
Too Much That It Hurts

Jessica’s POV

“Come on..” She says as holding my hand after running to approach me from the parking lot.


Her touch still has its magic to make my heart moves faster than usual. I don’t remember how many times it has happened already, but every time, it’s just like the first time our skins have met. Her hand always sends shivers to every part of my body, electrically lightens me up. The warmth she shared rushing through my veins, running through my blood, increasing hotness to my chest and face.


We walk through the school corridor hand in hand quietly, simply liking the comfortable silence. The school is still almost empty, guess we’re too early to come. There are only two or three other students whom we have seen along the way.

I’d be lying if I say I don’t enjoy this moment. I love this, more than any moments we had had. I love how she is beside me as my only company. I love how our hand intertwined, as like how her heart forces mine to linger around. I love how I can be able to feel her breath and heart-beat, because there is no other I can and want to listen in this silence except them. I love how my heart flutters just by a slight of her touch. I love how my breath hitches just by a sight of her smile. I love how the times fly when we are alone and-














My daydream gets disturbed by a sight of two figures of students not far from us. I quickly let go Sooyoung hand, which make her turns at me confusedly. I just look somewhere else away. I know that I make it on time when I glance at those figures again a second after and find them turning to us. The younger girl runs happily approaching my Sooyoung. Sorry, Sooyoung. That girl then wraps her in a tight hug before pulling off and giving her a kiss on cheek.


“I miss you.” She says with her arms still linger around Sooyoung’s neck.


“W-we just met yesterday, Yoong..” Sooyoung responds awkwardly.

I glance and see Yoona pouts and crosses her arms in front of her chest. “Fine, you don’t miss me.” She looks away angrily.

“Hey, that’s not what I mean.” Sooyoung tries to console her.


I hate that.


I hate how I have to see her doing something for other person’s happiness and it’s not me. I hate how she makes me feel small like I’m nobody to her, even if I really am. I hate how I have to admit that another person have her heart filled. And I hate to realize that maybe I have no chance to win. To win her.


“Forgive me?” Sooyoung leans her face in front of Yoona to gets her attention. “Baby Im.”




How nice it is to be called like that, Yoona? I wish she can call me that too, without worrying that some people might hear, without worrying that YOU might hear.


My heart is crushing into pieces inside, but I try to put back them by myself. I feel glad how I’m the only one who can hear that sound of breaking heart. I don’t want Sooyoung to know that. To know how weak I am. Because I don’t want her to give up on me. Because I don’t want to give up on her either.


Yoona turns her face back to look at Sooyoung, still pouting. She raises her pinky finger in front of Sooyoung’s face. As Sooyoung welcomes and ties their finger with a charming smile on the face, Yoona’s pout slowly turns to shy smile.


Tears start to pool inside my eyes seeing the scene, so I choose to look away more. A great pain hammers my heart repeatedly already. I hold the pain not to grow larger. I should thank Taeyeon because after that she chooses to cut the couple’s moment.




“Oh.. Please… Thanks for the drama early in the morning. You both can save it for the next episode and stop it now, before Jessica and I having some rainbow vomits.”


The couple looks at us, Taeyeon and me, quickly. Yoona chuckles as she hides behind Sooyoung’s body, “Sorry, Unnie..” She says while looking at Tayeon, then at me. I just reply her smile, trying hard to make it seem genuine. As I glance to Sooyoung, I notice that she has that blank expression which I then reply by a weak smile.





Later in the evening


(still) Jessica’s POV


I finish my milk tea in a gulp, before put the glass back on the table. After take my handphone up with the right hand, I position my body to lay on the couch with the back sound from the television which I don’t really watch. As I open my messenger application, I re-read the chats earlier.


From : Choisoo

Hey, I have to go to the orphanage and Yoona kinda begging to be tagged along.

I’m sorry :(

Is it okay for u to go home alone? :((((


To : Choisoo

Hey, it’s okay ^^

Send my regards to d kids yeah?


