Chapter 8

Puppy Love
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Marianne and Yeolie go on their first date.

Puppy Love

I Only Want You:

"You understand now, don't you?" Huang ZiTao put his hand on Luhan's shoulder.

"I do." Luhan replied, "Are you sure about leaving?"

"It's what's best. You were right when you said all ties must be cut. The wolf is from my side of the family. I'll keep my distance if it means she will be safe. You will keep your promise to me, won't you?"

Luhan bowed his head to his pack leader, "I will. I'll do my best to look after her. I'll look after the pack, too. You have my word."

"I'll be in China for the next year or so. If anything changes or goes wrong, you just let me know. I'll be there." 

"Thank you, Tao."

Panic. All she could remember was panic. Heart racing, she opened her eyes, her lungs gasping in air on their own for the first time in days. She choked on the tube in , causing her to pull it out herself before the doctor made it in to do it for her.

"You're awake!" The doctor rushed in with two nurses already at her side to assist her with taking out the breathing tube. "Careful, Marianne. I don't want you to injure yourself. This is your first time breathing on your own in six days. Take it easy."

She couldn't understand why she felt so anxious. The doctor wanted her to take it easy? How could she? She was just...Wait...What was happening before this moment?

"What happened?" Her weak and dry voice managed to croak out, making her cough more.

"You were in a car accident. You have been in a coma for almost a full week." The doctor frowned in shame from the lie he knew he had to tell. "What is the last you remember?"

She held her head in pain from trying to remember anything, "I don't know..."

After test after test and when she was finally discharged from the hospital a few days later, she knew she felt someone else's presence watching her the second she walked off the hospital steps. Turning her gaze to look across the street from her, she saw him. His blonde hair, his pale skin, his handsome face, his brown eyes looking right at her. He seemed like he wanted to bolt right across the street to get to her, but he kept himself from doing so with all the willpower he had. He had made a promise to her, to Tao, to Sandra, and himself.

A truck driving past in between them broke her focus off him. He didn't make a move and allowed her to continue making her way down her side of the street. She had looked at him like he was a complete stranger.

The Miyoung who knew him, he knew now, she was gone. And deep down he hated he had to do everything in his power to keep it that way. It was the only way to keep her away from the wolf side of her universe. As long as he did that, Jinwoo wouldn't be able to find her. As long as he did that, she would be safe. Her safety was all he wanted, even if it meant she would never be able to know how he truly felt for her.


"Just pick one already, Marianne!" Marianne whined to herself. She held the black dress by the hanger and put it in front of her in the mirror. Groaning, she switched and put the white one that was in her other hand up to herself instead. Stomping her feet in annoyance, she whined again, "This isn't working! Why is this so hard?"

Marianne put both dresses down on her bed and put her hands on her hips, staring at both of them to decide which one she was going to wear. Why was this so complicated? She was only going out to dinner with Chanyeol, at least that's what his cousin Yixing told her they were going to be doing. It was only Chanyeol. Why should she be so nervous like this? It's only Chanyeol, she kept telling herself, it's only Yeolie.

"Okay. I'm going to settle this once and for all!" Marianne looked at both the dresses on her bed and raised her pointer finger, taking a deep breath. "Eenie meenie miney moe..."

Meanwhile, Chanyeol was with his brothers, Baekhyun and Chen. The second he told them he asked Marianne out for a date, they were ecstatic and insisted on helping him prepare for the date since Chanyeol did need the pointers. He had no idea what he was doing.

"All right, Yeol, this is what's going down tonight." Baekhyun helped put a light gray blazer on his giant brother. "You're taking the lady out for dinner. This means you must be formal, eat correctly, and do not beg other people for their food. You also have to pay for it. Dad will give you some money."

"How do I eat correctly?" Chanyeol asked curiously, looking at himself in the mirror.

"Well, apparently it's not throwing caution to the wind and diving your face onto the plate. I had to learn that the hard way." Chen sighed. "Use the chopsticks and spoon, or fork if you're going somewhere real fancy or foreign."

"Don't forget how to ask her how her day was!"

"But I see her every day. I just saw her earlier at her job before Yixing came and brought me here."

"Okay then don't ask her how her day was." Baekhyun then blew his hair out of his eyes in irritation. "If worst comes to worst, talk about the weather."

"Don't you ever let it come to that, brother." Chen put his hands on Chanyeol's shoulders in anxiousness.

"Are you sure I look okay?"

"Yeah, looks great. Now off you go." Baekhyun took Chanyeol's hand and brought him to the door. Chanyeol was wearing black jeans, black dress shoes, a white V-neck, and a light gray blazer. Even his hair was done, straightened, and trained over to the right side, revealing his forehead.

"My boy is all grown up." Suho looked up at his son. "I'm so proud of you."

