Part 2

The seven times Sunyoung meets Qian

That evening, Sunyoung could only think of one thing: that she wanted to meet Song Qian as soon as possible. Sadly, her thoughts and fantasies got interrupted by a lot of drunk friends.

It turned out that whilst she had been dancing with Qian, the others had gone off to the bar. When Sunyoung returned towards the party, she noticed that her friends were almost the last people at the party. Obviously, most of the guests were fourty years old - or older - and couldn't bring up the energy to stay at a party until half past one at night. Some younger people had gathered themselves around Sunyoung's friends, but honestly, she wished they hadn't.
When she came back into the hall, she saw Amber and Sooyoung twerking; Kai and Taemin seemed to be both hitting on the same girl that had a lot away of the model that Amber had very big crush on, Krystal Jung; Tiffany was consoling a crying girl that defenitely didn't belong to their group; Henry was making photos of Amber and Seulgi was just laughing her off. Sunyoung's cheeks flared red again. Was she the only sober one? She might as well be.
She straight up walked in Siwon's direction, explaining the situation. He sighed and nodded, telling her that he had already noticed how loud they were. They decided to get them out of the building as soon as possible. It hadn't been their intention to stay this late anyway, and they'd get noticed soon.
With some of Siwon's pressure and a lot of whining, they eventually got them all out of the building. It was quite some work to get them out without them letting every pair of eyes in the room focus on them. Eventually, it all worked out. Siwon pushed them hastily out of the building, and they were back into the alley again. Sunyoung couldn't help but to look at the corner where Qian had dissapeared, secretly hoping she'd walk around it again, exclaiming that she had been waiting for her. It was a hopeless fantasy.
Sunyoung made her friends sit against the wall of the building. They were still loudly joking, almost shouting. Sunyoung cringed at the loud sounds. She managed to get the keys of the car from Amber, and directed Sooyoung to come with her as well. They were all hella drunk, but it was Sooyoung and Henry's car they had come with, and since she'd be driving Amber's, she thought it would be best for Sooyoung to drive her own.
Together they brought the cars back and parked them in front of the alley. It again took a few minutes to load in all of their friends, but eventually they were all set. Sunyoung could only hope that Sooyoung wouldn't get arrested for driving under influence, and that she was sober enough to bring Tiffany, Seulgi and Kai back home.

Half an hour later they arrived at Sunyoung's apartment. She had dropped Henry and Taemin off at home, but Amber's apartment was a little off the route, so she had decided that it would be okay if her friend slept at her place tonight. By now, her best friend knew her way around the apartment. Amber got herself a blanket and settled herself on the couch. It only took five minutes before Sunyoung heard loud snoring coming from her living room. She usually didn't mind it if Amber slept together with her in her bed, but today it was different. Maybe Amber had felt it right away, or she had been too drunk to even consider another option than the couch. Sunyoung needed some alone-time. Mostly to think about what had happened this evening. And most of all, what she was going to do with the Qian-situation. Obviously, she needed to make up some sort of plan, and defenitely sort out her feelings.
She spent the night wondering about Qian. Not only making up a plan, like she intended to, but also replaying the kiss in her head, and more than that. She felt the incredible desire to have Qian close again. Her mind seemed to have lost its track. Qian's soft hands and damp lips haunted her all night.

The fifth time Sunyoung saw her, they met again at school.
Sunyoung had given herself the rest of the weekend to come up with a plan. But all the had done, was marvel about Qian. She looked up interviews of her and marvelled about her beauty, trying to pick out the fake smiles from the real ones. Not just that, she had also started to follow the news on a daily basis, hoping to come across an interview of Qian. She didn't appear this weekend, but Sunyoung was sure that if she kept following the news, she'd see her. Of course, it was less good than seeing her in real life, but it was something.
At Sunday evening, she discovered that she hadn't made up a plan yet. She hadn't sorted out her feelings and she didn't know what she was going to say to her when they encountered each other at school again, and she became nervous. Very nervous, to be honest. Eventually, Sunday night was also spent fantasizing about Qian. Oh, she was such a hopeless romantic. Sunyoung just couldn't help it. That kiss was the best kiss she had ever had. Who would be able to stop thinking about that?

Monday morning came, and Sunyoung had decided to not make up a plan at all and just see how things would turn out. Maybe Qian wouldn't acknowledge her presence in class any way. Maybe she didn't even want to be seen with her. It'd hurt Sunyoung if she would have to do that, but she'd understand. The kiss would be a one time thing and she'd be able to set it out of her head. But she didn't want to, not just yet. She knew she was naïve to hope that Qian would actually be interested in her. That she'd come to sit next to her and hold her hand like she'd done at the party. Her soft fingers intertwined her hers... It was enough to make a girl go mad.
Or maybe, Sunyoung thought fretfully, she didn't like her at all. The kiss had indeed been a one time thing, just something to kill the spare time with. She didn't like Sunyoung at all. She'd might even make fun of her, point and laugh about her feelings. Did you think of me all weekend? How stupid. I didn't think of you at all.
That'd break Sunyoung's heart the most. She knew it couldn't be true, but she also couldn't help to think about it as well. Because what if it was true? And her poor little heart had been shaken, but Qian's had stayed cold and still? She tried not to imagine the laughter, but she couldn't help it.

She had fashion design and fashion history first before she had classical music class with Qian, so she had some time to prepare. Sadly, the always so boring classes went by in a rush, and the moment she'd encounter Qian again came closer and closer. She was fretful, nervous and not able to fuction properly. Her teacher had called her name three times before she replied, and even then Jinri - her friend who followed the same classes as she did - had to hit her arm to make her look up. The only thing on her mind was Qian, she just couldn't help it.

