Chapter 21 (My Best Friend Is Back)

Her Silence is Deafening

“T-taengoo?” Jessica yelped happily as she carefully removed herself from the bed. “What are you doing here?” She continued as she ran over to Taeyeon and leaped onto her for a hug.


“Woah there, did you miss me that much? Well Hyoyeon told me about her college paper she wrote and she said she came here.” Yuri watched Taeyeon carefully, and she had to admit the blonde was stunning but standing next to Jessica, she didn’t stand a chance. Yuri saw Jessica’s beauty radiating from her as she invited Taeyeon to enter the room. “She also told me she got the vibe you weren’t seeing Donghae anymore, at first I thought a vibe was somewhat a weird analogy to use but now I get it.” Taeyeon looked over at Yuri smiling brightly, she was confident and very intimidating. It was almost as if she was an older version of Jessica minus that height difference of course but that was when Yuri realized why they were such good friends.


“Hi, I’m sorry, how rude of me. I’m Kim Taeyeon, closest old friend of Jess here.” Taeyeon introduced herself to Yuri politely but it was hard for Yuri to fully understand the blonde, she was polite but in a confident way. It was confusing.


“Yuri.” She replied with a croaky voice.


“At first I thought you were in the hospital when your dad gave me the room number but that’s okay.” Taeyeon looked over at Jessica who had made her way to Yuri’s side, however still standing, it was a distance the tanned girl was not comfortable with.


“You spoke to my dad?” Jessica asked mildly surprised.


“Yeah. I came down for a couple days to see my parents, so I thought I’d come visit you. Except when I went to your house your dad answered the door and he seemed pretty pissed off. I mean more than usual. He told me I’d find you here and then he slammed the door in my face. Quite surprised about that part though considering the fact I’m his favorite among your friends.” Taeyeon’s mouth seemed to run faster than Yuri could keep up with, the perky blonde was bright and very bubbly but the subtle tone of uncouth behavior remained in the back of her personality, making it hard for Yuri to actually judge whether the blonde was rude or if she was just overpowering in conversation. When neither Yuri nor Jessica replied Taeyeon looked between the pair inquisitively.


“It’s a long story.” Jessica finally answered as she sat on the seat closest to Yuri, taking her hand in a comforting manner. Taeyeon remained standing with her arms crossed in front of her chest, it was the spitting image of Jessica but Yuri don’t say a word. In fact her eyes were stuck on Taeyeon, the blonde’s mannerisms were uncanny to Jessica’s, well what Jessica used to be.


“May I?” Taeyeon motioned towards an unoccupied chair and she too did not look away from Yuri, her dark and almost smoky brown eyes holding Yuri’s gaze. Nodding the brunette followed Taeyeon’s every move before she made herself comfortable on the chair and placing her handbag on the ground beside her.


“You look oddly familiar, have we met before?” Taeyeon asked breaking the chilly silence that sat in the air.


“Possibly.” Yuri murmured, she was beginning to think that she and Taeyeon had met but she couldn’t think where.


“So Jess,” Taeyeon began as she drew her attention away from the odd brunette and to the quiet Jessica. “How long have you been…” Taeyeon’s sentence drew out, it was curious to her that she had walked in on her beloved best friend kissing another girl, not that it bothered her it had just never occurred to her that it was a possibility with the way Jessica went on about Donghae.

Gay.Yuri finished the blonde’s sentence which caused both Taengsic to look at her. The more Yuri looked at Taeyeon the more she realized where she had met the confident blonde. “The word you’re looking for is gay.” Yuri felt herself becoming defensive, she felt stressed and overheated and she could feel her breathing change slightly.


“Yul.” Jessica murmured softly with a hint of embarrassment hiding in her tone.


“She’s friends with Kris.” Yuri interjected before either girl could say another word. She could remember very little of that night because it was a repressed memory but small snippets of Taeyeon at that party flew through Yuri’s mind.


“Well I’d hardly say friends. I went to a few parties of his, mainly to meet college guys and I haven’t seen him in months.” Taeyeon was oblivious to Yuri and Jessica’s internal realization but Jessica herself didn’t see the problem with her Taengoo knowing Kris. A lot of people were friends with him and it was bound to happen. “Oh my. I remember you! You were with all your little middle school friends at Kris’s big graduation party thing last year.” A thickness lay in the air as Jessica watched and waited for Yuri’s reaction, at first the blonde was expecting an outburst but the brunette merely lay in her bed as if remembering the whole experience.


