Black Swan

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Ji Won first thought that it was only a prank. However, after the recent break-in in their apartment, a mysterious person kept sending her threatening messages. Somebody powerful was calculating her every move, somebody that went by the name of Black Swan. Throughout her chase, she crossed fates with people who could either be her friend or foe, and as she delved deeper into the sea of lies, she found herself tangled in a web of controversies and appalling secrets that could either help her or break her.





The banging footsteps became louder and louder as they echoed down the empty warehouse. Suddenly, it stopped. The woman clutched the bundle closer to her weakening body, hoping that this nightmare would soon be over. The sleeping baby began to coo and stir in her arms. Please don't wake up, she silently pleaded and cradled the baby, attempting to silence the child.

Suddenly, a loud gunshot echoed through the deafening silence of the evening, and her fear began to triple. They wouldn't stop until they got what they wanted. They had already attacked her sisters, and now they also wanted to kill her and the baby. Her eyes started to roam around the area, looking for some means of escape. There was a back door a few steps ahead of her. If she made a move for it, she would be visible for a moment, but if she stayed, it would be a dead end for her and her baby.

"I know you're here. It would be a lot easier if you hand over the baby. I promise we'll let you go," a man's voice shouted. She still couldn't pinpoint exactly where she heard that voice. However, she knew that these men took orders from the palace. "Come on. Show yourself in the count of three. One... Two... Thr-"

With adrenaline pumping through her veins, she used her body to push the steel bars that obscured her from the men's sights and quickly threw the remaining daggers she'd hidden in her coat one by one. Two of them successfully hit their target spots - just above the area where the hearts were - while the rest just scratched their skin. The men had been stunned by her sudden move, allowing her to escape the warehouse. She could have finished all of them with her throwing skills in a normal situation, but she acted on instinct instead because her other hand was holding the baby.

"Get her!" she heard the leader shout even though she was already a block from the warehouse. The men certainly did not expect her to create a commotion. She ran faster and harder, choosing the road with several houses. These men can't make a move without waking up the residents.

A searing pain spread through her body as a bullet grazed her shoulders, fortunately missing her head. Her pace slowed down as blood dripped from her skin, and her vision began to blur. You can't give up now. Think of your baby. Her safety is your priority, she reminded herself.

She took a sharp turn to the left and hid in the backyard of the nearest house. The men would be here soon, and she was leaving them a trail of her blood. She needed to do something quickly. She removed the first layer of blanket from the baby and pressed them to her wounds so the bleeding would stop in the meantime. Holding the baby in one hand, she tried pick-locking the back door, a technique that always came in handy for her. It was a simple knob, making the work easier for her, and in a swift motion, she was inside the house.

As much as she wanted to stay here, she couldn't risk the safety of her baby. She needed to create another diversion even though any minute now, those men would be writhing in pain because the poison from her daggers would take action. Stealthily, she moved around and placed her baby on the sofa.

I'm sorry Areum. Eomma needs to go away for now. You'll be safe here in your new family. I promise I'll find you when this is over. Always remember that whatever happens, eomma loves you.

With a heavy heart, she gently kissed her baby for the last time. She hurriedly returned to the back door, her footsteps lightly touching the wooden floor, and locked it again. Her tears fell with each step away. With strong determination, she left her bundle of joy in a stranger's house and stepped into the night full of uncertainty.

Title: Black Swan

Date Published: Nov. 30, 2015

Date Ended: -




What will you do when everything that you believed in turned out to be mere lies?



I do not own any of the artists, actors, actresses used in the story. I am also not in any way connected to the Imperial family. Aside from the above components, everything else found in the story is a product of my imagination. Please be reminded that this is just a work of fiction and should not be taken seriously. Some of the characters were based on the Joseon family tree. Any dialogue, event, scenario or setting that resembles another author's work is purely coincidental. PLEASE DO NOT PLAGIARIZE IN ANY FORM.

Property of aesthereal. All rights reserved © 2015.


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Chapter 13: The cliffhanger tho ! Damn I hope you"ll update soon
MingyusPampers #2
Scarbar99 #3
Chapter 12: Will pray hard for you. Do not give up. In hard time, think about the end of the journey, the pride of you and your love one, the sacrifice you and the ones supporting you have made for you to be where you are today, and think about many that wish they had the same opportunity you have . Recharge, take a break, write a little and share with us, and attack again. Never give up, until they give up on you. Stay strong.
OMFG your writing is so good so professional so beautiful!!!!!!! I like it a lot ><
Chapter 10: hello authornim,new reader is here.what a great story,shin hye is my bias.luking forward for ur next update.
iphlixy #6
Woah the foreword is good!
Chapter 6: Update soon please
Chapter 2: Nice start! I'm enjoying it so far :)