of her.