“Are you okay?” Jessica asked before she could even register she was speaking. Yuri finally pulled her faze away from Taeyeon and looked deep into Jessica’s eyes, she realized in the moment no matter what happened at that party she couldn’t judge Taeyeon on it, Taeyeon seemed nice enough, a bit over confident but nice.


“What’s wrong with Kris exactly?” Taeyeon asked, her rude side gone and her curiosity burning through.

“It’s a long story.” Jessica mumbled towards the blonde. Taeyeon could sense Jessica’s displeasure on the topic but it was hard not knowing all the details, she was a nosey person. When silence was felt once again Yuri began feeling short of breath and at first she thought it was nothing but as the time passed she felt the struggle was too strong.


“Sica, can you pass me the oxygen mask?” Yuri asked through deep breaths and Jessica looked at her worriedly.


“Are you alright?” Jessica queried as she placed the mask over Yuri’s mouth, nodding softly in response Yuri took Jessica’s hand in attempt to calm herself down.


“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to stress you out Yuri.” Taeyeon apologized as the brunette took several deep breaths. Moments later Seohyun, Sunny and Tiffany made their way into the room before stopping at the new development in company.


“Taeyeon?” Sunny spoke first.


“Well hi there girls. I was just about to leave. I think that it’s not the right time for me to be here.” Taeyeon looked towards Jessica who was still helping Yuri with her breathing, when it had calmed down Jessica looked over to her best friend sadly.


“Taengoo~ You’re leaving? But….you just got here…” The disappointment obvious in her voice.


“She’s so cold and manages to talk like that? I’m going to puke.” Tiff chipped in. Seohyun digged her elbow in her ribs at the sudden comment. “Not the time Tiffany!”


“We’ll catch up some other time. I’m here for a few days.” Taeyeon grabbed her handbag and walked towards the door, stopping just in front of Seohyun. “I thought you’d be having a panic attack over missing school.” Taeyeon chuckled and Seohyun forced a laugh.


“Sica,” Yuri began as she tried to avoid the tension that grew between Seohyun and Taeyeon, she looked at her girlfriends and smiled, it was obvious that Taeyeon meant something special to the blonde and she wasn’t going to stand between them. “Go spend some time with her. I’ll be right here when you get back.”


“Are you sure?” Jessica questioned, she was sure Yuri needed her but the brunette could take care of herself but it had been a long time since she had seen Taeyeon and she wanted to spend some time with her and catch up.


“Yes go on, go have some fun.” Yuri d Jessica’s hand a final time before the blonde smiled cheerfully and leant in to give her a quick peck on the lips.

“I love you.” Jessica whispered in her ear before grabbing her phone and heading towards Taeyeon. The older blonde moved out her elbow for Jessica to link arms and before anyone else could speak the two girls left and closed the door behind them.


“Well jeez. The awkwardness in the room could not have been more uncomfortable.” Tiff stated as she replaced Jessica in her seat.


“Tell me about it.” Sunny murmured as she began drinking her new coffee.


“So what exactly was Taeyeon doing here anyway?” Seohyun watched Yuri curiously, it seemed that the brunette was struggling and though it seemed to an untrained eye it might have been her breathing but to Seohyun she could sense something was wrong.


“Your guess is as good as mine.” Yuri replied before taking the oxygen mask off but still keeping it in reach. “How does she know Taeyeon?


“Taeyeon? They’ve been together since like forever.” Tiffany also noticed Yuri’s displeasure about the older blonde. It seemed they had not necessarily disliked each other but they certainly didn’t take a liking to each other either.




“So! When were you gonna tell me about you being a lesbian?” Taeyeon spoke a little too loudly as she and Jessica made their way out of the hospital, they had made it less than ten feet out the door before the older blonde began bombarding Jessica with questions. “If I knew sooner I would’ve made you my target.” She continued on.


“Yah! That’s not funny! You don’t even go the other way around Tae!" Jessica said.


“Relax I was just messing around with you Jess. Or was I?” Taeyeon had that playful smirk on her lips.


