No Coffee but Can We Date?

Coffee please?




Jeonghan sighs for the umpteenth time when he glanced at the clock on the wall. It’s 8 pm and he’s still sitting on his usual spot at Mounteen Café shop, a cup of half-full caramel macchiato on the table in front of him. What is he even doing here, Jeonghan himself doesn’t understand. All he knows is he came to this café just to fulfill Jisoo’s call but then Seungcheol showed up, looking like a judo master or something because he’s still wearing his blue uniform and with a black belt attached on his waist. Overall he looked awesome, hot even, so in dominant tough and unbreakable Jeonghan almost feel scared because of Seungcheol’s angry scowl and he swears he heard Seungcheol growls lowly in his throat but then the man pouts, all droopy eyes and defeated slump of his shoulders when he approached Jeonghan a little bit timidly.

Surprised, Jeonghan could only froze in his place, his limbs not responding to any commands his brain was giving him. Seungcheol stood in front of him, still pouty and upset, slightly peeking from under his thick, long, beautiful eyelashes, crossing his hands and cocking an eyebrow at him.

All Jeonghan did was greeting the man but Seungcheol’s face immediately (and noticeably) brightens, his pout still the same but his shoulder kind of bulked(?) a bit, his back straightening and he stepped forward. Shortly, Jeonghan was hurled to his usual spot at the other side of the café (embarrassingly manhandled by those veiny, thick, creamy arm, like basically Seungcheol carried him with one arm, over his freakin shoulder), told to sit down and waited for Seungcheol to come back. Slightly confused but mostly nervous Jeonghan tried to make eye contact with his bestfriend from across the room but Jisoo avoided his eyes and Jeonghan knew he’s involved in whatever is happening right now. That sneaky guy. You should be ashamed of your church oppa image frickin Jisoo.

Seugcheol came back with two cups of coffee, one was boiling hot and the other is an iced....... wait, it’s an iced lychee....smoothies? The man didn’t even acknowledge Jeonghan’s (judging) baffled stare, calmly setting down the hot coffee in front of Jeonghan and taking a sip of his iced lychee smoothies. Jeonghan scrunched up his nose when he smelled the delightful smell of coffee. Caramel macchiato is one of the most delicious taste in the world and the fact that Seungcheol knew about his favorite is really heartwarming but all Jeonghan could think about was sht Jisoo must’ve reported my action to Seungcheol fckn fck.

Seungcheol stared at him with a slightly tilted head, reminding Jeonghan about Goldie, his golden retriever pet when he was young. “Drink.” Seungcheol said as he nodded towards the cup. Jeonghan frowned but he reached out nonetheless, carefully taking the cup with both of his hands, placing it under his chin trying to feel just how hot the coffee was. After he deemed it cool enough he took a big sip, gulping down the liquid and savoring the slightly bitter taste on his tounge.

Jeonghan let out a soft sigh.

Still, Seungcheol refused to talk, instead rising up from his seat, going to somewhere and Jeonghan was tempted to run away but Seungcheol came back just to say, “Stay there, okay?” before disappearing into the man’s bathroom. Jeonghan scowled when he saw a flash of his so called bestfriend smiling like an idiot near the man’s bathroom, and for whatever reason he chose to stay.


So here he is, in his favorite café doing what Seungcheol wanted him to do, waiting for the man to come back from the bathroom. He can only blame Jisoo for his current situation, that guy must have let Seungcheol use his kindness to gain information about him.


.....Okay maybe he’s at fault too here.


When Jisoo approaches his table Jeonghan immediately glares at him. The other’s signature gentle smile blooms fully and he struggles to keep his menacing stare. Seriously his bestfriend is the most gentle, kindest person Jeonghan has ever met, but at times like this he just wanted to strangle the smile off of his bestfriend’s face. He understand that Jisoo helped because he cares about Jeonghan but honestly Jeonghan doesn’t even need any help. At all.


“Hi Jeonghannie.” Jisoo says as he takes the seat in front of Jeonghan. Frowning, Jeonghan only shoots an eyebrow at his so called bestfriend. Jisoo doesn’t even bother on trying to look like an innocent person. Rolling his eyes Jeonghan take the cup and drinks the rest of the coffee in one sip.

