21 - Fall in you


This chapter wasn't beta read.

I know now
Fall in you
Waiting for you
Fall in you
You are my destiny
One person who will be my star
Is it too late
In case of getting hurt
I must be scared
It’s my first time, so I only realized
That you are my love

(Fall in you - Ha Sungwoon)



“And that’s when he gave me the envelope filled with money!” Nari recounted for the third time, her breakfast almost untouched “I was shocked!”

Sora smiled her gaze meeting Jonghyun’s.

“I wish I was here. I would have loved to see him kneeling at your feet.”

“I'm sure you would.” Sora commented drinking her cup of coffee.

“I still don't understand why he did it. I mean, why now?!”

“Does it matter?” Sora asked.

“Good that he finally did it.” Jonghyun added.

Nari narrowed her eyes deep in thought “It's that I can't forget the way he mentioned God. It was all extremely weird.” She picked her cup of tea to her lips and away again “Did he become religious?”

Jonghyun chuckled finishing his food “Whatever it was I'm forever thankful for it. He finally came around and did what was right and hopefully, now you can put this all behind.”

“I did.” Nari sipped her tea “I didn't think about it in a while.”

“That's because you are too busy thinking about your beloved boyfriend.”

Nari giggled, snorting a little “True!”

Jonghyun stood up and placed Nari’s medicine bag in front of her on the table.

She blinked her eyes and looked at him.

“Don't let your excitement forget you to take your pills.”

“As if I could when I live with you.”

Jonghyun cleared his voice “Well it's my duty to make you take them.”

Nari sighed ping the bag “I never said I wouldn't take them. I promised Jinki after all.”

“Good because I have your boyfriend's number and I'm not afraid to use it.”

“I'm starting to think that you enjoy chatting with him and are using me as an excuse!” Nari's remark made Sora laugh and Jonghyun frowned crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“Very funny!”

Nari took her pills and sipped her tea under his gaze.

“So is it still all up for the dinner tonight?” Sora asked. She didn't want to admit it but she was looking forward to it.

“My girlfriend isn't coming.” Jonghyun couldn't hide his disappointment “She says she has an important work appointment to go to.”

“Oh, I'm sorry Jonghyun.” Nari zipped her medicine bag and gave it back to him.

“Maybe next time.” Sora added standing up. “Taemin is coming.”

“Oh wow!” Nari celebrated and Sora pressed her lips together hiding her smile “Someone is truly getting serious…”

“Linna don't... it's only a friend's dinner right?!”

“Yes, to officially introduce our beloveds…”

“I hate that word.” Sora cringed and Jonghyun chuckled agreeing with her.

“Beloveds...lovers…soulmates...” Nari tried several worlds but none of them sounded right.

“Anyway, I'm going down to write a little.”

“You seem very inspired lately.” Sora pointed out but Jonghyun brushed the subject away wishing the girls a good day before leaving. Sora smiled to herself knowing quite well who was the source of inspiration for Jonghyun.

“Our darlings...our sweethearts…” Nari kept going and Sora slapped her shoulder friendly, making her stop. Nari giggled and turned to her. She was in such a good mood lately. Not that Nari was ever in a bad mood but it was good to see her eyes so radiant, to hear her laugh around the house, her cheeks rosy as if she hadn't left the hospital just recently.

“Well, I have to go to work too.”

“Wait…” Nari grabbed Sora’s hand before she could leave “There is something I need to ask you.”

Nari’s expression was so solemn that Sora sat on the empty seat Jonghyun left beside her friend.

“Is something wrong?”

“Yes...No. Not exactly wrong but, Jinki is not having with me.”

Sora wasn't expecting that and she snorted surprised before she covered . Nari didn't take offense but she frowned.

“Don't make fun of me!”

“Nari, I'm sure he…”

“I know he wants me. Well, I think so. He says so...but he says he wants to wait.”

“So? Isn't that a good sign? That he wants to get to know you better first?”

Nari bit the interior of her cheek “I don't think that's the reason. He has been very mysterious saying we need to wait for the right moment.”

Sora smiled “Guess your boyfriend is a romantic after all.”

“And I think tonight is the right moment.”

“During dinner?” Sora chuckled.

“No, after. I want to ask him to my bedroom and seduce him.”

Sora blinked her eyes reading Nari's expression. She wasn't joking about it at all. It wasn't as if Sora didn't believe that Nari wouldn't be capable of doing what she just announced but somehow she couldn't see her seducing Jinki either. She often got too overwhelmed with her feelings and probably would be a complete klutz about it all. Still, if Jinki truly loved Nari he would find it all so adorable that he couldn't resist her.

“Nari honestly I think you should let things develop by themselves. If the moment is right it will happen and…”

“I'm tired of waiting. I'm giving it all tonight!”

“With us here? I mean Taemin is probably going to stay here too.”

Nari’s determination seemed to waver a little “I'm still going to ask him to stay.”

“Trust me, if he wanted to sleep with you he would have already.”


