Don't Fight The Feeling

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A/N: Finally, we are caught up on all the chapter updates of changing Kris to Lay in this fic. After this, chapters probably won’t be coming out so fast; however, I’m in the process of working on chapter 10. Hopefully, it won’t take too long to write out. Please have patience with me~ Thank you for reading and all the upvotes!


At the end of class, Lay closed his books and stacked them neatly. Junmyeon watched as he piled them one by one in his bag. However, as he grabbed for the notebook, Junmyeon slammed his hand on it, preventing him from picking it up.

“Kim, what is it now.”

“Don’t play dumb with me. We know what this is. What is it you want to gain from running with me?”

“You know how exhausting you are?” He pulled his book away and threw it in his backpack with the rest of his items.

“Answer me!”

Lay sighed, becoming more and more frustrated, “It was a mistake. I shouldn’t have written that. You don’t want me teasing you, and so I stopped before I said something I would have regretted.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“You’re allowed to believe whatever you want.” This time, the slightly taller male threw his backpack around his shoulders and walked away. Junmyeon wasn’t done with him and followed him out of the classroom.

“Why can’t you ever be honest with me, Yixing?”

Lay stopped, and Junmyeon nearly walked right into his back. He turned to face him, this time looking rather angry, “The day you are honest with yourself is the day I’ll be honest with you.” He continued to walk away.

Junmyeon stood there stunned. ‘Honest with myself?’ He couldn’t understand what that meant.

“Psh” How was he not being honest with himself? He felt like the other boy only talked in riddles, and so he waved it off as something that was just Yixing being Yixing.




It seemed that their lunch group was getting bigger. Kyungsoo took his plate and sat down with Baekhyun and noticed some of the kids from the party decided to join them. He looked up and to meet Jongin’s hopeful eyes. He gave a shy ‘hello,’ and when one was returned, all Kyungsoo could do was stare down at his food, hoping Jongin’s eyes peer somewhere else so he could breathe. It only made the dancer smile at his cute behavior.

“Well, well, well… look who managed to get himself drugged at my party and still confidently show his face at school as if nothing happened.” Taeyong joked.

“Hey, don’t bring up such an embarrassing experience so casually!” He half jested along, “I’m still sensitive!” The boy took a spoonful of his food and shoveled it in his mouth.

“You okay, though, right? Like nothing happened?” Jongin questioned. He was worried for the two after they left with Chanyeol, not knowing what could have happened to them.

“Not to my knowledge, Kyungsoo?”

He shook his head, “Nope. Nothing happened. We just went back to Chanyeol’s place and slept. I took him back the next morning and made sure he was okay the rest of the day.”

“And where is this ‘prince charming’? of yours.” Lucas teased.

“I don’t know; I don’t care.”

“Well, seriously, you should thank him for saving you. Sure, the party was kinda dead after you left, but if it wasn’t for that fight, who knows what could have happened to you.” Taeyong felt partially responsible after all and wanted to make sure things were all good.

“I know… but I can’t tell him 'thank you'.” Baekhyun’s pride just wouldn’t allow it. “Thinking of him still pisses me off.”

“I’m sure you can put down your pride for a moment to thank him for saving your life.”

Baekhyun knew Taeyong was right. He owed Chanyeol that much, at least. “Yeah, fine. I’ll thank him after school or something.”

“In other news.” Ten cleared his throat. He looked between the few people sitting between him, “You two.” He pointed at Jongin and Kyungsoo, “So you two ran off together to the backyard. What’s the tea, sis?”

Baekhyun’s eyes lit up, and he whipped his head to face his friend. All eyes were on Kyungsoo as he nearly choked on his rice.

“It was nothing. We just went to hang out on the trampoline.” Jongin calmly explained.

“Are you sure that’s all?” Ten pestered them.

“Wait.” Baekhyun paused.

“What? No! I mean, yes, that’s all!” Kyungsoo blurted.

