Chapter 1


~ China ~

Song Qian, undercover name Victoria Song. Top rank spy in the China's Ministry of State Security. Her parents were also spies for the Ministry of State Security, so she follows in their footstep. Both her parents had trained her how to be a spy and all the skills that she needed for not to be caught and survival. She currently working in the foreign intelligence department.

"Qian, the boss is looking for you." One of Qian co-worker told her as she steps into the locker room.

"Oh, is it urgent?" Qian uses the towel in her locker to wipe off the sweats from her body, she just finish her usually training/practice rounds

"Yes, I think so." 

"Then I go see him now." Qian closes her locker and head to her boss office.

"I'll see you later, Qian." She smiles at her co-worker

She knock on the door and a voice coming from inside tell her to come in

"Boss, you are looking for me?"

"Oh yes, please have a seat, Song."

"Yes, sir." Qian takes a seat and waited for him to speak.

"We had words that the Koreans had plans to plant missiles to China direction, we want you to infiltrate the Blue House and find anything of this missile plan and bring it back here to the headquarter as soon as you gets your hands on it."

"When is the mission, sir?"

"We will fly you out on Thursday morning and you should reach there by 8 am."

"Will this be a solo mission?"

"No, Liu will be coming with you for this mission. She will be your partner, but only for you to blend in. Don't worry too much about her and just focus on doing the mission."

"Yes, sir"

"Any other question?"

"No, sir"

"You may go." Qian bow and left the room 

She heads back to the locker room to shower before heading home to her apartment.


~ South Korea ~

Jung Soojung goes by the undercover name Krystal Jung when she's on a mission. Is one of the youngest but most intelligent and skill spy of the National Intelligent Service in South Korea. She started at a young age, over the year hard work and training got her to the top spot as a spy in the International Affairs Department. 

Soojung's phone rings, breaking the silence in the small cozy apartment. She picks up her phone and grumbles when she saw that the caller is no other than her boss/sister.

"This is Jung-" She was cut off by her boss before she could finish her sentence."

"Jung, come see me in my office ." Her department head called for her come on her cell phone.

"Jessi- I mean boss, I'm currently enjoying my day off at home right now."

"Well, it's very important. If you don't come in within an hour then I'm giving it to someone else."

"Alright alright, I'll be there soon." Soojung sighs out of frustration. She is supposedly on her two weeks leave but it been only 3 days and her boss had already called for her again. 

She finishes the last of her coffee and closes the book that she had been reading before heading to the bedroom to get changed. She put on her favorite black skinny jean and a black hoodie over the shirt that she is currently wearing. 

Once she was done getting ready, she went down and get in her car to head to the headquarter. 

"Why did I choose to be in this field of work?" I could just have a regular job and be resting like a normal person on the weekend."

As Soojung is a spy, she didn't have many friends outside of work or actually, she didn't have my friends in general. She is the type to keep it to herself and doesn't associate with many people. She is only close to her sister who is her boss and acquaintance to a few people at work.  

When she reached the office, she heads straight to her boss office, She knocks three times gently on the door.

"Come in." The voice from inside said.

She opens the door and walking, "boss, you are looking for me?"

"Have and seat, Jung." The department head name Jung Sooyeon pointed at the seat in front of her. 

"Yes, ma'am." Soojung closes the door and took a seat.

"Here," Sooyeon hands the girl a thick folder 

"What is this?" Soojung asks with a confuses look on her face.

"Open it," Sooyeon answers without taking her eyes away from her computer.

Soojung opens the folder and looks at the papers inside, she skims through the information on the paper. "Song Qian (Victoria)......Chinese.......February 2.......Work for......"

"That is your next target"

"My next target? Why? I'm only my two weeks break, why are you making me work?" Soojung whines since it only her and her sister

"Stop your whining, I'm not giving you any special treatment just because you are my sister."

"But- but it's my break."

"Should I assign it to someone else then?"

