[X-MAS SPECIAL] Two Christmas stories in the Of Lists and Galaxies AU


Didn't have enough of KrisHo in the Of Lists and Galaxies/Of Patchwork and Puppies alternative universe yet? Here come two christmas-centered stories which show how Yifan and Junmyeon celebrate Christmas at two different points in the AU.


Of Red Wine and Mistletoes (set after Of Lists and Galaxies) & Of Hourglasses and Love (set between story and epilogue of Of Patchwork and Puppies)


Of Red Wine and Mistletoes

Couples: Kris/female!Suho; side: Xiumin/female!Luhan
Characters: Chen, female!Baekhyun, Taeyeon
Rating: PG-13
Genre: horrendous fluff, humor, slice of life
Volume: 2.008 words
Warnings: usage of alcohol, mentions of the same old terrible Christmas pop


Of Hourglasses and Love

Couples: Kris/female!Suho
Characters: Sehun, Tao, OC: Eunbyul, Mama Wu
Rating: PG-13
Genre: candy floss sweet romance, slice of life
Volume: 3.871 words 
Warnings: none

A/N: Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate it and everyone else I wish great holidays and a happy new year in advance!


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aarushic_18 #1
Chapter 2: This whole au gives me the feels omg
I love these three stories so much ❤❤
Chapter 2: This was beautiful /claps/ It made me tear shisus I really love this!! thank you for this
falafalafel #3
i honestly didnt know there was a sequel to Of Lists and Galaxies (OPAP). gotta read it first before these two!!! brb!
2447 streak #4
Chapter 2: if it was painful reading OPAP where Jun was struggling so much and unconsciously doubting Yifan's love for her, here it was definitely a pleasure to read her just basking in the shower of Yifan's love, missing Yifan's presence when he's not around and longing for her husband

it makes me smile reading about how much of a happy mom Jun is right now... and how this patchwork family has grown into one full of love... how much TaoHun still relies on Yifan, specially on matters hard to reveal to their mom and also how the boys are doting on their little sis... Eunbyul is the household's princess! she sure has a soft spot in her oppas' hearts that's why they'd do anything for her to be happy again, also why Sehun was kinda hurt when she said he isn't his fave brother anymore...

but what i really love abt this chapter is that part in the bedroom when Yifan went home earlier than expected... i think that says so much abt him, and how their relationship is now... i mean, the mention on Eunbyul's birth and how happy as mentioned before, OPAP was a bit painful to read coz there was still a bit of resistance from Jun, something preventing herself to be completely happy and assured of Yifan's love for her... but now, she welcomes Yifan with open arms, his intense gaze, his bountiful compliments, and just all his love for her from the bottom of his heart...

and now Jun is this happy wife and mom who'd do anything to make her family happy... no regrets at all

they've sure come a long way and seeing how this patchwork family has become really makes me happy

i really hope this won't be the last from you :)
2447 streak #5
Chapter 1: red is definitely a good color on Jun!!!

so this is how they revealed the relationship in the office huh? nice one!
i mean, what a way to make a statement, they didnthave to put much effort, they were just conveniently placed under a mistletoe and they just let the kiss do the talking :))))

this shows how much Yifan is aware of what he got hinself into when he decided to date Junhee, it makes me happy that after a mere 100 days into the relationship, they both realize that they very much want to be part if each other's lives... makes me happy to see the kids warming up to Yifan already, Sehun seeking comfort from him when he wakes up due to nightmares and Tao seeking assurance from him when he feels like their father doesn't love them as much... that would really make me happy if i were Jun!

and yes, she might've wanted things to be slow but the development of the things during their relationship surely doesn't call for slow... Yifan was a step closer to getting deep into Jun's heart :)

it might be a shame for Jun how her sons' calls on several male employees made it as a company legend, but i doubt she'd rather have it any other way... that call made to Yifan was what started this, and im sure she's happy abt that

im curious as to who won the bet tho, i think Yifan would win... if drunk Jongdae still remembers how good BaekYeon were when he's sober! HAHAHAHA
my_vanillalove #6
Chapter 2: Yaaaaay!! Sequel even tho not really sequel, but u make another story for of lists and galaxies au ME SO SO LIKEY YESSSS.
Ive been waiting these, and this so worth it. I like the second story where more family bonding in it. I like the desc relationship kris have with three chilfren where they really dependent with kris as their father. And krishi moment as couple. Thank u so much for the stories
2447 streak #7
Chapter 2: CRYINGGGGG...
can i comment properly later???
right now i just wanna cry coz these two are so BEAUTIFULLLLLLL!!!
2447 streak #8
and it's not just one! YOU GIVE US 2 ONESHOTS!!!