Silk Shirts


Chen is a vampire. He's been alive for hundreds of years playing up the dark, mysterious and handsome routine, and honestly, he's bored. Lay is a slave who's just as likely to end up beaten to death as he is to live past twenty-five. They have nothing in common, but maybe Chen can save Lay, and maybe Lay can save Chen in return. 


So this is the story that evolved out of Silk, which completely and utterly flopped (sorry again to any of you that were reading it.) Honestly I just think vampires are fun, and I think Chen makes a good vampire. I hope you enjoy it :)




ps: don't plagarize yadah yadah yadah


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Chapter 2: I'm very excited to read more about this and this interesting dynamic.
I wholeheartedly agree thatChen at that Halloween party makes the best vampire - like wow bite me DRACULA OPPARRR
I agree, Chen makes a really good vampire uwu
Dawne_S #3
Chapter 2: I can’t believe it! THANK YOU so much for updating!!
Yesss Chen take ya man home haha love it
I want to know more about Kyungsoo tho
Dawne_S #4
Chapter 1: Oh you really need to continue this please it’s so good
Michigangirl98 #5
Chapter 1: This is so good already! I love the way it's written and it's already interesting! Can't wait for more! ^-^
Chenchenlay #6
When will u update ?
Monster era Chenchen is screaming vampire ^^