Nari's dejected expression showed that Sora used the wrong choice of words.

“No, I don't mean it in that way. Only that he probably has something prepared for your first time.”

“You think he is attracted to me then?”

“Yeah.” the few times she saw them together they were sugary sweet with each other but it wasn't only that. For sure Jinki wanted to sleep with her too.

“Can you confirm it tonight?”

“Excuse me?” How was Sora supposed to do that?

“Just keep an eye on him during dinner. See if he looks at me in a...lustful way.”

Sora chuckled nodding “Alright.”

“Just want to be 100% sure before I ask him to spend the night.”

“So you are still trying.”

“Yes.” Nari groaned. It was clear that all the waiting for her first time with Jinki was making her go insane. “I love him so much it hurts. I want him to touch me, to kiss me, to…” Nari’s cheeks got pinkish but Sora didn't interrupt her “I keep having these fantasies with him and even sometimes…” She lowered her voice “Dreams.”

“Linna, are you having dreams with your boyfriend?” Nari blushed deeply and Sora caressed her arm affectionately “Oh I'm sure that once you start you will have a lot of fun together. You must tell him all about those dreams and fantasies.”

“No, I couldn't…”Nari seemed to hesitate biting her lower lip “I could...I should!”

Sora laughed, nodding “Yes, you should.”

“It's such a...overwhelming feeling. When he is close to me my heart beats faster just like in love stories and he makes me so happy. I can't stop smiling. He also is so funny. His sense of humor and how hot he is sometimes and - oh god I'm blabbering and making no sense.

“You are completely in love with him. I've heard love makes no sense after all.”

”Heard or felt it too?” Nari giggled and Sora nodded.

“I feel it too.”

“Oh.” Nari’s lips parted with surprise. She wasn't expecting Sora to be honest about her feelings.

“I think, but my case is complicated.”

“I know.”

Sora observed Nari pensive wondering what she knew. She never told her who Taemin was and only Jonghyun knew about her plans for revenge.

“I know Sora, about your father and everything.”

“How? Jonghyun?” he wouldn't do it. He would never reveal a secret. Not even to Nari.

“No.” Nari her lips, “You told me about your father when we were in the grief group. Remember? And I joined the dots together and I know that you went to work in his company and that he is Taemin’s father. It wasn't hard to guess Sora. I truly wished I was wrong though.”

“Nari.” Sora grabbed her friend's hands hating the disappointment in her eyes. Nari was someone she looked up to and the fact that she might see her in a bad light hurt her deeply. “I didn't mean…when I met him I…”

“I know.” Nari smiled softly “I know you didn't mean to approach him with bad intentions. I know you Sora and I know your heart. I also know that you won't do it.”

“Won't I?” She wished she had the same belief in her that Nari seemed to have.

“Because it's not in you, because you would never hurt someone you love.”

Sora sighed, running her fingers on her hair. Taemin had told her several times already that he liked her hair loose and Sora that once used to always wear her hair on a ponytail started to let it loose for him. It was just something small but it was only one of the many things she did to please him because she loved the way he touched it, how he smirked and how warm his eyes were when he regarded her, happy that she did it for him, and seeing him happy made her happy too.

“Right?” Nari asked, collecting the dirty dishes from over the table.

“What should I do?” Sora asked instead.

“What does your heart tell you to do?”

“You know well what it says. I'm not sure I can trust it...my heart is a fool.”

Nari balanced a small tower of dirty bowls in her hands and smiled “Everyone always said I was a fool and yet people seem to come to me for advice pretty often.”

It was curiously true now that she mentioned it.

"What would you do then?” Ridiculous question because Sora knew exactly what Nari would do. For starters, she would never take her revenge on anyone and even if she did, love always came first to her.

“I would forget the past. There is nothing I can do to change it but I can change my future. My parents aren't coming back, your father won't come back but you are here now, Jonghyun and Jinki too, you are real, Taemin is real...maybe it's time for you to let him in.”

“You make it sound so easy as if I can simply forget what his father did to mine…”

“But it is. I'm not telling you to forget just to accept it and live with it.”

Sora bit her lower lip a part of her wanting to argue with Nari that had now turned her back on her carrying the dishes to the sink. If it was someone else saying those words she would have objected. But she knew Nari meant no harm, she knew that sometimes she was like one of those annoying therapists at the grief group. It wasn't as if she was perfect and have completely recovered from losing her parents. Sora remembered how when she moved in with her she often heard Nari cry in her bedroom. With time it happened less and less but Nari didn't forget, she simply had learned to live with it, trying to live according to what her parents taught her, carrying on with the legacy they left her. The problem was that Sora’s way of learning to live with it was planning her revenge. She spent most of her adult life studying, working, building a career inside Taemin’s father company solely to one day ruin it all. All she was, all she had done was towards that goal. If she let go of it what would be left of her then?

Who was Nam Sora?



Jinki had finished styling his hair when someone knocked on the door of his apartment. He ran his fingers on his hair, spiking its edges again, and then turned off the light of the bathroom.

