It's working



 the fan art’s so good i die every time i look at it  and i don’t think my attempt does it any justice, but i did enjoy writing it :3 hope you guys enjoy reading it as well ♡

edit: the artist has probably deactivated their acc :( so I am unable to link the fanart here anymore




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2034 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha I read it without knowing what to expect coz the fanart link wasn't working. Still this was cute.
How I pity Junghee ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: OMG. So cute. And Sookie setting out to get Junghee all bothered... ha!
Chapter 1: nawwwww that was adorbly flufffy cuteness I cant even also first girl girl of jongyu ive ever read XD Well done.
Chapter 1: This was so cute!! Ahhhh!!! ;;^;;
And that fanart was so on point! I reblog it everytime i see it T^T
This was adorable! Eunsook is such a tease, poor Junghee xD
Loved this ♡