When Yoda Meets The Tiger

My Truesome Twice OTP Story

The Yoo Fam enters the house of the Park Fam.

Mina ask as she get up from the couch, "Who are you?"

The Yoo couple look confused as they sit down on the couch. Sana ask Jihyo as she seemed lost, "Eh? Jihyo, what happened to your wifey?"

Jihyo explain about what happened, "It's a long story! Mina had an accident, falls into a coma, woke up after 6 months, then she had to stay in the hospital under observation for a month just to make a slow recovery. When that Mina's condition got worst inside her brain, she goes berserk and attack one of Taeyeon's fellow doctors. Dr. Kim Taeyeon called me to take Mina home since I got no other choice."

Jeongyeon understand, "Ah, that accident happened. I wonder if Mina can still remember us."

Mina still holding onto the sleeping tiger cub and Jeongyeon approach Mina, "Hey Miguri!"

Mina look at Jeongyeon as she's feeling lost, "Who are you? Do I know you?"

Jeongyeon is confused and try to make Mina remember something, "Don't you know me! I'm Yoo Jeongyeon, King of Comedy in our college days."

Mina is still lost and Jeongyeon had a better idea, "I know something!" Mina place the tiger cub on the sofa next to her.

Sana place her sleeping baby next to Chaeng, "Tzuyu my little pup! You will have a friend!"

Jeongyeon tries something, "How about 'My Saguri thinks I am more handsome of being call Kyungwan!' Kyungwan was my birth name!"

That causes Sana to laugh, "Hahahahaha!"

Sana was laughing uncontrollably, "It was so funny, handsome Kyungwan!"

Jihyo laugh, "Hahaha!"

Unfortunately, Mina had no reaction as she get up by getting the Yoo couple drinks, "I'll get you both drinks!"

Jeongyeon laugh suddenly disappears as she sees that Mina didn't laugh as nothing happened, "Eh, nothing is working."

As Chaeng woke up, the little tiger cub stares at Tzuyu, "Eh!" Chaeng wave at her new friend.

Sana look at Chaeng woke up, "Aigoo! Chaeng just woke up!"

Chaeng stares at Sana and get close to the tiger cub, "Annyeong, Chaeng ah! It's your imo Sana!"

Sana tries to hold the tiger cub but the little tiger pull the nose from the hamster, "Aigoo! Chaeng ah, you're indeed the tiger!"

Shortly as Mina walk in setting the tea on the guest table, she start giggling by seeing her baby tiger cub playing with her imo's nose, "Hehehehe!"

Few seconds later, Jihyo never seen her wifey Miguri giggling so hard, "Aigoo! What's happening?"

Sana starts to laugh and the tiger cub refuse to let go of her imo's nose, "Hahahahaha! Jinja! Let go of my nose, Chaeng ah!"

The little Yoda open her eyes slowly, "Ahhh!"

When Jeongyeon was sipping the tea, she put down. Jeongyeon grab the little Yoda and give funny face, "Chewy ah, you're awake!"

Jihyo get Chaeng to let go of Sana's nose, "Chaeng ah, enough of playing with your imo! Let go of her nose now!" Chaeng can understand something simple as she heard her appa's voice.

Mina grab the tiger cub and tease by giggling, "Chaeng, enough of that okay!"

Sana look at Mina as she remembers something, "Hey, Mina-yah! I never seen you that happy like that!"

Chaeng sees the Yoda toy and let Tzuyu have. The cute little Yoda adorably grabs the soft green toy from the tiger cub and play.

When a doorbell rings, Jihyo get up and go to the door, "I wonder who is at the door!"

Jihyo sees the peephole monitor, "Eh?"

Jihyo open the front door and there was unexpected guests her in-laws and Mina's parents Myoui Akira and Myoui Sachiko.

They entered and greet, "Jihyo-chan!"

Jihyo respectfully bow to her in-laws and spoke Japanese, "Okasan, otosan!"

Sachiko come to see her daughter, "Mina! Daijobu!"

Mina respond in her confused mind, "Eh! Okasan?"

Sachiko doesn't know how this happened, "Eh! What happened and you seem lost!"