He had a pretty good guess who it was and he wasn't wrong when he saw Eunsook at his door.

“What are you doing here?” he still had to choose a coat and shoes to wear to match his almost black outfit. He wanted to look proper but not too formal, and spending time entertaining his sister was going to make him run late.

She was wearing a pink chiffon dress with small dots under a black coat and even for someone like her that was a bit too elegant. He wasn't the only one with plans for the night.

Eunsook didn't answer and instead pushed him out of the way entering his apartment. He groaned closing the door behind her.

“You look so handsome tonight!” Eunsook pointed out “Styling your hair up and everything. Date?”

“You too, fancy dress, hair prettily caught in a bun…” Eunsook’s lips turned into a grimace and he smiled “Going to meet my girlfriend and some friends.”

Eunsook sat on the couch unceremoniously and he knew that he would run late because she wasn't going to leave any time soon.

“I also had plans with my boyfriend.”

“And what are you doing here then?” he turned to open the closet by the door where he stored all his pairs of footwear. Maybe he should go with the ones he bought recently.

“Dad set me on another blind date.” Eunsook confessed.

Jinki pulled the shoes out. “What? Aren't you dating someone already?” He tried the shoes on and Eunsook peeked at him from the couch without saying a word.

Satisfied with his choice he turned around to go get a coat from his bedroom and Eunsook kneeled on the couch looking like a little sick puppy. He hated when she looked at him like that because he knew that she would get anything from him.

“Don't…” he warned her entering his bedroom. She followed after him like a puppy and then twirled dramatically making the dress rise around her thighs and then fell over his bed with her arms stretched as a heroine fainting because of a broken heart.

Jinki ignored her the best he could and started going through his coats inside his closet. He didn't find the grey one he wanted and then remembered he left it on the bed. Eunsook was laying over it, her eyes on the ceiling and Jinki rolled her away to the side of the bed releasing the poor long coat from under her.

Her dress was all wrinkled now but she didn't seem to care. “I haven't told them.”

“I figured as much.” Of course, she hasn't told them about dating. Their parents were good people but they were overly controlling when it came to choosing the partners for their kids.

Eunsook sat on the bed and narrowed her eyes “You haven't told them about your relationship either. And we both know why!” She accused.

“It's different though…” He groaned, fixing the collar of his coat. Eunsook stood up and helped him.

“Because you have a fiance.” her words cut like knives and he froze. He avoided talking or even thinking about it but he knew who he was supposed to marry. However, when he thought about the future and spending his life together with someone, he didn't see that person, he saw a more vivid faith. He saw mornings in bed snuggling, meals being prepared together in a small lovely kitchen, afternoons filled with laughter, and evenings watching dramas or playing games, all this surrounded by the loveliest floral scent. He saw someone else by his side. He saw Nari.

“Jinki?” Eunsook’s eyes were filled with comprehension and he looked away.

“I don't have a fiance...not yet.” And if he could he would never, not that one.

“It's a matter of time until dad decides to announce it.”

“He won't. He will discuss it with me first.” And then he would tell him about Nari, about all she had done for him, about who he was when he was with her. How she made him feel human again.

Eunsook nodded stepping back. “So this girl is really the one?” She didn't give him time to answer “Think they will accept her?”

They won't, not at first at least. But he hoped that once he made them see what she meant for him they would.

“I don't think they will accept my boyfriend either.” Eunsook’s eyes filled with sadness “He doesn't have a real job.”

“He doesn't?” They haven't talked much about the guy yet and honestly Jinki didn't care what he did for a living as long as it was legal. He only wanted to know if he was treating her right. “That's not good.”

He gave himself a last look in the mirror and then grabbed his wallet from the bed. Eunsook followed after him “I don't care that he doesn't, and I really don't care if we live together in a tiny apartment or that I have to work my whole life to be with him. I also don't care if I have to give up on this…” She touched her expensive dress. “I just want to be with him. He inspires me. He writes you know?”

“I know, you told me.” Jinki stopped by the door of his apartment. “Does he know about this blind date?”

“No, are you nuts? He wouldn't understand.”

Jinki sighed and then fixed the sleeve of her dress “You should tell him, or better yet, don't go to this date.”

“I can't. Dad and mom are going to be there too. So damn awkward.”

“Don't curse.” he patted her head teasingly “Cute girls don't curse!”

She slapped his hand away and he laughed.

“You don't know how lucky you are, at least they don't set you up on dates with boring people!”

“Am I though?”

Eunsook swallowed hard knowing that she was unfair.

“I'm the next in line to inherit the name of our family. The one supposed to marry someone he barely knows…”

“Me too.”

“Eunsook once your boyfriend finds a good job I'm sure they will accept it.” It wasn't as if she was already promised to someone since she was a teen. “I don't get why you came here.”

“I needed to show how upset I was to someone.” She pursed her lips sulking and Jinki rolled his eyes.

“Well you did, now can we go?”

