

Seungcheol met his ex, how is Jihoon reaction?


I'm in description, some of you might already know about it. anyway hahahaha I'm back with this jicheol au series. Important question! do you guys want me to continue writing about this jicheol until they get married or should I stop? hehehe have a nice day everyone <3 do leave me some supports <3 thanks! - jln


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amphetamingyu #1
Chapter 1: im laughing my of and it's 2AM someone pls send help zjnsnzjzkskz but that's so freakin cute zjnsjxjxjx sweets are bad for me. pls slow down—
Chapter 1: "made some disgusting sound as he watched the ‘disgusting’ scene" - I love this (>///<)

You're one of my favourite authors so I hope you can write more about Jicheol but please don't push yourself dear,just takes you time,we can wait (^w^)v
FrainZL #3
Jicheol for lyfe~ please make more jicheol fics :)
Chapter 1: Yes please do write more jicheol ❤️
Jihoon_98 #5
Chapter 1: Wow.. Just continue it! This is so great!
Chapter 1: Just continue this story until they got kids please hhahaha
Chapter 1: good luck dear ~ i'm waiting for your update and please continue ... this story is the best ^^
Continue please, I really want to know what happens next. Good luck, author-nim... :D