"That has to mean something."

Message Sending
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Bold is Junhui
Italics is Minghao

[July 23, Saturday] 

(8:29AM) Did you seriously text me at near 2 in the morning? 

(12:44PM) Good morning. Yes. I was desperate. 

(12:47PM) That's good afternoon, to you. Good day for a cereal lunch again? 

(12:47PM) No. Wonwoo didn't buy any.

(12:47PM) Useless. 

(12:48PM) Do you have anything else to eat? 

(12:48PM) Leftover chicken and fries. 

(12:48PM) I think there's pizza from the other night.

(12:48PM) And maybe milk.

(12:49PM) What a healthy meal. 

(12:49PM) I try my best. 

(12:50PM) Is this breakfast or lunch? 

(12:50PM) There is such a thing called brunch. 

(12:51PM) I don't think this qualifies as that either. 

(12:51PM) Stop hating on my lifestyle. 

(12:52PM) Meanwhile who wakes up at 8:30 on a weekend? 

(12:52PM) People who get good breakfast. 

(12:53PM) Also, people with strict parents who refuse to see their son enjoying sleep.

(12:53PM) You can't have everything in life. 

(12:53PM) Sadly.

(12:54PM) But at least I also get lunch. That's two meals. 

(12:54PM) Feed the poor. 

(12:55PM) Take my kindness. I'm still replying to you. 

(12:55PM) Well. Beggars can’t be choosers. 

(12:57PM) So, Minghao. 

(12:57PM) What's on today's agenda? 

(12:58PM) Are you planning on stalking me?

(12:58PM) I'm already outside your house.

(12:59PM) That's sweet. 

(12:59PM) Good thing I'm not at home.

(12:59PM) Plan failed. I'll get you next time. 

(1:00PM) I'm at my university, actually. 

(1:00PM) Wow. Saturday classes. 

(1:01PM) I  officially believe I have the better life between the two of us now. 

(1:01PM) It's not a class, technically, so I still have the better life. 

(1:02PM) So what's the occasion? Unless you just love being in school. 

(1:02PM) Dance practice. 

(1:02PM) Oooooh. That's pretty cool. What kind of dance group are you in? 

(1:03PM) Well, we work with a lot of styles, but mostly B-boying. 

(1:03PM) Are you like those groups who gives their members a dance name? 

(1:04PM) Yes... 

(1:04PM) What's yours?

(1:04PM) The8. 



(1:08PM) THE8 

(1:08PM) I know.

(1:09PM) Trust me, I know. 

(1:09PM) It makes sense once explained. 

(1:11PM) No, please don't explain it to me. 

(1:11PM) I would like to live my life forever wondering about the existence of such a name. 

(1:12PM) It's something I'm stuck with now, sadly. 

(1:12PM) Also I gotta go for a bit. Break’s almost done. 

(1:13PM) And by a bit I mean a few hours, maybe.

(1:13PM) Sure thing, The8. 

(1:14PM) I'm never returning.

(1:14PM) No, wait, I'm sorry.

(1:14PM) You are Minghao to me.

(1:15PM) Thank you. 




Minghao slipped the phone inside his bag, but not without Hansol noticing. 

"You were texting," Hansol said, eyeing Minghao suspiciously. 

"Yeah, so?" 

Hansol's grin turned teasing, "was he the guy you told me about?"

Minghao shrugged, "maybe." 

He only told Hansol minor details. Nothing too big, just Junhui's name and how the conversation started. He wasn't sure why he told Hansol either, but it was probably a best friend thing. Something that started as hey, guess what, someone texted me thinking I was his friend, which eventually escalated into we're still texting, and that was when Minghao decided to stop updating Hansol on what was happening. For now, at least. 

"Who else do you text, Minghao, honestly?" 

"You, if we’re not chatting." 

"I'm right here." 

"Soonyoung, for dance stuff."

"He's right here too." 


"You and I both know he's probably still asleep." 

Minghao soon ran out of names, because Hansol was right, who does he even so much as talk to, let alone text? The grin on Hansol's face was one of triumph and one that Minghao wanted to wipe off his face, but it was a face he wa

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I opened the chat box for Message Sending!! It seemed fit.


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Chapter 26: This is still the sweetest
Chapter 1: How did i find this storyy JUST NOWWW hhhhhh
Chapter 25: Another very sweet update, thank you! (And RIP Hansol, it was nice to have met him in this fic ^^')
It's cool that Jeonghan and Jisoo also technically met through texting! Also, I think Minghao has the only valid explanation for pouring in milk first before adding cereal...
I hope you're doing well, thank you for the update <3
Chapter 25: Oh my, it's been awhile! Hewwo!!!!
I can't wait till Minghao will willingly shower Junhui with compliments. I bet Junhui would look super cute getting flustered over Hao's words *u* But this happening is like 1 to the 10000000 XD Or Minghao should just get drunk lmao
I caaaaan't, Junhui and Minghao are so adorable together!!! I luv it so so much hehe
Thank you for the update!!!!!
Chapter 24: THEY'RE SO CUTE
Chapter 24: Aww, it was so sweet! Minghao is so soft for Junhui while Junhui is so whipped for Minghao hahah and the way they complement each other! Damn! I luv them so much >u< Thank you for the chapter!
Bubbaboo #7
Chapter 24: (ง˃̀ꄃ˂́)۶ and could only take so much sweetness from these two! Hello authornim! Welcome back!«٩(*´ ꒳ `*)۶»
Chapter 24: Oh my god, you're back!!!!! This was such a pleasant surprise for today <3

This is again such a sweet chapter. Their date at the arcade is so cute~ Though I'm a bit surprised regarding Minghao's (and apparently everyone else's) reaction to Jun's decision for lemon ice cream... I don't know if that's something that changes depending on where you live, but I work in an ice cream parlor in Germany and especially when it's warm, there are actually a lot of people who order lemon (or other citrus fruits) ice cream...
But anyways, this was so sweet. I feel a bit bad for Minghao that Jun took the pictures despite the protest, but the description of the picture Jun got is so cute! Also, poor them for having to part ways faster than planned, though it was nevertheless an amazing few hours for them! And Jun saying that he 'ordered Mingyu' for dinner :D I'm glad that Minghao gave the only logical answer to that!

Thank you so much for this update~
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