Secret Love Song
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Amber was glad that the shoot was over and that the PD decided to shoot the next day for the following scenes because she doesn’t think she can take leaving Henry behind with more skinship with Yewon. Every kiss Henry made that wasn’t for her was embedded on her mind until now. “Babe, are you okay?”, Henry gently touched her knee as he was driving.


She didn’t realize that she has been too quiet nor that she has been staring on the dashboard for too long. “Nothing.”, she said forcing a smile.


“So, what do you think of the shoot? It’s quite fun, eh?”, Henry continued, trying to make a conversation.


Amber looked at him and avoided his eyes, Is he really asking me if was fun watching him trying to kiss Yewon the whole day?, she thought but she said otherwise, “It’s okay, I guess. I don’t like being cramped in one shooting location though.”, she mumbled.


Henry raised his brow at Amber and knew what is happening and he’s actually glad about it. “What do you think of Yewon?”, Henry bit his lower lip, not letting a chuckle or a snort out.


Amber rolled her eyes and can’t believe that Henry would be actually asking this, “Yewon is really pretty and she has a good body too. Plus she’s cute,”, she shrugged, “and she’s also very funny, no wonder the PD likes both of you together. You make a great couple.”, she said and felt a tinge of pain in her chest because it is the truth.


It is actually one of her insecurities that she doesn’t want to admit. It’s not like she couldn’t be a girly girl it’s just that she wouldn’t because she knows that that’s not what she is but seeing Henry with Yewon, she suddenly feel the need to be like on

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looneyzany #1
Chapter 33: After all the fanfic I read about Henber, I think this one is the most relatable with their real life (well although I don't know how their real life). I just know them 3 months ago (it's waaaayyyy too late), and I think this story is the best. I like the ending and I will imagine their next story in my head before you write the sequel (or is it already an sequel?) hahahaha.... Thank you for your writing...
372 streak #2
Chapter 33: Thank you for writing this lovely story although I was so sad that it ends here..hope you can make a sequel...I'm new wit this henber ship and love them the moment I knew about them...anyway thank you again for writing this lovely story...
Chapter 33: you did an amazing job with this fic!
having been with it since the first chapter i really loved how well you progressed the story and grew as an author!
i hope you continue to make more great stories!<3
fighting for the future!^^
Chapter 33: This chapter broke my heart. Really. I hope you could do a sequel. I want to read more of your stories. You're such a great writer. I admire your talent. Thanks for sharing your story to us–your readers.
Gaby78 #5
Chapter 33: it soo sad but I hope u could write a 2nd part to this story. :)
aryelle #6
Chapter 33: Sequelllllllll.....!!!!
kaluu123 #7
Chapter 33: It's too sad, I hope you could write a 2nd part.
emxlyo #8
Chapter 33: aw I'm really sad it's over :( The ending was quite nice even though it was bittersweet hah. Thank you for sharing this story with us. I really enjoyed reading this all throughout. I hope in the future you can write a sequel or just more stories with Amber and other idols. Take care :)
Chapter 33: Man this is really heartbreaking! But is it bad that I'm not that upset that you ended the story? Probably cuz I also have problems with updating, I at updating on time:( Meh still it was a really good story, dat ending tho, well.... hehe, quite sad gunna be honest.
Chapter 33: Your update was written in a way that was so unexpected. The way you ended the story makes me cry. I've been HenBer deprived these past few weeks, and instead of quenching my thirst for henber, the way you ended it, made me down in the dumps. :((((