
In Love With A Bunny

Sunyoul quietly walked towards school with a poker faced Gyujin . He felt really awkward since his best friend had found out what he has been suffering from and after all these years ,he still managed to stay positive . So much was going through Sunyoul's little mind . While nothing was going in Gyujin's big mind. They eventually reached their destination . They walked throught the metal gates of their school , Woosang High School . Sunyoul saw a tall figure not that far ahead . The guy with red hair turned around and nudged Wei's shoulder . (RECOMMENDED BGM-Lovelyz Candy Jelly Love) Wei's attention was then directed to Sunyoul . Instead of smiling or grinning at Sunyoul . Wei blushed slightly , Sunyoul was under the sunlight , which made him sparkle . Wei felt his heart beat faster the more he looked at the gleaming Sunyoul. "Wei?Wei?!" Wooshin called out to him . "Uh..." Wei nervously spoke out . "I have to go do something right now , see you later " Wei spat out before running away into the school . Both Sunyoul and Wooshin were surprised . Gyujin who did not pay any attention to his surroundings , bumped into a guy who's name tag read 'Im Changhyun'. "Ow..."Gyujin groaned. "Are you okay?" Bit-to's low voice asked him . Gyujin rubbed his head and answered "y-yeah...I guess " . "Good" Bit-to let out a sigh and walked off . Sunyoul ran over to Gyujin and laughed at his stupid mistake . Gyujin pouted angrily again and walked off into the school , just like Wei did . Sunyoul wanted to at least try to be a social buyterfly, so he ran over to Wooshin and said a simple 'hi'. Wooshin smiled and introduced himself . "Why do you have red hair?" Sunyoul asked in a nervous , high pitched voice . Wooshin placed his finger on his own lips and said "You shall never know~"before moonwalking off into the school . Sunyoul had a poker face on how weird Wooshin turned out to be .He smiled brightly to himself , proud that he had made a new friend , all by himself . Sunyoul was able to talk to a boy , but it wasn't easy , he imagined the talking to a girl . He sent shivers down his spine , "better stick with boys" he said to himself softly . He smiled brightly , making everyone around smile as well . He was so happy , talking to someonr othe than Gyujin was bliss . Sunyoul was happy that Wooshin was friendly and not mean like Wei was . Speaking of Wei , Sunyoul windered where he had ran off to . Wei was hiding im the boys' bathroom . Looking in the mirror , staring at hid blushing face .He heard Xiao and Hwanhee giggle from outside , saying cheekishly, "Wei why are you blushing?" "WHAT?! I'M NOT BLUSHING !" He shouted at them . He could hear them giggle like little girls . He shouted and stomped out of the bathroom, ready to beat up Xiao and Hwanhee . The both of them jumped when they heard Wei stomping his feet. They quickly dashed behind the nearby pillar . When Wei got out of the bathroom , he saw Sunyoul at the water cooler , taking a sip of the cool water . Wei swallowed his saliva and tried controlling himself from doing anything stupid . Sunyoul realized that Wei was standing there , completely stoned . He stopped drinking and wiped his mouth with his sleeve . He slowly backed away from the water cooler but he felt two people resting their hands on his back . Sunyoul quickly turned his head around and found out it was just Xiao and Hwanhee . "H-hi..." He nervously spoke to them . Just like Wooshin , they were friendly too . "Wei~" Hwanhee called out to him . Wei snapped back to reality and looked at Xiao and Hwanhee , who were behind Sunyoul . The both of them were making small hearts with their fingers, provoking him . This time , Wei really started to chase them , the three of them ran around the school like a bunch of kids . Sunyoul knew he would get creamed if he laughed in front if their faces but he couldn't resist . He bursted out into laughter . After calming himself down ,he walked around , trying to find Gyujin . Meanwhile , Wei had given up on chasing Xiao and Hwanhee . They were the fastest in the class . Wei sighed loudly , he started walking up the stairs , to the classroom . Along the corridor , he spotted Sunyoul's best friend , Gyujin . For some reason , Kogyeol was right behind him , his movements were stiff . Wei ran to Kogyeol and surprised him with a pat on his back . Kogyeol who got surprised , immediately looked at Wei and turned around in an instant . Wei made a 'troll face' to Kogyeol . He just rolled his eyes and turned away . Without noticing anything , Gyujin was already far away from them .Wei then teased "Hey.Was your face replaced with a peach?" . Kogyeol just bit his lip and nearly threatened to punch Wei but he remembered something . He smiled cheekishly "What?" Wei demanded to know . "You can tease me all you want , All of us know YOUR face turned into a peach too just now. U-U"Kogyeol replied with sass. Wei showed a 'I'm offended' face and smiled after that . "We all like someone okay" He walked off to the classroom , ignoring the smiling Kogyeol.

