

“Quiet people have the loudest minds.”  —  Stephen Hawking

When the enigmatic stranger Lee Taemin moves into the vacant room upstairs, freelance writer and self-proclaimed shut-in Robyn Lee Daniels finds herself perplexed yet strangely attracted to his calm, rather eerie manner. Looking for new material for her series of suspense novels, none of which she has ever published for public consumption, Robyn starts to dig around and do some research on her muse. What she finds only adds to her already disturbing idea of him. The Lee Taemin that lives in apartment 2B is, in fact, very much deceased.

Even with her newfound information, Robyn still wishes to pursue the upstairs tenant. One visit to the lone apartment on the second floor leaves her wishing that she had never given way to her curiosity and desires. What Taemin offers her isn’t new material for her novel but rather a chance to experience a world of true pleasure, a world of her own creation. Should she choose to take his offer, Robyn will face a sinister reality wrapped in a delicious, illusory fantasy. Only she wields the solution in her pen and paper. Only she can put an end to the grim fairytale that she has created.


AUTHOR'S NOTE. If this account looks a little familiar to some of you, it's because I reactivated this old account. I'm starting off fresh with this rather chilling yet equally interesting story featuring Taemin and Minho as the main leads. I hope that you guys enjoy it and leave me lots of good feedback. For those of you who aren't familiar with what AMBW is, it stands for Asian Man Black Woman. Give it a shot, you just might like it :)

DISCLAIMER. I do not own any of the pictures or celebrities (obviously) used in this story. Celebrities are used for strictly fictional purposes. Any similarities to another story are coincidental. All graphics are designed by me, and I ask that no one re-uploads or steals any material from this story.

WARNING. There will be ual themes included, so if you don't feel comfortable with this then I suggest that you don't read this story. I will include a warning at the beginning of the chapters with rated material.


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Lotuspassion #1
Updated soon please
Delano72 #2
Are you going to do flashbacks to the past to show how happened
749 streak #3
Chapter 5: Great update. Yes, the story is flowing as is, I wouldn't change a thing. I like that you gave us the background story on Tae-min's murder. I am wondering though, if Robyn just simply looks like her great-grandmother, or if she is actually Lillian's reincarnation? Something tells me it's more than a mere resemblance.
Chapter 5: Yay, an update, I love this story. But this chapter, even though it reveals Taemin's story, creates so many questions for one.like, what unfinished business would he need to handle since it seems like everyone from his time is deceased? Is he trying to live the life he wanted with Robyn's grandma with her? How was Minho able to see him and remember him but not the landlord? Taemin and Robyn are probably existing on another plane but how is Minho somehow able to hear them in the café? So many questions but great update and I look forward to the next one.
Chapter 5: I want to know as well. I am glad you kept it as you saw fit. I am glad you gave us some background on his story. As far as what he is...I am still trying to figure that out. Great update.
Lotuspassion #6
Chapter 5: Jeez so he confused Robyn with her great grand mother
Chapter 5: I think the pace you write at is perfect but if you think you need to go slower, do so since it's your story and you should write it as you feel it is right ^_^
pinkydinky21 #8
Chapter 5: The story is going really well in my opinion. The pace is just right and the development of the story keeps u drawn in
roma130 #9
Chapter 5: I actually like the story as it is at the moment.
BlasianLover #10
Chapter 4: Please update