“Why did you do­­­­—“

“First of all, you knew damn well the reason i’m doing this, Hannie. I’m tired of you coming here on my shift just to tell me about your crush on Seungch—“

“SSHH! What the fuu—dge chocolate lava cake. Ugh, Jisoo, lower down your volume please we’re not the only here, okay?” Jeonghan scowls when Jisoo only shrugs his shoulder casually. “Jeonghan we both know you need my help for this one because you’re so pathetic going on and on about Seungcheol everyday, Seungcheol this, Seungcheol that, Seungcheol’s eyelashes, Seungcheol’s shoulder, Seungcheol’s thighs, Seungcheol’s arms. You met him only once before yet you fell so hard for him.” Jisoo says nonchalantly.

“Hey! I came here everyday because i want to meet you! Plus i DID NOT  talk about Seungcheol only! I talk about how your day is going, being a good friend because you switched your shift without even telling me! You know i love familiarity, Shua. It makes me more comfortable because i already know the drill so why the fu— nk did you switch your shift?!” Jeonghan stubbornly hissed at Jisoo.

“Don’t do that, trying to steer the conversation away from the first topic. Now, the main issue here is you have a crush on Seungcheol, and the poor guy has the same feeling about you but then you decided to be a rude human being, abandoning Seungcheol when you already promised you’ll come again?” Jisoo shoots an eyebrow at him and Jeonghan pouts.


“Yeah that’s rude, Jeonghan. I thought i would see you again the next day, i even prepared a whole conversation plan but you didn’t even show up! You’re kind of mean, to be honest, meeting Jisoo but avoiding me, preferring to drink instant coffee than your usual coffee....” Seungcheol’s voice suddenly comes from beside him. Startled, Jeonghan scoots away from  the barista, shooting a betrayed look to his bestfriend. Jisoo only shrugs his shoulders and he got up, patting Seungcheol on the back and going back to his position behind the counter.

Seungcheol sits down as soon as Jisoo got up from his seat, a clear frown with a mix of pout adorning his face, which is kind of adorable if Jeonghan wants to be honest but right now he has to play like he’s  not squealing inside because who knows that Seungcheol is full of sunshiney cuteness behind all of those muscles and thickness? Sighing, Jeonghan leans back and crosses his hand, a fake annoyed expression on his face.


“Oh no you don’t, Yoon Jeonghan. Don’t play the ‘i’m pissed and i don’t want to talk’ card on me, i already know everything from Jisoo and Seungkwan. I know you talked about your crush on me but you’re too ‘shy’ to interact with me. Okay maybe i’m at fault too here, approaching you a little bit too intensely when we’re literally strangers and making you feeling flustered, but i don’t know you’re the type to disappear when you don’t know how to react to something un-usual or unfamiliar—”

“Okay, okay i get your point! Yeesh.”


Seungcheol tilts his head once again, curiosity mixed with something Jeonghan can't put his fingers on (Kinda looks like....lowkey....longing?) attached on his faced. Jeonghan sighs before he drops his head to the table, uncaring of the image he's giving to Seungcheol and the other customers.

“Okay, look, i'm sorry I abandoned you.” He says, his words muffled by the thick wooden surface of the table. A confused 'What?' from Seungcheol got him lifting his head up, eyes meeting an almost comically wide eyes of the other man. “I'm sorry I abandoned you.” He repeated himself clearly, searching for any resentment but he found none, instead finding a bright Seungcheol with a lopsided grin.


Jeonghan bites his lips.


He already apologized, Seungcheol accepted it, so what now? It's going to be very awkward if this situation continue, but it seems like Seungcheol doesn't realize it, too busy making a very happy puppy face at him. Jeonghan unconsciously let his lips curving upwards a little, a fond expression gracing his features when Seungcheol kept on gazing at him like he's some kind of a magnificent artwork.



“I'm pretty sure you guys made up already, so can you please go from this café, because you guys are making gooey smile and heart eyes to each other it's kind of disgusting.”


A familiar sassy voice came from beside them and Jeonghan almost jumps when he found all of Seungcheol's co-workers (and his friends, actually) huddled at the table next to them, all of them wearing the same expression on their faces.

Scowling, Jeonghan glares at Seungkwan, only to get a wiggle of his eyebrows in return.