Eunsook stepped into the elevator with him and they stood in silence for a while while she tried to tame the wrinkles in her dress. He watched her from the corner of his eyes smiling. He didn't like to admit it but his sister was adorable sometimes.

“Don't give up on this girl!” She said suddenly.

Jinki frowned, moving his eyes from the door to her again “What does it have to do with you?”

“You hurt my feelings. I care about your happiness!”

“Sure…” She did. He knew she did but it was fun to bicker with her, besides she often had second intentions in her mind.

“If our parents let you get married to this girl then they will have to let me marry whoever I want!”

Jinki’s laughter filled the elevator “I knew it.”



There was a special sort of happiness, the one you got whenever you saw someone closer to you be genuinely happy and Taemin felt it during that dinner while he observed the couple in front of him.

Nari was a talker and she spent much of the dinner chatting away. She told everyone for what seemed like the 100th time how she got her money back, she asked many questions about Taemin, made Sora share funny stories of a vacation she spent together with her and Jonghyun, encouraged Jonghyun to read a bit of a story he was working on but more importantly she made Jinki smile during the whole dinner, his hand warmly over hers on the table, his eyes filled with devotion every time he looked at her.

His friend was smitten and it was good to see.

He was smitten himself, with the beautiful young lady beside him. Sora was nervous when he arrived which he truly didn't understand but eventually, she relaxed and she seemed to be having fun too.

After Nari announced that she and Jinki would be going on a trip to Japan Sora joined her with the excuse of going to get the desert.

Taemin wasn't sure he would eat any even though he liked sweets, because he was so full. The food was delicious.

As soon as the men were left alone a quietness filled the room. Jonghyun closed the small notebook from where he had read a small passage of a story he was working on and they looked at each other trying to act as if none noticed the discomfort the others felt.

“I liked it.” Taemin said trying to make small talk. It wasn't a lie, the story had seemed interesting.

“Thank you.”

Taemin’s gaze moved to Jinki but he didn't seem interested in chatting with Jonghyun much. There was a tension between them, a weird one. It wasn't as if they hated each other but they weren't friends either. It was just odd.

“So you are a writer?”

“Yes, I am.”

“That's cool.” Taemin played with his napkin. Jinki’s eyes darted to the door of the kitchen. “Do you have brothers Jonghyun?”

“One older sister. You?”

Taemin paled, of course he would ask the same back, oblivious to his present situation.

“I also have a sister.” Jinki said quickly, saving Taemin from the awkward answer “A twin sister.”

“Really?” Jonghyun didn't expect that.

“She has the same smile as him.” Taemin added, “They used to bicker a lot.”

“We still do.” Jinki chuckled “Funny, she is also dating someone now that writes.”

“Oh.” Jonghyun rubbed his ear “What's his name, maybe I've heard of him before.”

“He isn't famous yet I believe.” Jinki answered. "Besides she hasn't shared with me the name of the unlucky guy."

Jonghyun chuckled but Jinki didn't smile.

"He speaks like this but he dotes on her a lot." Taemin commented.

"I like her but in small doses. I'm sure Jonghyun understands what I mean since he also has a sister."

"Not really no. I adore her."

The conversation seemed to have reached another dead end but Taemin slowly realized that Jinki and Jonghyun's odd relationship was simply because they still didn't feel completely comfortable around each other, probably because Jonghyun was an overprotective brother to Nari and Jinki was a bit jealous. If it wasn't for that they probably could be friends. Taemin smiled to himself. He could have felt uncomfortable in Jonghyun's presence too. After all, he had claimed that he loved his girlfriend before. But the past was the past and Jonghyun was extremely kind to him ever since they first met. With time, Taemin was sure Jinki and Jonghyun would warm up to each other also.

Jonghyun didn't know what to say next and silence befell in the room again.

“Your family doesn't mind that you live here?” Taemin asked.

“No, my sister is married now and my mother is living with her. They are doing well. They understand that I need my space and they also like Nari and see her as family so…”

“Of course.” Taemin nodded and once again they fell silent.

“I'm going to call my girlfriend. Excuse me.” Jonghyun stood up and left the room much to Jinki's relief.

“He doesn't like you?” Taemin asked and Jinki sighed.

“More like he doesn't fully trust me yet.”

Taemin laughed lowering his voice “I believe he sees her as a big brother does.”

“A very overprotective one.”

“Well, I believe her boyfriend is a protective one too.” Taemin added moving his head in the direction of Nari’s empty seat “I don't think that her ex had a change of heart alone.”

“No, he didn't. I pushed him a little.” Jinki smirked.

“With Tae-woon help?”

Jinki leaned closer to Taemin so that they could speak in a lower voice “He found him and I did the rest.”

“So he did kneel at her feet?”

“He did, I watched from afar to be certain he did as I told him.”

Taemin chuckled “You are too much! Does she know?”

“No, of course not. She wouldn't want it. She is too kindhearted. Besides, it's not like I hurt him. I only punched him because he pissed me off calling her a saying she asked me to take revenge. Any other guy would lose his temper and believe me, I ignored a lot of what he said before.”

