22. Truth

Marrying an Idol



I want it to be me, every moment of your life

When you open your eyes until you fall asleep

Can you hear a different name for eternity?...

Taemin - Truth


Mei was still in shock while Lillie explained to her what she had to do.

“You go and search for SHINee and ask to speak with Onew. They are practicing now.”

“I can't simply go and speak to Onew, he is my sunbae. Besides a small greeting I’ve never spoken to him.” Mei babbled knowing how nervous she always got when she met the seniors.

“You just tell him that Lillie sent you.” Jimin was exasperated. They were losing their chance by wasting too much time. Manager Kim was inside Mr. Han’s office that was away and asked him to do some things for him. That meant he was alone and no one would interrupt them. The perfect time to corner him and make their plan work. However Lillie insisted on warning Jinki but he didn't answer the phone or any of her messages - probably busy with practice - and Mei had the task of warning him now.

“Alright, I’ll run there!”

“Good. We will wait!” Lillie watched Mei leave them, running down the corridor in the direction of the elevator.

“We can't wait much longer.” Jimin remarked, “If he leaves the office, it's done and one more day means more time left for him to abuse someone.”

Lillie groaned feeling the pressure “But I can't simply go there alone…”

“You won't be alone. I'll be here listening to it. Let's do it like we agreed on. You turn on kakao and call me. I’ll listen to it and record what he says. If something happens I’ll enter the room and help you. We can even agree on an emergency code word.”

Lillie stared at the door of the office biting her lower lip. Mr. Han’s secretary didn't even seem to notice their presence.

“What if he doesn't confess if he acts normal as if he never harassed me or anyone?”

Jimin pressed her lips together “Then you need to take it from him.”

Lillie swallowed hard “How?”

“By using his weakness against him…” Jimin raised her eyebrows trying to make Lillie see what she meant without using words. It wasn't as if she didn't get it, but admitting it was scarier. “You know how he wants you. Just act as if you accepted his deal as if you want to sleep with him.”

“Oh, God...I just can't...I…”

“Water.“ Jimin interrupted her, her serious, determined expression scared Lillie a little.


“The safe word. Just say Water and I’ll come in.”

Lillie turned to check if Mei was successful and Jinki was coming but the hallway was still desert. He would come quickly though, as soon as he knew about their plan he would fly there, she was sure of it as she was of the fact that he would be mad at her for agreeing with that stupid plan after what they talked about the previous day at his parent's house.

“Oh...Mr. Han’s secretary!” Jimin exclaimed a small smile on her lips. The secretary left her desk leaving the entrance to the office completely vulnerable “This is the best moment!”

“Alright.” Lillie walked to the door barely noticing anything around her, her heart pounding loudly in her chest. That was insane and reckless and somehow in the short distance she had to cross, all her resolve started to vanish.

“Don't forget to make the call!” Jimin reminded her from somewhere behind Lillie and she struggled to look at her phone and start the call. Once she opened the door entering the office, her phone was already safely inside her pants pocket, recording everything.

Manager Kim was sitting at the desk, his feet over it as if he owned it, speaking to someone on his phone. As soon as he saw Lillie he hesitated eyeing her surprised and quickly took his feet off of the furniture and finished the call, his eyes never leaving her. She stayed close to the door nervously looking at him, trying to decide what to say.

“Lillie...what a surprise!” He stood up fixing his shirt that was coming out from his pants. The gesture disgusted Lillie because she couldn't help but imagine him doing that in another context, a dirty one. “Mr.Han is away…”

“I know.” Her voice trembled “I came to see you.”

“Me?” He smiled widely “What can I help you with?”

“You can stop with that act!”

“What act?”

“I know what you did to Mei!”

He raised his eyebrows acting as if he had no idea what she meant “Mei? Isn't she a trainee?”

“She told me that you tried to touch her!”

He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Mei came to me to ask for help and that's what I did. I have no idea what she is saying about me.”

Lillie looked around the room, her chest starting to hurt, she needed to make him confess, to make him admit the kind of person he was but he was enjoying that game, that act he usualy did when he spoke to her, pretending to be the good guy.

“Why can't you admit that you harassed her just like you harassed me and many other trainees in the company.”

“I don't get it, Lillie. I’m busy and you come here to try and offend me, accusing me of a lot of things I haven't done. Did I ever do anything to you?”

He raised one eyebrow waiting for her answer knowing that she couldn't truly say yes because he always acted as if he touched her by mistake or casually, as if the suggestions he made to her were for her own good, to help her and Jinki.

“Exactly, now can you leave me, please? I have a lot of work to do.”

He grabbed his phone again and Lillie watched him, panic filled her because that plan was a total failure. Only one thing was left and she really didn't want to do it.

“Lillie?” He asked amused wondering what she was waiting for “Anything else you need?”

“I...about the proposition you gave me last time…”

“Which one?” His eyes shined betraying him. He knew exactly what she meant.

“About helping my boyfriend.” She didn't say Jinki's name, she wouldn't dare. Not even because it felt wrong - almost like a sin to spoke his loved name in a situation like that - but also because she didn't want it recorded. “If I…” She waited to see if he completed it, confessing that he knew exactly what she meant but he didn't speak “...let you touch me you will help him.”

“Touch you?” He asked placing his phone down again. “But I don't want to touch you...I want more. I want to you!”

Lillie flinched, her body turned to stone. The plan was working because he left his mask fall but she was terrified now.

“And after the way you have been treating me lately, even complaining about me to the company I will you so damn hard and teach you a good lesson.”

“You are disgusting!”

Manager Kim laughed eyeing her suspiciously “I don't get it, Lillie. You come here to accuse me, then you say you want me to you and now you offend me.”

She almost screamed that she would never want him to touch her but bit her lip instead. She had to seduce him and make him believe that he was safe and could reveal all the ugliness inside him.

Stopping there wasn't an option since it might give the impression that she seduced him, that somehow she was guilty. But how to make him confess what he did?!

“You were the one who suggested it. The one who goes after girls to harass them because you know they are afraid to go against you.”

“And you aren't?” He asked before standing up. In quick fast steps, he was in front of her and she froze. “Just because you are dating a famous guy you think that you are better than every other woman here?”