"Why didn't you just do that in the first place? Why did you call me in her for?"

"Well because she is a highly train spy that work for the Chinese government and I feel that the only person that can match her skill level is you."

"I feel flattered that you think that way."

"This little......" Sooyeon grumbles, "so are you going to carry out the mission or not?"

"Fine fine I will. When does it start?"

"Thursday at 9 am sharp. We got confirmation that she and her partner will be landing at the airport at 8 am and will be at the hotel by 9."

"The mission objective?" 

"Did you not read the rest of the assignment?

"Just tell me already." Soojung huff in annoyance

"Capture, we want to interrogate her for information."

"And what about her partner?" 

"Someone else will take care of her as she poses little to no threat."

"Alrighty then," Soojung stare at the picture of Qian, " I must say she looks kind of pretty." 

Sooyeon reaches over and smacks Soojung's head, "yahhhh!!! you know better."

"Unnie that hurt," Soojung rubs the spot that Sooyeon hits her, "why did you do that for?"

"What is the agency number one rule?"

"Not to get caught?"

"No, pabo. It's 'not to fall in love on the job'."

"Unnie, just cause I said that she kind of pretty, doesn't mean I'm going fall in love with her."

"You better not because then we would have a lot of problems."

"Is there any else you need to tell me?"

"Yes, I'll explain some other details to you."

"What is it?"

"You will be working undercover as a receptionist and housekeeper at the hotel that she would be staying at. The agency had rented a room there for you to stay at while you are doing the mission, that way you don't need to travel far to get back to your apartment every night."

"Ah ok," Soojung nods

"That would all if you have any more question let me know, and oh let's have dinner together tonight it been quite a while since we last had sister bonding time."

"Sure, but you are paying for it."

"Fine fine, I'll pay for tonight dinner." Soojung smiles in triumph 

"Ok, then I'll see you for dinner later, unnie. Love you." She waves goodbye to Sooyeon before putting her cold face back on and heads out to go back to her apartment.


- Early Thursday Morning -

~ China ~

"Qian, do you have everything you need?"

"We are now undercover, so called me Victoria," Qian whispers to her partner.

"Oh, right sorry."

"And yeah I did, what about you?"

"I think I did too." Amber smiles and pats her bag

"That's good." Qian smiles and focuses back on the book that she was reading.

Amber plug in her headphone and jam out to music as she didn't want to bother Qian anymore since the older girl seems to be the quiet type that doesn't like to be bothered by other people.

Qian's eyes are in the book, but her mind is thinking about the mission that she must carry out once they reach Korea. She racks her brain to come up with ways on how she going to infiltrate the Blue House without getting caught.

She wasn't too worried since she has been training for this almost all her life, but this mission is big and there is a lot of pressure on her to succeed. 

"All passengers for the flight to Seoul from Beijing please board the plane now, we will be taking off soon. Thank you." A voice over the intercom announced.

"Amber, hey." Qian shakes the girls next to her. 

"Yeah? What happen?" Amber pulls out her earphone and look at the girl next to her in worries

"Our flight is ready for boarding so let's go."

"Oh yes, Victoria." Amber stood up and puts on her backpack.

They walk over to the man who's checking the tickets and give him their tickets. "Have a safe trip, ladies."

"Thank you." They response with a smile 

They got to their seats and store their small carry on underneath the seats in front of them. "Amber, when we get to Korean. Called me unnie, ok? That way we blend in a little more."

"Ok, no problem."

Not longer after their flight took off and they are on their way to South Korea. 


~ South Korea ~

"Jung, where are you?"

"I'm on my way to the hotel." Soojung tries to drive as fast as she can, all because of that stupid alarm decided not to rings on time making her late for work.

"Hurry up, you're late." 

"I know, I know. I trying to get there as fast as I can."

"How could you wake up late?"

"It's the alarm fault for not ringing when I need it to."

"This never happen before."

"It happens at times. Anyway, I'm here at the hotel."

"Alright, go go, fighting Soojung!"