Eventually, it was time for her to go to her classical music class. Jinri left her. They had chosen the same classes, except classical music. At that time, Jinri went to photography class, and Sunyoung was left all alone. Amber neither took that class, despite wanting to be a music producer, so she was left all alone.
Every step she took seemed to bring her closer to hell. Her posture was stiff, it hurt her back how straight she kept her body. Her fingers digged into the fake brown leather of her bag. Sunyoung breathed with short, sharp breaths. She entered the classroom and immediately walked over to her own spot. It wasn't like they had assigned seats, but over the course of the year she had claimed that spot. Just like Qian had claimed her spot a few metres away to her left. She couldn't keep her eyes off it.
The seconds ticked away, and soon the classroom filled itself with other students. Sunyoung always had the tendency to be a few minutes early to class. Qian always seemed to come in right at the moment the class was about to begin. Sunyoung became more nervous and nervous. Someone took the spot to her right, and she looked down to her books.
Eventually the teacher, Mr. Choi, arrived and the class was about to start. Qian's spot was still empty and Sunyoung had already given up the hope for her to arrive. Maybe Qian didn't like her at all, and didn't want to be in the same class anymore because of her?
At last, the door swung open. Sunyoung jerked her head up, hoping to gaze in those perfect dark eyes again. But it was only another student, who quickly took the one of the last two seats left free in the classroom: the one on Sunyoung's right. Only Qian's seat was the only one that wasn't taken.
The clock hit half past eleven and their teacher started the lesson. Sunyoung gazed longingly to Qian's spot... Why wasn't she there?

Half an hour went by. After a quarter Sunyoung had admitted to herself that Qian probably didn't want to see her again, and that's why she cut class, so she decided to pay attention to her work instead. It had been stupid and naïve to marvel about a woman like Qian. Seven years older, a succesful politican and celebrity already. And Sunyoung was just Sunyoung. A fashion major that desperately wanted to start her own company. Where to get the money from? She didn't know yet. In fact, she didn't know anything yet. How would a girl like Qian fall for her? Such a plain and ordinary adolescent, not even a real adult yet. Too young and too immature to understand anything of the real adult world.
The class almost ended when the door opened. She heard the clicking of heels, but didn't look up from her work. It didn't matter, it was probably just another teacher.
"So, Miss Song, what made you realize that it wasn't weekend anymore, if I may ask?" 
Sunyoung frowned her eyebrows. She looked up to Mr. Choi, who stood with crossed arms and a grumpy expression in front of the class. The others were just working along, not minding him. But had he just said 'Miss Song'?
"I'm sorry, sir, I overslept."
Sunyoung's eyes widened. Her head jerked to the right, to the door. In the doorframe stood no one less than the girl she had kissed this weekend. Qian looked more amazing than ever. Sunyoung had thought that she couldn't get any more beautiful than she had looked at the party, with that tight black dress that had hugged her figure so perfectly. She had been wrong all along; the way Qian looked in casual clothes literally made her head spin. She wore a white blouse, that was tucked into light black, tight, fake leather pants and white converse underneath. The professional touch was given by her black blazer and her black hat. Her hair was ruffled a little bit, but nevertheless falling beautifully over her shoulders. To finish it up, there was a red blush on her pale cheeks, that idicated that she had been running. Sunyoung felt her heart beat faster than ever and the incredible desire to fling herself at Qian return.
Mr. Choi didn't seem to be so amazed by Qian. He huffed annoyedly.
"If you think that attending my classes for only five minutes will be enough, Miss Song, you are mistaken. Even though this is just a 'fun extra subject' for you, many of these students really do want to learn and we can't have it to have someone like you barging in at a random moment and disturbing my-"
"With all due respect, sir, but she apologized. She didn't mean to be late," Sunyoung blurted out. Two pairs of eyes were immediately fixed upon hers. She looked Mr. Choi in the eye and didn't look back when he squinted his and shot her a foul glare.
"I don't remember that I asked for your opinion, Miss Park," he said icily. Sunyoung swallowed.
"You didn't, sir, but I just don't think you treat her fairly. She rushes all the way over here to apologize."
Mr. Choi gazed harshly at her, clearly loathing the fact that she called him out on his behaviour in front of the class like that. In the mean time, some of the other students had raised their heards to listen. Qian still stood in the opening of the door. Sunyoung let herself peek a glance once. Qian's eyes sparkled, her smile was broad.
"Back to your work," Mr. Choi snapped, causing Sunyoung to startle. She blinked a few times with her eyes, and decided that it was better to not say anything at all anymore. She bowed back over her notebook and took her pencil. But she didn't write anything down, she kept listening.
"Well, Miss Song, seems like you have enough fans among the students to have your back," Mr. Choi went on. "But don't expect me to tolerate this a second time. Next week, you'll be on time." 
"Of course, sir," came Qian's reply.
Mr. Choi sighed audibly and rubbed his temples.
"I think we're done for today. Y'all can pack your bags," he said. Immediately the silence that had conquored the classroom was taken by shuffling of feet, the ruffling of bags, the opening of zippers and the closing of books. Sunyoung threw everything immediately in her bag, not even caring if all her pencils spilled right out of their case. She didn't even bother to close her bag when she ran out of the classroom. Once in the corridor, she looked from left to right, trying to guess in which way Qian had gone. She hadn't seen her as soon as everyone stood up, and she couldn't find her now.
Suddenly, she felt a soft hand upon her lower arm, a body pressed upon hers from behind.
"Looking for me?" she heard in her ear. Goosebumps appeared all over her body and a shiver ran down her spine. Sunyoung spinned around, to immediately look up into Qian's still sparkling black eyes. Her shy smile was covering her face again, making Sunyoung's insides weak.
"Of course not," Sunyoung said. Qian chuckled softly.
"Then you probably don't care to come with me?"
"To where?"
 she asked.
"Would you care?" Qian asked.
Sunyoung shook her head. Of course not.

They ended up in the janitor's cabinet with the door closed, and Sunyoung pressed up against a wall. Qian's lips all over her body. Her center wet.

The sixth time Sunyoung saw her, they were on a date.