“I-I didn't say that.” She her lips and tried to focus on what her objectives were.

“Are you thirsty?” He asked suddenly sitting on the couch. “I can offer you some water.” He patted the place on the couch beside him and Lillie hesitated. She ended up sitting on the couch but slightly away from him. He watched her deliberately moving his eyes slowly over her and she flinched not even wanting to think about all the dirty thoughts running through his mind.


His question made her want to scream the word. It would be so much easier if she just said it and Jimin came in to save her. Then that agonizing moment would be over and she wouldn't have to be beside that man any longer.

“Hum…” Since Lillie didn't answer he frowned and looked away but his body moved on the couch closer to her. “We can start now. You can show me how dedicated you are to your boyfriend.”

Lillie swallowed hard but didn't move “Why do you harass girls?” She asked instead.

“Again with this talk?!” Manager Kim groaned frustrated. “I don't get what you want! Do you want to please me so I can help you not?”

“I want you to admit it, to admit that you are harassing women.”

Manager Kim pinched the bridge of his nose as if he was trying to control his temper and then looked at her with an annoyed expression “I like to hit on the trainees. So what? I’m a guy and it’s normal to act like that when you are surrounded by attractive girls.” He smiled raising a finger to Lillie’s hair caressing her locks making her anger inside boil “Just like you.”

She pressed her lips together “Touching them without their consent and suggesting to help their career in exchange for ual favors is not right.”

He the couch facing Lillie, his face getting a lot redder. “Are you letting me touch you or not?”

Lillie swallowed hard “I don't think this is a good idea after all.”

She was going to get up, hoping that what she got until now was enough but he grabbed her wrist firmly. An image of Alex doing that to her crossed her mind and Lillie whimpered reliving the nightmare briefly.

“It’s their fault! Waking around me all day with their short skirts and shorts, acting cute, wearing makeup and fluttering their eyes at me. Just like you, ing trying to seduce me, to provoke me.”

“I never did that!” Lillie defended herself trying to break free from his hold but his fingers were like a hook around her arm.

“You?! Oh, you were the absolute worst! Acting all innocent and proper as if you were an innocent dating a prince and in the end, I find out you run away from a boyfriend only to fall on the bed of a rich idol to seduce him….” He laughed out loud “Like a ing and yet you try to treat me like garbage as if you are better than me!”

“I-I…” Lillie trembled in fear her eyes staring at the door. Now was the time to leave for sure. She had everything she needed. “Let me go!”

“No.” He pulled her by her arm to him and Lillie grasped his hand holding her, flinching in pain because he was twisting her wrist. “You came here to tease me and now you want to go? No, I'm ing collecting what I want from you and even if you tell the company I forced myself on you they won't believe it because you were the one who came willing to me like the you are.”

“Water!” Lillie almost screamed “Water!”

“What?” Manager Kim eyed her confused before he laughed “You want that glass of water now?!”

Lillie shifted her gaze between Manager Kim and the door from where Jimin would soon enter to help her.

“If you don't let me go you will regret it!” Lillie threatened him trying to gain time, still eyeing the door once in a while. Why was Jimin taking so long? “Water!” She said again more desperately.

Manager Kim leaned forward, his heavy body climbing over Lillie's, his target being her lips and Lillie used her free arm to smack his head. That seemed to surprise him and she took that chance to roll away from the couch to the floor. When he tried to follow after her she ran to the door but he grabbed her by her back, one arm wrapped around her while the other covered for her not to scream.

“Just calm down will you!” He whispered against her ear “I'll treat you nicely!”

Lillie closed her eyes, rage feeling her. She was no longer the Lillie from the past and in one thing he was right, she wasn't innocent. She was going to take him down and he wouldn't get any of what he wanted from her. She fought him, using her elbows to hit him and then as soon as she could she bite his hand covering . He screamed in pain releasing her and she sprinted to the door, adrenaline pumping widely but before she managed to reach it the door opened.

At first, she thought it was Jimin but two other people entered and one of them was Jinki. Lillie swallowed hard and jumped on his arms before he had time to realize what was happening. She still had his reaction from what happened with Alex in the karaoke room present in her mind and it couldn't happen again. He struggled slightly in her arms but she held him more firmly burying her face on his chest. He probably noticed how she was trembling so he stopped and hugged her back.

“Lillie what am I going to do with you….” He mumbled, his voice almost inaudible since another man was arguing with Manager Kim. She barely noticed the chaos behind her, more relieved to be free from harm and in the arms of someone who made her feel safe. Lillie moved her head away from Jinki’s chest and watched the scene.

Mr.Han was “scolding” her abuser and he seemed genuinely pissed. She relaxed.

She had his confession, she even had another “witness”, someone that had a higher position inside the company. That would go well.

She grasped Jinki’s arm noticing how his fists were curled, how tense he was eyeing Manager Kim. She was sure he wanted to punch him.

“Jinki?” Lillie caressed his hand and then flinched when he grabbed her hand in his as if to be sure she was there, unfortunately, it was the one that awful man hurt.

He widened his eyes and looked at her sadly.

Lillie smiled weakly at him, reassuringly. That was the last time an abuser would hurt her. The last time he would look at her like that or would need to save her. Because from now on she wasn't only a survivor, she was also a fighter.




“Are you really alright?” Mei asked once again observing Lillie carefully. Lillie nodded and grabbed the glass of water Jinki offered to her.

The three of them were alone now. Mr. Han escorted Manager Kim out of his office and Jimin went with them to present the recording they made.

Jinki’s presence nearby made Mei blush and she awkwardly looked at him. It didn't help that he was standing in front of Lillie with his arms crossed in front of his chest with a resting face as if he was posing for a magazine where he was supposed to act as the bad guy.

“I'm sorry.”

His expression softened slightly but still he looked upset.

“You told me that you wouldn't do it.”

“I know but…” Lillie's eyes moved to Mei and the younger girl seemed to diminish in size eyeing Jinki nervously realizing it was her fault.


Lillie placed one hand over her arm. “I came to tell Jimin I wasn't going to do it but then I found out he was harassing other girls, one of them is my friend…”

Jinki took a deep breath, reading behind Lillie's words.