When Wei arrived at the classroom , he walked in and sat at his desk. Which was beside Bit-to's,which was beside Sunyoul and Gyujin's tables. Wei could see Sunyoul's side view ,

"perfection..."he softly blurted out .

Luckily , Sunyoul had earpieces in his ears .However , Gyujin might be blur at times but has excellent hearing skills. He heard what Wei had blurted out.

He said to himself "Is he talking about Sunyoul,Me or what?...either way, he must have gone crazy " .Gyujin turned his attention back to his textbook , which was mostly filled with scribbles . He gave up on trying to study and took out a Sketch Pad . He started to draw Sunyoul's side profile . Gyujin's hands kept moving . His movements caight Sunyoul's attention . He turned to his right and saw Gyulin drawing him. Not wanting to disturb the master at work , Sunyoul turned back to his original position. When the teacher walked in , everyone immediately took out their earpieces , stopped what they were doing,went back to their places while some continued to sleep on their desk . The teacher saw those that were sleeping and immediately dropped his huge book onto his desk . Those who were sleeping were shocked for their lives . They sat up straight and rubbed their eyes .


Sunyoul and Gyujin packed their bags. They checked under their tables , making sure ther didn't leave anything there . After checking twice , they finally made their way down the stairs . Wei and Bit-to were right beside them . Wei noticed that Bit-to's eyes were glued onto Gyujin's back. He then saw Bit-to's cheeks , slightly pink . He grinned from ear to ear , realising that there was gonna be a competition between Kogyeol and Bit-to for Gyujin's heart.He let out a small laugh. Bit-to immediately stopped blushing and turned to him and asked "w-what?" . Wei laughed again at how nervous Bit-to sounded .In Sunyoul's mind was how scared he was of Wei .He was really afraid since he was right behind him.Especially since he doesn't have any money left. If Wei demands for money later , Sunyoul was sure he was going to get creamed or beaten up.He kept praying that Gyujin would walk him home as normal . However , that didn't happen , Gyujin had to go the other way to the Mall . He had to get a present for his mother's birthday, which was coming soon . Sunyoul sighed and waved at Gyujin , he repeated Sunyoul's actions and they walked their seperate ways . Sunyoul kept moping until he realised he could always go to his friend, Jungkook's workplace. He shouted out 'YES' happily and ran to the Cafe Jungkook worked at . He arrived at the entrance , panting loudly and nearly drenched in sweat from head to toe. He dried himself off for a minute and pushed the glass door open . He was then greeted by Jungkook , his so-called twin. They looked really similar from an angle . Sunyoul greeted Jungkook back , happily . He then ordered a simple frappe and a chocolate brownie . He took his food and drink and took a seat . He tried eating as slow as he could .But he didn't want to be inconsiderate to the other customers . He finished his food and drink and stood up .Sunyoul noticed that Jungkook was all alone .
"Where's your co-worker?" Sunyoul asked him out of curiousity
"he quit" Jungkook said sadly
"...I can help you " Sunyoul offered .
Jungkook's eyes widened , he nodded and quickly taught Sunyoul how to do stuff . Sunyoul was a fast learner so he was ready in no time . He helped Jungkook serve , take orders, clean the dishes , make the cakes as well as make the beverages . Pretty soon , it was already 11:45 p.m. Sunyoul stood outside the Cafe while Jungkook locked up the store.
"Thanks for Helping me " Jungkook thanked him
"No problem ,I was going to apply anyway^^;" Sunyoul then explained
"Really?O.o I'll tell my boss!"Jungkook replied again
"Really?! Thanks!" Sunyoul thanked him with joy
The both of them waved at each other and wrnt to their own homes . Sunyoul was overjoyed , not only was he maybe going to get a job but he managed to avoid Wei for nearly the entire day . He couldn't be any happier . He skipped to his door and took out his keys. He was about to slot in his key when a voice behind him shocked him fro his dear life "DUDE WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!!" Sunyoul jumped in fear . His feet were rooted to the ground , he didn't dare move , "I'M ASKING YOU A QUESTION!" The voice boomed into his sensitive ears . He closed his eyes tightly , gathered some courage and slowly turned around.

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Wxnieyy_19 #1
Chapter 2: Hope you will continued again with your story..i really like itt
magicaldreamer110 #2
Chapter 2: This is amazing and very cute! :3