From : Choisoo


Sure :)

Btw Eomma is also having some meeting till evening.

You’ve your key?


To : Choisoo

Neh. Aunty has told n given me d spared one.


From : Choisoo

Kay, be careful at home.

I don’t want you to be kidnapped :>


To : Choisoo

Silly :P



I smile from ear to ear as I re-read them. That pabo could make me blush even by words on the messenger. Annoying.




Author’s POV

After some more minutes catching some breath, Jessica sat up and turned off the TV. She then brought the glass which she had used to drink milk tea and walked to the kitchen to wash it. She hummed some songs while turning on the water tap and started soaping the glass after that. Next, she washed it clean again with the water before drying it with some lap.

As she was going to put the dry glass into the rack, Jessica felt a pair of arms circling around her waist from the back.













That followed by a body pressed on her back and a chin leaned on her shoulder.













Despite the thumping heart and blushing face, she smiled at the thought of the owner of those arms. The girl put the glass on the rack just so she can hold that person’s hands. Jessica was glad that she didn’t mind. Then they stayed for some times in that position.


“What are you doing?” The hugger asked finally, without letting go the back hug.

“You can see it yourself, Soo.” Jessica said after some giggles.


She then noticed that Sooyoung had a plastic bag in her hands.


“What’s that?” Jessica asked while poking the bag and making some sound from it.


“This?” The latter let go of the hug and raised it in front of her. “This is for you!”

“Mwo?” The older girl asked confusedly.


Sooyoung then walked to the dining room, which the Jessica just followed after, and placed the bag on the table, before finally opened it.


“Some pieces of cake. Byungjae is having his birthday today.”


That Byungjae. If it was not because of him, I would have already claimed Sooyoung’s lips before Yoona did. Jessica smiled at the thought of that naughty boy and how he ruined their moment that day.


“And hey, he asked for you!” Sooyoung added.


“Neh! He said, ‘Sooyoung Noona, where is that scary cold noona?’” She imitates Byungjae’s childish voice and face before laughing.


Jessica pouted at her teasing, standing with arms akimbo, pretended to be angry. But Sooyoung’s next moves were enough, or even more, to melt her heart, raising all the bloods to her face. It was when the nerd pinched her both cheeks with her both hands.




That was what she said before giving a light peck on Jessica’s nose.





Little did both know, a pair of eyes has been watching along the scene.




Tiffany’s POV

I walk behind Mrs. Choi and follow as she comes in after opening the door of her house. Yes, I am now entering the Choi residence. Once again, my family left me alone until the night. I was planning to tag Jessica to my house again, but unluckily she went home first because I had some meeting with Mrs. Choi to talk about my assignment. Hyoyeon and my assignment. We had some unresolved questions so we agreed to ask them to her. And so I ended up going to her house to have some best friends’ talks and play with Jessica.


“I’ll call her from her room first. Enjoy yourself for a while, Tiffany. You can sit on the couch.” Mrs. Choi says before she steps on the stairs that’s located just a few meters from the front door. I nod with my eye smile to her, before turning back and plan to walk to the couch. But before I can go, a scene catches me frozen.



From the corridor to the living room I can see two figures in the kitchen. One of them is having the other in her arms, hugging from the back. I can’t be more than sure if they are Sooyoung and Jessica as I hear some chuckles from their mouths. I can’t hear their conversations clearly, but they sounded so happy.

I see Sooyoung then pulls the hug and turns around to the dining table. By reflect, I take some steps behind and hide my body behind a cupboard between the corridor and kitchen. As I continue the stalking, I see Sooyoung pinches Jessica’s cheeks then kisses her nose, left my best friend blushing mad.


Geez Jessie, what are you dragging yourself into?




“Tiffany, Jessica and Sooyoung aren’t in their room. Did you probably see them downstairs?” Mrs. Choi says as she appears walking down from the stairs.


“Oh-“ My words get stopped by Jessica and Sooyoung’s sudden voice.


“Tiff?” “Eomma?” They say as looking at us.


