The boyfriend switch



Jongin and Kai are twins who respectively have Taemin and Baekhyun as their boyfriends. Though unlike Jongin, Kai comes up with the dumbest ideas and switching boyfriends for a day is the worst one yet.





turns out I lied about the multi chaptered part I said last time ㅋㅋ. Just a heads up though; this will consist of less than 10 chapters and have 2k words max in each one because yes I still can't commit to chaptered stories and I just had to write this by hook or by crook ^^; also, there is no in this book!


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Chapter 10: Well written.. :-) I'm looking forward fot the next update..
Chapter 10: i just reread this story and i miss it
I miss this story..
Chapter 10: Im usually a baekyeol shipper but this story just mademy jongbaek ship go high

Pls update
Chapter 10: This is just me or am i right that this is mostly jongbaek centric. Much more of their concern. I mean yeah there have kaitaem, but that just a slight scene. I mean ya i don't really know what taemin deep concern even tho i know he wants kai. Sorry im being jealous. Lol
Chapter 10: Why do I feel like my taebaby is getting the short end of the stick here? :(
Chapter 10: Yes jongbaek pls :(( Baek needs to talk to kai even if its hard to do so cos the longer he stays in that r/s the harder it'll be & he longs for jongin more now ;; anyways i hope it'll be settle in a nice way
Jongbaek? Really? Feel like they both just decided to like each other because they're relatively "nicer" in a relationship.
Chapter 10: Awwww (>ᴗ<) *dies from all the feels* this is amazing, as always!
Chapter 10: I think Baek deserves a happy ending, but not Kai, he still has to pay for all the damage he caused to the poor puppy, I really want him to realize that he really is in love Baekhyun, when is too late tbh. Thank you so much for this ^^