"What about us?" Baekhyun gestured to Chen and himself.

"Meh, you two still have a long way to go."

"Figures," Baekhyun grumbled. "Come on, Chen, let's go drink out of the toilet."

"Here's a hundred dollars. You go show that girl a good time. Be respectful, don't stay out too late, and-"

"I think I got it, Dad."

"Okay. I'm just so happy you already found your one true mate. I can only hope you two will have much more time than your mother and I had." Suho quickly pushed away the memory. "Oh don't let me spoil the mood. Go on, have fun."

"Thanks, Dad. I will." Chanyeol put the money in his jean pocket and hurried out the door to walk to Marianne's house.

"I've missed that boy." Suho's blissful smile faded quickly when he went to go find his other children. "Baek and Chen! How many times do I have to tell you to stop drinking out of the toilet?!"

While on the way to Marianne, Chanyeol paused his merry steps when he spotted a florist shop. He remembered the drama he watched and the male lead buying the girl flowers to express his affection. He did want to do everything right, especially since this was his first try at anything like this. Pulling out some of the money Suho gave him, he went into the shop and bought Marianne a bouquet of red roses.

He smelled the roses as he hopped up the steps to Marianne's floor. He would've taken the elevator, but the excited yet nervous feeling in his gut had him going crazy, making going up the stairs the only way to burn it off. Once he made it to the right floor, he sniffed until he found that familiar vanilla scent. Since he was told he had to be formal, he knocked on Marianne's door and waited for her answer.

"You could just come in. You live here too, you know." He heard Marianne's voice call out to him from the other side of the closed door.

"I know. I just want to do everything right." He called back, unable to remove the smile he had on his face or the erratic beating of his heart.

"If you say so." Marianne opened the door, making Chanyeol's eyes widen and his jaw drop. There she was. She had chosen to wear a pink blush long-sleeved romper dress with rose gold sparkles around the waist. She wore matching rose gold heels that had the straps braiding over her feet and up around her ankles. Her mid-neck-length black hair was even curled with a baby pink barrette with rhinestones pinned at the side. She noticed his dumbfounded expression and looked at him in confusion, "What? Do I look okay?"

 All Chanyeol could think to do was close his mouth just to swallow a huge gulp and then let it fall open again. He had always thought she was the most beautiful girl he would ever see in his life. He just had no idea she could get even prettier. He was at a loss for words. He could stand here and admire her beauty the entire night.

"Are those for me?" Marianne noticed the bouquet of roses in his hand. Attempting to break out of his trance, he nodded his head and handed them to her.

"Oh...Yeah. I got them for you." He finally found words to say and looked down so he could hide the pink heading for his cheeks.

"Thank you." Marianne took the flowers and put them in a vase on her kitchen counter. He had gotten her flowers. This was a date. Now she could feel her heart beginning to pound. She was going on a date with Chanyeol. It was supposed to be only Chanyeol, but now it's 

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The big finale will be happening on Friday! It's my favorite part of the story so please look forward to it!


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⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hello Author diamondELF193!!

I hope you are doing well!! I think you know this already but just in case, I am commenting to let you know that I recommended this story of yours here>>

Have a star day!!

26 streak #2
Chapter 1: Marianne's life has taken a turn now that she has taken Yeolie under her wing. Excited to see their adventures!
Chapter 10: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author diamondELF193!!

I love this so much!! The way Tao came in!! I suspected that Sandra and Luhan were mates but maybe he was too stressed at the time to know..but does that mean that Sandra knows about them too?? She does not seem surprised by it all..but awwzz the puppy hybrids!! So cutes!!

Chapter 9: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author diamondELF193!!

What is the problem with Jinwoo?? He is such an , I hope he gets what is coming to him really soon!! Looking forward to Tao!!

749 streak #5
Chapter 10: That was such a sweet ending, I really enjoyed it! The pups are so adorable and the cafe was a great idea. I also love the fact that Tao is back and watching over everyone. Thank you for this journey Chanyeol and Miyoung.❤️

Merry Christmas (if you celebrate) and best wishes for the New Year!
Chapter 7: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author diamondELF193!!

Okay I had my suspicions and this confirms it all..but no!! Not Yeolie!! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy he is so cute!! Too cute!!

Chapter 1: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author diamondELF193!!

How cute..but I did not catch that her name is Marianne and not Miyoung..oops..not until it was mentioned..I have such a poopy brain..

⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author diamondELF193!!

This is so cute!! Looking forward to reading!!

749 streak #10
Chapter 9: Jinwoo is quite the troublemaker. Poor Chanyeol is so impressionable, which is what he was counting on. Now, Marianne just had the surprise of her life.

P.s. okay, the Sehun comment was just a passing thought. 😂 Maybe Luhan though, they are more than extreme with each other, and I want LuLu to be happy.