

“Do you have everything?” Myungsoo asked Dia. The girl was quiet for a while, trying to check off everything in her mind before she nodded.


“I think so, but probably not,” she then replied with a smile.


“You’re always forgetting things,” the boy muttered, but a small smile was visible on his face.


“I know~ But we have to hurry, we can’t keep Hee-Jin and Xiumin waiting for too long,” the girl quickly retorted, already heading to the door.


“You’d think the guy would have a driver's license by now. Do you wanna drive?”


“Definitely not. We have to pick people up, you want me to kill them?”


“But you would kill me? Besides, your driving isn’t even that bad.”


“Right… Will you drive, please?” the girl pleaded and Myungsoo nodded.


“You can drive on the way back.”


“Why??” she complained, but Dia was relieved she’d at least not have to drive now. Even though she had managed to get her driver’s license somehow, she was still far from comfortable driving a car.


As soon as she had gotten into the car, Dia the music, her favourite Jpop songs blasting through the speakers, and her singing along with it. Myungsoo couldn’t help but smile at the girl, who was singing and dancing to the music, while he was trying to keep his eyes on the road.


“You always with your Japanese music,” he mumbled.


Datte~ Súki yanen!”


“If I wasn’t driving I’d flick your head. Stop trying to sound like you’re from Kansai,” he scolded but the girl smiled. Just as a Johnny’s WEST song started playing she sang along:


Ee janai ka? Isn’t it fine?


“It’s not. You’re not even Japanese in the first place.”


Dia stuck out her tongue, then put the music on radio as they had reached Hee-Jin and Xiumin’s place. They seemed to have been waiting already, because as soon as the car came to a stop, the two walked out of the door hand in hand.


“Were you waiting long?” Dia instantly inquired, but Hee-Jin shook her head.


“It wasn’t that long. You didn’t forget anything, did you?”


“I hope so,” Dia laughed.


“I bet she did,” Xiumin commented, causing Hee-Jin to softly poke him, and Myungsoo to agree wholeheartedly with the boy.


“It’s been so long since we ice skated!” Hee-Jin commented. “Although, me and Xiumin did go a few weeks back… But I think this is the first time with all of us.”


“I think so too,” Dia agreed. “I hope I’m still okay at it.”


“You’re as good as I am!” Hee-Jin assured her friend with a smile.


“But you improved a lot last time,” Xiumin interjected. “You were going pretty fast after a while.”


“I don’t really like going too fast though, it’s more fun to just skate around! I wonder if the others can ice skate.”


“Didn’t Yeon say she loved it? I’m sure she’s good at it then,” Xiumin said with a smile.


“Kimmi said she wasn’t that good at ice skating. But I’m sure Mark will help her~” Hee-Jin sang.


“Only if he can actually do it himself,” her boyfriend commented. The two in the front stayed quiet, while Xiumin and Hee-Jin discussed the ice skating abilities of the others.


“I’m not sure if Sungyeol can ice skate actually… What do you think Myungsoo?” Hee-Jin tried to involve the driving boy in their conversation.


“Probably… not that well,” he replied.


“But then at least Yeon can teach him~ I’m sure she wouldn’t mind,” Hee-Jin said with a big smile.




“I’m so lucky to have you to drive me around~” Jungkook commented, poking his girlfriend while she was trying to keep focussed on the road.


“Am I just your personal driver?” Hye complained.


“You’re much more than that. Also my cook, my fan, my coach, my friend, my plushie.”


“Your plushie?”


“Because I like to sleep with you~” he teased. Hye turned a bright red and removed a hand from the steering wheel to hit him.


“Don’t say such things when I’m driving! Or rather, don’t say them at all.”


“But it’s true~” the boy pouted.


“Don’t let Kimmi hear it, or she’ll be angry at us again. You do remember how she got angry with Pika and Jhope, right?”


“Yes... “


When they arrived at the spot they were supposed to meet the aforementioned people, they were already waiting, Pika waving at the car as it slowed down.


“We just arrived too,” Pika commented as she got in the car, not giving Hye the chance to ask.


“No we didn’t~ But I bet the two of you wanted to spend more time alone, that’s why it took you so long, right?” Jhope teased.


“I doubt you minded the alone time with Pika,” Jungkook retorted.





