
Not Like the Others (Sequel)
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"Chanyeol, stop moving, what are you doing?" Baekhyun murmured grumpily. He had been very comfortable in his mate’s arms before Chanyeol decided to shift and turn on the bed way too early.

"Aren’t we going for a hike today?" Chanyeol asked. It was Sunday, and going hiking had become one of their traditions. They liked to walk up to the top of the mountain and observe the city while they immersed themselves in deep conversations. Chanyeol looked forward to it every week.

Baekhyun grumbled something unintelligible and turned around.

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked, bringing his face closer to the unmoving bundle on their bed.

"I'm just tired..." Baekhyun replied without opening his eyes.

"You were lying down all day yesterday. Are you sure you feel okay?"

"I'm fine..."

"I heard you throwing up last night in the bathroom," Chanyeol pressed.

"Yeah, it was probably that burger I ate. I'm okay, don't worry. Go hiking."

"I'm not going without you! If you want to cuddle all day that's what we're going to do."

"Then shut up and hug me."

Chanyeol chuckled and moved closer. He circled Baekhyun’s waist with an arm and pressed him to his chest. "Is work going well?"

"Yeah. Sure. Amazing,” Baekhyun said a little too quickly. “... Why do you ask?”

“I don't know, you seem so out of it lately. Is Kai being nice to you?”

“As nice as Kai can be.”

“And the other managers? And the clients? Why haven't you hired an assistant? It's too much work for one person.”

“Everything is under control,” the omega replied, trying to keep his heartbeat from exposing him. “I'm having a little trouble replacing myself, but don’t worry."

Baekhyun didn’t want to tell Chanyeol about any of his problems. His alpha hadn’t heard the rumors, fortunately, but he knew telling Chanyeol would cause him to go all vengeful over Kai and everyone else, and he didn't need anyone to defend him. Allowing Chanyeol to stand up for him would only make his coworkers take him even less seriously.

Baekhyun fell back asleep in the next few minutes, and Chanyeol remained in the same position for a couple of hours, even if he didn’t feel sleepy anymore. He alternated between watching the brunet sleep as he caressed his hair and looking towards the window. Baekhyun liked to go to bed with the curtains open, he claimed it helped him wake up, since he had the tendency to oversleep.

The sunshine was now hitting his face, and he scrunched up his nose cutely. Chanyeol carefully moved away from him and went to close the curtains. He smiled as Baekhyun’s face relaxed, and quietly grabbed his toothbrush from their bathroom to go wash up downstairs, to avoid disturbing him.

After a quick Google search on his phone to find out what was recommended to eat with an upset stomach, Chanyeol went to the kitchen and started to boil water to make a cup of ginger tea. He cut pieces of banana and placed them on a small plate, then poured some yogurt in a bowl and set everything on a tray. He finished by making toast and adding honey to the tea.

Chanyeol went back to their room with the tray and found Baekhyun slowly sitting up on the bed.

“I made you breakfast,” he said, coming closer.

Baekhyun was starting to smile gratefully, but as soon as the scent of banana hit his nose he felt nauseated. He quickly rose from the bed and ran to the bathroom with a hand over his mouth.

“Baekhyun?!” Chanyeol exclaimed worriedly, but he waited outside until Baekhyun was done. He knew how much his mate hated it when he barged into the bathroom.

Baekhyun came outside a few minutes later and dropped down on the bed. He grabbed the cup of ginger tea and sipped it carefully.

“How do you feel?” Chanyeol asked.

“I’m okay,” Baekhyun repeated.

“Are you one hundred percent sure of that? I can drive you to the ER, you know,” the alpha said with a frown.

Baekhyun laughed at this. “To the ER? Nah, I’m already feeling a lot better. Stop looking at me like I’m dying, Yeol. And thanks for the breakfast, aren’t you hungry too?” he asked, grabbing the plate of banana and pouring it into the yogurt.

“I’m good,” Chanyeol replied, but

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Chapter 19: Am really enjoying this story.!...would love to be binge reading but have more stressing priorities..🌹
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Ncoups #8
Chapter 19: re reading for the hundredth time and omg such a cute story I will never get tired of it 😭
Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.
Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.