[Actual One-Shot] Caretaker, Pt. 2

Random Red Velvet One-Shots
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    “Alright guys, I’m going to bed,” Seulgi said with a yawn, standing up from the couch and stretching herself out.

    Yerim lifted her head up from Joohyun’s lap, where she’d been peacefully resting all throughout the movie. Seulgi found it a little ironic how adorable Yerim could be sometimes, when they weren’t in public. While the young blonde was certainly still a troublemaker, she was, in reality, much softer than she’d let on.

    “We should go to bed, too,” Joohyun said, “It’s getting late.”

    “You know I can’t sleep until at least three, unnie,” Yerim said with a grin, snatching up the remote from beside her leader and changing the channel.

    “Fine. But don’t complain to me about your eyebags tomorrow. I know you’re just going to be up texting Sooyoung, anyway…” Joohyun grinned mischievously before striding away to her room.

“Am not!” a blushing Yerim called after her leader.

Seulgi chuckled as she departed the living room.

“Good night, Yeri.”

Unlike Joohyun, whose single room had its own personal bathroom, the other girls were forced to share a bathroom. This led to very hectic mornings, but usually wasn’t an issue at night, as the girls all went to bed at vastly different times.

As Seulgi brushed her teeth and washed her face, she wondered how her roommate was doing. Seungwan hadn’t exited their room since the conversation they’d had before. As far as Seulgi knew, she was fast asleep. A sliver of anxiety wormed its way into the monolidded girl’s stomach as she remembered the kiss they’d shared.

I hope this doesn’t make things awkward between us.

In truth, Seulgi didn’t know why exactly she’d kissed Seungwan. She knew that she was attracted to the younger girl, and they’d always gotten along well, but it wasn’t like Seulgi had a crush on her.

Then how do you explain that kiss? Or the butterflies you’re getting just thinking about it?

Seulgi sighed and finished up her nightly routine, drying her face with a hand towel as she tried to make sense of her actions earlier.

She opened the door to the shared bedroom slowly, and was greeted by a mostly darkened interior, although Seungwan had left the small night light they used to navigate their messy room on, probably to prevent Seulgi from tripping over something in the dark.

Seulgi began tiptoeing over to her own bed, intent on slipping beneath the covers as silently as possible so as not to awaken the blanket-covered little lump that was hidden on the opposite bed. However, when she had made it to the foot of her bed, and was about to lie down, she heard something.

It was nearly imperceptible, and likely would have been missed if Seulgi hadn’t been trying to keep as quiet as possible. A tiny sniffle, coming from Seungwan’s side of the room. As the sound reached Seulgi’s eardrums, her heart sank into her stomach and she spun around, staring at the shadowed lump before her.

“Seungwan?” the monolidded girl asked, “You okay?”

The answer was something Seulgi hadn’t expected at all; a muffled whining noise that reminded her of a child who was so upset that they were unable to articulate words.

Seulgi rushed over to Seungwan and tapped her on the side. The younger girl pulled the covers down from her head, revealing a disheveled-looking expression, tear marks staining the porcelain of her cheeks, lips fixed into a deep grimace, eyes filled with soft, liquid sadness.

“What happened? Did you not eat? Are you alright?” Seulgi asked in rapid fire, her eyes scanning her friend’s body for any signs of harm.

“No, I ate…” Seungwan moaned, “I ate everything…”

Relief flooded through Seulgi and she relaxed slightly. Although this information didn’t assuage all of her issues, it did ensure her that Seungwan wasn’t in any kind of physical distress from lack of nutrition.

“I’m gonna get fat now…” Seungwan continued.

Seulgi couldn’t help herself. Seeing her roommate like this, so broken and defeated, at the brink of starvation for the sake of a few

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Hey guys! If you enjoy Aespa fics in a fantasy setting, check out my newest fic, "Black Mamba"! It's a Winrina fic that will also feature Red Velvet members.

Check it out here:

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424 streak #1
Chapter 32: 🥵
424 streak #2
Chapter 6: Ah yeah the infamous Mexico vlive. Very sus indeed 👀
Sir_Loin #3
Chapter 22: Gaaaah
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 9: Oh! So this is the continuation! I got… confused coz i skip the others 😓
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 6: Hohoho. I’m pairing this with the first part of Covet just because. Cheers!
Grats on the feature!
2072 streak #7
Chapter 34: Congrats on the feature!
congrats on getting featured ^^
1105 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!