“Yeollie, hurry up! What if everyone’s already there?” Seong Yeon tried to hurry the boy, who was still looking for one of his gloves.


“But I had it yesterday! It can’t have gone far!”


“Did you check your jacket?”


“Of course I did!”


“If you can’t find it, let’s just leave it here? We can’t make everyone wait, just because we’re driving towards the skating rink together.”


“But I can’t go without my glove. It’s way too cold. In fact I don’t think it’s even allowed to skate without gloves,” Sungyeol argued.


“Alright, I’ll look for it too,” the girl decided and sighed. Sungyeol had already looked through most of the house, trying to find his missing glove, and Seong Yeon also had no idea where it could be.


It took them another twenty minutes, but when they still hadn’t found it, Seong Yeon decided it was enough.


“Let’s just go? I’m sure we’ll find it somewhere. Someday.”


“Alright… I’m sure I had it yesterday, though.”


When she opened the car door, Seong Yeon started laughing loudly.


“Yup, you had it yesterday alright. And you left it in the car, pabo!”


“You found it? You’re the best! Now let’s hurry up so we won’t be late!”



“I’m glad you got your driver’s license recently, Elea,” Kimmi commented.


“I bet you’re just saying that because I can drive you,” the girl joked.


“Well, it definitely is a plus,” Mark stated, earning him a soft slap from Kimmi.


“Of course not! Well, okay, I’m happy about that too, but it’s great you got it, right?”


“Yes, we celebrated it a lot, didn’t we Elea?” Junior said with a smile.


“We even had a cake, it was totally weird for just getting a driver’s license,” the girl replied.


“You deserved it, though,” Junior retorted.


“You make it seem like she did something incredibly hard,” Mark laughed.


“Well, you haven’t gotten it yet, have you?”


“I could have if I wanted to… I was just busy…”


“Right, sure, Mark,” Kimmi laughed.


“Even you? No faith in me here…” Mark pouted.


“I have enough faith in you that I let you teach me ice skating, though,” Kimmi retorted, and her boyfriend smiled.


“I guess that’s true.”




Pika, Jhope, Jungkook and Hye were the first to arrive at the ice skate rink, but they didn’t have to wait long for Kimmi, Mark, Junior and Elea to join them. Somehow, it were the unnies that were late today.


“Did they oversleep?” Pika wondered.


“Have we got the date wrong?” Jungkook asked, but the others shook their heads. It would be too much of a coincidence for them to all have mistaken the date.


“Why are they taking so long?” Elea muttered.


“What if something happened?” Junior worried.


“Should I call them?” Hye asked..


“But they’re only, like, five minutes late…” Jhope retorted.


“But they aren’t usually late,” Kimmi mumbled.


“Isn’t that their car?” Elea pointed towards the black sedan coming towards them and as it got closer, they recognised the faces of Dia and Myungsoo. As the car passed them, they could also spot Xiumin and Hee-Jin squished together to wave at them. Once the four had joined the already waiting ones, only their leader and her boyfriend were missing.


“What could be taking them so long?” Pika wondered.


“I’m gonna call her,” Kimmi decided. After a short phone call, the girl was now laughing.


“Everything’s fine. They’re just late because Sungyeol had lost one of his gloves… But it was in the car.”


The others joined her in her laughter, while Dia muttered softly: “Gloves… That’s what I forgot.”




Not much later, Sungyeol and Seong Yeon arrived as well. The others had already rented ice skates and were just putting them on when they walked in.


“Leader, you’re so late,” Dia commented with a smile.


“Sorry Unnie,” the girl just replied and Sungyeol quickly added:


“It was all my fault.”


Seong Yeon sat down next to Pika to put on her skates, while Sungyeol went to stand in line to rent them. Unlike his girlfriend he did not have ice skates. In fact, he had never ice skated before.


“Come on, let’s go, Hye!” Jungkook said excitedly and almost dragged his girlfriend with him. “Let’s race! It’ll be fun!”


“Yah! Shouldn’t we practice a bit first?” the girl complained but he shook his head.


“Isn’t it more fun this way? Don’t worry, I’ll catch you if you fall.”


“I think I’m less likely to fall then you are, though,” she retorted and the boy pouted.


“Proof it!” he then yelled out as he stepped on the ice and in second he had skated off at an impressive speed.


