
What Dara Wants, Dara Gets

There was something satisfying about knowing you’re the only one who knew something very trivial about the she-devil. That was what Kwon Jiyong was feeling. He can’t help but smile every time he remembers seeing her sleeping in the greenhouse. Days has passed since the incident. It also became a habit of his to visit the greenhouse late at night or at the early hours of the morning to check on her. During the times he visited the greenhouse at this time for the past couple of days, she was always there, sleeping.


This was something he both wanted to share to everyone else and keep to himself. Who knows, it might be useful in the future. . .


Aside from the fact that the she-devil never fails to visit the greenhouse on a daily basis, she also never fails to piss her father off and bully her half-sister, Kiko. Jiyong wasn’t so sure if he finds Sandara’s constant bullying more bothersome than Kiko’s timidness. He can’t help but pity the latter. It’s like watching a trembling newborn kitten in front of a well-seasoned tigress although Kiko obviously had the advantages physically - she was considerably taller than the she-devil. He can’t blame her though - the she-devil can get pretty nasty with her words.


He finds it rather. . . amusing how everyone cowers in front of Sandara Park considering she’s a tiny little thing. He even caught the master of the house once in a while wincing every time he exchanges words with her daughter.


Although his mother initially banned him from going to the main house, there were running short of hands due to Sandara’s you-are-fired-whims so he still ended up helping out every now and then if needed. Just like today, he was suddenly ordered to buy a few ingredients for recipes that Sandara Park ordered to be cooked for lunch. He heard there was already a menu fixed up for lunch but the she-devil ordered the recipes to be changed.


When he arrived in the kitchen, he was surprised to see the she-devil there. “Where are the peanuts?” she asked, her tone demanding.


Jiyong placed the bags on the kitchen island and looked for the bag of peanuts he bought. “Here,” he said, handing it to her.


“Good,” she said, curving into a sweet smile. 


Too sweet, he thought, making him frown. It was too sweet, suspiciously sweet. He stood there, watching her as she started humming while taking out the peanuts from the bag. He tilted his head to the side and wondered what she was up to. He wanted to ask her what she was up to but he had a feeling she won’t answer him so he kept his mouth shut.


The girl suddenly stopped humming and turned to him, as if she just noticed he was still there. She raised a brow at him and smirked. “Enjoying the view?” she asked. Jiyong cleared his throat before turning away to leave. “Servant,” she called. “I don’t like you calling anyone else young madam.”


He turned back to look at her.


“Just saying,” she went on, shrugging.


He stood still for a moment, waiting. When the she-devil went on as if he wasn’t there, he decided it was time for him to attend to his chores. He went to the greenhouse and resumed watering the plants there. As he went on with his task, he felt the presence of another person behind him. He looked back and saw Kiko.


“Hi,” she greeted.


Jiyong stopped what he was doing and fully turned to face her, unsure of what to say or do next. He decided it was safe to ask her if there’s something she wants to order or ask him to do. “Is there something I can help you with?”


She shook her head. “I was just looking around,” she answered. “Please continue with what you’re doing.”


She was. . . odd, Jiyong decided. She’s the daughter of the master of the house but she just used the word please to a servant like him. He stared at her for a while and only looked away when he noticed her face turning red. “If there’s anything you need or want, please do not hesitate to order us around young. . . I mean. . .”


“Please call me Kiko,” she said and she sounded like she was begging.


“I’m not in the position to be on a first name basis with you, Ma’am.”


He looked back at her. The corners of turned down a little and she looked disappointed.She’s so easy to read, he thought. “It’s just the two of us,” she said. “I would really appreciate it if you call me by my first name when no one’s around. I already feel uneasy and awkward every time the others call me young madam especially when. . . when Sandara’s around.”


Jiyong hesitated for a moment. “Kiko it is then,” he then said and went to resume what he was doing but not before he saw the bright smile lighting up her face. “As I was saying,” he said without looking back at her. “Please do not hesitate asking us if there’s anything you want or need. Your the daughter of the master of the house and we’re employed to serve you.”


“What I need and want right now is a friend,” she quietly said.


Jiyong chose to keep his mouth shut. What was there to say?