After their little cabinet-accident - where too many moans had been spilled - they decided that they shouldn't rush into things like that. It was actually Sunyoung who came up with the idea. It wasn't like she wasn't in for some dirty secret exciting , but she also wanted to get to know Qian better. Even though they had basically spilled their entire life story to each other at the party already and it felt like she had known Qian for all her life already, she still wanted to talk with her. She wanted to know everything that kept her occupied at night. How her day was. If she missed her. She surely missed Qian. By now, she had accepted that she had fallen completely for Song Qian, and that she was actually interested in dating her.
Qian had wanted to plan their date and Sunyoung had let her. She probably had more experience with dating - which made her feel more comfertable, but also a lot more pressured to do well - so she'd probably know how to set up a date. Sunyoung would've probably taken her on a boring, hackneyed date anyway, like going to a movie and take her to a fastfood restaurant afterwards. Really romantic.
Qian had assured her that coming in a dress wasn't necessary. Instead, she had asked for casual wear, and since it'd be a bit cold where they'd go she had to dress up warmly. Sunyoung had frowned her eyebrows at that. It was mid-summer with an average temperature of 28 degrees every day, and at night it didn't drop much below 20 degrees, so how cold could it be?
Being the stubborn girl she was she had decided to wear a high waisted denim skirt, with a white crop top. She had especially chosen a pair of nice heels, so she wouldn't be so much shorter than Qian anymore. Even if she wore heels, she was only a few centimetres taller than Qian. It had been one of the biggest mistakes she ever made, probably. Because , it indeed had been cold on their first date.

"I told you to dress up warmly!" Qian had complained when she first saw her. Sunyoung had wrapped her arms around her body and bit hard down upon her teeth, trying to keep them making noise. Okay, she might be a bit underdressed, but she sure as hell wasn't going to admit that to Qian.
"Well how was I gonna know that you took me to a star observation post instead of a cozy restaurant," she replied back. Qian laughed, and shook her head. She took off her jacket, and hung it over Sunyoung's shoulders. She widened her eyes in horror.
"But now you're cold!" she blurted out.
"Well, unlike you, I did listen to my advise and dressed warmly," she said, whilst pointing to her thick black sweater. "You can wear my jacket for the night since you obviously seemed to think that we were going clubbing."
Sunyoung looked down to her clothes.
"Is it that revealing...?" she sighed. Qian took her hand and let their fingers intertwine.
"Enough to keep me warm," she joked. Sunyoung looked up, cheeks flared red. She burst out in nervous giggles; she hadn't exactly forgotten the janitor's cabinet.
"Yah.." she said softly. Qian was chuckling, obviously amused. Softly, she hit Qian's arm, who just let her. But she didn't give her back her jacket, though, because it did help against the cold. The sleeves were a bit too long, but besides that it fit perfectly. And it smelled of Qian, which was another plus. Her delicious scent clung to it like Sunyoung now clung to her. Qian had wrapped her arm around her shoulder. Their steps matched, so their bodies swayed from left to right at exactly the same time.

They had gone to a large star observatorium. Qian had told her that she knew someone who worked there, and could allow them entrance at night, while all the other visitors and employees were gone already. There was a big hall, that was the main attraction of the building, that showed an enlarged view from the best telescope in Korea. Not only would there be an open ceiling, so that the visitors could view at the stars themselves, but also see the enlarged view on the screen. You could zoom in all the way to the planets if you wanted to, together with a small panel that controlled the telescope.
It had been dark and almost scary in the empty building. The model solar systems were shut off, causing the balls to give off creepy shadows on the floor. Even though it was dark, and Qian's friend hadn't bothered to turn on the light, Qian didn't seem to be bothered by it. She seemed to know the way without having to look, and walked with confidence.
"When I was a child, I used to sneak in here all the time at night," Qian said after a while. "They once caught me, but since a little girl wasn't a treat, and probably because they were quite flattered that children liked the museum too, they let me come here at night to be alone. It became my second home, I think. The employees all knew me, and often gave me food. They left the door open for me so I could get in. I knew every crook and hide out in this place. If I didn't want to be found, they wouldn't find me."
Qian smiled sadly and Sunyoung pinched her head to reassure her.
"I'm glad you took me here," she said softly. This place obviously meant a lot to her. Qian's smile cheered up a little bit. She brought their hands to her face and pressed a kiss upon the rug of Sunyoung's hand.
"Me too."
For the rest of the night, they cuddled up underneath the stars. Qian had brought a bunch of pillows and blankets and had installed them all on the floor, so some sort of bed was created. They laid down in each other's arms and gazed up. Qian would tell her about the planets, switching with the telescope from one planet to the other in order to match her stories, and Sunyoung would slowly fall asleep.
Honestly it was the best date ever.

At half past two at night, they had left the museum because Sunyoung honestly couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. Qian didn't blame her and had called it a day too. Sunyoung had occasionally fallen asleep and woken up on Qian's arm for the last half an hour. She barely noticed it when Qian's hands scooped her up from the ground and lifted her up. Sunyoung just wrapped her arms around her neck and pressed her face into the crook of Qian's neck and shoulder, breathing in her delicious scent. The blanket that was still draped over her body and Qian's jacket kept her warm.
Sunyoung had fallen asleep on the way back in Qian's car. The humping and bumping of the car made her even more sleepy.

They eventually arrived at Qian's house, even though that couldn't pierce through Sunyoung's heavy layer of sleep that was clouding her mind at that moment, she barely knew what was happening. Qian scooped her up again. Sunyoung was just awake enough to admire how strong she actually was - she must work out a lot - and how big the house was. She yawned, guessing it was stupid of her to expect a plain, tiny apartment, like she herself lived in. Sunyoung guessed she had to be put down when they reached the door, but Qian simply pressed the doorbell. It only took a few moments before a light to snap on in the hall, and a sleepy employee to open up the door. Sunyoung couldn't exactly make out, because her eyes had almost closed again, but she seemed to be late in her fourties, maybe begin fifties. Her black hair, pulled into a loose bun where several strands of hair had fallen out of, showed signs of grey hairs around the temples already.
"Miss Song, we thought that you said you'd stay out tonight?"
"Plans changed,"
 Qian chuckled. The woman simply nodded and opened the door, so Qian could walk in. Sunyoung closed her eyes against the bright light of the hall.
"Can I be any use to you, ma'am?"
"No, no, Sook-Hee, please go back to bed. I am sorry for having waken you up."