“I'm not sure I have your tolerance.” If someone dared to offend Sora he wouldn't stay still.

“You should have seen how happy she was.”

“Can you take time off though?” Taemin knew that Jinki was always busy at the company and there were also his parents that would question him about where he was going and worse with whom. Taemin didn't remember Jinki traveling with any of his previous conquests.

“I've never taken a vacation since I started working. I'm sure I can leave for a few days. I also need time to rest.”

“Yes but your father…”

Jinki frowned “He doesn't care what I do in my free time.” As long as he fulfilled his duties as a son. In many ways, Jinki’s life wasn't much different from Taemin’s. Hopefully, his father would change his heart later on like his own father seemed to want to change his.

“I had lunch with my parents today.”

Jinki was surprised “What made you change your mind?”

“Sora.” he wasn't being fair because honestly, she was only the last push towards it. He wanted the reconciliation with his father to work even though he was scared to come out of it once again disappointed.

“What are they even doing in the kitchen?” Jinki chuckled.

“Either baking the cake or talking about us.”

“The second one probably.” Jinki turned to Taemin “Anyway how did it go?”

“It was different from what I remembered.” It had been years since the last time he had a meal with them though.

Jinki rose an eyebrow “Different?”

“Not as bad as I thought it would be but certainly awkward. Like us with Jonghyun just now as if we don't know each other anymore.”

“Hum, well you can rectify that now.”

“And my mom was in a good mood. I don't remember the last time she came down for a meal and she did today.”

“That's perfect. What comes next?"

"I guess I'll spend more time at home, more meals, and maybe some family outings. I feel like a little kid again."

Jinki was going to say something when they were interrupted by Nari and Sora entering with the cake.



“You didn't have to come with me. It's cold.” Jinki said, stopping in front of the door of his car. Nari smiled brightly at him shaking her head. She insisted on accompanying him because she still hoped to make him change his mind. Once Taemin and Sora climbed up to her bedroom Nari had tried to convince him to stay to drink some coffee with her which he declined saying he wouldn't be able to sleep then. When he started putting his coat on she had asked him to stay and watch a drama with her which he once again refused. While he was putting his shoes on she invited him to see the candles she was preparing for the next day which was a very desperate move of her and only made him laugh. So she either threw her pride away and openly seduced him or would have to give up. She knew he wanted her. He had told her so before and Sora kept an eye on him during dinner. When they left to get the cake she had told her that she had caught him looking at her more ually. That he even looked at her cleavage a couple of times. He was attracted to her.

“I just wanted to extend our time together. You could stay longer, we could go to my bedroom and…” her cheeks felt so hot and she was sure he could read her intentions. She only had to spell the word to be more precise.

“If I do that I won't be able to control myself.” he confessed, taking off his coat and wrapping it around her. She was going to complain but she couldn't when her brain was trying to process what he just said. Jinki smiled gently tugging the coat around her.

“W-what do you mean?”

Jinki leaned against his car looking like a model out of a magazine “You know exactly what I mean.”

“Yes but…”

“Next week in Japan.”

“Yes, we are going to Japan…” What did that have to do with anything, besides the fact that they would be alone and...

Slowly she realized what he meant.

“We will be alone in the same room Nari, sleeping together for a whole week. Let's do it then.”

“W-why then, why not tonight?”

He pulled her by the collar of his coat closer so that their bodies touched “Because as I told you, you deserve a movie moment, the perfect night. So, you take care of buying the plane tickets and let me choose the hotel.”

“The hotel…” She wanted him to kiss her and by the way he was looking at her lips he also wanted the same.

“I'll book a special room for us.”

She giggled looking down at his chest and he wrapped his arms around her pressing her closer to him.

“Nari…” his heated voice made her look up at his eyes and her heart tingled. “I mean it. You aren't escaping next week. If you don't want to be mine then you should say it before we go because…” he leaned closer kissing her temple, his breath making her shiver in his arms. He hugged her tighter his lips gracing her ear “We are going to spend the day exploring Tokyo but at night we will explore each other's bodies...and - oh god Nari - I can't wait to see all of you.”

She whimpered, unable to control the lustful feelings rising inside her, and embarrassed hid her face on his chest.

“So tell me, is that what you want?”

“Yes.” She caressed his chest over his black sweater and kissed his chin and up to his lips. He his mouth eyeing hers passionately and she nodded “I want it very much.”

“Good.” He ended their misery kissing her and Nari wrapped her arms around him trying to get even closer. She wanted to feel more of him, she wanted to do just as he promised, explore all of him and touch him where his desire was more noticeable. “I can't stop thinking about it.” Jinki confessed breaking the kiss, his lips moving to her neck making her close her eyes “ I can't stop thinking about you and how you will feel.”

She didn't know what to say, only that she felt the same. She had never been so intimate with a man, with anyone and she was glad she never did because the idea of being with him in what would be her first time made it even more special. She trusted him and this time she was sure he wouldn't hurt her.