“Yaah.. There you are both..” Mrs. Choi says.

“Jessica, Tiffany is here for you, she said she wants to..” Jessica is looking at Mrs. Cho, then at me confusedly.

“Having some talks. Girls talk, you know.” I smirk to the teacher.

“Girls talk? So I can join?” Sooyoung joins the conversation.

“Oh really Sooyoung. You are not a girl. Look at that bruises on your face. You looked like you had had fight with Muhammad Ali.” Mrs. Choi says as rolling her eyes, joking. I glance at Jessica, realizing that she is giggling silently at the joke.

“Eomma!” Her daughter whines.

“You cannot join them yet. I have some assignment for you, let’s go to my room.” Mrs. Choi says as she grabs Sooyoung’s wrist and takes her away, leaving Jessica and me alone.


“Let’s go.” Jessica says smilingly, before leading me to walk behind her towards her room.



Jessica’s POV

I let Tiffany walk in first to my room as I close the door. My smile still lasts because of the moment I’ve had before with the prince charming of mine. After closing the door, I turnaround.


“So what are we going to-“ I said with a happy tone just to be stopped, surprised by Tiffany’s serious face and arms-crossing-on-chest posture she had while looking at me.

“What was that, Jessie?”


“I saw what you did with Sooyoung before in the kitchen. Is it enough to knock your mind?”


I stand frozen after hearing her voice. Stupid us.


“What do you think you are doing, Jess?”


It’s like a thousand arrows landed on my chest when she asks that question.



Tiffany’s POV

She stands frozen as I shower her with the question. After a while she raises her face and talk.


“I’m doing what I want to do, Tiff.” She says confidently.





“Are you crazy?”


I hold her both sides of arms and push her to the door.


“Jessie. Sooyoung is still Yoona’s girlfriend if you forget.” I try to make some sense appear in her mind.


She struggles off my touch as I see some tears start to brim outside her eyes. “I know! You don’t have to make it clearer!” She grits her teeth and the tears finally fall down.


“So you should’ve known that this is wrong!” I raise my voice a little.

“What? Wrong?”

“Definitely! This! Is! Wrong!”




She looks me deeply with tears still runs uncontrollably.





“I just love her and that’s enough for me. And that’s wrong?”








She turns around, launching her body and face to her bed, making the sheets wet with the tears.


I leaned my back on the door and sigh.


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milkinthebox_ #1
Chapter 26: Ahh that was a good read 🥺🥺 thank you so much for this!
milkinthebox_ #2
Chapter 20: Oh god this is so messy hvhjjnnkkj
blackpinkforever #3
It was chaotic
It was cute
It was fluffy
It was dramatic
But most importantly
It is amazinggggggggggg
And I loveeeee this story!!!!!!!
Krystlxjung_ #4
Chapter 26: I like the ending but i hate jessi’s stupidness in this. She loves sooyoung to the point she lets soo use her as subtitute girlfriend when yoong’s not around. And soo’s stupid too, for not realizing sooner that she loves sica more than yoong. I guess love makes you stupid sometimes.
Mari18 #5
Chapter 26: how cute! I loved the happy ending! thank you for writing such a good story and fill my heart with more soosica love!! I love this ship so much! and I also love your story!
Chapter 26: That's good story
Taeistae #7
Chapter 25: I feel so sad for Sica getting so hurt by sooyoungie :(
Even though they were together I felt that Sica loved sooyoungie whole lot more in this story tho and she went thru so much Becoz of youngie. Glad they r together tho. I cried a river Becoz of this and my eyes r swollen :(
chchcn #8
Chapter 26: Its been a while since i read this kind heartwarming story about soosic :))
Iam really happy authornim, thankyou for this. I hope you will write somemore about soosic.
You are jjang ^^b
i just have to say that ending it with the comedic scene of taeyeon having to apologise to the ajuma was perfect; it balanced out the heavy sweetness of the soosic moment written right before. it also made it really seem like the story was a rom-com type of drama lol anyways, congrats on finishing your story!