"Thanks, unnie" The reason why Soojung is heading to a hotel is that she will be 'working' as the receptionist/housekeeper. It is the same hotel that Qian will be staying in, that way Soojung will be able to keep an eye on the girl.

Soojung head straight to the General Manager's office. She knock on the door and wait for the person inside to answer

"Come in."

She opens the door and walks in. "Hello," she bows

"Hello there, you must be Krystal Jung? Jessica had told me about you."

"Yes, I will be working for you for a little while. I'm sorry for intruding."

"Oh no, it's not a problem. So don't worry."

"I'm sure that Jessica already told you everything?"

"Ah yes," he nods, "your uniform is already in the locker at the employee's locker room."


"Here is all the information you need to access the locker and other things that you might needs." He handed her a folder and a small briefcase.

"Thank you." She took the case from him.

"If you need anything else, please let me know. I have notified the head receptionist and head housekeeper that you would be coming in today and they will train you on your workstations."

"Thank you for your help."  Soojung bows and walk out. She heads to the locker room and looks for her locker.

"Hello, are you new here?" One the of the employee in the locker ask

"Ummm yes I am, today is my first day." Soojung eyes lit up when she saw the locker she is looking for. She puts in the pin number to open the door. She looks through the clothes and stuff in her locker before quickly change into the receptionist outfit.

She heads to the front and meets with the head receptionist, who introduce her to the other receptionists on duty and they all help train her to her duty.

"You're such a fast learn, you already have gotten the hang of things." Soojung gives small smiles, not really interested in what her 'co-worker' is saying. She just waiting for 9 am to come so she can meet her target.

At 9 am sharp, a tall and elegant looking lady enter the hotel with her tomboy looking companion. The bellboy had their luggage on a cart as the two check in.

"Hello, how are you today?" Soojung's smiles 'this must be Song Qian or Victoria and her partner.'

"Hello, I'm good. How about you....Krystal-ssi?"

'She knows my name?' Soojung freak out for a second, "Wait you know my name?"

The lady offers a gentle smile, before pointing to Soojung's chest area, "name tag." She let out a chuckle. "I must say, you look kind of cute."

Soojung blushes and dips her head down to avoid looking at the lady in front of her, "I-I-"

"Oh sorry did I make you feel uncomfortable? I didn't mean to make it sound like I'm hitting on you, I'm just trying to compliment you."

Soojung blushes even more "I'm doing good as well Ms...."

"Victoria, Victoria Song." The lady took off her sunglasses revealing her beautiful almond shape eyes. 

Soojung was shocked for a second because of how beautiful the lady in front of her look, "that picture did you no justice." Soojung whispers to herself.

"Did you say something?" Qian gives a puzzle looks to the girl in front of her.

"Ah no no." Soojung began to types something on the computer to stop herself from doing or saying any more stupid things.

"Unnie, are you almost done checking it? I really want to sleep." Amber spokes for the first time since they arrive at the hotel

"We are almost done, just wait for a few more minutes."

"Ms. Song, could I see an ID please."

"Oh yes of course and please just call me Victoria." Qian reaches into her wallet and pulls out her ID to shows to Soojung.

"Thank you, Victoria-ssi." Soojung types something into the computer again

"You're welcome and just Victoria, don't add the -ssi at the end."

"Yes Victoria," Soojung put two keys on the counter, "here are the keys to your room. Victoria, your room is 202 and your companion room is 918"

"Thank you, Krystal-ssi." Qian smiles

"Just Krystal would be great and I hope that you will enjoy your stay with us." Soojung bows and smiles

"Let's go, Amber." Qian signals for the other girl to follow her.

After Qian and Amber left, Soojung's mind went off on a tangent. 'OMG, She's so much prettier in person than in that picture. Her face is goddess worth, those kissable lips, that milky white neck and collar bone that I want to have a taste of, that round but......OH GOD, Soojung,' she shook her head to clear her thought. 'What are you doing? Snap out of it, don't be a byuntae and she is your target.'

