The Gezellig In The War

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                      The fight between the Jagers and the Demons have been going on for decades but what was a simple defense art practiced to hold those minions off the humans has turned to more like war after the demon lord, Avoros, was roused from his eternal sleep. Jagers were outnumbered, they would have lost the battle already if the Jager Council didn't accept the kind offers of the other immortals to help them against Avoros. For wakening of the Demon Lord didn't only shook the Jager community but also all the other Possessors. Its almost like the battle between the Good and Evil of their world.

With every new allegiance comes new friendship and forth a relationship. But for Junmyeon it was purely allegiance for mutual benefits of fighting a common enemy. He was not even considering other Possessors as friends, save for a few, and let alone falling in love with one of them. Even with his own people he never found such intimate feelings. Don't get him wrong, he is an absolute angel when treating others, he was even called Suho for that, but it’s just that. He treats people kindly and will never say no for a favour asked; that’s only because he feels obliged to do so. Only people he is open and easy with is his family and few other namely three or four whom he calls friends. Other than them others are all just acquaintance for him. Love and other such feelings never held any meaning in his life. Those were just words until Yifan came along and changed his world.

The Dragon Lord fell head over heels for Suho the moment they met and he stopped at nothing to get his love returned. Suho was in denial for months before he finally accepted the chivalrous yet genuine lord. He realized he has already fallen too deep in love with Yifan when even a gesture as small as handshake or a simple smile showing his gums felt like sunshine kisses he never wants to end. He felt more than complete with the handsome male. Amidst all the end of the world going around them, they were at bliss until they had each other.

But the fate is always the biggest player. It will show you what it is to be truly happy, only to pluck it away from life. Just few months into their relationship they were thrown into a war where being alive at the end of the day became a hard task. They lost count of how many were lost in this battle between the good and bad. Consoling a family for the loss of their beloved is one thing but, to be the one to have lost a beloved is entirely different. The thought scared every single one of them gravely. Everyone felt deeply thankful at heart for every minute more they got to spend with their loved ones. One such close call was what let Suho realize how less of a time he has got to spend with Yifan.


Gezellig ; (adj)

Cozy, comfortable, pleasant, inviting; connoting time spent with loved one or togetherness after a long seperation.

the titles' based on a Dutch word meaning the above, please bear with me if it dint suit.


Hey AFFers...

Here's another fic on krisho. This is basically a one shot for their love and it contains some imaginary war and little fantasy kind of things (very minimal though), so do read and comment. :)

Most importantly it contains (nothing explict but still...) so I'm warning in case.

Thats all to it...


P.s: If you are from Jun, My Sweet Love, then I guess my apology is accepted ^_~

Thank you!!!



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Gyu2su #1
Chapter 1: Aw the gentleness of Yifan, Junmyeon has score a great lover >.<
Ps: I can't believe this is your first time writing mature content!
2447 streak #2
Chapter 1: damnnnnn you are indeed forgiven, bless you for writing this fic

it had to come to a point where Yifan nearly lost his life in front of Jun for Jun to say that he loves the former with his own mouth... the desperation and the urgency Jun felt was understandable, it would've hurt so much if he didn't have a chance to say that to Yifan

i love how tender and loving their first time was... Yifan was such a gentle lover, making sure Jun consented to everything he wished to do to him, showering him with praises and words of love all the while... it was really really sweet

i srsly wish we got to read abt the courtship stage, what made Jun finally accept Yifan's feelings as he was adamant on love and affection before... but hey, this is awesome as it is already, and it can stand alone :)

thanks for this!
esthiSipil #3
OMG.... I don't know what to say about this story... Sooo beautiful... At first I don't quite understand the meaning of 'gezellig'.. hahaha... Stupid me... ^^
But seriously your writing style is awesome.. I wish this story could be longer, but I guess I already satisfied with this...
Thank you for this wonderful story.. :)