
Finally Found You
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Yunho POV


I was reading the Forbes magazine when that old hag called for me. But I didn’t bother.

“Yunho-ah, come down soon!”

I groaned, hitting my head on the headboard.

“Oppa, palli!”

Throwing the tab away, I scooted out of the room. What is with these two women suddenly?!

“Yoona! Why are you sudden- HYUNG?!” I gasped gripping the stairway.

Jaejoong hyung was holding onto Yoona, swaying around without balance. I immediately ran downstairs and held onto him.

“Yunho-ah” He smiled like a child “Hyung is here” He let go of Yoona’s shoulder and threw his arm around mine

“What happened?” I asked Yoona.

“I saw him drinking in your usual street shop.”

“I think Yoona stalked me”

Both spoke at the same time. Jaejoong hyung’s bluntness is a well-known characteristic but once he is drunk, his mouth doesn’t have a filter AT ALL. Yoona’s mother stared at her in horror while she bit her lip looking at the floor.

“What on earth were you doing there?” I asked her nevertheless

“I was just” She bit her lip “Passing by?” She raised her brows looking at me innocently.

Oh god! She followed him there!

Jaejoong hyung on the other hand, leaned on my shoulder,

“You smell nice” He smiled

“And you” I held him tighter “Smell like a tavern”

“He drank 4 bottles of Sujo oppa” She informed concerned “I wonder what is wrong.”

She reached to hold him but I pulled him away.

“I’ll take him upstairs” I informed and immediately turned before they could respond

“Can you climb?” I verified once we reached the foot of the stairs.

He nodded and set foot on the stair.

“What were you thinking to drink so much?” I asked him as we headed upstairs.

He usually gets upset remembering his mother. If it becomes uncontrollable, he resorts to drinking. But he usually calls either Junsu, Yoochun or I. He never drinks alone and I couldn’t help but wonder why.

He didn’t answer but his face dulled. He let go of me but I held him close to me.

“Hyung, please stop worry about aunt-”

“She left me on the road” He mumbled.


“Open the door” He pointed. “Open” He began tapping. “O-P-E-N”

I unlocked the door and pushed it to a side. Making him sit on the corner of the bed, I removed his blazer. He groaned and pushed me away.

“Hyung, let me just-”


I jerked back. What wrong did he do?





Spend the night?



“What is wrong about that?” He leaned back on the bed and kicked his shoes off.

“Spend the night with a girl?” I verified

He groaned and turned, pillowing his hand and facing to his right. He seemed to be asleep. I scooted down and pulled his socks off.

“I mean seriously” I fell on my once he almost kicked me away “What the hell is wrong with her?” He sat up straight and looked forward. His brows furrowed and his eyes gradually lowered to meet me sit on the floor “She chooses some unknown er over me?” He pointed at himself “OVER ME?!”

This is a critical situation. He is drunk and pissed off. One wrong word and I’ll be roast meat. I decided to remain quiet. 

But I’m truly shocked. He is actually fired up over a girl?!




He gripped his shirt and pulled it, popping the button off the garment. His solemn face turned pale and his eyes gradually softened.

“What wrong did I do Yunho-ah?” He questioned weakly. “I just can’t stop worrying about her”

So he is literally drunk in love I see……

But isn’t spending the night a bit too fast?


His eye lids gradually closed but immediately opened.

“Hyung” I held his shoulders “Why don’t you sleep?”

“I need to see her”

“Hyung who-”


I sighed in defeat. He woundn't sleep at this rate. On to plan B...

“How about I call her then?” I asked hoping that he’d calm down.

His forehead creased. Later pouting, he nodded.

“Call her” He pointed at me “And tell her to come to me, arrasso?”

I nodded

“Tell her that I’m waiting for her” He placed his hand over his chest “That I will go crazy if she doesn’t come to me”

Who on earth is she to have made him so hopelessly in love?

“Yunho-ah” He held my shoulders “Ottoke?” He sighed “I think I like her”

“Just realized it ha?” I faked a smile. He nodded, puffing his cheek

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[19 March 2023] I'm working on the next chapter!!!


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 38: That ending though!!! Other than that ominous ending, the chapter was kinda cute. Although I don't remember why Yunho is so against Jaejoong but is chummy with Changmin when it comes to his sister, I'm still enjoying it. LoL... Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
749 streak #2
Chapter 38: Welcome back, hope you’ve been well! This was such a cute chapter - except for the very end. Hopefully, they will be able to keep her safe. It was great to see Yunho being the protective older brother, and the adorable banter between Jaejoong and Jennifer.
2034 streak #3
Chapter 37: TBH, I don't really remember what exactly happened in the previous chapters and I'm kinda lazy to reread them again. So I had continued with where I have stopped last. I understand Hyeri and Jennifer are the same person? But she's scared of Jaejoong now? I wonder why. Also, just by changing lenses people couldn't recognise her? :P jokes aside, why are they both in the hospital now? That's what I'm most curious about. I'll try to come back later to reread them again.
749 streak #4
Chapter 37: Welcome back, I hope you’ve been well. Thank you so much for updating, I thought you’d given up on this story!

I’m glad they all know the truth now, but Yunho thinking Heyri needs protection from Jaejoong is a little worrying. I guess knowing who she is would be a little disconcerting though. I hope it’s not another couple of years before you update again, I can’t wait to see what happens when Jaejoong goes to her room.

Please take care and stay safe.
2034 streak #5
Chapter 36: Oh My My! Just at the beginning of this chapter, I was starting to think Jennifer is Heyri. And I was feeling pretty proud to have made that guess. But lol, you broke it all at the end by revealing Yunho's (step)mother. Anyway, I have finally caught up with the chapters. Now can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 35: Well, Jaejoong is overly possessive and personally, I don't think it's the right thing. Hopefully, he will eventually realize that's he's being borderline evil and eventually have a nice character development. Will be back later to read more!
2034 streak #7
Chapter 34: I cracked up at the cat fights Jaejoong and Changmin was having in most part of the chapter. They are elementary school kids. Lol XD can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 33: Hahaha thanks for the spam of pics at the end of the chapter. Anyway, I'm surprised that Jaejoong has been up and moving so easily just after coming out of a surgery for a gunshot. Lol XD nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 32: Whoa! A bounty Hunter?but why Jennifer is her target though? Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 31: Wait! What's the age difference between Jaejoong and Jennifer? I don't seem to remember. Also can't wait to see how things develop between those two when they are being like cats and dogs. Will be back later ^^