Qian started to walk again, and she heard the door close behind them. Heels and slippers sounded on the white marble floor.
"Good night, Miss."
"Good night to you too. Sleep well."

Sunyoung tightened her grip around Qian's shoulders, hoping to ease a little bit of her weight off of her arms.
"You should just let me walk, I'm too heavy for you," she mumbled softly. Qian's shoulder shocked when she laughted softly.
"I don't think you're able to stand," she replied.
Sunyoung opened her eyes again a little bit, noticing they moved up the stairs by now. For a moment, she was wondering if Qian thought that they were getting to the last base tonight, like they had done in the janitor's cabinet. But she immediately threw that thought away. Qian wouldn't touch her if she didn't want to.
Rather sooner than later her back met the soft blankets and pillows of Qian's bed. At least, she assumed it was her bed, because the room was dark and she could only vaguely see Qian's face, close to hers. She bowed down to kiss her, and Sunyoung kissed back.
"Well, this sure was an impressing first date," she said.
"Oh really? You have slept through most of it!" Qian chuckled.
"Isn't that a good thing? I trust you enough that I can already fall asleep against your shoulder," Sunyoung replied, smiling.
"We have met each other trice."
"I know. Weird, right?"
"I don't think so, it feels only natural,"
 Qian answered. Sunyoung smiled and nodded. Qian moved away from her. She heard her feet on the floor. A moment later, the curtains that had been covering the window were opened, so the moon light lightened the room. Sunyoung could now see her figure clearly and admired it once more.
"Do you want to stay here tonight?" Qian asked. "I could take you home too, if you want to."
"I think I'm good here,"
 Sunyoung said. She turned, and nuzzled her face into the softness of the pillow sea that was spread out over Qian's bed.
"You don't mind me sleeping with you?"
"I want you to."
"Your a sap, Sunyoung,"
 Qian laughed. Sunyoung chuckled too, but she meant it. She really wanted Qian to lay beside her. Her mind had wondered a thousand times how it feel to cuddle up against her. She'd be the little spoon, Qian the big one. Her arm would hug her tighter against her body and their fingers would intertwine. Sunyoung usually couldn't bear it when someone breathed down her neck, but she found herself that she wouldn't mind it much if it was Qian.
"Mind if I undress?" Qian said, whilst turning around. Without waiting for Sunyoung's approval, she took her sweater off with a swift movement. Sunyoung watched her do it, and couldn't help to hold her breath when she saw her exposed skin, lighted so beautifully by the moon. Qian wore a black bra, and Sunyoung couldn't picture her in anything else, it just seemed right. Her pants had sank a little from her hips, causing the rim of her underwear to be visible. It was black too.
"I practically already saw you , so," Sunyoung replied. Qian looked over her shoulder and laughed.
"Not only sappy but cheesy too," she laughed. "You should undress too."
"And you call me cheesy? You're asking me to undress for you, Qian,"
 Sunyoung laughed. Qian was fumbling with her fingers at the button of her jeans. Sunyoung heard her chuckle.
"My korean sometimes fails me, I didn't mean it like that," she said, apologetically. Sunyoung chuckled.
"I know you didn't, I'm just messing with you."
Sunyoung got up from the bed - and stretched her body. She wanted to take off her own crop top but stopped half way when she saw Qian's jeans fall on the ground. She gulped, staring at her perfect body. Her underwear turned out to be a thong, something she defenitely hadn't expected from Qian. Her jaw dropped a little bit. Sunyoung had always thought that cartoons were overly excentric when the drawers let jaws of their figures drop all the way to the ground when they saw something that excited them, but she felt exactly the same way now.
Sunyoung only noticed that Qian had turned around when she heard her chuckle. She quickly tried to look up, back into her eyes, but instead her eyes got stuck at her s. The bra she wore was almost see-through, except for the part where her would be. Or maybe it was see through her her was just dark underneath the black fabric...
Sunyoung gulped.
"What's wrong, Sunyoung? Are you still going to undress or what? Or are you not tired anymore?" Qian asked. Her eyes were glinstering, and her tone was far from innocent. Sunyoung closed , which had become very dry. Luckily the darkness was hiding her dark red cheeks.
"Oh, you sneaky, cunning-" she started. Qian started to grin and take small steps in her direction. Her feet made sticky sounds on the laminate floor.
"-tall, mean-"

By now, Qian had reached her. When she placed her hands on Sunyoung's hips, they seemed to burn. And so did her center.
"-y, annoying-.. Ugh, just me," Sunyoung breathed. Her hand shot towards Qian's neck and she pulled her closer with desire and strength that she didn't know she posessed. She felt Qian smile against her lips when they kissed. Stupid, desperate hormones, Sunyoung thought, when their tongues met. Why did she had to feel this way?

Well, Sunyoung hadn't exactly been wrong with the cuddling, only it took a little while longer before they actually started cuddling.