"Krystal-ssi are you ok?" One of the other employees asks in concern.

"Yes, I am ok."


The elevator ding at the third floor and the door open. Qian said goodbye to Amber and tell her to meet up for dinner before getting off and head to her room. She swipes the card key at the door, the door beep and opens. 

"Wow, they book out a nice room for me this time." Qian makes a face at the thought of the last room the company book for her, it was small and dirty.

She closes the door and set the luggage and her bags on the floor. She walks over to the French styles glass door and opens it. The breeze from the ocean gently came into the room and making Qian's hair effortlessly dance with the wind, and that makes her look even more gorgeous than she already is.

She stands out on the balcony, observing the view of the pool and the beautiful ocean. She closes her eyes and let all the thought of her work disappear and her mind drifts to a certain girl that she just met. 'Krystal, huh? A pretty name that belongs to a pretty face. She's actually kind of cute, only if I wasn't here to do my job then totally I wouldn't let go of the chance to hit on her. Maybe asking her out for dinner or somethi.......what the heck are you thinking Song Qian? Thinking about a girl that you had just met and you don't even know if she likes girls or not.' 

Qian opens her eyes and saw a short, blonde hair head that she would recognize anywhere. "We just got here and she already going to the pool to flirt with the girls there. And she said that she was sleepy, her excuse." Qian let out a low chuckle at her partner.

She walks back inside and grabs the small bag from the floor, she opens it and observes the tools that she had gotten for this mission, everything seems decent and useable. She closes the bag and puts it in the closet where she knows that no one will think of going through.

She looks at her watch and saw that was only 9:45 am, 'probably going to take a nap to recharge my energy a little cause I had to be up way too early in this morning.' She lays downs and got herself comfortable under the blanket before closing her eyes and drift off to dreamland.

A few hours later, Qian was awoken by the rings of her phone. She sleepily picks it up without checking to see who called. "Hello?"

"Unnie, it's Amber. Where are you? You suppose to be here at dinner 10 minutes ago."

Qian bolts up and looks at her watch. "Oh crap, I'm so sorry. I overslept, I'll be down there in ten." Qian hung up the call without waiting for Amber to answer. She got off of the bed and grab a random t-shirt and shorts from her luggage to change out to, she went to the bathroom the wash her face and change before leaving her room to go meet Amber.

"Unnie, you were sleeping that long? To even forget the time that we were supposed to meet up?"

"Sorry, I totally forgot to set an alarm to wake me up."

"Well let's just go eat since I'm starving." Amber walks into the restaurant that locates within the hotel 

"Ok ok." Qian follows after her 

They walk pass the receptionist desk and Qian stop and smiles when she saw the cute receptionist from before is still there. "Unnie, what are you looking at, let's just go already."

Qian glances at the girl one last time before following Amber into the restaurant. They got the hostess to seat them somewhere quiet and with no other people surrounding their table."

They order their drinks and foods, whiles they wait they have a casual and friendly conversation. Once foods arrive and the waitress is out of earshot, they switch to Mandrin and discuss the mission. 

"We are going start the plan tomorrow, we need someway to get into the Blue House without raising any suspicion."

"There are two ways to get in, one we can sneak in but the risk of getting caught is high or two we somehow become one of the 'staff members' for the Blue House but this plan will take more time to complete the mission."

"Becoming a 'staff member?'" Qian has a puzzle looks on her face.

"You know, work for them? That way they are less suspicious."

"Here is the thing though, what kind of job would we have exactly? We can't get like a cleaner or kitchen helper job and not make it look suspicious if we leave our station. We also can't get a high-rank official job either because those are only made through an election." Qian twirl the fork in her pasta.

"Ok, you're right." Amber nods

"Shhhhh the waitress is coming this way." They both switch back to the conversation that they have before.

"How is everything ladies?"

"It's great." Qian smiles.