“What are you doing here?” Jeonghan asks, mostly directed at Seungkwan because he's 99,99% sure the boy is the one behind this. Seungkwan tsk-ed, and when he clapped his hands in a very elegant manner Jeonghan automatically scrunched up his nose, more so when Jisoo comes over with a suspicious smile on his lips.

"Hyung, I think they both are disturbing other customers. You should kick them out." Seungkwan says with an evil smile and Jeonghan furrows his eyebrows. "What are you talking about we didn't even-"

"I'm sorry Hannie, I think Seungkwan is right. You should go, look at our poor Dino and Minghao! They don't have a seat and they have to stand up like that! If you have mercy, kindly go from this coffee shop."


Jeonghan's jaw dropped.




Languange, Jeonghan.”


“—What kind of an explanation was that?! There are plenty of empty seats! Even if the shop is full Minghao can sit on Jun's lap and Dino can sit beside Hansol! Why are you so keen on—“


Excuse me, hyung? Then where do I sit?”


“Ssh, Seungkwan. You know damn well where you could sit. Unless Hansol is wearing a spiky pants then that's your emergency seat. And Seungcheol, say a word! Oh gosh, you're in this with them aren't you?!”


“What the hell do you mean by that hyung?! Why would I sit on his lap?! Ugh, I don't like you.”


In the end, Jeonghan grumpily exits the café with a vibrant Seungcheol behind him, his friends teasings too much for him to bear. Grumbling, he glances at the older man, rolling his eyes when he found a lopsided smile with and equally cute eyesmile. He sighs, ducking his head down to hide his own smile when Seungcheol reaches out and tangled their hands together, shooting him another puppy smile as he waved their joint hand briefly.

“So...Do you want to eat something?” Seungcheol asks after five minutes walking away from the café. Jeonghan purses his lips, contemplating his choices before he nods, pretending he doesn’t see the way Seungcheol’s eyes brightens again. He quickly averts his gaze when Seungcheol raises an eyebrow, probably because Jeonghan stared at him for too long.

“What do you want to eat?” Seungcheol asks again, this time surpressing his laughter. With a roll of his eyes Jeonghan answers, “I’m not hungry.” finding some kind of satisfaction when Seungcheol looks confused because of his sudden change.

“Okay then. So....Do you want to go somewhere?” The older guy plays with his fingers, a gentle smile on his lips as he stares at Jeonghan sweetly. Feeling too much, Jeonghan throws his gaze to the left, choosing to stare at a street lamp.

“I....I think i want to go home...” He replies softly, still refusing to look at Seungcheol, too shy to handle the fondness in Seungcheol’s eyes.

He hears a chuckle before a hand pats his cheek, making him turning his head to raise an eyebrow at the culprit, only to receive an eyebrow wiggle from Seungcheol, “You know, you’re so adorable when you’re feeling shy and don’t know what to do.”

Jeonghan frowns as his hand flies to hit Seungcheol’s cheesy . The other laughs again, this time pulling Jeonghan to walk beside him, his eyesmile appearing. For the nth time that night Jeonghan’s heart melts into a pool of gooey mess. Seriously, this man is gonna be the dead of him.

“So...Mind telling me the reason why you never showed up for a whole month after your first encounter with me?” Jeonghan bites his lips when Seungcheol finally threw the question out. He sighs, trying to arrange his words but when Seungcheol tilts his head in the same puppy-like manner he gives up, pausing his steps and causing Seungcheol to stop too.

“I thought Jisoo and Seungkwan already told you why?” In the end he retorts back with a question, although Seungcheol only smiles gently at him. “Yes they already told me but i want to know from your point of view, Jeonghannie.”

The affectionate nickname makes him weak.

Huffing, Jeonghan pouts a little before he opens his mouth, “I guess...I was just flustered...You know, many people flirted with me before i met you but they never move my heart. And then you came, saying only five words, literally just greetings to me but you caused me to feel weird, and really unlike my usual self. I was... i don’t know, nervous maybe? Because being around you makes me feel like i’m not functioning, like my mouth has its own mind, my body suddenly shuts down on me, they do everything i don’t usually do and it’s  so embarrassing i couldn’t take it even by just thinking about it so i—“

“Whoa, whoa, slow down, Hannie. You’re rambling.’ Seungcheol laughs, his tone doesn’t mock Jeonghan or offending at all (or maybe it’s just his lovestruck nerves talking) but Jeonghan frowns nonetheless.

