
What Do I Do
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Your's POV


I went to a fitting room to get change, did a little touch up before heading to the next interviews. I was a little exhausted at the moment because I did a lot of interviews ever since the news came out.


Yes, the news already out. It wasn't a bad reaction and of course there's a negative feedback about the news. But I haven't heard any news from Tiffany, she didn't even call me. Probably, busy with her schedule.


Sooyoung is not allow to meet me, which is sad at the moment. But we can only chat through SNS, sometime she would comment on my post. SM told me to open an Instagram account to allow people to take a proper look on me and also interact.


It was stressing me out sometime, I can't believe that I'm living like an idol lifestyle. With a manager who arranged my schedule, interviews, official account, and also fans! Yesterday, I was checking through a site and found out I got a fansite. What the hell do I get myself a fansite when I was just a low profile composer and a boyfriend to Tiffany?


The car drove to the interview event, I was thinking so deeply that I don't realize my phone was ringing. The corner of my lips curves up as soon as I saw the ID caller, I immediately slide the green button and answered it.




"YAH! Annyeong! I miss you!"


My smile went wider, I feel like I hurt my cheeks. "Syoung noonaaaaa~" I attempted aegyo.


I heard a scoffed from other side, "Yah, don't do that. It is disgusting and cringy as your face" Giggles trailed after she said it.


My face darkened, someone was there. "Yah! Noona! Who are you with?" I panicked.


"wae wae wae? You suddenly became panic? It is my friends at the dorm, Sunny, Hyoyeon, Taeyeon and Tiffany" I could sense that she was teasing just by her voice.


I clenched my teeth, "ti-t-ti.. Mwoya?!" I accidently yelled caused my manager to turned his head to me.


They giggled again, "haha, bye kiddo. I know you have work to do but I'm not allow to let you talk with your girlfriend" She mocked.


"She's not my-"




"Soohan-ssi, we have arrived" manager's voice alarmed me and I nodded to him to indicated that I will move to the event.


I slumped on the car seat and let out a heavy sigh. I closed my eyes, feeling tired. Lots of schedule today, lucky for tomorrow that I don't have to attend any interviews. So I can rest, peacefully.



Woke up in my own apartment that I just bought last week, I can't just sleeping in a fancy hotel for my all life.


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New chapter, oh god felt exhausted. Hehehe gn


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84 streak #1
Chapter 15: curious about what soohan sees on tiffany phone message
84 streak #2
Chapter 15: Welcome back!!!
Chapter 14: I hope you will update this soon hehehe
84 streak #4
Chapter 14: Good thing I came across this storyy again heheh pls update huhuhuhu btw happy new yearr!!!!
its_just_me_boi #5
Chapter 14: pls continue...
yuutoo #6
Chapter 14: Same as me let's burn sm together haha
Chapter 13: Really like your story. Hope it gets updated!
missno22 #8
Chapter 14: No worries. I hate SM too...
84 streak #9
Chapter 14: Ayieeeee I'm glad soohan stepped up hehheheh what a heated kissss xD pleasee uodate again huhuhu many hanfany moments pleaseeeeee