“Still couldn't you have told me?"

“I did. Mei went to call for you and I tried to call you too but you didn't answer your phone. I wanted to wait but Jimin rushed me. It was my chance to talk with him alone.”

“And get hurt…”

Lillie touched her wrist “I defended myself though.”

Something crossed his eyes and he opened his mouth to speak but didn't say anything.

“The plan would have been a success if things didn't go badly at the end. However you were warned of it and…” Lillie bit her lower lip. She still didn't have a chance to talk about it with Jimin but she wondered why she didn't enter when she said “water” like they agreed on.

“Just drink your water.” He said walking around the room seeming worried and above all upset with the whole situation.

Mei stood up then, looking from Jinki to Lillie, sensing the mood in the room “I’m going to check on Jimin.”

No one said anything so she left leaving them alone.

“You are angry with me.”

Jinki turned around to look at Lillie. “Can you judge me?”

No she couldn't. Just the previous day she told him that she wasn't going to do anything risky and now look at what happened. Even though she took measures to protect herself, even though she fought Manager Kim’s advances she couldn't say that she came out of it unharmed. It wasn't only how her wrist ached but the emotional wounds that could have been opened again.

“I'm really sorry but I needed to do something and close this chapter of my life.”

“I should take you home.” He said wanting to take her away from there “We can talk about this later. I need to check how things are now, after the...evidence...you collected.”

He turned around ignoring Lillie’s disappointed expression but opened the door for her and waited, gently placing his coat over her shoulders.




“It feels like the last time we were together was a long time ago.” Min remarked to Taemin on the phone. They would text each other once in a while but lately even that seemed difficult because of how busy he was with work and how busy she was studying.

“Ah…I’m sorry!”

Min bit her lower lip regretting her words. It wasn't her intention to blame him for that. She was as guilty as he was since the last time he tried to meet she couldn't. It was true that it was late at night - after his practice session - and she was at her part-time job at a convenience store.

“No, I wasn't. I didn't mean it like that. I’m also busy!”

They haven't even started having proper dates and yet here they were failing already. Maybe it was too soon. Maybe they should have waited until she graduated and until he...She was tricking her herself if she believed there would be a time when they would have more time for each other. Sometimes Min wondered how Lillie or any of her friends dating an idol did it. Or maybe she and Taemin were just awful at conciliating their schedules.

“Yeah…” He seemed disappointed and she stopped in front of the building where she would have her next lecture. Even though she walked as slow as she could to reach the building she still didn't have enough time to speak with him. It never seemed like enough.

“I have a lecture now.” She frowned knowing that she disappointed him even further.

“Oh. So you need to go?”

She needed yes but she truly didn't want to. It was funny how everything seemed easier when she was dating Minho when he didn't look forward to seeing her. Now that she truly had someone that wanted to be with her she was busy all the time.

“I do but…”

“I miss you!” Taemin interrupted her and she smiled with his cute outburst. “I know that…” When he was with her he never seemed to find the right words and yet the ones that he clumsy spoke were always the ones she wanted to hear. “...that...ah…”

“I miss you too!” Minseo stepped aside for other students to enter and she spoke lower not only because it was embarrassing but a part of her wanted to be their secret. Yes, no one would know it was Lee Taemin on the other side of her phone but still...he was her secret. “When you have free time call me.”

“I will!”

Along the way, their schedules would align and they would be able to meet. She only needed to be patient.




Jinki drove Lillie home in total silence. She couldn't blame him for being upset, not only she interrupted his practice but she also put herself in danger and possibly might have brought him more trouble.

“You are mad.”

He scoffed, his eyes on the road. “I’m not mad.”

Lillie peeked at his profile. He was clearly upset and maybe it was better to let him calm down but she couldn't stay quiet.

“You clearly are. I know that I ruined your schedule and gave you more trouble with the company and…”

“You think that's the reason?!” He looked at her incredulous “That means nothing when your safety is at risk.”

“I know!” She pressed her lips together “And I knew you were mad!”

“No. I’m disappointed...hurt.”

His words made her feel even more guilty and she leaned back on her seat completely defeated “I’m sorry.”

“Just stop saying that you are sorry.”

Lillie nodded, her eyes never leaving him. Jinki was such a good guy and hopefully, from now on, she wouldn't give him more reasons to be disappointed in her. That was the last thing she wanted. He sensed the way she was looking at him intensely and stole her a glance.

“It's alright. I get why you did it and now that it's done, it's done.”

“I don't want to disappoint you.”

“Well, I’m also proud of how brave you were….” She smiled brightly at him and Jinki added faking an angry face “That doesn't change the fact that I'm still mad!”

“There you admit it!!” Lillie pointed at him as if she won something and he groaned.

They stayed in silence for a while after that with Jinki sighing once in a while as if the traffic that day annoyed him more than ever.

“What do you think that will happen to him?”

There was no need to explain who him was.

“I'm pretty sure he will be fired.”

“J-Just that..uhn..”

He frowned “Yes, I'm sorry. I doubt that they will make it public. It's not good for their image. At least he is out and hopefully, he won't be able to work in the entertainment business anymore.”

“He can still go and harass girls in another workplace,” Lillie remarked and Jinki didn't deny it. Both knew that that solution wasn't a real punishment. Unfortunately in the real world the bad guys rarely got punished.

“Well maybe in his new workplace is another girl planning to play the hero and save everyone!”

Lillie blinked her eyes realizing what he meant. Did he just ?!

His lips were pressed together and he raised one eyebrow stealing her a glance.

“You know, someone that tells her boyfriend she won't do it and then behind his back goes and saves the day!”


His lips curled slightly and she realized he wasn't being entirely bitter. She moved on her seat and kissed his cheek making him look at her.

“Stop frowning, it's going to ruin your pretty face.”

Jinki looked away hiding his tries not to smile but she kissed him again. When she tried to do it a third time he pushed her away making her giggle.

“Just let me punish you a little longer!” He asked not able to hide his smiling face anymore and she nodded caressing his arm.

“Alright.” She leaned her head against his arm and added a few seconds later, almost as if to comfort herself “I know that you love me.”

“Of course. I won't stop loving you just because you did something I don't agree on. It's not like we have to agree all the time.”

