
The Trapped Warriors

"Ready to fly," 
-B.A.P, Yessir


Ow, my head,” Daehyun groaned as he rolled onto the side of his body and curled himself up into a ball.

Zelo and Sunri were sitting together at the desk, going through their plan for today and the two of them turned around when they realized he was awake. Sunri raised an eyebrow.

“How bad is it?”

Daehyun covered his ears with his hands and curled up even further. “I hate the world.” Zelo rolled his eyes and turned back to the monitor. “You shouldn't have drank so much.”

“You're talking as if you knew this would happen, Junhong, shut up,” Daehyun grumbled. Sunri chortled and got up to get the towel that had fallen onto the floor. She came back out of the washroom with it wet and cold and handed it to Daehyun who peeked an eye out to look at her.

“Do you think you'll be able to come out with us today?” She asked, studying him. Daehyun turned his body so he was now lying on his back. “What are we doing today?”

Sunri cast a quick glance at Zelo, who was waiting for her to answer. “Since we found our guy, we were just planning to explore around the city hall building. More so for Zelo to get even closer to the building itself and maybe we can get some information.”

“Do you guys need me today?” Daehyun asked, struggling to push himself up into a sitting position. He managed to lean against the headboard of the bed and he let out another groan at the effort exerted.

“Not really, no,” Zelo replied. Daehyun looked out the window and he wrinkled his eyebrows in thought. “I can meet up with you guys during the afternoon. I don't think it'd be a good idea walking around when I still feel hazy.”

“Alright, we'll keep you updated.” Sunri concluded with a smile. She set a glass of water down onto the bedside table. “If you need anything, send us a message.” She walked over to the computer and waited for Zelo to call the vehicle. Youngjae's face popped onto the screen.

The first words that came out of his mouth were, “How's the drunk guy?” Daehyun glared at the screen from further away.

“Screw you, Yoo Youngjae.”

“I'm kidding, calm down. So you two are heading out? Bring your jewelry pieces for communication.” Youngjae reminded. Sunri and Zelo nodded as they took out their devices to show him. Youngjae nodded in satisfaction. “If anything happens, give us a ring. We'll be monitoring you guys from here. Good luck.”

The screen turned black and Sunri and Zelo straightened up. She looked at him. “Ready to go?” He nodded. “Ready when you are.”

“Take it easy, Daehyun. We'll see you later.” She waved as Zelo gave him a quick salute. Daehyun nodded at them before sliding back down under the blanket to hopefully lessen his headache.

“How do humans drink this for fun?”



“Where are all those children going?” Zelo asked.

The two of them had decided to walk towards their destination downtown. The main reason was so that Zelo could see more of the city and they were in no rush today. It would be their last full day in the city.

Sunri turned to where he was looking at and a soft smile came onto her face. “They're going to school where they'll be educated within the institutions and grow up to give back to the economy.”

“And what do they learn in school?” He asked. Sunri hummed. “English, mathematics, science, physical education, history and the other fundamental courses.”

Zelo blinked in surprise. “Do they not learn self defense? Do they have marksmanship classes?” Sunri laughed. “No, they don't. They're normal, remember?” His mouth fell open in understanding.

“It must be nice to learn in a classroom with other children, don't you think?” Sunri sighed. Zelo looked up at the tall building as they passed by it and he turned back to look at her expression.

“Living in the city would be nice.”

They fell into step with each other as they walked down the streets. Zelo had continued walking on ahead until he realized Sunri was no longer beside him. He turned around in alarm only to see her hunched over a street stall, examining the jewelry stand. He furrowed his eyebrows and came up behind her.

“Ah, you have a keen eye, miss. Those earrings would look beautiful on you.” The old lady smiled. She turned to Zelo who was awkwardly standing behind Sunri and her smile grew wider.

“Strolling with the lucky guy, I see.”

Sunri turned to Zelo who blinked at her with wide eyes. She chuckled and turned her attention back down to the items in front of her, not bothering to comment on the statement. She picked out a necklace and a new pair of earrings for herself. She then turned back to Zelo who had his back turned to her and was examining the downtown scenery.