“Back to your question! We weren’t exactly ready to tell everyone.” Jessica murmured as she followed Taeyeon to her car.


“I guess Donghae had different plans then.” Taeyeon’s tone was sarcastic and had humor behind it but Jessica didn’t feel it was right laughing not after what Yuri went through.


“You saw the videos then?” Jessica opened the car door and as Taeyeon opened hers she stopped and leant against the roof.


“Of course I have. Everyone around here has.” The blonde waved her hand around demonstrating her point and Jessica couldn’t help but notice people staring as they walked by. It was official then, everyone knew not that it bothered her, what bothered her was some of the looks she was getting, the hatred was terrible but among that there was sympathy. Rolling her eyes Jessica climbed into Taeyeon’s Mercedes benz and shut her door.


“I don’t think she likes me.” Taeyeon commented as she placed her keys into the ignition.


“Yuri has a lot going on, give her time, she’s the sweetest girl.” Jessica tried to stand up for her girlfriend but even she herself could sense that the brunette didn’t like her old friend.


“I thought I was the sweetest girl?” The older blonde nudged her friend and pulled out from her parking spot.


“Oh please Taengoo. Don’t kid yourself. You’re a Class A b*tch and you know it.” Jessica and Taeyeon broke out into laughter. For the first time in what felt like forever Jessica felt herself relax, she had been so tired and so emotionally exhausted that even thinking about sleeping was becoming an issue. "And besides who wouldn't like you. Taeyeon you're the best person someone could have. I'm very lucky."


“I'm very special then. So why was your dad so pissed off?” The older blonde asked as she drove through the main street of Lakewood.


“He kicked me out  because of my relationship with Yuri.”


“What? That seems a bit harsh, even for him. He doesn’t really seem like the dad that would care about you being a lesbian. I mean would he kick you out as well if we were in a relationship?” Taeyeon was confused about Sangwoo’s reaction. Sure he wouldn’t be over the moon but she was sure he wouldn’t go as far as kicking Jessica out.


“It would be different because it’s you Taeyeon. And it’s not really me being a…..lesbian….It’s more complicated than that.” Jessica thought of Kris as she spoke, it had been so long since she had even spoken to her brother let alone seen him.


“Then un-complicate it. Is this about Kris?” One thing about Taeyeon was is that she definitely was not a fool when it came to Jessica and her secrets. The older blonde was smart and very cunning. It took Jessica several minutes to answer, she wasn’t sure if she could even talk to Taeyeon about what happened.


“Yes….but it’s not my story….to tell.” Jessica didn’t look at Taeyeon but she could tell her friend was looking at her curiously and she had to admit the last time she had been with Taeyeon she would jump at the opportunity to gossip but now she found no interest in it.


Looking at Jessica, Taeyeon could tell that her beloved friend had changed and it seemed it was because of Yuri. Not that Taeyeon had a problem with it, in fact it seemed Jessica changed for the better.

“Alright. I won’t ask. Subject change! Tell me about this Yuri girl.” Taeyeon said brightly as she stopped her car outside The Elixr. Getting out of the car the girls made their way inside and waited in line to order a coffee.


“What do you want to know?” Jessica murmured as she felt the stares of everyone in the Elixr fall on her.


“How did you meet her? I don’t remember her being at school.” Taeyeon watched as a group of Lakewood High Saint jackets sat at a table not far from the pair and began talking and laughing at Jessica. The blonde herself tried to ignore them but it was proving to be difficult.


“She enrolled a few months ago.” Jessica ordered her and Taeyeon a coffee and moved out of the line and headed for their own table that they usually sit at. Following, the older blonde couldn’t help but continue to watch the boys.


“Hey Jessica.” One of them stood up and made Jessica turnaround. He looked familiar, greyish blonde hair, quite handsome. Baekhyun it was. “I know the cure.” He continued as Taeyeon reached her friend’s side.


“Cure to what?” Jessica was mildly confused and looked over at Taeyeon who kept her eyes on the significantly taller boy.


“It’s my d*ck.” The rest of the boys erupted with laughter and Taeyeon moved in front of the already upset Jessica. Jessica confused tried to stop Taeyeon by grabbing her shoulder.


“Tae-” Taeyeon shrugged her hand off. “I got this. Leave it to me.” She went towards the boy pointing her finger in front of the boy's face, catching his focus.