“So this is the greenhouse,” he heard her say. He discreetly looked at her and found her looking around. He watched her look around until she stopped at one point. She slowly walked towards the framed picture. “She’s so beautiful,” she said. There was something wistful in her tone.


“She is,” he said as he thought a response was deemed appropriate.


“Just like her daughter,” she added.


So she does, he thought but decided to keep it to himself.


“I heard she was really kind,” she went on. “And that she really loves plants. Do you also love plants?”


“I don’t hate them but I can’t say I love them as well,” he answered.


“Ah,” she nodded. “Me too,” she added with a chuckle. “But what are you usually interested in?”


“I don’t have that much interests,” he answered. “What about you?” he asked as he felt obliged to do so. It was common courtesy to do so.


“Fashion,” she answered.


“I see,” he murmured.


“It’s too girly, I know.”


“I don’t think fashion can be labeled for women’s interest alone.”


“I agree but majority of the people in the fashion industry are women. I think it’s the same with sports - women can take interest on it as well but majority of those who are into it are men.”


“Point taken,” he agreed, smiling a little.


“You should smile often,” she said. “You look good smiling.”


“You should too,” he returned.


“I should hang out with you more often,” she said, smiling. “As it seemed I can freely smile like this around you. I’m afraid I’m too scared of Sandara to freely smile out there.”


“You should not let anyone stop you from doing what you want,” he told her. “She’s your sister, you have the option to stand up against her.”


She shook her head. “I don’t have it in me to fight her. I don’t want to fight with her and disappoint Dad. In a way, I kind of understand how she feels. Just imagine finding out that your father actually. . . slept with another woman. I’m sure it’s also hard for her to see me.”


“You’re too kind to be her sister,” he commented.


She blushed again and Jiyong felt his own face turning red as well. He cleared his throat again and tried to keep his focus on what he was doing. “I want to help,” the girl suddenly said. “Can I?”


He shook his head. “This is my job,” he told her.


“I don’t have anything to do anyways,” she told him. “I want to help. Please?”


He stared at her for a long time before finally giving in. They worked together. Jiyong could feel his palms getting sweaty every time she’s close. It wasn’t really helping him that the girl was wearing V-necked top which gave him glimpses of what was beyond it every time she bows down. He also only noticed that she was wearing shorts which showcased her well-shaped long legs. He felt something twitch inside him seeing her legs displayed like that and he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have those wrapped around him.


“You really have nice legs,” he blurted before he could stop himself. He regretted it the moment the words left his mouth. “I mean. . .” he started, trying to save face but he ended up clearing his throat for the nth time and looking away.


“Thank you,” she whispered.


Jiyong knew it was best for him to keep his mouth shut but maybe his mouth had mind on its own.”Hmm,” he mumbled, glancing at her. She was biting her lower lip and he can’t help but bite his as well. His eyes are fixed on .


He watched her let go of her lower lip. “Jiyong. . .” she murmured.


“Yes?” he returned, his eyes not leaving . He exhaled heavily when he saw her nip her lower lip again.


“I think. . . I think. . . I think I want to kiss you,” she whispered.


“Me too,” he whispered back, lifting his eyes from to her eyes.


Her eyes widened, looking surprised. But then she smiled as her face turned scarlet. She leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the lips, making her giggle afterwards. Jiyong just stared back at her. She leaned forward again and gave him another quick peck on the lips.


“I don’t think you can call that a kiss,” he told her. He must have gone mad but any man who’d see a cleavage, a well-shaped long legs and lip biting surely would not be able to resist.


She stopped giggling and smiling altogether but her face turning redder was a telltale sign that he actually did not sound creepy to her. They stared at each for a while before their faces moved toward each and met halfway. They shared an open-mouthed kiss with his tongue sweeping the insides of . He heard her purr and he felt his pants getting tighter. He grabbed her face and deepened the kiss while she wrapped her arms around him.


He pulled away when he started running out of breath. “I’ve put soil on your face,” he said, breathing heavily.


“I’ve got soil on your shirt too,” she replied, breathing heavily as well. She then pulled him back towards her and kissed him again.


He might end up getting fired for this, he knew that but his logic seemed to have decided to take a vacation. He first broke the kiss again. “It’s almost lunch time,” he said. “They might start looking for you.”