“Oh, Nari....” he sighed, his eyes moving to the cleavage of her dress. From that perspective, he could see quite well the vale between her s. Sora was right and Nari was glad she wore a bra that made her s look bigger.

“I can't stop thinking about it either.”

“I know.” he caressed her cheek with his lips breathing deeply as if he was inhaling her scent and the action made her heart thump faster. “You can't stop remembering me of the fact.”

“I wanted to seduce you tonight.”

His lips raised in the cutest of ways and she couldn't help herself and touched the small dimple in his cheek. “How would you do that?”

“I’m not sure.”

“You will someday.” he said tucking her hair behind her ear tenderly “I can assure you that you don't need to do much to seduce me.”

She bit her lower lip and then kissed him again. His arms pressed her tighter against him while they kissed and she wished he never let go. Her body was so warm that she couldn't believe that she was once even cold.

“You make it so hard for me to resist you.” he confessed, kissing her again. "So keep trying to seduce me. I'm weak for you."

“I do…? You are?”

“Hum hum.” Another kiss and another and she completely forgot where they were, but he didn't because he moved away from her lips and instead placed her head against his chest hugging her. “You have no idea what I want to do to you.”

“I- I want to have an idea.” That was playing with fire but she didn't care. She wanted to know everything, even his darkest desires, and fantasies.

His chest trembled with his chuckles “Oh if I told you would blush even more than you are now blushing.”

She pulled away so that she could face him “I've watched movies. I'm a but not as innocent as you think."

He raised one eyebrow amused and then kissed her nose. She was going to complain and insist but he brushed her brown locks away from her ear leaning closer as if he was going to tell her a secret. She swallowed, her body tensing up with the need.

“No movie can prepare you for what I want to do to you." he breathed deeply and somehow she felt it down her body "Nari I want to touch you, to kiss and bit you, to you...god, I want to move my tongue over your perky little s, I want to taste you between your legs before I bury myself deep inside you and make you come while you cry my name.”

He bit her earlobe it after, and before she had time to recover from that moved to her lips kissing them.

Nari closed her eyes, kissing him back and when he pulled away playing with her lower lip she gasped which was exactly what he wanted because he took that chance to her lower lip then.

She stared at him panting, her body wanting more, the need overwhelming her. She wanted what he just promised to her, she wanted it so badly.

“You are perfect and even though I'm getting aroused I simply can't…” he swallowed carefully moving his hips against her, one of his hands ing her by her against him. Nari gasped again feeling the hard desire he felt for her between his legs.

“Can you see now what you do to me?” He kissed her cheek “Japan...In Japan.”

He was repeating more to himself than her. Slowly he released her but she didn't step back. He did though giving more space between them.

“Now, my Spark you should go home to the safety of your bedroom.”

“Right.” yet she didn't move so he watched her amused. “Just one kiss…”

He nodded pulling her closer again and before she had time to raise her lips to his he rotated with her in his arms pushing her against the door of his car. She closed her eyes just before he pressed his mouth to hers. Nari wrapped her arms around his neck and fervently kissed him. His arousal was pressed against her belly and she shamelessly loved the feeling of it. When he drew away stepping back to give her space to move, her eyes roamed down but he pulled her by her chin up again.

“Japan…” he repeated with his most beautiful teasing smile. He leaned against the car observing her and with a strength she never thought she possessed, Nari made her legs work again. Her brain wasn't following though and after a few steps, she realized she still had his coat. She turned back and took it away, offering it back to him, her eyes safely on his face.

“It's cold.”

“I'm feeling very hot, I don't need it.”

He laughed making her blush deeper “I can see that.” He took the coat back and put it on safely covering his crotch area.

“Goodnight.” She said truly not wanting to part with him “Dream with me.”

“I'm sure I will.” His intense gaze did nothing to take the desire away. “Will you dream with me too?”

“Yes, I think so.”

He his lips before biting the lower one and she had the feeling he was thinking of something sinful and absolutely delicious.

“Touch yourself before sleeping and think of me, it will help.”

She probably had no shame because she nodded “You too...do...ah...touch yourself.”

“I will. I must after what we just talked about.”

“Japan.” she repeated and he nodded the word painfully leaving his lips.


Nari stepped back and then turned away. She wasn't sure how she managed to walk back home but when she reached the front door of the building she turned to look at him. He didn't move an inch watching her.

Nari raised her hand to wave at him and he waved back.

Too much sadness could kill you but she wasn't sure if too much love wouldn't kill her too because her chest was so full of him, her body so needy of him that she wasn't sure she could survive until Japan.



He liked to think that he did not get angry easily, that he was someone tolerant. But that night Jonghyun was having a hard time understanding what had happened. One moment he was having dinner with his friends and the other he was calling his girlfriend, but much to his surprise a man answered her phone instead.

Someone that politely explained to him that his girlfriend that was having dinner with him had excused herself to the bathroom. Someone that asked him who he was instead and if he was truly his date's boyfriend since that's what was written on the caller id.

