

the reason why Jihoon uploaded that pouty selfie on 3/5/17


Hi!!! it's been a while everyone!!! ;__; or is it still too fast? anyway I miss writing so much so I tried my best to write something (kind of forcing myself) anyway hope it's good >< I know my writing has turn worse nowadays ;__; but I hope you guys will still support me >< #jlnisfeelinglonely hahahaha have a nice day everyone as usual ^^ - jln


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joshua_1230 #1
Chapter 1: OMG THIS IS THE FIRST THAT YOU MENTIONED JISOO~~~!!!!! Sorry my jisoo-trash heart got a bit excited there heheheheh
Chapter 1: Poor baby boo was shocked XD
Chapter 1: Hhahaha jicheol feat seungkwan always cute
Chapter 1: Bless u for all this jicheol one shot
Shionhamaguchi #5
Chapter 1: Awww cutie (⌒o⌒)
I love ending :))))))))
Chapter 1: Awwww. I always believe Seungkwan is not that innocent though. Hahahahaa. Kekekeke.
PhatFish #7
Chapter 1: Loved the ending of this cute story
Altariaaa #8
Chapter 1: Aigoo choi seungcheol you sneaky sweet bastard