“Sweetie, I can assure you that even if she was remotely heterual, your d*ck or lack thereof, wouldn’t cure a thing, mainly because I’m pretty sure you have to have one to use it.” Taeyeon crossed her arms against her chest and watched as Baekhyun’s friends laugh at him. Taeyeon smirked in victory.


“Excuse me.” A voice came from behind Taeyeon and when she turned around she found Sungmin standing with his own arms crossed against his chest. “Shouldn’t you boys be at school?”


“So should she.” They stood and began defending themselves as Sungmin stood between them and the girls.


“I think it’s time for you boys to leave.” Sungmin pointed towards the door before the boys could make a rebuttal, they shrugged and left without saying another word. Sungmin turned to the rest of The Elixr who had been listening in on the conflict.

“If anyone else has a problem with Miss Jung being in my shop there’s a nice cafe down the road.” Sungmin waited for someone to stand but everyone merely looked between the pair and waited until the young man turned away.


“Are you okay?” Sungmin asked as he looked at Taeyeon and Jessica sympathetically. Smiling and nodding Jessica began missing Yuri.


“Lee Sungmin, the last time I saw you, you were teaching Lakewood High.” Taeyeon smiled her own trademark smile that Jessica knew all too well. Taeyeon looked at Sungmin up and down. Is she seriously checking him out? Jessica rolled her eyes. Flirtty as usual.


“Yes well I felt like I needed a change.” He laughed softly and motioned the girls to sit at a booth in the back corner.


“Thanks.” Jessica said before Sungmin walked away, Taeyeon made herself comfortable and waited for Jessica to sit down before talking again.


“Just ignore them. I’m accepting of your relationship so that’s all that matters.” Taeyeon joked, her smile lingering around her lips.


“Are you though? Are you really?” Jessica was questioning Taeyeon’s humor and it othered her slightly that her best friend was making such a joke about her relationship.


“I am Jess. Don’t be silly. I just didn’t expect it really. You were always about Donghae and trust me I know he’s a d*ck but I thought you really liked him.” Taeyeon had a valid point. Her friend had never shown the slightest interest in women.


“I liked the idea of him more than anything.” Jessica counter-proposed as the barista placed their coffees in front of them. Thanking him she looked back at Taeyeon who had her eyebrows raised in curiosity at Jessica’s politeness, usually she would straight out ignore the barista. “What?”


“Nothing. So go on then, tell me about Yuri. I want to know everything. Besides I’m positive you’ll have that ugly smile on your face as you’re talking about your Yuri am I right? I love seeing your smile Jessica. You look prettier.” Taeyeon was pushing Jessica to speak which was odd because usually the blonde was always talking.


“Well….we met in the hallway at school. I kind of barged into her and them made a big scene. You know she didn’t talk?” Jessica remembered the first day she and Yuri met, it was definitely an unforgettable experience for sure.


“Like to you?” Taeyeon asked, raising both her eyebrows in surprise.

“Like to anyone. For almost a year, the only reason we kept seeing each other was because we had a biology assignment together.” Jessica remembers fondly of the study she had with Yuri, the brunette was so smart and she didn’t even have to say a word to express that. Yuri and her studying in the kitchen was, to Jessica, one of the best times of her life and she sort of wished she could just go back to that simplicity.


“Really? So how did you get her talking then?” Taeyeon was becoming more interested in Jessica’s story and the blonde could sense it, it made her smile. 


“ night we were studying and Donghae came over, he tried to get it on, and I said no. But I guess Donghae has never been used to being told no. Yuri saved me but I yelled at her because she wouldn’t talk to me.” Jessica felt her rambling too much so she decided to fill with coffee instead of words. Taeyeon watched curiously as the blonde fell over her words, it seemed her friend had become very love-struck with this Yuri.


“You’re a very confusing girl Jung Sooyeon.” Taeyeon chuckled as she too drank her coffee and Jessica smiled sheepishly in return. “You really care for her then?”

“I really do.” The blonde’s words were the most confident they had been all day and it proved to Taeyeon once and for all that her beloved friend indeed fell for Kwon Yuri.



Here was a glimpse of Taengsic's Relationship. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Untill next time! :)

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)