3. It's Gone!

You? Him? Her? Huh...? Who?

Chapter 3

Lu Han was more curious about what would happen to him if he did not pay for the scissors than who the purchaser is. Afterall, he is dealing with supposedly supernatural stuff, will he be cursed single for life? Or will he die? Or somehow he will be robbed for life?


Lu Han snapped out of his thoughts and turns to see Victoria as she closed her house' gate beside him.

"Erm, Vic..."
Lu Han spent the whole night thinking about the red string. The expiry date is tonight's midnight and if he doesn't tie the string, he would probably be cursed, wealth wise, relationship wise, health wise whatever the wiser supernatural can do.

Victoria grabbed her water bottle for a drink and groaned to let Lu Han continue.

"How does it feel, to be in love?"

Victoria robotically turned her head towards Lu Han, spitting out water right at her neighbor's face.


 In school


Lu Han regrets knowing Victoria. She could be such a...sometimes. 
Just because he doesn't have a celebrity's face or a pretty boy face doesn't mean he can't know what falling in love is. Right?

What was so funny about it that Victoria had to laugh 20 minutes straight from their house to the school.

"Ahahahahaaha!! I will go to class first!!! Ahahahahaha mushroom!!! Ahahahahahaha!! Lu Han!!!"

Her laughter trailed down the corridor as the other students watched judgementally at her. A few of her female friends joined to ask and Lu Han turns away, not wanting to witness his embarrassing question.

Oh now, his question becomes embarrassing. He admits.

Lu Han pulled opened his locker door and place his shoes inside.

Thinking about the red string, it felt like an undercover mission. Except that he is always undercover. You know, like mushroom head...cover...okay author nim apologises for being lame here.

Now that he thinks about it from a 'cool-er' point of view, it did not felt like he was scape-goating. Having been the boring top students for straight 2 years, something like this just came into his life was refreshing and new.

It was simply to find out who the culprit (aka purchaser) is right?
Of course, it will be fun.

At the same time, being an idiot to romantic relationships, he had to do his research and his first step, of asking Victoria, was already making him regret his life decisions.


In Class

It was hard to concentrate in class when there is a mission Lu Han was held for.

All he hears is "yada yada midnight, yada yada president red string governed Korea yada yada, love prevails all yada, Seoul is a state of a pair of pinkies..."

He glares at the red string he slipped into his pencil case.
It was a test and a bonus mission for him to see if the supernatural could be real, that a legend might be true after all.
It's right in the palm of his hand.

Yet at the same time, he isn't confident on his judgement. He had never fallen in love before, how would he know if it was the right feeling?
There are no teachers to mark whether his answer was right or wrong.
It could only be a feeling, that is not measurable.

Someone tapped his shoulders from the back, Lu Han turns.

It's Se Hun.

Ah yes, someone so popular just switched seats this morning. All thanks to Victoria and her "hahahahahaha"s now his classmates are creeping out that the girl who sat behind him, requested a seat change.
And by luck, the girl switched places with Se Hun. It was heaven for her as she molests sits on Se Hun's ex table. Why is their homeroom teacher so flexible about seats? Is it because of him? That he's a mushroom so the teacher agrees?

It hurts to think about it, he could not deny it either. People only wants to hang out with cool people. Victoria per se does make him feel that way too. She'd be with her group of girl friends gossiping lunch away and he had to eat alone.

"You have a pen to lend?"

Lu Han turns back to his desk and randomly takes out a pen from his pencil case, which happened to be the one he liked. Then again, it was just a pen.

As he pulled it out, the red string hooked itself around it, Lu Han unties it and casually passed it to him.


Looking at the red string on his hands now, he gulped and starts tying it on his left pinkie.
Just a normal knot, on a normal pinkie.

As soon as he tightened the knot, his heart thumped vigorously, causing him to be short of breath. Thick pain and thumping beats shackled his heart so much that Lu Han grabbed it in attempt to stop it. It was suffocating, he was almost having a heart attack, out of breath and in extreme pain. Squeezing his eyes shut to the excruciating pain while trying to stay silent in class was so hard but he tried, he tried...he did not like attention at all, neither would he get it even if it means his consciousness would fade out...


The air was thick, the mist was white.
It was hard for Lu Han to see anything.

Stepping around barefoot through the thick fog in a forest, he frowned at where he is.

A sharp pain beckoned him to lift his left hand, thin blood marks was circling around his left pinkie.
Drip by drip they fell to the ground.

There was no string, just a red thin line around his left pinkie.

1 drop, 2 drop...He looked at the ground. 3 drop, 4 drop, the trail of blood slowly formed a line on the ground.

It was thin but clear enough for Lu Han to see that each drop, further elongates the trail. He followed, letting the blood fall and fall, forming a longer and longer red.

Then, the blood stopped, and finally he traces to see another person barefooted. The red line climbed against the person's legs as Lu Han gradually traces it to look up to the face...

Before he could figure the face out, a sudden incoming of few red ribbons sprung out of nowhere, enters his chest, twisting and turning his heart.

Slowly, they squeezed it tighter and tighter that Lu Han fell to his knees on the ground.

That feeling again! YARGH!

"Enough! Enough!! Stop!!!"


Lu Han flung his eyes open. Drips of sweat trickled down his face, his breath paced fast in his ears.

"You are up." A lady in white coat opens up the curtain. "You passed out in class just now, feeling better now?"

Lu Han tries to feel his heart. They were beating normally without being dramatic as before now. "Yea..."

"Alright, then when you're done, you can go be back to class, but if it happens again, you should see a doctor. I couldn't find what was wrong with you."

His heart was violent and crazy a moment ago, shouldn't it be clear to the doctor or school nurse?
Thinking about it, perhaps it was becuse of the red string of fate, just like every other supernatural novels, it can't be detected by doctors or scientists.

Oh right!
The red string.

He lifts his hand to see it, half expecting the red string to be there, half expecting a blood line circling it, a vague impression he has from his dream.

But it was neither.

His pinkie was being his pinkie. Nothing special of a red string about it. There was nothing tying around it.

Wait...where did it go? He was sure he tied it....!

[Xiudaddygirl: No one can see the red string once it's tied. Not even the crush you tied your red string to.]

Lu Han recalls that.

------Chapter 3 end--------

A/N: Chapter 3 end!! :D Stay tuned for chapter 4 <3

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749 streak #1
Chapter 6: Thank you for updating, I just binge-read all the chapters. I am loving the plot and characters so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I hope we get more info on who bought the red string.
Chapter 5: Ohhhhhhh Kai is so straightforward tho. Thanks for the update!! Lots of love! ❤️✨
ahiru23 #3
Chapter 4: Ohmygad
ahiru23 #4
Chapter 3: Awe this exciting he needs to find the buyer of that redstring
swaglord #5
please update soon!
ahiru23 #6
Chapter 2: Wow amazing plot. But who put that envelope in luhan locker