
Secretly Conspicuous
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Jongin woke up to the glare of the morning sun blazing in on his face. As he rubbed his eyes, something beside him shifted and it took a moment for Jongin to process the situation. 

A leg was strewn across his own and the smell of shampoo tickled his nose. 

The previous night came crashing down on him. 

Krystal was sleeping softly beside him, her arm across his chest and her leg lying flat across. A lock of her hair was tucked under his chin and Jongin wasn't sure what to do. He kept his body as motionless as possible as he turned his head to face her, his nose almost touching hers. Turning away and very gently, he reached down to push her leg off so he could get up, but she only stirred and pressed even closer to him, taking her leg and hooking it with his own.

Giving up, he threw an arm across his eyes, exhaling slowly. 

Jongin may as well sleep. He loved to sleep, but always needed to be up early for work. He hadn't slept in properly for as long as he could remember. Even as a child, he would need to be up at the crack of dawn for extracurricular studies and athletics, like math, Taekwondo or piano; things his father considered to be fitting of a young chaebol. 

He turned over so he was facing Krystal. 

Krystal squirmed again, causing Jongin to look over at her. She made a small noise before turning her whole body in the opposite direction, tucking her bottom against his groin, still sound asleep.

Jongin groaned inwardly as the blood in his body shot down to his crotch. 

In his defense, it wasn't his fault. It was a normal physiological reaction.

Unable to handle it, Jongin got up, carefully removing his leg from under hers and sitting up. As he lifted the blanket, he caught sight of Krystal's body. Her dress had migrated all the way up to her hip and Jongin could see her on full display. He was surprised though; he'd expected something black and racy, not plain white. It didn't really fit her image. 

Jongin needed to leave. He was so hard he could barely stand up straight.

He tossed the blanket over her body before leaving the bedroom. He exhaled, noting that the hallway light was on from last night. Flicking it off, he leaned against the wall.

. That was risky.

Risky wasn't even the right word. It was dangerous. Very, very dangerous. Krystal was too defenseless for her own good. 

He crossed his horribly messy living room to the bathroom by the entrance and shut the door behind him. Stripping off his tee shirt and his boxers, he stepped into the shower, letting the warm water pour over his body. He closed his eyes, mind a mess. Krystal was laying in his bed, sound asleep and completely vulnerable. 

He swore lightly under his breath as he turned the tap over to cold. 


Soojung dreamed a dream. 

She dreamt of her mother. 

In her dream, her mother was holding out her arms towards her. As Soojung ran towards her, darkness swept over her mother's figure. She was gone, but Soojung could hear her screams. The darkness grabbed Soojung next, choking her, hurting her. It was a never ending torment.

A bird chirped. 

Soojung woke up with a cold sweat, her heart pounding like a drum in her chest.

It had been awhile since she's dreamt of her mother and she missed her.

Soojung stared up at the ceiling, disoriented. 

Where was she again?

Ah, yes. She was in Jongin's bed. 

Soojung sat up, her brain pulsing in her head. The space beside her was cold and had no impression or evidence that Jongin had ever been there. She looked around, not sure what to do. 

The bedroom was large and spacious, but relatively simple. There was the bed she was laying on, three closed doors to her left (two close together and the third separated from the other two), a massive black wood dresser with a mirror across from her, and the wall sized window to her right. A black leather armchair sat by the edge of the window. Two twin nightstands stood at both sides of the bed, with only matching lamps on the top and a box of tissues on one of them. 

Where was Jongin? Could he have left for work?

Soojung listened closely, hoping for silence, but heard the familiar sound of the shower from somewhere in the flat. Jongin was home and in the shower. 

She's better sneak out while she could.

Soojung got off the bed in search for her shoes. She found them by the foot of the bed and hooked them onto her fingers. She tiptoed towards the closed doors, looking for a way out. 

The first door was a lavish bathroom with marble tiling and a massive bathtub with golden legs. She caught sight of herself in the bathroom mirror. Boy, was she a mess. She had insane bed head and her makeup was all but gone, with some black mascara lining the corner of her eye. Her lipstick left a light smear on the corner of , though it looked it like the majority had been wiped away. Her dress was surprisingly the same as last night and there was a dent in her cheek from the edge of the pillow case. She couldn't walk out looking like this. She splashed cold water onto her face, removing any makeup she could. She used a comb found on the bathroom counter and combed through her hair, picking out the long strands afterwards so Jongin wouldn't get suspicious. When she felt somewhat presentable, she left the bathroom in to continue searching for the exit. 

The second door led to a walk in closet of rows and rows of designer suits and loafers. Clearly, Jongin lived in that kind of world. 

The third separated door was the way out. Soojung found herself in a short hallway. It was tastefully decorated with abstract art. As she walked to end of the hallway, she arrived in the abysmal living room and kitchen. 