The next morning, Sunyoung woke up in a warm bed, with the sheets pulled up 'till her waist. At first, when she opened her eyes, she couldn't exactly remember where she was. She let her eyes wander around the room, taking everything in. The sun cast its weak morning sunrays through the window, enlighting the room. The walls were white, there was not a single spot on it to be seen. They were clearly at the upper level of the house, because the roof started to run diagonally a little above her head. She could see the beams that supported it, painted white, too. Now that she got a better look of the room, she noticed that the what she had thought to be windows last night, turned out to be doors towards a small balcony. Not too far to the right from the doors was a huge bookcase with probably more than trice the ammount of books Sunyoung had ever read, and there were even more spread across the room. There was a desk, equally white, that held a space grey iMac. Everything was tidied neatly. Pencils in the pencil case. Papers on one stack. School books on the right.
Only when she read 'economics' off the back and she felt the slow, steady breathing in her neck, she remembered. Her cheeks immediately coloured when she remembered everything what had happened last night. She became painfully aware that she was still under the covers, and that Qian was too; she felt the tips of her s against her back, her body pressing against hers and her arm was draped over her body. Not only that.. she was sore. When she moved her legs, she felt her muscles complain. Her inner thighs were sensitive too. Her back hurt.
Sunyoung took a deep breath and tried to steady herself, but her mind was occupied with everything they had done last night. She honestly couldn't believe that she had admitted herself to do all of that. had never been as lively, as intense, as it had been with Qian. And even though she would be very much ashamed if anyone else got to know what they had done, she really wanted to do it again.
She turned around in Qian's arms, so she could look at her face. Sunyoung couldn't help to smile when she saw her look so peacefully. It was almost hypnoticing. Her face was completely relaxed. The frown that was often displayed on her face - especially during class and during interviews - had completely worn off, making her look a lot younger and more innocent - because after tonight, she had found out that Song Qian wasn't innocent at all. There were smudges of black make-up on her face, because she hadn't been able to wash it off last night, but she still looked more pure and natural than any person had ever looked to her. Her full lips were slightly parted. Sunyoung noticed that her foundation had worn off a little bit, causing her actual skin tone to become visible. It was a lot darker than she revealed on TV. It had a slight tan, which was actually way more attractive than the paleness.

Sunyoung kept looking at her a few moments more, marvelling how a person could ever look so beautiful. Eventually, she grew impatient. She didn't know how late it was, and if Qian usually slept in or not, but she realized that she actually didn't care much for that. Sunyoung brought up her arm from under the sheets and grabbed Qian's hand, letting their fingers intertwine once more. Her thumb rubbed over the back of her hand to wake her up slowly. But Qian kept on sleeping, slowly and steadily breathing in through her nose and exhaling through .
Sunyoung let Qian's hand go again, and now started to trace her finger up and down her beared arm, that laid just above the covers. She kept doing that for a few times, until Qian finally shifted from her position, though still with her eyes closed.
"You're bored, aren't you?" Qian suddenly asked, which made Sunyoung pull back her hand quickly in surprisement. Qian started to chuckle and slowly open her eyes. Only a little bit, because the light in the room was still too bright for her eyes. It gaze her this cute sleepy look that Sunyoung just adored.
"Well, you kept on sleeping, so.." Sunyoung muttered in response, which made Qian chuckle again. She shifted her body a bit, so she could place her arm underneath her pillow. Her eyes sparkled. Again. And Sunyoung was mesmerized. Again.
"Good morning, Sunyoung," Qian said, before bowing down to sweetly peck her lips. Sunyoung smiled after they broke up the kiss.
"Good morning, Qian," she replied. She could swear that the corners of Qian's mouth twitch up even more. It felt weird to say the name. For almost her whole life, she had referred to her as Victoria or, more often, Victoria Song. Always formal, always respectful. Even when she was trash talking about her to Amber she used a respectful way of speaking. As soon as Qian told her her real name, she adressed her in her head as Qian. Oh gosh, how many times did she picture herself calling out Qian's name in her fantasies? Too many times, of course. Yesterday she hadn't thought about that, even though she did recall Qian moan out her name when she came... So this was the first time she actually said it. It felt liberating, somehow. She guessed only few people nowadays knew her real name, and it made her feel special that she was able to say it. And that she was able to say it after waking up in the morning.
"Did you sleep well?" Qian asked. Sunyoung nodded.
"Although, I think I am a bit sore though," she admitted, laughing. Qian widened her eyes in shock, and quickly placed her hand in front of her face to hide her big grin and her flared cheeks.
"You aren't sore?" Sunyoung asked. Qian turned to her belly and hid her face in her pillows.
"Maybe you have to work out more, I my muscles are fine," Sunyoung heard in a muffled voice.
"Oh, so maybe we have to do it more often, then I won't be sore anymore," she oppered. Qian looked up from her pillow and shook her head, laughing.
"You're too much," she managed to get out, in between her laughs. "I have to admit that I feel your hickeys though. They're all over my body. Do you know how hard those are to cover up with make-up?"
Sunyoung thought for a moment, then grinned smugly.
"I do, that's why I did it," she laughed. Qian gave her a soft push and made a whiny sound. Sunyoung laughed. She placed her hand over Qian's. Immediately, the older woman took hers, holding it loosely. She let out a deep breath and smiled at her. Sunyoung smiled back. For a moment, all they did was look at each other, admiring each other's beauty.
"Do you want some breakfast? You must be hungry," she said.
"Yeah, because I used all my energy last night," Sunyoung joked, which ended up in another push of Qian.
"You're unbelievable!" Qian laughed. Sunyoung chuckled. Normally she wasn't that dirty minded, but Amber had infected her with her erted humour. She even called her 'byuntae' once and then. Maybe she really was, but hadn't realized until she had gotten very smitten with Qian.
"Well, breakfast it is then. Want my burnt scrambled eggs or shall I call someone to make it for you?" she asked. Qian pushed herself up into a sitting position, causing her entire chest to be uncovered. Sunyoung widened her eyes a little bit. Clearly, the older woman didn't have any trouble with showing off her body. It was one thing to get with each other when it was dark and they were both really turnt on, but it was another to domestically get up, acting like it was all normal. Sure, Sunyoung had grown up with her twin sister, and they had seen each other many times, but a sister was way different than another woman, whom she had only started talking to a few days ago.
Qian stood up from the bed, which made her whole figure visible. Sunyoung's cheeks reddened, but she couldn't take her eyes off her. Qian walked over towards the center of the room and bowed down to grasp something. With shame, she realized that it was her lingerie.
"I know you're staring at my , Sunyoung," Qian said,"-I didn't know you were that dirty minded."
Sunyoung quickly looked away, even though Qian could impossibly see her face.
"Well you give me a reason to be dirty minded," she said, in an attempt to cover herself. "You just walk around like that."
Qian looked over her shoulder and laughed. Sunyoung sighed and threw her pillow towards Qian. She dodged it like it was nothing, which wasn't hard because she had thrown it way out of course. Qian throwed back the pillow and her lingerie as well, which Sunyoung thankfully catched. Because she had focussed on the lingerie, the pillow hit her right in the face. Qian chuckled. Sunyoung huffed and rolled her eyes.
Qian walked over to her closet and got out a fresh pair of undies and lingerie. Instead of the thong and y see-through bra of last night, she took out a simple sports bra and , nothing too serious. Sunyoung also got up from the bed and got dressed. It was embarassing to seek for her clothes, because they were sprawled over the floor in a way that only meant . Her skirt was thrown almost all across the room and it took her at least five minutes to find her tank top. It was almost as if Qian had made a sport out of it to throw them as far away as possible.
Qian was already completely dressed up and waited for her to be ready too. In the mean time, she kept running with her hand through her hair, trying to smoothe it. Eventually, she just put it up in a high ponytail. Qian with a ponytail might the 8th wonder of the world. She took her phone and carelessly scrolled through the unopened mails and messages.
Sunyoung also quickly smoothened her hair. Last night's activities had left their impression on her hair, and she probably looked like a grizzly bear which just woke up.