“Right...like how you wear your sneakers as if they were slippers.”

“What? You don't like that?”

“It completely ruins them!”

He chuckled because she looked adorable acting all upset over something small like that. They rarely talked about their fashion decisions and that was something new to him but it didn't bother him, on the contrary, he liked that they could be more honest even about the small things.

“Anyway…” she kissed his arm “You are the best.”

“Don't try to butter me up.” he mumbled making her laugh, parking the car in front of her house.

He turned off the radio that was working only as background noise anyway and didn't say anything waiting for her to release him. Which she didn't clinging to him stubbornly, holding his arm as if she didn't want to let go. He stared at her and she stared back pouting slightly knowing that it would make him look at her lips.

“What are you doing? You are at home.”

“I don't want to let go of you like this.” She clung to him rubbing her head shamelessly against his arms.

“Lillie…” He seemed tired but didn't scold her and his voice softened which meant that it was working. She felt bad for playing low like that but the idea of letting him go when things were awkward between them didn't please her. “I need to go back to practice and tomorrow I have a packed schedule.”

“I thought promotions were almost over.”

“They are but we have a repack ...And a concert after that.”

“Really?” her eyes shined and Jinki chuckled because even though she was his girlfriend she was also a shawol “I had no idea!”

“Because it's a secret and it's supposed to stay as a secret.”

“I promise!”

“Good girl...now…”

She reluctantly let go of him and he felt bad for pushing her away after what she has gone through the last hours. It was her fault but still, he only wanted to have her safely in his arms.

“Lillie?” He called when she unbuckled her seat belt.

“Hum?” When she raised her eyes to him he pulled her by the back of her neck softly to him. Her eyes fluttered and a smile escaped her lips just when he kissed her.

She immediately seized the moment to cup his face and move her hands down to his neck and around it. Jinki hummed against her lips knowing he needed to stop but her taste was addicting and his body was asking for more. When was the last time they had ?! He wasn't the kind to count but he was missing it already and by the way, her tongue his lips begging to enter his mouth she was too.

She trembled against him when their tongues touched and Jinki leaned over her pushing her against the seat kissing her more intensely. He wasn't sure how it happened but suddenly his hand was under her blouse caressing her s over her bra and he was a mess. That could have ended in her bedroom upstairs but he had to go.

“Lillie…” He pulled away, breathing her name sweetly against her lips. She was out of breath but still kissed him again caressing his neck. He answered but more modestly pushing her softly away. “I must go.”

“I know.” She said with a sad groan that made him smile.

“Are you as as I am?” He asked poking her nose, acting cute even though the question didn't match that mood.


She pulled him to her lips for what both knew that would be their last kiss for the night. It was intense but short and she pulled away dizzily opening the door of the car to go out.

He watched her amused remembering the beginning of their relationship when they would spend hours in his car making out and she would walk out of it looking like that: messed up hair, red abused with kisses lips, dizzily in love and desire.

“Text me when you get home.”

“I'm not sure when that will be.” he explained leaning on the seat to look at her better. She looked beautiful like that, enamored with him.

“Doesn't matter. I'll wait.”

“Alright. Goodnight.”

She waved at him and closed the door of the car, giving a few slow steps to her building before peeking at his car again. She couldn't see him, he knew that, because the windows of his car were tinted but still she was looking at it as if she could, fondly even.

He smiled touching his lips.

Only one hour ago he was mad with her and even though he was still upset he couldn't help but love her even more. He didn't lie when he said he was proud because he was. His Lillie was turning into a very beautiful and brave woman. He only hoped he was able to keep up with her.



Minho the lights of the apartment and stretched his arms in the air before turning to walk to the kitchen. Jinki followed him yawning.

“Want to have a drink with me?”

It was late already and they were tired and drinking at that time wouldn't be good for their skin but it was a very stressful day and Jinki liked those small moments he shared with Minho, so he followed him.

They sat on the table and Jinki served both of them a glass of soju from one of the bottles Minho brought from the fridge.

Usually they would drink in silence for a while and then talk, normally about things not related to work, as if they were only two friends meeting to hang out.

“So how did that thing go with your girlfriend?” Minho asked, “You disappeared from practice and then came back in complete silence.”

Jinki didn't even know where to start. How did it go?! Lillie’s and that other trainee's insane plan was somehow a success. The company fired that abuser and he was lead to sign an agreement where he wasn't supposed to work for an entertainment company for five years. However, as he pointed out before, that didn't mean that his behavior would change. At least he would stay away from Lillie.

Quickly Jinki explained to Minho what happened, even though he was sure he knew parts of it by now.

“That's a mess…” Minho exclaimed bringing the glass to his lips “But kudos for your girlfriend. She was brave!”

He didn't like to admit it to himself since he was supposed to be mad but she was.

“Also it's better that this happened before you went public. Fewer complications!”

“True.” Jinki grabbed the bottle of soju to fill his and Minho’s glass. “I just wish we had some time off from all this. Rumors, exes, jealousy, break ups, we had so many things happening since we started dating. I only wish for a few months of peace.”

Minho chuckled nodding his head.

“Anyway, what about you?”

Minho raised one eyebrow.

“You acting weird lately.”

“Well, my girlfriend cheated on me with an old powerful man.”

Jinki frowned. “It's not that. There is something else.”

Minho groaned hating that part of his housemate. He was dense usually and not able to pinpoint what was wrong but a part of him could see that something was bothering the ones around him.

“There is someone.” Jinki didn't react and Minho sighed elaborating “Someone I might be falling for.”

“Oh, that's great! I didn't expect that.”

Minho ran a hand through his hair “I know it's so soon...the thing is….I think I liked her before but never realized it. At least there was some attraction and lately, it's unbearable.”

Jinki smiled while sipping another glass of soju. “I know exactly what you mean.” The weeks before Jinki confessed to Lillie were the worse. He couldn't even sit beside her because his body seemed to heat up with the mere contact.

“The problem is that it’s someone I can't love.” Jinki frowned “No she doesn't work with us. It's not like Eun Ha, still we can't.”

“Is she famous or has a boyfriend or…”

“No. We just can't.” Minho answered firmly filling his glass again.