“Yah!” Hye called after him and followed him onto the ice. She tried going as fast as she could and indeed after about half a round she had caught up to him. She went past him, then slowed down enough to make it possible to peck him on the cheek. In his surprise Jungkook made a weird turn, and soon found himself on the ice, his girlfriend leaning over him.


“Proof enough?” she asked, while smiling sweetly.


“You really are the evil maknae,” he commented, making her smile even wider.


“I am. And you like it,” she replied. Jungkook sighed, then nodded.


“I guess I do.”




“Are you sure this is safe? Isn’t ice way too slippery?” Elea said apprehensively.


“Of course it is slippery, it’s supposed to. But see, Xiumin and Hee-Jin are already skating around,” Junior commented. He was already standing on the ice, waiting for his girlfriend to join him. But since it was her first time ice-skating, she was kind of worried. Following her boyfriend’s finger, she looked at Xiumin and Hee-Jin who were laughing together and looking very very cosy on the ice together.


“Will we do that too?” she asked and Junior smiled.


“Of course. Now come on, get on the ice, and I’ll catch you.”


She carefully stepped on the ice and when the slippery ice caused her to move forward, Junior quickly wrapped his arms around her.


“See? It’s totally safe as long as you are with me.”


“Then I’m glad you’re here too!” the girl muttered. He let go of her again and moved next to her, keeping a close eye on her. He was ready to steady her whenever she was wobbly



Xiumin and Hee-Jin had started on the indoor rink, the same one Junior had taken Elea. Unlike the rink outside where you could only go in circles, indoors you could do whatever you want. Hee-Jin was making all kinds of figures on the ice, at times speeding right at Xiumin so he could catch her. She also let him drag her around the rink, holding his waist while he skated around.


“You love skating so much, yet you’re letting me drag you,” Xiumin teased.


“That’s just because I love you more,” Hee-Jin commented, making the boy blush. He turned around in her hold so he was facing her now and the forward motion she still had made Hee-jin bump into his chest.


“As you should,” he commented smugly, and pecked her lips before escaping her arms in a swift movement and skating away.


“Yah! What are you doing in public? And don’t run away from me!”




“Don’t let go of me, okay? I’m gonna fall, I just know it,” Sungyeol commented. He was holding Seong Yeon’s hands, while she was slowly moving backward. They were only moving slowly, but it already seemed difficult enough for him.


“I won’t let go. But can we at least speed up a bit? You’re not gonna fall, I promise you,” Seong Yeon said with a smile. For a second he hesitated, but then he nodded.


“Alright, but if I fall….”


“Then it’s your own fault, because you can’t skate,” she finished his sentence with a smirk, and before he could reply moved a bit faster, pulling him with her. He was shocked for a second, but when he realized he hadn’t fallen down yet, started smiling.


“I can do this! I didn’t fall!”


“I told you you could do it,” the girl replied, smiling as well. “But you never have confidence in yourself.”


“Like you’re one to talk,” the boy retorted.


“I guess so,” Seong Yeon agreed and instead of continuing the conversation skated backwards a little faster again.




“So, isn’t skating these rounds a little boring?” Jhope asked Pika.


“I guess so. We could race, like Hye and Jongkook,” she suggested. The two were going pretty fast around the track, unlike Dia and Myungsoo who were going slowly at their own pace.


“Racing, yeah, we could do that... But it’s boring with so few people…”


“I know what else we could do…” Pika started with a grin.


“What?” Jhope asked instantly.


“Hye, Jungkook, are you up for tag?” she called out just as they passed by.


“Yes!” they both yelled out.


“Alright, Jhope’s it!” Pika shouted and sped off, leaving the boy confused for a second.


“Yah! I’m gonna get you!” He instantly sped after them and soon they were all laughing, and trying to move in between the other skaters without getting caught by whoever had to tag them at the time.


As Jungkook bumped into her, Dia sighed.


“Watch where you are going! Don’t act like that, do it inside if you wanna play tag!”


“Yes, yes,” they replied, but showed no sign of stopping.


“Aish, those kids,” Myungsoo commented and held her hand a little tighter.




“So I just glide forward?” Kimmi asked.


“Yes, of course! It’s simple see,” Mark moved forwards and quickly turned back to his girlfriend.


“It’s not that simple…” the girl replied as she struggled forward.


“Yes it is! See, Elea can do it, and Sungyeol is doing it as well.”