Jonghyun was baffled, he was speechless and he could only demand to speak with Eunsook, saying that of course, he was her boyfriend even though he wasn't sure anymore, not after what just happened.

It was in the middle of that confusing conversation that she got on the phone and asked him to meet her, that she would explain.

It had been ten minutes since the time she was supposed to show up and Jonghyun couldn't stop fidgeting, standing up only to sit again on the park bench. Ironically it was the same one where he was when he met her for the first time.

He was thinking about calling her again and risking having another person answering the call when Eunsook arrived.

Her hairdo was a bit messy, a few strands escaping the bun, and her cheeks were red but despite all that, she looked perfect with a pink elegant dress and a black coat. She was dressed to impress and it wasn't for him.

He probably had stared at her so ferociously that she covered her dress wrapping her coat tighter around her.

“It's not what you think!” She dared to say.

“You don't know what I think!” he had a couple of things he wanted to tell her and none of them were kind.

“I had dinner with my parents and they ditched me alone with that man!”

He frowned recalling how that wasn't the reason she gave him to miss the dinner at his place “You were working…” He didn't even try to hide the recrimination in his voice. “So the man who answered the phone was your father?”


“Eunsook!” Both of them knew well that it wasn't.

“Alright.” She stepped closer and he had to make an effort to not look away. He was angry with her for lying. Relationships were built in honesty and he despised lies. “I'll explain. I'm so sorry I missed the dinner.” She grabbed his arm “Was it fun?”

“Don't change the subject. Who is the guy who answered the call? And why did he treat you as his date...Eunsook…”

She bit her lower lip and looked down ashamed. “He was…” The last words were uttered and he could barely hear them.

“Was what?”

She repeated but once again he failed to listen because she was being a coward. He pulled her by her chin to face him and she swallowed hard before saying it again.

“He was my blind date.”

He stepped back. It wasn't as if he was surprised because he had figured out as much but it still hurt. He wanted it to be a misunderstanding. He couldn't believe that she hadn't lost time cheating on him. What about the things she said to him? About missing him, about caring for him? What about honesty and respect? Didn't that mean anything to her?

“Don't get mad please, it's my parents' fault!”

He scoffed stepping back again when she approached him and her hand grasped his arm. His first impulse was to pull it away and he did just that.

The heartbroken way Eunsook looked at him was the only thing that stopped him from leaving her.

“Please, hear me out. I’ll explain everything..." then her eyes filled with tears and his heart broke "Don't leave me!”

She sounded so desperate that it would be enough for anyone with a heart to stay, and Jonghyun according to the ones around him, had indeed one, a big one.




I'm so sorry. I know it took a long time. T__T

I confess that even though I have now more time to write I've been feeling a bit...stuck creatively. I just don't feel like writing at all.
Anyway, here is a new chapter. >.<
As always thank you!

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magicsandwiches #1
Chapter 31: Honestly? I loved this chapter. Yes, it was hard. Yes, I am heartbroken for all the couples, but you know what got me through? Nari. Just Nari being her wonderful self. She understands Jinki and the horrible (really horrible!) things he has been through and even though he hurt her, she is still so pure and amazing. I absolutely love to see her rise to meet every challenge. So sad she and Eunsook haven’t had their besties moment yet though!!! And I’m so excited for the escape room date. It’s gonna be so angsty and delicious, I can’t wait. Thanks for the update, I’m glad you haven’t given up on this story!
magicsandwiches #2
Chapter 30: I DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING about Taemin’s brother! Wow, what a plot twist. Also, my dream is coming true. Eunsook and Nari are finally gonna be besties! I’m so excited she is moving in. I can’t wait for that. But also, you mentioned perfect misery?! On one hand, you write such good angst, I love it. On the other hand, I don’t know if I can take it!!! Either way, I’m excited for another chapter. ❤️❤️❤️
Taeminahhh #3
Chapter 29: I'm so glad you're back!!!It was funny hearing Taemin talking about SHINee as if he's not part of the group. Of course in the story he's not but still I love your sense of humor. Their relationship has reached new heights. They've started sharing deeper secrets and their vulnerable selves. Jinki and Nari are getting closer to being as naughty as Taemin and Sora hahaha
Chapter 29: ahh a nice chapter, love when sora and taem just talk and share with each other. its wishful thinking but maybe his brother could wake up eventually? idk but its a shocking revelation nonetheless :( hopefully sora can be honest with him too. im worried for nari attending the birthday party but i hope jinki will brief her beforehand and also get her properly styled and done up so that she looks appropriate for the event and no one can
Chapter 27: WAAAA IM CATCHING UP. I don’t want to be caught up and wait for more *cries*

Nari after losing her ity is so funny!
She loves wearing lingerie and I love that for her.
Jinki really won with her haha. He would be missing out on so much if he decided to really leave her back then
Aw I thought they’d have sleep haha

OH WOW EUNSOOK hahaha she wasted no time in finding her dad >_< poor jonghyun
Yes jonghyun he is familiar probably because jinki looks like him! Haha

Ah, gin! I like gin haha
Taemin singing in the shower haha
Aww sister texts.. sora will find the courage with Taemins help for sure.
Sweet tender taemin <3
Hahaha and then of course they turn on the passion.
I think they are my favorite couple that you’ve written. Or rather I connect to the most haha.