“Well, love isn't perfect. Sometimes it doesn't seem like the other person is someone we can be with because we have many differences but if it's worth it if you fight for it.”

“No, you don't get it.” Minho groaned. He couldn't tell Jinki about her identity and the fact that she was Jonghyun’s sister. No one could learn about it. It wasn't as if Jinki would tell anyone. He could keep secrets but that one was something Minho would never voice out. It would go with him to his grave. “The problem is that her brother is my friend and he won’t accept us.”

Minho raised his eyes to Jinki hoping that he acted casual enough for him to not suspect anything. It was already very risky to tell him that. If Jinki connected the dots he would be screwed.

“Why?” However, he seemed confused instead. “You are a good guy and you even are friends!"

“Because…” Why wouldn't Jonghyun accept him anyway?! Minho hasn't thought much about it simply because he was used to listening to him say that he was a member at the end of the list of possible candidates to date her.

“You are an idol?” Jinki finished for him as if he suddenly reached that conclusion.

That was probably one of the reasons.

“That too.”

If Jonghyun could choose he wouldn't want a brother in law that spends the same amount of time he does away from his sister, neglecting her.

“Look!” Jinki placed the glass on the table gently and looked at Minho with a smile, the one that was always so comforting to him and the reason why Minho often went to Jinki for advice. That was the reason he invited him to drink and Jinki knew. And despite being tired and having an awful day he still accepted the invite and was there listening to him “If you love this woman and you are serious about her your heart and sincerity will be seen in your actions and sooner or later her brother will accept it. Does she love you too?”

The question hurt him. Sodam has friend-zoned him too many times to count by now.


“Oh.” Jinki’s smile fell and Minho covered his face.

“Maybe I’m truly being punished. I hurt Minseo pretty badly.”

“You didn't do anything to her. When two people are together that doesn't mean that their feelings won't change or that things will work out. You gave her a chance. I’m sure she knew deep down that you didn't love her so stop acting as if you tricked her into something. “

“I guess you are right.” Self-pitying and blaming wouldn't help him in any way and Minseo seemed happier now.

“Did you confess to her?” Jinki asked and it took Minho a while to realize that the conversation was back to Sodam.

“No. She is also my friend and I don't want to ruin that.”

“I understand. I was afraid too with Lillie. If she didn't love me I would have ruined what we had but since she did, I won the best of relationships, a friend and a lover.” Jinki seemed so genuinely happy talking about Lillie that he couldn't help but smile. Would he ever get that too? “So I hope it works out for you too. There are some signs that show that she is interested in more.”

“Signs? What kind of signs?”

“Hum…Lillie would blush a lot around me and we laughed a lot together. We talked about silly stuff and even though I was saying nonsense she would look at me as if I was shining. Oh, and she wouldn't withdraw when I touched her casually. And when we weren't talking we would stare at each other and just stand there until we giggled like two idiots.” Jinki smiled warmly. “She was so cute and I had to risk it because I was going insane. Being around her and unable to touch her was pure torture.”

“Yes. I want to touch her so badly…” Minho wandered off and his cheeks heat up because Jinki was watching him with a mischievous expression “Did I sound like a ert?

“No. We are guys….we need that physical connection. I know exactly what you are going through.” Jinki chuckled collecting glasses and bottles from the table. It was time to go to bed. “And you get jealous when she talks with other guys or wondering if she is seeing someone.”

“Yes, oh god yes!”

“And you don't want to admit it to yourself!” Jinki added hating the way he felt when he was jealous of Lillie. He placed the glasses inside the sink and the bottles on the trash can before turning to Minho that followed after him.

“Read the signs and make the decision to confess.” Jinki patted Minho’s shoulder “Good luck!”

Minho thanked him and followed after him in silence.

There was no point thinking about that now and he needed to rest. Jinki yawned and waved at Minho before entering his bedroom. Minho did the same entering his. He didn't bother to turn the light on or change into his pajamas and laid over his bed.

The silence and darkness claimed him down slowly and he closed his eyes taking a deep breath.

He now had a plan. It wasn't perfect and he still had to work on some points of it but it was better than before.

It was a good idea to confide in a friend.




Lillie’s head popped up at Jules's bedroom door and she raised her head from the laptop on her lap.

“Can we talk?”

“Sure.” Jules closed her laptop and raised her legs up in the bed for Lillie to have space to sit beside her and Bummie that was sleeping curled beside her.

“How was your day?” Jules asked gently offering Lillie a sweet smile. It was impressive how beautiful Jules was and Lillie always wondered why she wasn't modeling. That night she looked tired and yet she still looked like a goddess.

“Well…” Lillie started to recount what happened at the company to Jules and even though she tried to make it short the blonde woman asked her a lot of details.

“I can't believe you followed what that airhead suggested.”


“Yes!” Jules seemed even more upset than Jinki.


“Aish!” She rubbed her temples “I'm glad you are safe but for my sake and Jinki’s one please stop going around doing insane things that only put you in danger.”

“I know.” Lillie her lips “But that isn't the reason why I came to talk to you.”

“There is more?” Jules's nostrils flared up and Lillie shock her head.

“No. Just that, at the party, I somehow found out about something you never told me and I was blind to see.”

Jules didn't say anything so Lillie kept going “Why didn't you tell me that you didn't need a roommate after all, that you are asking me for a small rent...that this apartment is yours.”

“Does me being rich change anything between us?”

“No, you know it doesn't, but I feel like I've been living off of you and I feel awful.”

“You are not.”

“You said you needed a roommate when we met and I was so desperate, wanting to leave the awful place where I was that I never questioned you about this place and I never realized you had money. I mean sometimes you wear expensive clothes but I ...gosh I'm dense.”

“Lillie, I met this sweet young woman that was going through a hard time. She was doing her best to survive and I didn't lie, I was alone since my roommate got married and moved out. I offered you a room and I won a best friend. I think that was a pretty good deal. I don't feel in any way that you used me for money because I did it the way I wanted to.”

“I just feel bad.”

“Don't. The money you pay me is enough to cover the expenses I have with you living here. It's perfectly fine. We are family aren't we?”