Suddenly, Qian's face changed. She frowned deeply, staring at the screen of her phone, furiously scrolling down. Sunyoung at first didn't mind it, since there were quite a few shocking articles nowadays. Another bomb attack here, a cop shoots a person of the black community in America again, so logically Qian is impressed by that. She kept smoothing her hair, streaking the creases out of her clothes to look at least somewhat presentable.
But when she gasped, and placed her hand in front of , looking almost like she was about to burst into tears, Sunyoung came to stand by her side, rubbing her arms to calm her down a bit.
"Hey, what's up? We can also get some breakfast at a diner. Then I don't have to eat your dirty eggs and we can let your housekeeper sleep. She deserved that after we woke her up yesterday and-"
"Sunyoung, we can't go out for dinner.."
 Qian breathed, behind . Sunyoung frowned her eyebrows questioningly in return.
"I can pay, you know, it's not like I don't have enough money to-"
"No, not because of that..." Qian said. She scrolled upwards on her phone and handed it over to me. Qian immediately let her head fall into her hands, her shoulders shocking. My eyes grew wide when I read the article.


Sunyoung wasn't able to breathe anymore, and not because she just discovered that Qian had wanted to take a run for president for the upcoming selection. Her heart stopped when she scrolled down and saw the photos...
"T-they caught us on camera," she muttered in disbelief. "How did they do that?"
Her eyes were glued to the screen. They were clearly visible. The first set of photos showed how Qian got out of her car and lifted Sunyoung up from the driver's seat, carrying her inside, but those weren't the worst kind. When you passed those photos, there came the pictures. They were a lot darker, but their bodies were clearly visible, and on one shot Qian's face was sharp enough to make out. Sunyoung couldn't even read the article, and didn't need to. She tossed the phone back into Qian's lap, who had stayed quiet the whole time. Her hands shook, her whole body shook, when she turned around to gaze at the balcony... The photos had been taken from there.
Suddenly, she felt a very big disgust for the person who had spied on them. How sick did you have to be to follow two adults home and photograph them during an intimate moment? She couldn't wrap her mind around it that someone wanted to do this as their job. It was literally disgusting. She felt her stomach turn at the thought of it.
Sunyoung's breathing became suddenly very fast when she realized what she had done, what these photos had caused. Of course, no one minded the petty girl who laid with Qian in her bed. Her face wasn't even captured once, only her back and her bottoms. This wouldn't make a difference for her because no one would recognize her. Only people who maybe knew her really well, like her sister and parents, maybe Amber too, but even then they'd have a hard time thinking about it. She could always deny it.
Sunyoung was safe from all the drama, but Qian will be attacked by social media. Things like these only take a few hours to leak out. People on school will know that Qian had slept with a girl. People outside of school will know. The whole country will know that the beloved Victoria Song isn't the perfect person she claims to be. Her political career might as well be over. There is no way the Korean citizens are going to let her run for president now. The LGBT community isn't as well accepted here as it is in Europe or The United States, and homophobism is still too much embedded into people's systems for them to accept Qian yet in a big leading function. Oh dear God, she thought. I have just ruined Qian's career...
She placed her hand in front of and bit hard down on her lower lip to prevend herself from making a sound.
"A-are they still out there?" she asked shakily. Qian lifted her head from her hands, and Sunyoung had to look away, afraid if there were tears spilled over her cheeks. She wouldn't be able to handle Qian crying.
"They are always out there," she heard Qian say bitterly. Sunyoung shook her head.
"It was a mistake to come here, I'm sorry," she said. It was sincere, but she couldn't imagine that it made Qian feel better, let alone herself. She felt like a wreck. She almost couldn't imagine that she had felt so happy a few moments before.
"It wasn't your mistake, I should've known," Qian answered, shaking her head. The chair abraded over the floor when Qian stood up from it. Sunyoung still wouldn't look at her, afraid to see the gaze in her eyes. Qian caught her hand, let her thumb turn reassuring circles over the back of her hand. But a slap in the face would have hurt less. Sunyoung took her hand away.
"I like you, Qian, but..." she sighed.
"But what?" the taller woman asked, her voice dropping lower. Sunyoung ran with her hand through her tangled hair, still not looking at her.
"But I don't want to be the one who is responsible for ruining your career," she blurted out. Qian grew silent. She took Sunyoung's hand again, but only held it loosely. She was thinking, and Sunyoung couldn't look up.
"You know that I can live happily without being president, right?" she eventually said.
"Why give up your dream for a girl you just met?" Sunyoung forced out of , with a bitter undertone that she had tried to muffle away. This time, she looked up. "I don't think this is going to work."