Chaeng is happy to see her grandma Sachiko, "Oh! My granddaughter Chaeyoung-chan! Happy to see your obachan!" Sachiko hold onto her granddaughter and carry.

Akira still feeling bad for his daughter-in-law, "Gomenasai, Jihyo-chan! Your mother-in-law still not over it and she's very stubborn! Maybe one day she'll come around!"

Jihyo knows that her mother-in-law still disapprove her, "Wakatta!"

Jihyo can see that her mother-in-law hasn't changed.

Sachiko pull Jihyo away, "Jihyo-chan, I really need to talk in private!"

Sachiko pass Chaeng to Akira. Jihyo can see how strict and stern her mother-in-law is.

Sachiko ask Jihyo what happens to Mina, "What actually happened? I need to know and what did you do? You're being so careless!"

Jihyo tries to explain in Japanese with some basic Japanese, "Uso! That is not true! Mina had amnesia! That's why she couldn't remember you! I'm not lying! She was in the hospital for 6 months and she kept calling out my name everytime!"

Akira carry his granddaughter, "Chaeyoung-chan, daijobu! Your parents are good to you! Everything will be fine!"

The Yoo Fam greets Akira and bow down, "Myoui-san!"

Akira get Chaeng to play with Tzuyu, "Chaeyoung-chan, play with your friend!"

Akira conversing Japanese with Sana, "Sana-chan, how are you and Jeongyeon-chan in this child adoption process?"

Sana replies as she's doing so well, "Daijobu! Jeongyeon and I are doing great after returning from Taiwan. Jeongyeon and I couldn't have a real child like we planned. That's why Jeongyeon persuaded me to join the adoption programme in Taiwan. I'm not sure we're doing the right thing!"

Akira look so happy to see Sana, "Just to be speaking the truth, you're doing great in raising a child regardless of race."

Sana look so relief, "Yokatta! God bless to us!"

Chaeng starts to walk and play around with Tzuyu. Tzuyu tries to stand up as Jeongyeon grabs Yoda on the hand, "Tzuyu-ah, you're doing so well by learning how to stand on your two feet."

Meanwhile at the balcony near the master bedroom where Jihyo is having a conversation with Sachiko as Mina joins, "Eh! What is happening?"

Sachiko come to Mina, "Mina-chan, did Jihyo-chan make mistake taking care of you?"

Sachiko try to convince Mina to divorce Jihyo no matter what, "Did you regret marrying Park Jihyo in the first place?"

Mina suddenly remembered something inside her mind and her thoughts suddenly regains half of her memories, "Do you regret marrying me even you're against your parents' wishes? Answer me honestly?"

Mina suddenly stand up to her mother, "Uso! You can't expect me to divorce Jihyo-chan! Jihyo is my wife regardless of her family background! She swore to me that she'll never leave me!"

Suddenly, Mina had to apologise to her mother and hug, "Gomenasai, okasan! There's no way I'm giving up this Park-Myoui family, I got Chaeyoung-chan, Jihyo-chan and tomodachi! Jihyo-chan will always provide us the best time in our life! Jihyo-chan did everything for me, Chaeyoung and she's not being so selfish. Don't try to stop us!"

Sachiko suddenly starts to cry, "Okay! If that is fine by me, I'm willing to finally accept Jihyo-chan!"

Sachiko hugs Jihyo, "Jihyo-chan, can you forgive me for not accepting you in the first place? I should have know you better!"

Jihyo finally feel soft and replies as she agrees, "Daijobu! Everyone make mistakes! I promise you! Things will be different for now!"




After Mina and Jihyo in discussion about their marriage, Sachiko appeared out of nowhere at the N Seoul Tower.

Sachiko approach with her strict face and she totally disagree, "So! Myoui Mina! This Jihyo wants to marry you without my regards behind my back!"

Myoui Mina approach and try to convince her mother, "Okasan! No matter what I do, I'm not regretting anything!"

Jihyo pass the wedding invitation card to Sachiko, "Myoui-san, here's the invite!"