"Would you like some more water? Or need anything else?"

"We are good, thank you." The waitress walks away.

"Then I guess that we just have to go with plan A and sneaks into the Blue House at night." They switch to Mandrin

"That is the only option that we have."

"Ok, then and oh I read the news earlier that next Friday it will be the President's birthday. They will be hosting a party at the Blue House, what a perfect opportunity for us the sneaks in and look for clues."

"But that mean we would need to have an invitation to enter."

"Unnie, already one step ahead of you."

"What did you do?"

"I inform the boss about the party and he said that he will obtain the invitation for us by some time within this week "

"Oh great." Qian took a sip of her water. "Do you think that we would need backup?"

"We should be fine, but we can call for backup just in case if the situation gets out of hand."

Qian saws that the restaurant is starting to fill up with people. "We should discuss this more in my room, people are starting to come since it's dinner time."

"Sure sure." They stood up and left knowing that their meals had already been added to the hotel bill.

They once again walk pass the receptionist desk to get to the elevator. Qian is disappointed that she didn't get to see the cute receptionist again but quickly shook the thought out of her head. They stay quiet throughout the whole ride up to the second floor.

The elevator ding and the door open when they arrive, the two steps out and head to Qian's room. She unlocks the door and let her partner get in first and she follows in right after, leaving the door to shut by itself.

Qian and Amber both sits down on the bed, "so with this invitation, we would be able to enter the party but how are we going get information after that?"

"We could blend ourselves in with the many people that will attend the party if we don't associate must people then they wouldn't notice when we disappear. Midway through the party we could sneak away and find our way to the President's office."

"But there will be many watchful eyes and security camera everywhere to watch our every move."

"Security camera can be disabled with no problem since you know I'm one of the best hackers within the agency."

"But the security guards?"

"Hmmm, we would need some try of commotion within the room where the party is held, that way all the security guards would be caught up trying to protect the people in there instead of guarding every nook and corner of the place."

"True but there are two more problems, we would both need to return back to the party room right on time when the commotion is over or they would question as to why we disappeared."

"That is true, we need a someone to keep an eye out and warn us when it's time the come back to that room or the mission would fail right then and there."

"And the last problem is how are we going to sneak a laptop in there without them noticing?"

"Why would we need a laptop for?" Amber gives a puzzle looks 

"Well, you would need something to hack into the cameras and shuts them down."

"That is no problem, I can hack into there with just my untraceable phone or tablet."

"You can do that?"

"You're looking at one of the best hackers in China." Amber grins.

 "Sure sure you....." Qian's phone ding letting her know that she just receive an email.

She checks it and saw that it was from her boss, "hey he got back to us about the invitation."

"That was quicker than I thought it would have taken. What did he say?"

"He told us that even though the relation between Korean and China is a little tense right now. The President of Korea had sent an invitation to the President of China to attend his birthday party. He had talked to the President that it would be better if we attend it in his place instead. That way we could get into the Blue House."

"And what did the President said?"

"The President agreed to the plan."

"So what are we suppose to do?"

"The plan is for me to pretend to be the daughter of the President who will be attending in place of him since he can't make it, no one has ever met her before so they can't suspect anything. You will pose as one of my bodyguards, they will send Yi Fan, Lu Han, and Yixing here to help us. The three of them will also pose as bodyguards."

"Seem like a good plan."

"We will work out a detailed plan as to how we would do the rest of the work once the other three gets here."

"Sound good, is there anything else we need to discuss for now?"

"Nope, I think we are good."

"I will head back to my room now."

"Alright, goodnight and well enjoy the free time you have before they get here, then we will start working."

"I definitely will use the time I have to have some fun. Goodnight Victoria." Amber went out and Qian shut the door to her room 

She got out her night clothes and went to have a nice long and hot shower. She careful wash her hair and scrub the dirt off of her body as her mind drift back the cute girl by the name Krystal, 'since I have a few days off before I will have to start working, maybe I could spend time with he.....what are thinking, Qian? Are you crazy? Do not get involved with anyone especially that girl. You are here to do your job, not flirt with anyone. You going to have to leave after the mission and probably even going to her again, so don't get yourself involve with her.'