The seventh time Sunyoung met her, years had gone by and she had almost stopped thinking about her.

Maybe it had been a mistake to cut Qian off, but Sunyoung couldn't say she regret doing it. It was for the best, she told herself, and it really was, to be honest. If they had stayed together - and their feelings might've developped into a real relationship - then Qian's career would be over. She'd really have to come out as a lesbian to the media, and that would do her no good, Sunyoung had decided. Plus, it would be easier for all of them if it just didn't happen. Qian's busy scedules, Sunyoung's dreams to begin her own fashion label, their age difference. It was all for the better. But that didn't mean she didn't think about Qian anymore. For a while, all she could think of was the older woman. The softness of her hands, her face, the way the corners of twitched up when she made a joke, the way her hips swung when she walked, the sometimes grammatical errors in her speech and writing that idicated that she was originally Chinese. Her head was clouded by Qian every night again, so much that she could barely sleep. And oh, how horrible did she feel back then. She didn't want to do anything rather than call Qian up and apologize for everything that she had said, that she wouldn't want anything rather than to be with her.
She never did, though. There was some sort of feelings of regret. Sunyoung often fantasized how it could have been if she would've just staid. But every time, she came to the realization that their break up was for the better. It wasn't like they had actually dated, or something.

From the moment Sunyoung cut Qian off, the two didn't interact anymore. Not at school, not outside of school, not over their phones, nothing. In the first few weeks Sunyoung caught Qian stealing glimpses of her in class, and she caught herself doing the same. But after a while even that fainted. It was like they had become strangers all over again. It hurt, but Sunyoung pushed through it until the moment where she didn't care anymore who Qian was looking at.

The rumor of Qian sleeping with a woman was eventually cleared up. Her father and Qian had both said in several interviews that it was a misinterprenation of the photos, and that she was sleeping with a friend of hers - a.k.a Sunyoung. Luckily the audience immeidately chose Qian's side instead of the journalist's, who kept saying he had heard . People rallied up with Qian and defended her. Eventually, she even got a boyfriend. Or well, "boyfriend". Some actor she met at some festival that Sunyoung couldn't remember the name of. He had a handsome face, but that was basically all he had. They held hands, kissed each other's cheek in public and laughed. But Sunyoung didn't see the sparkles in Qian's eyes when she looked at him. She only held his hands for a few moments, whilst Qian had held her hand for hours on their first - and only - date. She often shifted away from his touch, whilst she had leaned into Sunyoung's...
Maybe the photographs were just taked from a bad angle, but she doubted so. She knew from the start that the relationship was a set up, especially when they eventually 'broke up' because he had been cheating.

Sunyoung had thought her plan to have worked. Qian's populairity began to rise again. But right before the elections started Qian did something so incredibly stupid that Sunyoung might've walked up to her and slapped her herself.


She swore that she could have literally killed Qian herself. But this was one year after they broke up, and she wasn't in the position anymore to talk to her, so she didn't, and just watched what happened. Though, the feeling that they could have been together never really left.
Qian became an icon for the LGBTAQ community in Korea. She suddenly became famous for more than just politics. She donated a quarter from her earnings every year to the people who helped to foster the LGBTAQ kids who were kicked out of their homes because of their uality and/or gender. She attended several pers conferences and exclaimed that she wanted to be make a difference for this country. Qian slowly became the spokes person in Korea for LGBTAQ like Ellen DeGeneres had been in The United States.
And surprisingly, the Korean citizens did accept her. Well, in some sort of way, at least. Qian never became president, though. In fact, when she joined the elections to originally replace her father, she only got two percent of the votes. Her father's party was dragged down from the top, and other parties started a coalition to form a new government. It was an embarassment and Sunyoung had felt a lot of worry for Qian whilst following the elections. She had never liked politics much, but she found herself watching every debate Qian was in. When she looked into the camera, it was almost as if she looked at her again. Her eyes sparkled.
In the following years, Qian's party was still mainly cirtized by electing a female biual as their leader, but at the same time also praised. More young, open-minded people started to vote for them, and Qian's father got his power back. Qian herself still didn't get a lot of votes in the election, probably mainly due to her young age. A lot of people frown upon a young girl as president, let alone a biual one. By now, Qian had admitted to the media that she would never become president, but that she kept enjoying politics anyway.

Years strook by. Qian graduated from the university, again. Two years later, Sunyoung did as well. Amber followed soon after. All the friends she had made did. They went their own ways.
Amber was accepted into SM Entertainment to become a song writer, video editor, music writer, manager, whatever. Sunyoung was told that her job consisted a lot of creative parts that were all blended together. Once in a while they spoke, but Amber was often too busy.
Sunyoung was busy too, although she had some trouble. With the money she had saved from her part time job she was able to start her own store. In the mean time, whilst starting up, she also started to bring out her own clothing line. At first just a few shirts. Then jeans. Eventually accessoiries too and other garments. People loved them and Sunyoung's store, called 'Luna', started to become more and more populair. Sunyoung was able to hire a lot of people and open a second, and even a third, store before officially beginning her own line. It was still small, but she became already known in Seoul. After a few years of saving money, she spread her line to other cities, such as Busan, Incheon, Daegu, Ulsan and Suwon.

