I Only Have You


After ending their relationship, Baekhyun left for 2 years without saying a word. Chanyeol saw the news of Baekhyun dating Taeyeon on TV and he felt the world coming to an end. So Baek left me for this? He left me to date another woman? He chose a woman over me? Just when Chanyeol settles down and finds a new love, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun suddenly comes back to join EXO and Chanyeol has to make the hardest decision in his life: Baekhyun or Kyungsoo?



Park Chanyeol

- Main Character

Short temper

- Suffer from an extremely horrible breakup with Baekhyun.

- Wanting to start a new love with D.O

Byun Baekhyun

- Main character

- Suffer from a sickness (find out in Chapter 4)

- He was Chanyeol's lover but he suddenly broke off their relationship (for a reason).

- He is being branded as a "Betrayer" 

- Left EXO for 2 years.

Do Kyungsoo

- Main Character

- Unrequited love towards Chanyeol

- Cute and innocent


Oh Sehun and Kim Jongin(Kai)

- Side characters

- Maknaes of EXO

- Deeply in love with each other (a happy couple)


Members of EXO

-Extra characters


  • Kim Junmyeon (Suho)​

  • Zhang Yixing (Lay)

  • Kim Jongdae (Chen)

  • Kim Minseok (Xiumin)







This is my first time writing a fanfic! My OTP is Sekai but the story I'm about to write is about Chanbaek because they're meant to be together! I'll also have some scenes for Sekai as well~

I'm new to writing fanfic and I honestly don't know where this story will go but please continue to support me! Your support means a lot and it really encourage me to write more ! So thank you! 

Subscribe, comment, and vote please!

WARNING: This story is pretty sad. 

If you want to post my story anywhere, please ask for my permission first.

Also, I want to thank my editors, KaoriKat and judydinhhh!



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Beau1996 1480 streak #1
Chapter 26: And cry I did 😭
Beau1996 1480 streak #2
I'm afraid to start this story - I don't want to cry 😢
Byunjoy #3
Chapter 27: The amount of tears I have shed in this fic. Authornim please please my heart is not fine anymore. Please make it part2 and please just let baekhyunnn alive. My heart really can't take this. It's too much.
Chapter 26: I would have like if Chanyeol moved on like in 2-3 yrs, though he loved Baekhyun a lot but still he needs to start a new life and where's the Sekai sequel Authornim.
Chapter 27: Yeah, true, not everything has a perfect happy ending. I was also waiting for a miracle to happen to baekhyun, but guess I was stupid. I actually felt happy about the ending and I cried a lot, like a lot. This was a super emotional fic. Authornim, you did a great work!
yeolme1 #6
Chapter 26: I'm cryingggg right now. Why I mean why. I can't imagine this. Trust me it's hurts too much that I can't take it.
Corgi_byun #7
Chapter 26: I really hate myself for reading this after knowing his condition , i really scared, but at the same time proud of him. I really love this story thank you for making this 😭💖
Kitty_cat75 #8
Chapter 27: I cried wtrffffff. This fic is so good.
Ryn-Ryn #9
Chapter 26: This is my third time reading this masterpiece of emotion. I sob my way through basically every chapter... every single time I read this story. Thank you for writing and more importantly sharing this. It'll always be a favourite of mine.