Sachiko get the card and confront Jihyo, "Fine! Jihyo-chan, I'm giving you warning! If you're willing to marry Mina, please take care of her properly! If you do anything wrong to her, I wanna make you divorce her! Do you get my point?"

Jihyo nods her head, "Daijobu! I'll do anything to make Mina happy!"


End of Flashback


Suddenly, there was Tzuyu and Chaeng walking to the balcony area which surprised Jihyo, Mina and Sachiko.

Sachiko pull out her arm to call out her granddaughter, "Chaeyoung-chan, come to obachan!"

Chaeng walk towards her Japanese grandmother Sachiko, "Oba...!"

Chaeng walks in a very cute way, "Hehehehe!"

Later during the evening of the day, Mina cooks the Japanese Omurice with salmon. Jihyo enters the kitchen to check on her, "Hey, yeobo! Japanese Omurice with salmon for us!"

Mina replies as she still can remember something, "Ya, I can remember how to cook before I marry you!"

Jihyo approach to her wife and hug her on the waist, "Let me help you, Park Myoui Mina!"

Mina agrees and Mina just finished cooking as Jihyo pick up the dishes to the dining area near the living room.

Later as Akira and Sachiko playing with the 2 adorable kids, the little Yoda and the tiger cub walking to the kitchen.

The Yoo Fam helps the Park Fam settling the dishes including Kimchi and Jihyo settling Japanese Sushi for her in-laws. Mina ensure that the food is enough for the people in the house.

When finally, it's dinner time. The Park Fam with dining table with not much people which hold 6 to 8 chairs. Usually there's only one baby chair but Jihyo got an extra baby chair in the storage room near the hallway.

There are 6 adults and 2 babies.

Mina prepared the baby food for her little tiger cub. Sana also prepared the baby food for her little Yoda.

They settled down and began eating their dinner.

For dinner time, Jihyo and Mina let Akira and Sachiko eat first. Then the Yoo Fam Jeongyeon is older and then Sana get to eat,  after that the Park Fam Jihyo and Mina having their plates. Slowly, Mina and Sana had to feed Chaeng and Yoda the baby food. Of course Chaeng had to eat strawberries and Yoda eat something simple like apples.

During dinner, they happily had a chitchat and eating dinner for the first time since Jihyo's in-laws ate dinner in Korea. The last time Jihyo had dinner with Mina together with her parents in Japan during Jihyo's vacation with Mina. Maybe Jihyo plans to bring Mina and their daughter Chaeng to Jihyo's hometown in Guri.

Slowly, the part of Mina's memories starting to come back to her after the long chat. Her head feels like, "Aigoo! My memories are starting to remember everything!"

Jihyo already give appointment for Mina so that has to go for therapy sessions anytime soon according to Dr. Kim Taeyeon.

In order to regain Mina's condition, Taeyeon has to do the therapy sessions.

Akira seems surprised to Jihyo for doing something right for Mina, "Sou desu ka! Therapy sessions is going to help Mina remember something!"

Later at 9pm after dinner, the Yoo Fam enters the car as Sana was settling down her sleeping baby Yoda at the backseat.

Jihyo and Mina wave goodbye to JeongSa as they were leaving.

Jeongyeon open the front door of the car for Sana like a true gentleman. Jeongyeon goes to her driver seat. Jeongyeon starts the engine of the car and drive off.

Shortly the Myoui family car for Akira and Sachiko driven by Akira's Korean chauffeur arrives, they wave goodbye to Jihyo and Mina. Mina's parents originally wanted to stay for one night in Korea but they have to return to Japan since Myoui Akira has been busy at the hospital.

When Jeongyeon was driving the car safely, there was Tzuyu sleeping like a real angel and Sana sleeping peacefully. Jeongyeon can't stop thinking of the part when she had a conversation with Sachiko and Akira. Jeongyeon had no idea how she feels about adoption programme was the right moment to do, "I don't know if I'm doing something right! Maybe fate was meant to happen!"

Jeongyeon remembers what Akira and Sachiko said to her.


Flashback about 2 hours ago


When the Park Fam having dinner with the Yoo Fam along with Sachiko and Akira. Jeongyeon was eating her food on the table.