Jongin lifted his eyebrow at the boy’s response. Baekhyun gawked from one boy to the other. When neither commented, he grabbed his friend’s arm and pulled him away from the table to a secluded spot out of earshot.


“He umm well you see we uh-” Where did he even begin? When he told off the teacher? When Jongin talked to him at the booth? When they continuously stalked each other, unknowingly? It was too complicated to put into simple words.

“So, this crush of yours was Jongin all along?”

“Y-yes” Kyungsoo bowed his head in shame.

“AND YOU TWO KISSED?!” Kyungsoo threw his hands over his friend’s mouth.

“You promised you wouldn’t say anything.”

“You fell for that?” He said through muffled hands. Baekhyun pulled them off and continued, “You know I can’t keep a secret!”


“Okay, okay! I won’t say anything. But I can’t believe you! Kim Jongin of all people. And here I had an image of a cute, shy girl.”

“Well… It just happened, okay?!” Kyungsoo couldn’t very well tell him that he had a crush on a popular boy.

Baekhyun shook his head but decided it best to make their way back to the table. He could corner his friend when they were alone and ask him all the essential questions. Like how did Jongin’s plush lips feel? Even he wondered that from time to time. And yet, Kyungsoo beat him to it.

Sitting back down, Baekhyun couldn’t help the knowing smile on his face from just thinking about it. Kyungsoo sat stiff with a look of fear and embarrassment.

“What’s up with you two?” Jongin asked.

“N-nothing!” Kyungsoo added.

“Well, either way,” Lucas swallowed his food before continuing, “I saw you two cuddling on the trampoline, and a couple of kids were talking about it. So, it was more than just hanging out.”

Kyungsoo felt a foot under the table rub against his ankle. He lifted his eyes to meet Jongin’s and felt a sense of comfort, “Whatever happens between Kyungsoo and I is our business, right?”

“Exactly, thank you.” He bit down on his lips, trying to keep any emotions from spilling out. He gently brushed his foot up at the other’s.

Their eye contact only became severed when a thud hit the table next to Kyungsoo, scaring the poor boy.

“I’m going to kill somebody.”

“Oh my. Dare I say, I’d like to see you kill someone.” Ten delighted.

“It will happen if Yixing doesn’t quit messing with me. I am at my wit's end.”

“Do I even want to ask this time?” Baekhyun flatly replied.

“Considering the headache that I now have, I don’t even want to get into it.” He took a second to look around, just realizing their group had expanded, “Oh umm, my apologies. I am not feeling myself right now, so anything that comes out of my mouth, pretend I had a lapse of sanity.”

“It’s all good, Kim. Most of us at this table aren’t sane. Right, Baekhyun?” Taeyong poked.

“Ha-ha. What is this, Pick-on-Baekhyun Day? We’ll see how fun your parties are when this insane person doesn’t show up. Everybody only comes for my antics.”

The others laughed, knowing it was probably true.

Junmyeon didn’t laugh, however. Eyebrows furrowed, and arms crossed, he was stuck there in total concentration staring at his food. He couldn’t exactly pay attention to what was going on around him.

“Earth to Junmyeon,”


Kyungsoo waved in front of his face, “You’re starting to worry me.”

“It’s nothing,” He started eating to avoid the topic, “It’s something I’ll have to deal with on my-” He stopped when Minhee caught his eye. She noticed him and turned away to walk with her friends. “-own.”


Having two people upset with him made him feel annoyed. Why was he the one who was made to feel in the wrong? It wasn’t fair. He scratched at his head in frustration, trying to get rid of the thoughts while in the presence of acquaintances.

“You look like you are having a hard time Junmyeon. You may as well just say it or just stop acting like a black hole. You’re bringing our feel-good group down.”

“It’s complicated, Baekhyun. I don’t even know how to explain it.”

“Well…” Taeyong tried to change the uncomfortable atmosphere. “If it makes you feel any better, we were talking about your friend’s romantic lives.”