It took me so long to read this chapter. I tried to read during the day but I guess I really only have the time at night.
Chapter 26: Waaa what did you do to jonghyun =[ they’re both sad now.
Eunsook is right tho! Jonghyun shouldn’t be the one to decide what’s best for her. She was willing to meet him halfway but he’s stuck worrying about their differences.

Jinki making her wear the just so he can take them off..
The no was so cute haha. Nari talks a lot LOL

Eunsook came back to check on him TT
They are just the cutest wholesome couple!

Sora thinks Taemin was ignoring her but he was watching the way the new guy looked at her haha.
But what was that going to do? She’s probably not going to walk around with her sleeves up hahah what a kid >_<
Sora is being cute now^^ I wonder what will she cook
Chapter 25: Oh nari. She was scarred because of what happened last time she said I love you. Can’t blame her, jinki didn’t know what he was doing.
you’re making me wait so long for the twins to meet their partners meanwhile jinki SAID I LOVE YOU *cries* hahah
Ohmygod he’s crying?! Oh my jinki <3 sweet babe jinki. My heart
He thinks he ruined the mood but I bet she is just so happy he isn’t hiding his emotions anymore.

I know I say this every chapter but I just love everything about taemin!! Haha the way he takes care of sora’s sisters bf and even her sister likes him and likes talking to him.
They are so cute TT

Jinki is so embarrassed with himself but it’s really cute that he seems like a different man. Not an emotionally closed off person anymore. Not to nari anyway.
Oh man imagining the rose pedals makes me itchy haha. I’d probably break out in rashes >_<
Only one day and already thinking about the fact that they have to leave. That’s the part I hate about vacation.

Taemin is being such a good boyfriend but maybe sora just isn’t used to it. It feels guilty about him paying for everything. Taemin is so happy tho.
I cry. Taemin is just… I love him.
Aw sora just let him be the perfect boyfriend that he is =[ he’s so sweet and it kinda hurts when she starts putting some kind of wall up.
Chapter 24: Wow I wrote these comments last night and I thought I posted it hahaha. I guess I didn’t >_<

LOL the disclaimer at the beginning >_<
But I want more taemin and sora steamy moments LOL


Nari is so cute with her lingerie haha. Didn’t think she was a thong girl but makes sense that she picked the iest thing she could think of.
Oo this seems like it’s gunna be a very detailed chapter hehe

It was all >_< like there is anything to complain about lmao. It was so good!
I don’t think jinki is going to say it yet.
Of course you fell for these characters! Haha they are great<3
Chapter 23: She was working for free?! Haha wow
Will she really do it?! She’ll face her parents and maybe live on her own? Maybe she’ll move in w jinki hahahah
Eunsook reminds me of a character yoo inna would play haha.

Wait what Japan already?! Haha idk why I thought it would be few chapters later.
Oh jinki… with the rose pedals haha. He’s really sweet.
Lmao the hand gesture! Nari what are you doing?!

Ah! Sora having dinner at Taemins!!
Hmmmmmmm I wonder… were their fathers friends?? Does Taemins dad already know who sora is??
Oo sneaking off to his bedroom^^
Did I miss it or are they not using condoms anymore? Lol. It’s a weird thing to ask but it was part of one of the chapters that they talked about what it would be like to not use them.
Such a sweet taemin after hard . This is why I love this character lol. Rough then sharing secrets or sharing secrets then rough >_<
Always interrupted when he’s trying to tell sora something!
Agh what is she gunna find!!
Oh no. She has everything right in front of her! She can’t! He’ll know for sure where it came from if it leaked.
Omg I’m so nervous. She’s deciding on good but this could still end bad.
Can she just lie and tell her it’s a private photo. Like a pic hahah
Chapter 22: EUNSOOK IS NOT GOING TO DINNER?! why are you dragging this out and torturing me hahah
Nari is so cute haha.
Aw and she knew all along about taemin..

A blind date?! =[ I’m not surprised tho haha. The rich kids never tell their parents they are dating LOL

Aw the dinner. I should be happy but I’m sad jonghyun has to be solo for it.
Omg is it not obvious that jonghyun’s girlfriend and jinki’s sister is the same person?? T_T I guess not haha

I guess he did plan to do it in Japan. Poor nari has to be patient.
What a tease hahah. They’re playing a different game this time. Who can arouse the other more..

Ooo someone answered eunsooks phone! But it shows jonghyun as her bf on her phone. That’s cute tho haha.
Aw jonghyun. He’s so hurt. I wanna hug.
I think they will be ok tho. Jonghyun will definitely hear her out at least.