Soojung could kind of understand. Jongin was a busy guy and probably couldn't find to time to clean. In addition, he was a man. Soojung had never been to a man's apartment, or at least an apartment this messy.

Clothes littered the floor; mainly ties, tee shirts and sweaters. Empty beer bottles sat on the coffee table in front of the large flat screen TV. Dishes were piled high in the sink, pizza boxes were piled by the trashcan and clutter filler the counter. The kitchen table had newspapers fanned out over the surface and Soojung felt itchy to clean the place, despite wanting to sneak out. Jongin still wasn't out of the bathroom, which was located between the kitchen and the living room. 

Her instincts took over and she found herself poking through the cabinets, looking for cleaning supplies like garbage bags, gloves, sponges and cleansers. Pulling on a pair of rubber gloves, she started. She gathered pizza boxes into garbage bags and set them neatly by the trash can. Following this, she washed all the dishes in the sink, putting them into the dishwasher when she was done and then started stacking the newspapers properly on the kitchen table. Afterwards, she cleaned the counter and gave it a good scrub before moving onto the living room. Not sure what to do about the clothes, she folded them neatly and lay them on the couch, where there was a quilt and a pillow left abandoned. Jongin must've slept here for the night. Or at least part of it. She put the beer bottles by the garbage bags and threw out any snack wrappers she saw. 

By the time she was done, only 30 minutes had passed and both rooms were clean. The kitchen was sparkling and the living room was spotless. Except for the three pairs of boxers Jongin had lying around. She didn't really want to touch those. 

Jongin was still in the shower and Soojung wondered why on earth he took so long. But then again, she should be happy because now she could still sneak out without being noticed. Peeling off the gloves and tossing them into the garbage, she slipped on her heels and was about to leave when she heard the door open behind her. Slowly turning around, she saw Jongin come out, his lower half wrapped in a towel. His hair was dripping with water and he stared at her in surprise. She returned the jolted gaze, but she was more so impressed than nervous. His stomach was lean, with abs protruding through subtly and he had those hip pelvic muscles that made most girls weak in the knees. He had broad shoulders, a chiselled chest and lean biceps. 

Goodness gracious. was all Soojung could think.  

"Good morning." Jongin finally said, still maintaining a distance from her. 

"Good morning." Soojung awkwardly replied. 

"Er, just so you know, I didn't do anything weird last night." he said quickly, like he needed to explain himself. 

"I know. I have a good idea of what happened." Soojung nodded and she saw him exhale in relief.

Jongin looked around in surprise. 

"You cleaned."

"Sorry. I couldn't help it." Now that Soojung thought of it, it did seem a bit nosy of her, like she was intruding on his privacy. "I-I mean, I only tidied up the kitchen and living room. I didn't go through your stuff or anything." 

"Oh, I'm not worried about that. I'm just surprised you managed to clean this place up in such a short amount of time." he said as he picked up the three pairs of boxers off of the floor. 

"I've seen worse." she replied wryly. "And it wasn't that short. You were in the shower for a long time. At least a long time for a guy." 

Jongin looked away, diverting his eyes as he traveled down towards the hall to the bedroom. Was he angry? 

"Er, I should go. Sorry for intruding." Soojung felt like Jongin didn't want her here.

"Are you sure? You're leaving a high security luxury condo dressed like that early in the morning. You don't know where this is, nor do you have money or a cell phone." he raised an eyebrow at her in question. 

Soojung flushed. She couldn't disagree. 

Jongin chuckled. "I'll get dressed and drive you home. We can grab something to eat on the way." 

Soojung looked at him, skeptical. Maybe he was mad at her for cleaning and barging in on his private life. Maybe he was going to dump her somewhere.

"I won't try anything. I just want you to get home safe. Take a seat. I'll be right out." Jongin sighed before disappearing into his bedroom.

Soojung felt awkward. Should she sit like she was told. Might as well. She sat gingerly on the couch, fidgeting. Jongin came out in a few minutes, dressed in a suit. He had dabbed some gel in his hair, making it stick upwards. He was also holding a black trench coat. Soojung got up and stood by the door, waiting.

"You should wear this." Jongin coughed as he held the coat out to her. 

Soojung blushed, understanding his point.

"Thank you." she muttered, taking the coat and wrapping it around her body.

Jongin led her through the building, which was a whole other world to her. It was like one of those rich hotel suites she's seen being advertisements and movies. Soojung watched the numbers steadily go down in the elevator as they descended each floor. Jongin remained silent throughout the whole ride down. Even when they reached the underground parking lot, Jongin stepped out of the elevator without a word. 

"You have a car?" Soojung asked, surprised. 

"Yes. Is that shocking?" Jongin's lips pulled into an amused smile. 

