ChanYeol and BaekHyun's POV

Stay Strong EXO
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ChanYeol’s POV:

BaekHyun looked very tired, he just got into his bed and only minutes later he was in dream land. I reached my backbag and got myself the vitamin drink I bought earlier. I had some, then, I walked across the room and put off the lights.

 I checked my phone its 23h.

As soon as I lied down and closed my eyes, I could feel my head throbbing so badly. I was having this headache since this morning and its just getting worse no matter how many aspirins I got. I closed my eyes tighter and ran my hand through my forehead trying to give myself a small massage before letting it land on my eyes.

Now that everything around me is so quiet, I could hear my heart beating so fast and hard, it felt like it was going to be ripped out of my chest. I could feel the heat rising in my body and the burning in my throat.

I have been feeling sick for about a week. It’s horrible, all I want is to get some sleep and all I’ve got are sleepless nights. I don’t know why I just can’t sleep no matter how much I tried. I’m tired, very tired but I can’t get myself to sleep for more than few hours.  

Suho Hyung is very worried, I know, I hid my sickness under the excuse of exhaustion. Chen and Kai got hurt recently and I just don’t want any more worrying and delaying. It’s just a cold and it will go by so quickly, I don’t need to make everyone know about it.

I rolled on my other side facing the wall and I just gave myself up to sleep.

My head hurts, my throat is burning, and I feel wet. I opened my eyes to the annoying feeling again and it took me quite some time to move my hand and grab my phone. Its 2am in the morning.

I slowly set up on the bed, holding my head in my hands; I suddenly started feeling extremely dizzy.    

I took some time to breathe and shake off the dizziness; I moved the blankets away since I was feeling too hot and sweaty. I got off the bed and I went to the washroom. Slowly but steadily I got there without making any noises. I stood in front of the mirror and looked at my face “God I look horrible” I thought to myself. I splashed my face with cold water and I reached my hand to our medicine cabinet; I grabbed some pills and went back to bed.

My eyes were burning, my throat is burning too, and my whole body is on fire. I could feel it as I lay down on my bed again. I closed my eyes and tried to get more sleep but I couldn’t. Everytime I close them they find a way to be opened again. So I just grabbed my phone and went scrolling down the screen online and checking the fans’ comments and reviews.

BaekHyun kept turning round and round in his bed; I can see that he’s not comfortable at all and probably having a nightmare of some kind. On one of his turnings, his blanket fell off. Seeing that, I stood up from my bed and got cl

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26/12/2018: I Hope you like the New Cover and Background Pictures


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NME6778 #1
it gives me hope and strenghth to continue life even with hardships, and makes me remember that I also like exo is for suho have people like that
737 streak #2
Chapter 17: Congrats again and I must say that I really enjoyed reading this fic! Thank you!
737 streak #3
Chapter 16: So late, but congrats! :D
737 streak #4
Chapter 15: And the latter is home ;)
737 streak #5
Chapter 14: They really do stick together <3
737 streak #6
Chapter 13: Troubles seem to always find them. :(
737 streak #7
Chapter 12: Poor Suho :( I hope he recovers soon!
737 streak #8
Chapter 11: The boys really worry about each other.
737 streak #9
Chapter 10: The healing trip is much needed for them!
737 streak #10
Chapter 9: They should rebel! It's time for a change!