“Family don't hide those things from each other.” Lillie didn't want to sound bitter but she was indeed a little hurt. She thought she knew Jules well after everything they went through but it seemed like she didn't know anything at all.

“I didn't hide, you simply never asked and I didn't think it mattered.”

“I'm an awful friend.” Lillie sulked. Not only was she failing as a girlfriend lately but also as a friend.

Jules chuckled surprising her “No, you have too many things to worry about and besides the fact that you never ever cared about it shows how lovely you are. You don't care if I have money or if I use expensive things, just like you don't care about having a rich boyfriend. You are a good friend, trust me.”

“I promise I will be more attentive from now on.” Lillie promised despite Jules's speech.

“Don't be silly. It's fine!”

Lillie crossed her legs under her and caressed Bummie’s fur before focusing all her attention on Jules. “Tell me, how are you?”

“Right now?” Jules laughed “I'm ok.”

“Really?” as if she was trying to catch her friend in a lie, Lillie scanned Jules's face for any clue of it.

“Yes. Shouldn't I be?”

“You seem tired.”

“That's because I am. I have many new responsibilities now that I am the owner of a business. Besides, I have a boyfriend that is always absent and I'm living away from my family. I think you know how I feel in those two fields.”

Lillie nodded “Yes, unfortunately.”

“But I have friends ...like you!” Jules poked Lillie's nose cutely like she always used to do and the younger woman smiled at her grateful before leaning on the bed to hug her.

“Thank you. You truly helped me a lot back then. Giving me a hand, a place to stay and even introducing Jinki to me.”

“I know.” Jules patted her back “I think I won my place in heaven on the day I decided that you two matched.”

Lillie pulled away giggling “And I haven't done anything for you.”

“Haven't you listen to anything I just said? I won a sister when you came to live with me!”

Lillie didn't seem convinced so Jules poked her nose again.

“There is something you can do for me!”

Her serious expression made Lillie sustain her breath waiting.

“Tell me and whatever it is I will do it!”

“Can you do the dishes? I didn't have time.”

Lillie’s expression sunk and Jules chuckled. “I mean it.”

Lillie stood up laughing and nodded. From now on she would pay more attention to the ones she loved. She would do better.

“Consider it done.”




Lillie was exhausted. She didn't sleep well last night and after a busy morning at work and an extremely small pause for lunch she spent half the afternoon following Do Joon to meetings. Paying attention and taking notes was harder than usual, mostly because she couldn't stop thinking about Jinki and his lack of enthusiasm in the texts he exchanged with her. He was still mad.

“You didn't sleep well?” Do Joon asked while they walked back to where he parked his car and after she yawned for the tenth time.

“I had many things in my mind.”

“I would have too if I helped fire a guy that is harassing my friend at the company my boyfriend works at.”

Lillie stopped in the middle of the sidewalk looking at him astonished. “How do you…?”

“Know? You were on the phone this morning telling someone the full story and I overheard.”

She called Rin that morning and told her all about it, maybe hoping that she gave her some ideas to make Jinki forgive her faster but even Rin scolded her.

“You are very nosy!”

“And you are careless!”

Lillie groaned and fastened her step making Do Joon follow after her. She could hear him laughing at her and the last thing she needed was for him to about her bad decisions.

“I think it was foolish but very brave!”

She ignored him because his opinion was similar to Jinki’s and she was still trying to deal with his reaction to it. “My days of being a secret agent are over.” She sighed stopping beside Do Joon’s car. “I’m done with it.”

“That's not good news. Not when I need you to save me.”

Lillie was going to scold him for teasing but he wasn't laughing at his own joke, he seemed rather serious as if he was going to ask her something. Slowly it dawned on her.

“Oh no...no…”

“Lillie please, there is this dinner party at my parent’s house.”

“NO!” She said firmly “I'm not going to pretend that I'm your girlfriend. Makes no sense when I'm dating and you have a girlfriend of your own.”

“I don't have a girlfriend.” He said calmly.

“Rin’s sister!”

“I can't ask her. We are not in a serious relationship!”

Lillie groaned and a corner of Do Joon's lips twitched into a smile. He loved to frustrate her, clearly.

“I can't believe you said that!”

“My mom thinks I'm dating you. She likes you.”

“Then tell her that we broke up.” It was a very simple solution and way better than keep dragging a lie. “When your mom sees on the news that Onew’s girlfriend is me she will think I'm cheating on you!”

“My mother doesn't follow the lives of idols. She won't ever find out!”

Lilie groaned again and leaned against his car. “Even if I wanted to help you, I just can't. Jinki will hate the idea.”

He probably would punch him again. The idea seemed to cross Do Joon's mind because he flinched remembering how he did that when he provoked him last time.

“You can ask him. It's a one-time thing. I swear!”

It wouldn't be a one-time thing if Do Joon didn't tell his mother the truth.

“God, why do I get myself in this kind of a mess all the time?!” There she was again trying to help her friends and going with a plan that might hurt Jinki.

“Because you have a good heart.”

“My biggest weakness too.” She was going to tell Jinki though.

“I thought it was your boyfriend's smile.” Do Joon's lips parted with a big smile and Lillie groaned because his eyes disappeared into lines like Jinki’s ones did.

“Stop that!”

“What?!” her boss laughed opening the car behind her.

“Just stop!”




Jinki rubbed his neck and laid down back into the couch. They just finished recording one of the b sides of their recent album and in a couple of hours would be called to record their goodbye stage. Promotions were almost over and that meant that soon everyone would know he was dating Lillie. Hyung-soo hyung, more known as K.Will, was pestering Jinki lately to invite Lillie to have dinner with them so that he could meet her “before everyone else.” It was true that K.Will was one of the people in Jinki’s life that knew more about his relationship with Lillie and yet he never even met her. That was why Jinki was texting him trying to find a moment on their both full schedules for all to meet.

However, when he checked his phone he also had a text from Min Hee and he knew immediately what it was about even before reading it. She wanted to know if he told Lillie about her request but the truth was that he completely forgot about it and didn't even mention it to her.


“I haven't had time to tell her yet.”


“Jinki please, I really need your help. I need to prove that I am ready for this solo album.”


“You can ask anyone else for help.”