‘Argh, see? That’s  why i don’t want to be near you agai— Wait i don’t mean it like that, i mean i—“

Jeonghan stops in his words when suddenly Seungcheol’s  face gets closer to his own, the puppy expression back on his features but this time it’s more gentle and lovely. Jeonghan closes his eyes in anticipation just in time to feel a light peck on his nose.

“You’re talking too much. Don’t kill me but i originally wanted to kiss your lips but i guess there’s a lot of chance for me to do that in the future.”  Seungcheol winks at him, laughing again as he playfully pulls Jeonghan closer to  his body, bringing him into a warm hug. He lets out a satisfied sigh as he rest his chin on Jeonghan’s shoulder, his arms resting on the small of Jeonghan’s back, caressing in a circular motion.

“It’s okay. When you’re feeling awkward you’re not the only one. I felt awkward too, you know, to flirt with such a beautiful young man, whose face literally carved by the God himself, with your smooth black hair falling perfectly on your shoulders, shining from head to toe looking like an angel sent by God for me because he knew it’s my first day and he wanted to calm my nerves, thus he presented you in that coffee shop. You focused too much on your own nervousness you didn’t realize the slight trembling in my voice, clammy shaking palms and the cold sweat on my damp forehead. You’re not the only one, see? I was a wreck too, but you’re a far more beautiful wreck than me.” Seungcheol murmurs sweetly on his shoulder, somehow in the middle of his ‘speech’ he started to peck Jeonghan’s clothed shoulder, from the conjuction of his neck to the very edge where the part of his forearm started.

Jeonghan, feeling warm and especially loved wraps his arms on Seungcheol’s waist, his head resting on Seungcheol’s shoulder with a contented sigh, slightly nuzzling and giggling when Seungcheol playfully bites his shoulder.

“Thankyou Cheol-ah.” Jeonghan says lovingly, whole-heartedly feeling thankful because of Seungcheol’s words. He doesn’t really know why he’s so touched because of them but right now he just wants to relish in the way the hold each other’s body, so warm and intimate he almost put all of his weight on Seungcheol’s body. “Anything for you, angel.” Seungcheol replies with the same amount of love, kissing Jeonghan on the side of his head.

They stayed like that for almost five minutes, breaking apart when a pair of old couple passed by and started to shout at them, saying about Kids these days and Please hug somewhere else. Both of them only laughed and resume their walk to Jeonghan’s house, not at all minding about the distance, too busy stealing glances and playfully bumping into each other to notice there are some transportations they could use to get to Jeonghan’s house faster.









A/N : So! Hello guys. Sorry for the very long wait. I can say that this is the end, and i apologize for the shorter chapter and this feels rushed but i did try my best on finishing this one. I hope you guys like it. Maybe i will add a short bonus but its just maybe, i can’t promise anything guys. And yeah, give me some love, comments are lovely, they’re my motivation to write. I LOVE YOU :*

p.s : Good news, i think i found the right college for me! Two days ago i went there for the test and pray for me, so that i pass and i can enroll to that university:’)

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The first chapter is up! I'm very sory for the long wait and for this messy chapter. Hope you still enjoy this:"D


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Chapter 4: Haha, Seungcheol's first day was a real mess! He fell too hard from the very first sight XD It was a cute and simple short story, but showed the differences between Jeonghan and Seungcheol, how they were thinking about their crush at the very first meeting. Oh, and Seungkwan sassy as usual! ❤
floweroone #2
Chapter 4: yay!!! Jeonghan finally got together with Seungcheol!! I'm also happy that you found the right college for you, I'll pray (to Jisoos) for u!!! FIGHTING!!!!
exoooo12 #3
Chapter 4: Aweee so cute so sweet i'm-
zentree1 #4
Chapter 2: this is so cute!!! I really want a sequel now!!!
nurhusnamustafa #5
Chapter 2: Look at Seungcheol, flirting with Jeonghan, and accidently trip in front of his angel. Haish that kid is sooo clumsy. Nice ff btw ;)
Vamps56 #6
Chapter 2: Oh my God I can't stop laughing at seungcheol.
How can you still get him to like you like that?
Must be your looks or maybe your just really funny and clumsy
Chapter 1: awww sorry about your hand Bae:( we can wait ^^
Vamps56 #8
Yes can't wait