Push, pull


There was something suffocating about watching Seulgi sway to the bass. Her body moved like liquid, enchanting and hypnotizing, as if she were a dream.  


pg 13. alcohol and smoking refrences.

wendy-centric, mainly seuldy and wenrene. bonus ships: joy/sungjae, seulstal, and renestal (is this even a thing??)


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: hellk
jkimkidding #2
renestal is totally a thing, dude. it's more alive than seulstal is...
im screamin omg
I love this too much
all the interactions, even the little things — and wendy possibly maybe moving on from seulgi to cutie joohyun
thank you for this fic :')
youngandstars27 #4
Chapter 1: Omo, omo, omo. Wenrene, wenrene, wenrene <3. Update soon author-nim. Fighting! :D *whispers* I hope Seulstal ends up together in the end *giggles*
Chapter 1: dead.

thats the only proper response to this really.
holy trinity AND krystal?
in a messy love square/ weird geometric shape?
rolls over mid-spazz and dies.

in all honesty though, i really look forward to this new story! i was surprised to see another rv fix from you so soon; i totally enjoyed the recent seuldy of yours and I'm so excited for this new fic!