“Baekhyun is romantic with anyone who gives him attention. What else is new?”

The said boy annoyingly put his head on Junmyeon’s

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A new update? Miracles do happen!


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Chapter 11: Finally u updated!!!!><
Chapter 10: Hope u will update in future author san><
Waiting for more~~~~
2438 streak #3
Chapter 10: it was fun while it lasted authornim :)
2438 streak #4

i think it's wise for Shixun to not trust anyone yet, i mean, something is still fishy with this whole thing... maybe i just don't want Jun hurt coz if Kris and Sehun's parents' deaths were indeed caused by Jun's parents, then he's innocent at least! ughhhhhh

anyway, Baek finally found out abt Jongin! HAHAHA surprise surprise! he's very supportive but ofc he won't let Soo get away with it peacefully! HAHAHA

anyway, Jun oh Jun! as much as i want you to not fight the feeling and as Kris says, be true to yourself, he's gonna crush your heart anyway! UGHHHHHH

thank you for the update authornim! :)
2438 streak #5
Chapter 8: your a/n made me reread the first chapterbut i personally think that not much changed from your writing style? how you title your chapters changed, that's the most apparent one...

anyway, i would like to apologize to Yeol coz ofc i was thinking he was the one who did something wrong in the previous chapter... but apparently, he was the good guy who saved Baek!!! wow, i do understand why Baek feels conflicted abt Yeol saving him... i mean, he's always been a villain in his eyes ofc my body would feel out of place over the act of kindness... it's bound to make him ask, why? what for? up to a point where he desperately asked Soo to drive for him even if the other can't really drive yet

how could Baek not know that Soo is crushing on a he??? HAHA he's gonna be shocked when he finds out!

Sehun staking out on Kim activities??? how did he even get one of those in the first place? and his situation with Luhan tho... uhmmmm, i need more info

Jun's fiance is so aggressive! HAHA get the hint girl! lmao but srsly, his obsession over this competittion with Kris! istg! their banters are really so cute and adorable except when i remember that Kris is plotting Jun's family's demise despite all this
2438 streak #6
Chapter 7: wait... no update?
Myeonni2020 #7
2438 streak #8
IT'S BEEN YEARS! when i saw the notification was for this story, i was wondering if this was gonna be an a/n for the long hiatus, but to my surprise!!! IT WAS AN UPDATE!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

was a bit lost since i was stupid to dive in immediately to the new update... but i decided to read the previous chapters again to recap HAHA

ahhhh so it was the same plane crash that killed both Sehun and Jiaheng's parents... so this is the date inspired by Jun's memories huh... pretty sweet if you ask me, except for the fact that i know this is all just part of Yifan's plan to avenge his and Sehun's parents' death...

the way Jun was like, who are you and how are you able to pull off stuff like this tho? HAHA good to be wary and curious Jun!!! i do hope Yifan sees Jun's genuineness coz he doesn't deserve to suffer for something that wasn't his fault... *that "emphasis" from Yifan in this chapter tho*

anyway, i was right abt Soo's love life faring smoothly! really hope this isn't just Jongin playing games or something like that... and Baek and Yeol... what did Yeol do this time???
Congrats on the ad bid feature!
2438 streak #10
Chapter 6: ooohhh... so Sehun definitely didn't have Lu scout Yifan... coz he knew Jiaheng all along! best friends who are seeking revenge with the persons who killed their parents

now im really curious as to what happened! are Jun's parents really that evil to have people killed? are Sehun and Jiaheng simply assuming the Kims' involvement since their parents work for them? i mean, that makes them easy suspects yes, but so far there are no evidence available since they're both still seeking for it

looks like Jun is in deeper than what i initially thought... how can Jiaheng want to break Jun when he's got nothing to do with it... just coz his parents are still alive? that's not nice dude, well planning on getting revenge isnt ideal either

aaahhhhh... i just hope their issues would be resolved soon