"No... I just figured you had someone drive you everywhere." 

Jongin laughed. 

"Hardly. My father hired me a driver, but I only ever call him if I'm in a pinch." 

"Oh." Soojung said as Jongin stopped in front of a black car. Soojung was never a car kind of person; she was proud enough to able to distinguish a Hyundai from a Honda. She looked at the small logo on trunk of the car. It was a jaguar. Soojung's never seen the brand, but the car was sleek, shiny and probably expensive as hell. Jongin stopped in front of the passenger side of the car and opened it for her. 

"Well? Get in." he said when she didn't move. 

Soojung did as she was told, albeit a bit clumsily, hitting her head on the overhead. She felt like a fool in front of Jongin, who did everything with class and sophistication. Jongin closed the door and made his way around the car, climbing into the driver's seat and jamming the keys into the ignition. 

"So? Where to?" 

"Home." Soojung said and gave him the address of the Dine-In where she used to work. She didn't want to tell Jongin where she lived. 

"Nice try." Jongin smiled grimly. "That's the address of the Dine-In. You don't trust me." 

"Can you blame me?" Soojung shrugged. "I don't give my address out to strangers."

"Oh, but it's okay to let strangers face with you?" Jongin asked jokingly, referring to the previous night. "And then let another stranger carry you home?"

"Under the influence. Doesn't count." Soojung shook her head. 

Jongin put his hands up, not in an I'm-going-to-punch-you way, but more of a what-am-I-going-to-do-with-you way. 

"I don't want to try anything. You were drunk and wearing that the whole night and I didn't try a single thing. I'm just not that kind of person." Jongin explained kindly. 

Soojung stared at him, calculating. True, if Jongin was to do something to her, he would've done it already. 

"Fine." Soojung muttered and told him the address. He smiled sunnily and Soojung felt guilty; a feeling like stepping on a dog's tail, but the dog doesn't cast blame or get mad. 

"Alright, but first, I'm buying you breakfast." Jongin grinned as he started the car. 

Soojung began to recognize the streets after roughly ten minutes. She calculated that he was around a twenty minute drive away from her. With no warning, he pulled into an obscure parking lot with a bunch of seedy looking buildings; not somewhere a rich person like him would go. 

"What's the matter? You look surprised." Jongin noted as he brought the car to a complete stop. 

"No, nothing." Soojung shook her head. 

"Ah, you don't think a guy like me should be coming to a place like this." Jongin chuckled as he got out. 

Soojung wanted to reply, but he had already shut the door. A few breaths later, the door opened beside her and Jongin's figure stood outside. Soojung slowly climbed out. 

"Not much of a looker, but the food's good." Jongin shrugged. 

Soojung nodded as she stood, waiting for Jongin to guide her to where she was to go. She still didn't understand why she decided to trust him. Wasn't he just going to screw her over like every other man? But there was just something about him that had Soojung trailing after him like a lost puppy. 

Jongin's idea of breakfast was a greasy spoon diner, complete with a 1970's New York look; red booths, counters with tall metal stools, the specials written in colourful chalk on a chalkboard and the glowing neon sign that said Soo's Diner hanging over the pickup window. There was more people that Soojung expected as she looked around. People were seated at the counter and tables, drinking coffee and eating. Jongin showed her to a booth and she sat down, still holding his trench coat tightly around her body. Jongin slid in across from her, opening a menu.

"Well, if it isn't Kim Jongin. To who do I owe this pleasure?" 

Soojung looked up to see a man of short stature standing over them with a dupe pad in his hand. He had large sparkling eyes and heart shaped lips. 

"Hey, S

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_drkmnd #1
Looking forward for your update :)
buzzkille #2
Chapter 17: reading this most recent chapter now makes me want to reread the whole story again. glad you were back and decided not to abandon this one. Thank you, hope you are doing well ♥️
cactuscorvus166 #4
Chapter 17: author is back!
Chapter 17: thanks for the update <3 really appreciate it. hope you can update soon :) fightingggggggg
kaistalee #6
Chapter 17: Yay for this update! Thank you for not abandoning this 🥺 gonna reread it right now!
Miraclecouple #7
Chapter 17: Looking forward for another update..thank you....i love this story🥳🥳
Miraclecouple #8
Chapter 16: Please update this story
Chapter 16: Hey you're story's so good! Like the emotions are there, and their struggles are felt. It's so smoothly written, the scenes are free flowing which made it easier to read. Thank you for sharing this and I think you're doing a great job with the fanfic genre ;) from what I've learned (college also) fanfic is hard to write because the character is someone that people knows, so creating a character different from what people knows is the biggest hurdle. But so far the characters match with how we kno Soojung and Jongin ❤️❤️❤️ great job!
aerilights #10
Chapter 16: Ive been waiting for this !!