Sunyoung became older, and with age, she also got a lot of other things. She was in a long term relationship with her childhood best friend Ji-Hyun, and they had married three years ago, when Sunyoung had turned twenty-seven. Even though she already knew him for her whole life, it still felt new. She wasn't able to think of kids, even though she was already thirty. She'd have to get them soon, or not at all. Ji-Hyun kept pushing, and Sunyoung kept burying herself into loads of work as an excuse to not have any. New designs, new promotions, money, money and more money. She told herself that she was in love with him, but she knew that she didn't feel the same way around Ji-Hyun as she had felt around Qian.
Not only did Sunyoung get a husband, Qian dated men on and off as well, although she wasn't married like Sunyoung yet. She was in a relationship with some singer at the moment. The couple had recently done a shoot together which included a lot of intimate pictures that made Sunyoung want to burn the magazine. She made a mental note to never ask that singer to star as a model for Luna.

Her company had spread over Korea like wildfire. In less than a decade her line 'Luna' was known in every city. There were in total more than two hundred stores, and Sunyoung was planning on building more, or starting another line. She had been thinking how to call it. Since the clothes from her 'Luna' line were rather cute-sy, she wanted something more endearing and alternative for her next line, she just had to come up with a name.
Sunyoung's face appeared in several magazines. She was invited on shows and did lots of interviews. She travelled up and down the world to visit fashion shows. She had never imagined becoming such a celebrity, but she couldn't say she hated it. Just like Qian had never hated her fame, Sunyoung neither did. The positivity always out-weighed the negativity, so she kept on designing.

It was on a party where Sunyoung saw Qian again. Of course, she saw her almost daily on the television, but that was different. It was almost as if Qian barely existed then. The only thing that came out of were politics, and after all these years, Sunyoung preferred to zap away than to look at her old fling talk about the erupture of some volcano in the Middle East. It was boring and Sunyoung had fallen out of love. She had almost forgotten how it was like to hear her name come out of , to hear the sweet Chinese accent on her tongue when she had pronounced her nickname 'Luna'.
It was the same kind of party where Sunyoung had once sneaked into with Amber all these years ago. This time, she was actually invited. Little did she know that her old flame would be there too.

Sunyoung had walked the red carpet at Ji-Hyun's side, both in fabulous clothing that Sunyoung - of course - had designed herself. Several other celebrities were there too. Lee Soo-Man, head of SM Entertainment, Park Jin-Young, head of JYP Entertainment. Several artists, such as 2NE1's CL, BIG BANG's G-Dragon, Krystal Jung and Choi Siwon. Actors and actresses, like Kim Woo-Bin and Lee Min-Ho. Other fashion designers. Models too, and let's not forget the other national treasures that were just plainly known for their appearance on TV and their hilairous comments. Everyone who mattered was there, and so was Qian.
After the red carpet and the introduction, the guests were left to do their own thing. They were served delicious food, and afterwards, the party began. It was exactly the same as it had been years ago. The same fountain and bar. The walls were still bordeaux red and the paintings hadn't been replaced. The whole set-up was the same, and now she understood why lots of guests left early. If you're invited to a party like this every year again, it'll start to bore quickly. But, this was still Sunyoung's first time - if you don't count the time that they broke in - and she wasn't planning on leaving early. A party like this wasn't to have fun, but to get new deals, meet more important people. Sunyoung's company was still relatively new, and could still use some marketing.

That's how the night began. At Ji-Hyun's arm, she talked with lots of people, hoping to strike up a good conversation, so whenever she wanted to ask them for a favour later, they'd oblige and give in because she had been so nice at the party. It still amazed Sunyoung sometimes how people's behaviour suddenly changed when a pretty influencing person studdenly stood in front of them. They started to act all nice and sweet, trying to get on your good side because of your fame.
The weird thing was that artist whom Sunyoung had always admired when she was younger, turned out to look up more to her than she did to them. It was a weird loop, and talking to them defenitely made her feel a bit more superior than she actually was. Especially when they immediately agreed upon posing sometimes for her clothing line.
Other managers and CEO's of leading corporations conceived her with open arms, expressing their love for such a determined woman. She was praised often about her ambition and perseverance that night. Sunyoung knew they didn't actually take her serious. She was only thirty, only a puppy in contrast to the other big dogs. But they thought of her as cute, and kindly took them into her group. chit chatting about the weather, politics and whatever else that normally bored people. Again, she managed to get a deal with the other CEO's. Lee Soo-Man told her to only call if she needed new models, so that he could reserve spots in the scedules of his artists for the shoot. When Soo-Man did that, Park Jin-Young did the very same. She didn't only have acces to SM Entertainment's artists now, but als JYP's if she wanted.

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I just read through this entire thing again... WHILE I should have been working, sidenote...
It's such a piece of art, perhaps my favourite story on this website. So beautiful. Makes me so good and yet so bad at the same time XD DAMN SUNYOUNG WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY JUST BE WITH VICTORIA!!!! But at the same time bravo for realism honestly.
Aaaaah I don't know what to say. Story just leaves me speechless. I can imagine everything so vividly. The way you write is *chef's kiss*
Thank you so much for writing once again. You deserve 2000 upvotes from me alone.
Hope you are staying safe and healthy!
Chapter 3: I was ready to pull out my knife and kill myself (not you) when i saw that they had parted and had new partners because im a er for happy endings :') but at least it ended well! LunToria is my favorite ship from f(x) but has too less fics. I appreciate it a lot that you wrote a fic about them :) thank you soooooo much
Luv-Ra #3
Chapter 3: What th actual.... WHY does this have so little views and subscirbers?!?!?!?! You are an AMAZING writer and I enjoyed every second of this story!!! Seriously, I bow down to you. A+ 10/10, everything! I am selling you my soul.
Thank you for writing this <3
Chapter 3: Omg best luntoria fic ever. I loved how you described their emotions and actions and how you can see the characters grow from the first chapter to the last. Even though it wasn't the full on happy ending, it wasn't depressing either. It had a realistic touch to it and I think I enjoyed that the most. Sometimes it's hard to put everything away and go to something that makes you happy even if you already have a life built up. Even though they are fictional characters, I hope that they grow out their balls and get together lol even if they'll be quite old.
Chapter 3: Omg o.o luntoria <3