
Love in Suits.

Bora stepped out of her bathroom and walked towards Minwoo, hair is damped from the shower. Deafening silence filled the room as Bora stood in front of Minwoo, both of them blushed profusely and no one knows what to say to break the silence.

"Er hem." Bora cleared awkwardly. "Feeling better?" Bora asked and she strut off to the kitchen.

"Deh..." Minwoo replied... Rubbing his hands against his thighs.

"Oppa, for you." Bora then passed a glass of water to Minwoo and sat beside him on the couch.

"Kamsahamida." Minwoo mumbled and took the glass from her, their hands touched and it sent a jolt down Bora's spine. 

"Opp-" Bora said, the same time as Minwoo. "You go first... "Bora said.

"Bora ya.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to barge in while you're....." Minwoo stuttered.

"Oppa. Lets treat it as nothing happened ok?" Bora chirped, trying to sound as nonchalent as possible. 

"Ok. Just know that I didn't see anything." Minwoo said and scurried off to the toilet.

'OMO OMO OMO OMO OMO! What to do! This is so awkward. How are we suppose to act around each other now! I wonder how much he saw. OH GOD.' Bora frowned as she thought to herself. 

'AHHHHHH. Take a deep breathe Minwoo, stay calm stay calm. She's your junior associate, keep it professional!' Minwoo thought as he washed his face in the sink. 'Cool down.'

Bora sat on the couch, twirling her beautiful shoulder length hair while thinking about her feelings towards Minwoo. 'Was he drunk? Do I like him? Otokae?! He's my sunbaenim, he's my mentor.' Bora then gulped down a double shot of whiskey she poured for herself. 

Minwoo stepped out of the bathroom, stared at Bora as she was twirling her hair. Staring at her beautiful curves, lust took over him and he caved in. He hastily walk over to Bora, stood in front of her and just stared into her eyes. Bora avoided his face and blushed, "Bora. I can't take it anymore." Minwoo said and he bend down to kiss her lips. 

Bora felt light headed, head spinning and the electricity that runs through her body is palpable. She felt like a teenager again as Minwoo's soft lips landed on hers. She shut her eyes and let his mouth linger around hers. Her heart beating so fast and loud that Minwoo can feel it, he pulled back, and whispered goodnight into her ears and kissed her forehead, Bora was left dumbfounded. "bye." Minwoo cleared his throat and headed out the door.

Bora just sat there as Minwo left. 'What just happened' she thought.

Later that night....

Bora was in bed, still thinking about the kiss. The butterflies in her stomach makes it impossible for herself to sleep. Her heart started racing just recalling the kiss, and her hands sweaty. She doesn't know what to feel, on one hand, she likes Minwoo, she likes the kiss, she enjoys his company. On the other hand, Minwoo is her sunbaenim, they are lawyers, they need to keep a professional relationship, and she doesn't want to give in to him so easily. Just then, her phone rang and cut off her train of thoughts.

It's a text from Minwoo, "Sorry that I got to leave so adruptly. I don't trust myself to stay... I might not stop at just a kiss :)" 

Bora read it and cracked a smile on her face. "It must be hard for you to work with such a pretty junior attorney. I don't blame you. :P" she replied.

"hahaha! You better count your blessings that you have me. And....." Minwoo replied.

"You're mine. Stay mine." Minwoo texted again.

Bora's heart started pounding, Minwoo likes her. She likes Minwoo. It's just too complicated in the office, yet this feeling is too hard to ignore. 

"Make me. Many other lawyers want me too." Bora replied. 

"I will Bora. One day you'll be mine. Me only." Minwoo texted.

"Goodnight Sunbaenim!" Bora replied, trying hard to ignore all his flirtatious texts.

"See you. Don't miss me too much." Minwoo chuckled as his texted. 'OMO. Are you nuts Lee Minwoo! Now that'll be so awkward.' Minwoo suddenly sobered up. 

- END -

Im' so sorry for the late post. Has been really busy recently with school! Hope you like this chapter!

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2034 streak #1
Chapter 7: TBH! I was surprised to see this story was updated. And as I read through the new chapter, I don't remember what happened in the story so far. When I looked at the comments, I realised why. Wow! It's been nearly 3 years since your last update. Hahaha anyway, I'll try to read back the other chapters. Nonetheless, hope this story will have regular updates from hereafter.
2034 streak #2
Chapter 4: Wow! An update finally! So Minwoo likes Bora but she likes Eric? is that how it is? sorry, I don't really seem to be remember much since it's been quite a while. Anyway, whatever it is, I just hope Minwoo is paired up with someone at the end and not left heartbroken. lol XD
PS why is Song Joong Ki's name changes every time it was mentioned in this chapter? haha poor Joong Ki!!!
Chapter 3: eric needs to get bora please not minwoo i can't omg please
Chapter 3: Seriously I'm waiting for Eric and Bora here hehe!!!
2034 streak #5
Chapter 3: Wow! Nice updates ^^ Just read your chapters even though I have subscribed to it a while ago. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
Chapter 2: oh! I'm glad I found this story. Can't wait to hit another next button:)
azecaca #8
Chapter 1: Omggggg I have a feeling that this fix will be really interesting! Don't take it as a pressure though, but keep going please , I really liked it so far !
bora19s #9
Chapter 2: It's great I love it keep updating fighting
han1k1 #10
Great chapter