“Then why can’t I do it?” she complained.


“Are you sure you don’t just want me to keep teaching you?”


“Alright, I can do it!” Kimmi commented and she started moving forward. And to her surprise, she was actually going much faster than she had expected. But as she was going further and further away from Mark, she realised she couldn’t stop.


“Mark!? Mark!? How do I stop!?  Help me!!”


“What?” he rushed up toward her, speeding past her to catch her. He held out his arms for her. When she reached him he caught her, but the speed she was going at was too much and he toppled backwards with Kimmi on top of him.


“Are you okay?” Mark asked. The girl nodded. She was a bit shaken up, but other than that, she was fine.




After a while, they all went to the little cafe, drinking some hot chocolate, some of them with whipped cream, others without.


“We should skate together more,” Hee-Jin commented.


“Agreed!” Seong Yeon said. “Yeollie can skate now to, how about you guys, Elea, Kimmi?”


“Yeah, I can sort of do it,” Elea commented.


“She’s good!” Junior commented.


“Kimmi is too, as long as she doesn’t have to stop,” Mark added.


“But stopping is hard!” Hee-Jin agreed.


“It is,” Kimmi commented.


“Let’s just all skate together!” Pika commented.


“We can play tag with everyone!” Hye added.


“Isn’t that difficult?” Elea asked but Jungkook shook his head.


“It’s easy!” Jhope agreed.


After they had finished their drinks the got up and decided the to play the game in the inside rink. They played for a long time, whenever one of the girls struggled to tag another (which happened a lot to Kimmi, who had trouble making turns, and Dia who just wasn’t fast enough) one of the guys would be nice and let himself be tagged. Because after all, it was no fun if nothing happened.


“We should go home soon! It’s already pretty late,” Seong Yeon commented.


“My ankles are hurting already too,” Hee-Jin commented.


“Mine too,” Dia agreed.


“Let’s do one last race?” Jhope suggested.


“Agreed!” Pika said. “Who’s in?”


“I’m in!” Seong Yeon commented.


“Me too!” Hee-Jin said and Xiumin nodded as well.


“I’ll just watch you guys,” Elea decided.


“I’ll watch with you,” Junior stated.


“You don’t have to.”


“But I want to,” he replied with a smile.


“I’ll join. I can’t stop, so I should be able to go fast,” Kimmi reasoned.


“I’m not gonna risk it,” Sungyeol muttered.


“So everyone but Junior, Sungyeol and Elea is in?” Myungsoo asked, and eyed Dia. “You should probably sit out too…”


“I think I will, yes…” the girl agreed.


“Does he have no faith in you?” Mark retorted.


“My ankles hurt, so he’s just looking out for me.”


“Now I feel bad. Shouldn’t you sit out too then? Since you said your ankles hurt as well?” Xiumin asked Hee-Jin.


“Maybe I should… But I don’t want too,” she said smiling.


“Alright, get ready, and I’ll call out the start signal!” Sungyeol commented.




They all sped off, going as fast as they possibly could, while at the same time trying to get around the other people.


“Yeon’s first!” Sungyeol exclaimed happily when his girlfriend arrived first. She was followed by Xiumin and Pika, and one by one the others arrived back at the start.


“This was so much fun!” Hye stated.


“It was!” Xiumin agreed.


“Let’s do it again soon!” Seong Yeon added. “Since it’s the only sport I’m actually good at.”


“You’re good at dancing too!” Dia commented.


“And a lot of other things as well,” Sungyeol added.


“Like?” the girl questioned her boyfriend.


“Things I’m not gonna discuss in public,” he commented with a chuckle.


“Like Pika,” Jhope commented.


“Oh no, you did not say that!” Kimmi exclaimed.  “You are not doing these things! I told you not to sleep together anymore, did I not?”


“You did, Unnie.”


“You were so right about not saying anything in front of Kimmi,” Jungkook whispered to Hye who nodded. She did not want the feel the rage of her unnie.


“How are your ankles?” Myungsoo asked Dia.


“Fine, I guess… Just a bit bruised… And a few blisters.”


“That doesn’t sound fine…”


“They will be in a few weeks,” she tried and he sighed.


“We should head out to dinner together!” Hee-Jin suggested and they all shared. They had had so much fun so they didn’t really want to go home yet.

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