She splashes water on her face to try to distract herself from unwanted thought, 'Oh my god, I'm gonna go crazy. Why can't I stop thinking about her, I know she's beautiful and all but it's best that I don't get myself involve with her because one or both us is going to end up hurting in the end.'

Qian turns off the water and dries herself with the towel hanging on the on the hook, she got dress and do her nightly hygiene routine before getting in bed. She got comfortable underneath the blanket and tries to sleep.

She tossed and turned for a little while, "dang it, I took that long nap and now I can't sleep." She threw the blanket off and sits up, "Maybe I'll go take a walk on the beach to get some fresh air." She put a cardigan and a pair of jean, grabs the keys and heads down to the beach. 

The beach was quite well lit and there are some people there with they friends or family and everyone is having a nice time. Qian holding her shoes as walks bare feet in the sand near the water. She let herself enjoy the nice breeze and the fresh air as she relaxes and let all the crazy thought in her mind disappear. 

After some time she found a nice and quiet spot to sits down at, she settles gently on the sand leaving her sandal next to her. She looks out at the water watching the waves coming into shore and retreating back out.

Suddenly she heard sound coming from next to her, so she turns over and looks to she Soojung settling down next to her. "I thought that it was you."

"How did you know? I could be some random person." Qian let out a chuckle.

"I don't know, maybe you made a lasting impression on me so I remember how your back view looks like."

"Now you sound like a stalker."

"Say the one who sounds like she trying to hit on me earlier."

"I already told you that I was complimenting you not trying to hit on you."

"Sure, like a believe that for a second." Soojung laughs

"But what are you doing here? Aren't you already off from work?"

"I am off from work and I'm actually staying at the hotel." Soojung was quite surprised that she's telling this to the girl next to her. She is usually the quiet type that doesn't talk very much and doesn't like to tell other people about her personal life. She didn't know why she had the urge to come and sit down next to this stranger that she had only met for a little bit this morning. But this person gives off a very warm and comfortable aura to Soojung, it was strange to her because she had never experienced this before. For some reason, it drew her to this girl and before she knows what was happening, she had already walked over and sat down next to the girl.

"Wait so you are staying at the hotel that you work for?"

"Yeah, I know it sounds strange right?"

"Yeah, a little." Qian laughs, "but who I'm to judge what you do, right?"

"I guess and why are you out this late?"

"Out to get fresh air since I can't sleep."

"Worrying about something?" Soojung runs her hand through the sand.

"No, it just that I had a really long nap earlier and so now I can't sleep." Qian felt bad for lying to the girl but I was telling half the truth so she didn't feel too guilty.

"Oh, that ."

"Yeah, and what about you? What aren't you in bed sleeping?"

"Can't sleep so I'm out to get fresh air just like you."

"Then do you want to go get a drink with me?"

"I don't think I can do that."

"Why not?" 

"You are my client, I'm not supposed to drink with you."

"But you are not working right now, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"I don't want to get in trouble with my boss."

"Then why don't we go elsewhere instead of the bar in the hotel."







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Chapter 1: Really good story
Chapter 2: Omg their chemistry is already so good! It that they are enemies lol (but it seems one sides for now since Victoria doesn't fully know). Aghhhh, wonderful update though :D
Chapter 1: I'm loving it! A great start indeed! Lol Junsis are so funny also I like how Krystal and Victoria immediately got each other's attention. I'd love to see what's next. Waiting for the next chapter, fighting! ^^
youngyul #4
Chapter 1: Omg first chapter started off great! I love how Jessica smacked Krystal when she complimented Victoria lol I'm really excited to see what you have in stored for this story but I can tell it will be a problem for Krytoria later on lol
Sounds good! I can't wait to read this! Fighting ~