The Color of Our Memories


What exactly differentiates lovers between friends when you happen to be in love with someone of the same gender? Is it wise to continue to pursue such a love, especially when being part of korea's top girl group? Is it worth it?



Hello readers! (err, potential readers)

This will be my first time writing fanfiction for SNSD. I've written fanfics for other groups before and usually I write them in a very calculating manner, so I hope with this one I'll just go with the flow. It will definitely be a challenge for me.

This story will circle mainly around three characters:

Jessica, Seohyun, Hyoyeon 

Other snsd pairings will also be in this story.

Side and Minor characters:

The rest of SNSD, Eunhyuk, Doojoon, KARA, Super Junior, 2AM, 2PM

Expect an update around Sept 19


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Fire_trek 350 streak #1
Chapter 18: That was truly a date from hell, no wonder why they all got drunk. And Doojoon isn’t a problem more like a necessity to this storyline to make things more confusing for Hyo lol and since this is the last chapter I’m going to make my own ending that involves Hyo finally confessing to Jessica and then Seohyun finding out and then there is a lot of drama. But in the end Hyo ends up with no one and she salvages both friendships and they live happily ever after!! That’s it, thank you author nim for the story!
Fire_trek 350 streak #2
Chapter 17: I know this is late like 2024 late but Hyoyeon, Yuri and occasionally Taeyeon live in the dorms still. And yes Taeny is over:( too bad so sad. I wish they would reunite in this fic. This chapter was filled with a lot. The girls finding out and then dismissing the fact that Hyo loves Sica! And now this double date from hell.. great chapter, author nim
Fire_trek 350 streak #3
Chapter 16: Waaaa, Hyo loves Jessica! What does that mean for Seohyun? Now I’m feeling bad for all the parties involved.. but I’m happy that Hyo could confide in Sooyoung with all of this… they just need to have a group meeting, once and for all
Fire_trek 350 streak #4
Chapter 15: “Or she ends up being the aual dancing robot” so true! That’s why love triangles were invented, people.. I’m glad Yuri broke down the fanfic game to YOONA lol I wish Seohyun was apart of this chapter.. think of all the drama that would have happened
Fire_trek 350 streak #5
Chapter 14: Yay! Drama! I love it and yes the girls are right it’s basically a lovers quarrel.. and now Taeny is upset for some reason I can’t wait until Seohyun arrives to make this even more juicy!
Fire_trek 350 streak #6
Chapter 13: Oh no, the double date is with Jessica isn’t it? And Seohyun ing over Hyoyeon is such a mood. Now all I need is for Hyo to see that she has feelings for Seohyun and I can’t rest easy.
Fire_trek 350 streak #7
Chapter 12: So much happening I don’t know where to start. Hyoyeon and Seohyun finding Taeny in a compromising position was wild! I didn’t expect for that to happen. And then Jessica and her mom, i know that hurt her heart when her mother said she’d disown her basically.
Fire_trek 350 streak #8
Chapter 11: lol it was Sooyoung again! And I like how Sooyoung said that it was obvious about Hyoyeon and Jessica meanwhile Taeny are probably banging in the bathroom haha and no one noticed… but finally we get Hyo’s perspective on this drama.. she’s falling for Sica, aww
Fire_trek 350 streak #9
Chapter 10: Seohyun was not having it with Doojoon! I wouldn’t either, Seobaby get your girl! And yay! Jessica’s back into the fold. But who’s at the door? Seohyun? Hyoyeon? Sooyoung again?! lol
Fire_trek 350 streak #10
Chapter 9: And now Seohyun’s feelings are becoming clear! This is a bit of a page turner and I’m loving every minute of it.