


The most notorious gang in town is finally going to make their appearance. These girls had been in this 'business' for quite some time now. You could not really say they are a ‘gang’ but just a group of girls as close as can be, fighting for their own rights, surviving on their own. Club B - created by the girls as Club Brilliant, but now, it was known and called as Club Badass. Of course, the name tells it all right? They were charismatic, cool, feared by all. In school, they were the rough bullies. Yes, they were still in high school, the ones no teacher would ever want in their class. But when no one’s looking, they have a different personality; no one would believe that she is from the known Club B. As they slowly portrays their other side, a story unfolds                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Club B, “No matter what, we will always be together forever till the end. Whatever troubles we may face, we’ll solve it together as one. We’ll never cry because meeting each other is the best thing that ever happened in our lives. C’mon, Do not fret as long as you’re in Club B!”                                                                                                                                                                                    



           ♕ Our Story.














FYI The criteria i had use for the applicants is: Detail, unique, especially character personality, how much the author comments. Just so you know. 

ellos all. Thank you for the long wait. And its finally here! The trailer! hope you enjoyed it, i took quite some time to make it. 
Anyways, congratulation to those who were chosen ♥ And for those who didn't.. I'm sorry...I won't force you guys to read my story..but PWEEEESEEEEEEE! It'll mean a lot to me!(: 
oI'll be posting up the character profiles soon. Sorry I've been quite busy and i need to finish  my homework now, so tata~ 
Currently waiting for my poster! lalala~


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When are you going to update?
i love the trailer so much to the point that i played in over and over again <3
Multipersonality #3
Wow...the trailer was awesome o_o<br />
I'm sad I didn't get in but congrats to those who were chosen!<br />
<br />
(sorry for my late comment. I never got around to commenting because I had high school exams filling up my schedule!)
-xminhye #4
Hahaha, I see u used Kim So Eun as meeee~ THANKYOUUandCONGRATS to the other peeeps^^ Your hard work really paid off! AWESOMEE trailer(; <br />
Waiting for the updateeee><
cherryblossom- #5
Wah~ I love the teaser! And congrats to all who got chosen...even though I wasn't, I'll continue to read this fic. Looking forward to a great story! :D
Wow,the trailer is amazing!
The trailer is DAEBAK !!
esoyjin #8
WOW... The trailer is amazing!!! O___O