
Stay Strong Monsta X
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Sorry about any typing mistakes or bad English. English is neith my 1st or 2nd Language so please try to understand

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My head was throbbing as I went to bed last night after I got everyone worried and hurried home. It felt so good to fall asleep as I was so tired, I don't remember how did I fall asleep it happened so fast.

It was a round 6am in the morning, the alarm clock won't go on until another hour and the boys won't start moving around until another hour and a half, because they always needed that extra time in bed. At 6am my eyes flatered open, I don't know why but I have a funny feeling going down in my stomach. At first, it wasn't so bad but when I tried to get up I got so dizzy and my tummy twisted and I couldn't stand still so I set back down on my bed. 

I laid back on my back, I didn't feel like moving, I couldn't move because if I did, my stomach only twisted and hurted more so I just laid there not moving at all for some time. Even the amount of air I was enhaling seemed to leave an uncomfortable trace on my throat and down my gorge. But I couldn't just lay there for ever, soon, the alarm clock went on and I had to stretch my arm and get it off becaue neither of the two Maknaes would get up and shut it, it was more like my job to wake everyone up. 

So I carefully got up, and put the alarm clock off and walked few steps toward I'M, he was always the easiest to wake up so I shook him slightly. He oepend his eyes and I backed away from him because suddenly I didn't feel good at all. Something was cutting my insides, my stomach hurted me like never before and I just had this urge to go to the toilet.

As I woke ChngKyun up, I couldn't but hold the fabric around my tummy and get down meeting my knees, I didn't fall though, I felt like falling but I didn't. I held myself up again and hurried to the bathroom, leaving the door half open, I looked down to the toilet bowl and I just emptied all what seemed to be last night's dinner inside of it. I was there for more than 15 minutes, I seriously let it all go to the toilet, it was gross but I couldn't stop the feeling. I was dizzy and beams of sweat were all over my heated up body and face.

When it was all over, I couldn'

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 12: He's finally cured??? That's pretty good news I guess? And it's also good how others realised they were taking him for granted and agreed to share on the workload from then on. Anyway, I can't believe the story has come to an end already!
2035 streak #2
Chapter 11: Aw... boys feeling guilty even though it wasn't their fault like Kihyun said. Wonder how they are gonna make it up to him! Anyway, will be back later to read more.
2035 streak #3
Chapter 10: Hmm... Poor him again! Wonder what Shownu meant by that at the end. And hopefully, things get better for Kihyun soon. He's already gonna through so much here. Anyway, I will be back later to read more.
2035 streak #4
Chapter 9: What kinda ending is that? Don't make me cry. I thought he was recovering well... Anyway, I can't wait to see why the members were frantically trying to wake him up while he was just trying to get some rest/sleep. Will be back later to read more.
2035 streak #5
Chapter 8: Wait! What does he mean by he lied? He lied about feeling better or that he would inform the other if he wasn't feeling well? But don't tell me if it's a spoiler. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #6
Chapter 7: He slept for two days? It's a good sign that the medicine is working, isn't it? Also, hope he doesn't push himself too hard and setback his recovering health. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #7
Chapter 6: He is getting better now, isn't he? It's not a false hope right? Strong will sometimes really beat terminal illness too. So his resolve at the end is nice I suppose. Anyway, can't wait to see how things would go further. But will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #8
Chapter 5: I believe things would get better for him from herein? Although, it's sad, it was still nice to see things from all members' perspectives. Also, speaking of their POV, you have addressed Hyungwon as Hyunwoo at every instance in this chapter. Hyunwoo is Shownu's real name. Just thought would let you know. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #9
Chapter 4: Now that they have done tests and stuff, will they finally figure out what's wrong with him and start treating him with the required treatments and medicines? I know what I have gotten myself into when I started reading this story but still poor him... Also, I'm curious why Kihyun calls Wonho as hyung but not Shownu. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #10
Chapter 3: Oho, poor Kihyun!! Will they find out what's wrong with him soon? Although I'm sad to see him suffer like that, I'm still curious of how the story would develop further. Also, is that how things work out IRL too? I mean him walking up the younger ones and IM being the easiest to wake up among them? Anyway, I'll be back later to read more ^^