“I want you.”


Jinki frowned and exhaled noisily and before he answered she sent another message.


“Your voice matches mine and I improved a lot when you were helping me. I don't trust anyone else. We are great together.”


Were they? Musically maybe but not in the rest.

Jinki sighed not knowing what to do. He wanted to help Min Hee as a coworker but he was afraid of how Lillie would react to it. His eyes fell on Kibum sitting beside him with his earphones on listening to music on his phone.

“Kibam…” Jinki mumbled trying to catch his friend's attention “What would your girlfriend do if you decided to help an ex-girlfriend?”

Kibum’s eyebrows raised and he took off his earphones “What?”

Jinki repeated the question moving closer to Kibum.


Rather than explaining he showed the texts, he exchanged with Min Hee to Kibum.

“What's this?” Kibum asked when he was finished, giving the phone back to its owner.

“She needs a voice coach.”

Kibum chuckled “No, she needs a way to get closer to you again because she is clearly not over you.”

“You think?” Jinki asked with uncertainty.

“Just tell her to ask Jonghyun. He helps other singers in the company all the time.”

“What me? Help what?” Jonghyun asked joining them, sitting over the small coffee table.

“Voice coaching!” Kibum answered.

“Oh no, not right now. I can't. I barely have time to sleep. I have the repack, the concert and I'm also preparing my next solo album. But who needs it?”

“Min Hee!” As soon as Kibum answered Jonghyun expression changed and he looked at Jinki the same way Kibum did. He also thought that was a plan to get closer to him again.

“She is releasing a solo album. That's why she needs help.”

“Jinki, she can ask anyone inside the company but she needs you…I mean....” Kibum rolled his eyes “You are just naive. You keep blaming your girlfriend for being naive but you are just like her.”

“I think you should discuss this with Lillie.” Jonghyun remarked.

“Jonghyun is right. However, in the end, I think it needs to be your decision. If you have no feelings for her and want to help her as a friend I think you should still do it. Just tell Lillie out of respect and warn your ex that she is only a friend and nothing else. Only if there are no feelings…”

“There aren't. I don't feel anything for her.” Jinki clarified.

“Then do it. Nothing wrong with helping a friend.” Kibum shrugged and put his earphones on again.

Jinki bit his lower lips and stared at his phone.

“It does feel wrong though.”

“Maybe because you know she still likes you.” Jonghyun pointed out.

“Yeah.” deep down he knew. He wasn't as naive as Kibum said he was. He could see in Min Hee’s eyes the same sparkle Lillie had when she looked at him filled with love.

“If she can separate her feelings from her professional life I don't see how it can be a problem. Discuss it with your girlfriend. I actually think it might be a good thing.”


“Rin would hate it. She hated when I worked with my ex but in the end, when she saw us work together and realized that my heart didn't waver not even for a second she was reassured of my feelings again. So maybe it will work well for you too.”

Jinki pressed his lips together “It upsets me how she goes and does so many things behind my back making me upset and jealous and yet she is the insecure one.” He groaned remembering the silly plan from the day before.

Jonghyun raised one eyebrow “It seems like you are upset with her.”

“After what she did yesterday, don't you think I have a reason to be?”

Jonghyun chuckled and stood up leaving Jinki alone again. He leaned back into the couch and sighed deeply.

Maybe he was being too harsh on her but he couldn't help but be hurt. A part of him, a dark one wanted to do it and help Min Hee without Lillie knowing just to rebel and hurt her showing how it felt when someone you trust goes and does something without your knowledge after they said they wouldn't. However she was lead to it - he knew that she wanted to wait for him- and she warned him about what was going to happen, even though it was after it was already happening. Also, he wasn't that person. He didn't want to hurt her.

So he texted Lillie.


I have something to discuss with you later. Let's meet.


However, before he sent it he got one from her.


We need to talk. I have something to ask you. Can we meet later?


Jinki frowned. He had a bad feeling about it. What now?!


I want to tell you my truth

It’s only for you...




I'm sorry for the long delay and for this kinda boring chapter. XD I know I know... I'm also missing the romance. We will have more soon. Anyway, I needed to close this part of the story and get back on track and as you probably guessed its time for their relationship to come out. Hopefully, it will happen in the next chapter. Thank you so much for reading it and being with me in this loooooong story of Lillie's and Jinki's relationship.
Also, while I was preparing to post this, sad news came out. Sulli, that most of you probably know, has passed away. When I started liking kpop and fell in love with SHINee I also got to know about f(x). So even though I wasn't following Sulli's career recently I had a special affection towards her. I didn't always compreehend her actions but I also couldn't understand all the hate she always received since she never did anything wrong. We all do things that might seem weird to others, that aren't comprehended by everyone but we are all human and we all deserve love and respect. It makes me extremely sad to know about her passing and the way it happened. I don't know the full reasons behind it but the hate she received was probably one part of it. My heart is with everyone that loved her and with her family and coworkers. I wish things could have been different and for obvious reasons this truly hits me hard.
I yarn for the day when people will realize that cyberbullying and harassment online is a serious problem, for the day people will realize that more measures are to be taken when it comes to mental illness. Stay healthy everyone and reach out to someone if you feel like losing strength. Don't let the darkness inside you win.
If you need someone to talk, or to simply listen you can dm me here or chat with me on twitter.

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Thank you!
I forgot to say after chapter 18 but this chapter was dedicated to our Kibum! Please support his solo album! <3


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Chapter 36: Yay girls night!
Why does it seem minseo is scared because taemin is acting more loving toward her? Like it’s a bad thing. Oh. Is it a bad thing? No right?? Bc he loves her. Maybe feels guilty for meeting w Melody?

Hello jongie, I missed you ^^
Did he tell them already??
The suspense!! Haha. Ok it’s not Lillie.
Omg minseo??? Maybeeee
I’d love for it to be Rin tbh. The baby will still be healthy if she didn’t know and drank early in the pregnancy. But they would probably be super worried if it was Rin.
Hm I didn’t picture Jules with kids either but if it was with Kibum I think she would warm up to it. And they don’t have to rush in figuring it all out. Babies and marriage can just come if they are ready. I like that Jules is sure she needs marriage to be forever. She seems like such a free spirit but doesn’t take marriage lightly. I love their relationship.