Sachiko sees that Jeongyeon must be feeling something is not right, "Jeongyeon-chan, daijobu?"

Jeongyeon response in Japanese but she look up at Sachiko, "Nandemonai, Myoui-san!"

Sana explained to Sachiko what happened and whispers in Sachiko's ears.

Sachiko replies as she couldn't believe as Jeongyeon is confused, "So desu ka!?"

Sana nods her head.


End of Flashback 


Jeongyeon arrived safely home and Sana just woke up. Sana got out of the car and called Jeongyeon, "Jeongyeon, aren't you getting out!?"

Jeongyeon suddenly spaced out, "Oh! Mian, I kinda spaced out!" Jeongyeon gets out of the car as Sana take her sleeping baby Yoda out from the backseat.

When the Yoo Fam enters the house, Sana settled the sleeping baby as the little Yoda was sleeping like a log.

Jeongyeon hop onto the bed and Sana looks worried about Jeongyeon.

Sana join Jeongyeon and ask, "Yah, Jeongyeon! Kenchana?"

Jeongyeon pretends not to speak and try to sleep.

Sana try to shake Jeongyeon and ask her again, "I'm asking you again! Are you okay?"

Jeongyeon can't believe that she's willing to accept the fact that after Sana's miscarriage and adopt the child as Jeongyeon says in her thoughts, "Is adopting a child regardless of race was the right thing to do?"

Jeongyeon grabs the hand and admit by speaking up to her wife Sana, "Sana, I'm fine with the child we adopt!"

Sana suddenly look at Jeongyeon as the older girl gets up by looking at the lovely Japanese girl's eyes, "Hey, I never forget the part we didn't regret adopting Tzuyu in the first place!"




Not too long ago, Sana lost the child of her dream, Jeongyeon sees that Sana was crying non-stop in the master bedroom as Sana still can't accept the reality, "Why does my fate have to happen this way?"

Jeongyeon tried so hard to get Sana to accept, "Yeobo, please stop crying! If you cry, my heart cries too! You still have me as your wife! The one who make you laugh a lot, gives you a lot of love!"

Sana felt the touch of Jeongyeon's left hand since she remembers she's already married to her and few seconds Sana stop crying.

Sana hugs Jeongyeon, "Jeongyeon, arigato! Sometimes I forget you made me happy, laugh and not to mention loving me without any regrets!"

Jeongyeon felt the love again and slowly the pain is gone. Jeongyeon was meant to ask Sana, "By the ways, my fellow coworker gave me the pamphlet regarding to join the adoption programme in Taiwan. Wanna come and adopt a child?"

Sana look very pleased and says yes, "Yes please! I want to!"

As soon as the adoption event in Taiwan, the adoption programme team and the translator explains to Jeongyeon that the child was abandoned by her mother and ask Jeongyeon to sign the agreement. Sana stared at the abandoned child and got clingy to Sana. At the end, they agreed to take Chou Tzuyu as the adopted child.

As soon as they reached Korea, they agreed to the part by loving the child regardless of race.


End of Flashback


Sana suddenly yawns and there goes Jeongyeon as well. Sana yawn as she get off the bed to shower, "I'll go shower and then you shower to make yourself sleep,okay?"

Jeongyeon agrees, "Dae!"

Jeongyeon doesn't feel regretful for marrying Minatozaki Sana in her life.


Sorry for the wait up especially late updates! I have been busy with my 2nd job with better management and environment unlike my 1st job with the horrible management and toxic environment. Anyways, I'll try to keep myself updating chapters whenever I want to in my free time.

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Its_hya29 #1
Chapter 7: Well still waiting for JeongSa and baby Tzu
Xiunisee #2
Chapter 7: I miss thisssss thank you for updating!
nice story, it is fun to read ^^
Ko_ken_05 #4
I love these ships. I can’t wait to read!
Still waiting for update..
Minaaa15 #6
Chapter 5: Cant wait for next update.
Chipchill #7
Chapter 3: It's nice..
But where yoo family??
Chapter 4: Kekekeke happy family ~~
u make me homesick lol

ok i understand u hahaha n donr be stress, CHINGU ;)
barron_8 #9
I am liking it! XD