Chapter 1


Keumjo grew nervous as she placed her gym bag over her shoulder. She breathed in and out trying to calm her rapidly beating heart. It was obvious she was nervous. From the way she stumbled back into the change room, to her sweaty palms, and uneven breathing. 

"Stay back after practice" Ms. Park, her coach commanded her in a stern voice, not even looking at her.

Keumjo grabbed her hair in frustration after she remembered those exact words. She could hear faint voices from the otherside of the door. It sounded like they were having a debate. And it sounded like one of them was already winning. Keumjo grew even more anxious because she knew the owners of those two voices.

"This can't be good" Keumjo muttered to herself as she opened the door to leave the change room.


"Ah, Keumjo-ssi we've been waiting" Ms. Son her math teacher said as she noticed her presence. "I'll go straight to the point. Your grades have been dropping in my class. And to pass, you need to at least be at the passing mark ... Lee Keumjo, you're below that passing mark." 

The truth hit Keumjo hard as she lowered her head. "W-what's going to happen t-then?" 

She knew what was going to happen, but she could be wrong right? There has got to be another way. She's been prepping herself for the tournament, waking up early to jog before school starts, and giving her all in every practice they had. She can't let all her efforts go to waste because of this. She's so close to reaching her dream.

Her math teacher looked at Ms. Park to continue.

The coach nodded. "I know how much this team means to you. Especially the tournament. But, I've made it clear that your grades are part of priority too. "

Ms. Park sighed, it was very difficult for her to say this.  "As the coach of the girls soccer team. You cannot play for the team until your grades go up... and that's final."

She couldn't look at her coach in the eye after she said those words, completing the deal that Keumjo had to accept. Her shoes looked more interesting to look at at this point. Keumjo bit her bottom lip hard trying not to get down on her knees, and beg her teacher for another way to bring her grades up. She gripped the strap of her bag trying to hold the tears back. 

Ms. Son cleared to get their attention. "Now that that's settled, meet me in my room after school Keumjo-ssi because I have already assigned a tutor for you."

The math teacher exited the gym hallway, not even waiting for the student's response. It was quiet once again. 

Ms. Park leaned back against the locker as she groaned.

"Coach, I'm sorry I-I was so focused on the tournament that-" Keumjo stopped mid-sentence as her coach raised her hand. 

"Lee Keumjo. Stop thinking about the tournament for one second. For now I want you to focus on your grades for now. Don't you dare step on that feild until I see improvement. Understand?"

Keumjo felt small under her coach's intense look. "Y-yes ma'am. I understand."


The next day ...

The school bell rang telling everyone that today was over. The students ran to their locker to get their things, some tried to catch up with their friends, and some stayed for their after school activities. Keumjo even saw a couple of her teammates already in thier uniform run downstairs to the gym area. This day couldn't get any worse. Everything reminded her of soccer. Her alarm that went off that would tell her to do her morning jog, getting dropped off and seeing her team run on the track feild doing their early morning practice, and then seeing them practice again after school, hiding behind the bushes so her coach won't see her. She needs to get back to the routine as soon as possible.

Yes, that was her goal. 

"Keumjo fighting!" She told herself as she finally opened the door.

She stuck her head in to see Ms. Son and another female student was staring at her.

"Nice of you to join us Keumjo-ssi, have a seat beside Sojin" Ms, Son instructed. The other student bowed at Keumjo. Keumjo, still in awe timidly bowed back.

Sojin ...

Whoever Sojin was, she definitly caught the girl's attention. She has never seen her before. Maybe she's a senior.

"Let's get started now shall we? Lee Keumjo meet your tutor Jo Sojin..."

Whatever the teacher said came in one ear, and out the other for Keumjo. She just kept on nodding and nodding. All of her attention was focused towards Sojin. Keumjo's attention was all on her tutor. Her lips would stick out every time she nods or when the teacher talks, she found it really cute.

"Can I have your number then?"



"Your number? So you can contact me anytime if you need help" Sojin arched a brow, a small smile on her lips appeared.

"O-oh umm yes. H-here"

The two exchanged phone numbers.

"I would advise you two to meet up tomorrow after school. If you want to go to the tournament so badly Ms. Lee" Ms. Son corner eyed her, waiting for a response.

"S-sure..." Keumjo responded.

"No problem at all."





huhuhu i'm sorry if this , i might not even continue this asdsdkssd (^ . ^') it'll probably just be a one-shot 

idk what do you guys think????



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Chapter 4: ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 6: Dawww, cute story. Even though you seemed to have abandoned it, thank you for writing! ♥ I enjoyed it :)
Chapter 6: Could you update please?
NamyuLover #4
Chapter 6: AHHHH!! Yay an update!! The ending was super cute omg my feels >.<
soeunbang #6
Chapter 5: My organs are shutting down from all the fluffiness (that means this is really good and I love it) please continue!!
babybutt #8
Chapter 4: Kya this chapter is too cute >.<!! ah i love shy sojin so much T_T and i love cheeky hyuna HAHAHAHAHA

the v day chapter is really great~
Chapter 4: aaaAaaaH!!!!!!! this story is so darn cute oh my gosh --- i really love the plot for this and i can't wait to see it continue omg ; ;

sojin and keumjo pls get together soon my poor heart will die if you don't !!!!!!
Chapter 4: "none of that crazy stuff yet" lol hyemi is me
but yo this is cute, i'm liking where you're taking this :3