She looked dazed but she nodded. “Yes, I should go.”


He helped her stand up. “Let me wash the soil off your face first,” he said.


“Okay,” she nodded.


He went watch the soil off her face before letting her leave. He watched her leave first before deciding he was done for the day. “I need a shower,” he said to the air.


He took his time taking a bath and taking care of himself before heading out to the main house to help serve lunch. He was surprised to see the she-devil at the dining table. She usually eats before or after her father and Kiko dine in.


“It’s nice of you to finally join us for a meal Sandara,” Park Deojeon commented, almost lazily.


The she-devil did not say anything for five seconds before smiling. “I know right?” she chirped.


Her tone’s too cheerful, Jiyong thought. Suspiciously cheerful.


After serving the dishes prepared, the trio went to start eating. Jiyong went around pouring drinks into their glasses when he heard a clatter of utensils followed by a wheezing sound.


“What’s wrong, Kiko?” Sandara asked in undisguised bright tone. “Are you okay?”


Jiyong looked around and saw Kiko clutching her chest and looked as if she was having difficulty breathing.


“Allergy. . . .” Kiko wheezed. “Peanuts. . .”


“Oh my,” Sandara gasped. Jiyong’s head flew to her direction and she looked nowhere near concern or surprise.


“Call an ambulance!” the head of the house barked, making Jiyong jumped into action. “What have you done, Sandara Park?”


There was a pause of five seconds. “Me? Nothing.”


An argument followed next but Jiyong wasn’t able to hear all of it as he was preoccupied giving information to the person who answered his call. Not long after, the ambulance came and Kiko was brought to the hospital with Park Deojeon.


“What a pity,” he heard Sandara clicked her tongue.


Jiyong started to head her way to confront her, his jaw working. He was pissed she was going that far but what he saw on her face made him stop from his original plan of yelling at her.


“What are you all staring at?” she yelled at everyone who was watching her suspiciously.


Everyone looked away and headed towards back the house but not Jiyong. “Why?” he asked her. She raised a brow at him and looked at him up and down before smirking. Without saying a word, she started heading back to the house as well but before she could walk that far, he grabbed his arm. “You knew she was allergic to peanuts, didn’t you?”


She pulled her arm away and glared at him for a few seconds, making him frown. “Yes,” she answered with a hiss before walking away.


Jiyong went after her but she ran into one of her cars, got into it and sped away.







Ehet, mass updates it is! Alright, naughty naught Jiyong. . . . meanie meanie Dara?


Anyways, trying a different approach here because I usually have two guys pining over Dara so I thought, why not do it the other way around? hehehe


Also! I created a sub-twitter account @noobhago - I’ll be posting mainly fic related stuff on this account as well as dg related stuff, hehehe.


Anyways, tell me your thoughts!

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Chapter 5: Update please authornim 🤧
Chapter 5: Author updateeeee
mihyun84 #3
Chapter 5: I think, this needs an update because it's so damn exciting
Chapter 5: Still waiting for an update. Missing Daragon feels
Chapter 5: Whew Jiyong good luck getting in between 2 girls with an attitude because I seriously feel like kiko is just faking being a good girl too ?
Chapter 5: After this long wait,,, finally I read the update,, hoping for next chapter soon,, thanks authornim^_^
daniplina #7
Chapter 5: I'm a fan of your writing. I've been waiting for your update for so long, please update this story soon Hagocimit.
Chapter 5: Oh my god... Jiyong-ah u are really the one to be blamed bcs u r soooo hard to resist, u know!
Chapter 5: This is more complicated than I thought... and jiyong in the middle of two girls that's completely opposite goodluck to him I hope he knows to well what his getting into. More update please authornim.. thanks!
kpop90 #10
Chapter 5: I don't know, but there's something about Kiko that puts me off. To be honest, I don't think she's as pure and innocent as she puts on. And I also feel like a big portion of why she's always acting like a is because she resents her father, possibly blaming him for her mother's death who knows? All I know is that she clearly misses her mother so I hope that Jiyong is able to see that there's more to Dara than she lets on. Anyways, thanks for the update and can't wait for the next one!