Holy crap is it really minseo??
OMG RIA???? Haha jonghyun thinking Mr eye smile is Jinki.

Ok let’s get some stuff straightened out with Taemin please lol.
Am I weird bc I like that they are arguing lol. Sort of arguing. Well they’re talking honestly finally. Wait no they’re breaking up =[
What. I thought they would talk and work it out! I guess I was wrong. But I’m hoping for the best for minseo. She can’t catch a break =\

Do joon. Ah my do joon. I still really like him haha. He’ll be a cute dad who is learning day by day.

Ah what a fun chapter! Every couple in different stages of relationships.
Chapter 35: I have no idea what has been happening in this story lately but I suddenly missed your characters so here I am.
Ahh we are starting w Minho! Hehe. Omg I love sodam. She’s provoking him to tell the truth >_<
YAAAAAA a real kiss!! Minho is in trouble now. He can’t run away.. right??
Omg Minho just confessing his love like that.
I cry they’re finally together!!

Jinki and Lillie are so cute I can’t stand it haha. Car stuff.. brings back memories of my early relationship LOL.

I almost forgot who jimin is. I do remember I don’t trust her either lol. I’m always on Jules side hehe.

Hm.. Minhee.. why is she still there lol.

Ah thats the end. But yay I’m not caught up and I have more to read.

I’ve missed you Lili!! It so hard to keep up with anything on my phone while doing life stuff lol.
2035 streak #3
Chapter 15: Minho and Taemin's interaction was nice and it was for the best that Taemin stopped Minho from talking to Minseok. That was a smart move. Also, Kibum was the best at reading the people and handling things that way. I'm not sure if it's good thing for that friend to have her attention in this way. Nonetheless, they are just extras in the story. So I know I shouldn't care much. And for Lillie and Jinki, they were cute. Their date at the baseball and everything. Talking about Lillie, one can't be that clueless. Even I, who haven't been to Korea even once know the meaning of "Ramyeon meokgo gallae?" slang. So it's kinda too unnatural that she didn't know of it even after living there for years. Only that part I kinda couldn't agree with. And talking of the slang, at least Will had the decency of retreating like a gentleman, even though his initial approach was anything but being a gentleman. Also, her manager . That guy is creepy as hell. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #4
Chapter 14: Kibum and Taemin trying to cheer up Minho like that was the sweetest! Also, Jonghyun's a cute brother, being worried about his sister like that. And Jules is coming back soon? Yay!! Also, what's up with that Half-Korean guy from Sweden. He was kinda hitting on her, wasn't he? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #5
Chapter 13: Aw poor Minho! I mean I really can't accept what Eunha did and I'm not even Minho biased. Her doing whatever it takes to climb up the ladder is, although I don't support it, still all her personal belief. But cheating on your boyfriend for it is a totally different thing. No excuses at all for it. Her breaking up with him directly would probably have hurt him less than this. Anyway, you living out your kinks through Jinki and Lillie though! I'm starting to have no words to comment on the bunnies anymore. And I miss Jules for some reason. I will be back later to read more!
2035 streak #6
Chapter 12: you might probably come and finish me for saying this, somehow I'm starting to ship and root for Taemin and Minseo more than the main pair. lol... These two are simply so cute. Taemin's and Kibum's interaction was kinda funny. and Do Joon annoying Jinki is totally another story. here's just me hoping he wouldn't end up buried under somewhere with the extreme of his jokes. lol. Also, i'm glad Minho is finally doubting about Eunha and that Jonghyun was with him when it happened. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #7
Chapter 11: I'm glad Taemin and Minseo are finally getting somewhere. Hopefully they get to resolve them soon. They are cute together. I don't know what happened between Jonghyun and Rin but I think it's good that they made up? I know I'm here because of Jinki and Lillie but these days it's the other couples I'm here more for I think. LoL... Guess I enjoy drama more than lovey-dovey/spicy romance. And Bummie curled up on Jules sweater because he missed her is so cute. Last but not least, Eunha is really something. I mean whatever kinks she has, it's totally up to her but cheating is a whole different thing. Can't justify it for any reason/cause. Anyway, I will be back later to read more.
2035 streak #8
Chapter 10: There were to many cute moments in this chapter indeed... Lillie and Jinki were cute and hornby too. LoL... And Jules and Key finally resolved their misunderstanding. And Kibummie is sooo cute. Hopefully he(?) soon develops a bond with Jules soon. I mean she's already jealous that he got along well with Lillie and Jinki but not her. Also, Do Joon is funny. I mean him teasing her like that even in front of Jinki is kinda ask for a death wish. LoL... Also, wonder how things are gonna go better Taemin and Minseo. And I don't know how I feel about Eunha. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #9
Chapter 9: First of all, I'm glad they are back together finally. But I'm worried about your a/n. What do you mean by little bumps? NVM, no spoilers please... and although I'm unsure of the method Kibum decided to take to console Jules. Can't wait to see how that goes. Hopefully not bad. Also, Minseo should start being to herself about her feelings even though I understand where she's coming from. And whoa! Definitely wasn't expecting that turn of events for Eun Ha and that ert senior. Not sure if I should feel relieved that he was being honest and also sincere about what he's expecting. Anyway, so much happened. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #10
Chapter 8: Jules and Key fighting like that... I really hope things would get better between them soon. Main Lillie should intervene or something like she was thinking. And whoa! Dojoon and Lillie went beyond what I expected but the turn of the events later wasn't expected either. Jonghyun and Jinki were being cute together as well. And when Lillie pulled the reverse Uno card on Minseo, I laughed a bit. Also, Eunha should really do something about that creepy sunbae. I mean that's definitely not a message a rational person/friend would send. Kinda sent me shivers while reading it. I wasn't expecting Jinki's mother to react like that to Lillie being back in Korea. I mean she saw firsthand how much Jinki suffered when Lillie broke off with him. So if kinda came as a surprise. Anyway, I'm glad that they got back together finally after all that drama. Also, the cartoon pic at the end of the chapter is cute. But the red scarf kinda reminds of the drama Goblin. LoL... I will be back later to read more ^^