She contemplated the idea in her head before she picked out six different bracelets. She handed them to the old lady and the lady gave her the bag. “It's rare to see youngsters as beautiful as you two are. I am happy that there are still people buying jewelry for their own fashion.” Sunri nodded and handed her some bills.

“Thank you, and you can keep the change,” Sunri leaned in closer to the woman, “Just don't tell anyone, alright?” She said as she tapped Zelo on the shoulder and began walking away.

As she got further, she could hear the old lady gasp after seeing how the amount of cash she was supposed to receive quadrupled in number. She turned back to the old lady who had grateful tears in her eyes and simply flashed her a smile.




“Whoa, this is where the government works?” Zelo whispered as he looked up. His eyes roamed around the towering gates and the dark walls of the sky-rise building.

The two of them were settled down on a park bench near the city hall.

“Yeah. Just the industrialized workers are here, though. They don't do the experiments in the city.” Sunri explained. Zelo's expression faltered as he saw the men in uniform walk in and out of the main door.

“This place makes me sick.”

Sunri nodded as she pulled her jacket closer around her body. “The people working here are sick, that's why.” Zelo remained quiet for a few seconds before he finally blinked.

“They basically have no security system in here. I'm able to get through it.”

She looked at him in surprise before it clicked in her mind. “Ah, that's because they have no need for it. What information would they lose from here, anyway?”

He frowned as his eyes flashed with thousands of numbers. “Yeah, none of this information is relevant.”

“Well, we can leave it for Youngjae to scan through.” She suggested. Zelo shook his head and pressed a finger onto his watch. “Got some information for you.”

“Perfect,” Youngjae said from the other line.

“Is it time to meet up with Daehyun?” Zelo looked down at his watch. Sunri nodded towards one of the coffee shops. “I doubt he'd know where to find us. We can just grab some food and head back to the hotel.”

“ for him, he missed out on exploring the city.” Zelo commented. Sunri chuckled. “Yeah, too bad for him.”

“I can hear you guys, you know? Jerks.” Daehyun piped in through their communication devices.


“We're back. Did you miss us?” Zelo announced as he threw a sandwich and a bottle of water onto the bed. Daehyun flinched at the sudden intrusion and looked up.

“No, but thanks for not starving me.” Daehyun pushed himself up to a sitting position. He bit into the sandwich and let out a hum of satisfaction. He watched as Zelo took the remote and the television in the room.

“How did your outing go?” He asked, starting up conversation. Zelo shrugged. “We saw a lot of people. It was so weird seeing little kids with their backpacks running around.”

“I wish I could have been there.” Daehyun sighed. Sunri smiled as she threw a hat his way and Daehyun swiftly caught it with his free hand.

“Zelo got you something.”

The older boy turned to the other one sitting there, but Zelo made no movement of acknowledgement. Daehyun rolled his eyes, but a smile graced his lips at the thoughtfulness.

They sat together and watched a cooking show together on the television screen for another thirty minutes before Daehyun's ringing phone brought their attention elsewhere. He reached over to the night table and picked it up.


“We'll be ready to pick you guys up soon. When will you be out?” Himchan asked. Daehyun turned to look at Sunri and Zelo. He then quickly surveyed their hotel room.

“In about an hour.”

“See you soon,” Himchan said curtly before hanging up.

“Time to go?” Sunri guessed. Daehyun nodded as he got up and stretched his stiff limbs. “We'll pack everything up and drive back out to the main gates.”




“How was your little trip?” Youngjae asked as the seven of them walked together into the base after Yongguk unlocked the door.

“It was spectacular. I didn't have to hang out with a sarcastic idiot for two days. Now, isn't that wonderful?” Daehyun drawled. Youngjae's face fell and he almost jump kicked the guy if it were not for Jongup who held him back with a grin.

“You guys will go analyze the data that Zelo got today. I'm going to go report back in with the boss.” Yongguk announced as he grabbed some files off their coffee table. Himchan followed him as Youngjae, Zelo and Daehyun headed up the stairs to the computer room.

Sunri took her bags and headed up to her own room while Jongup followed the other boys.

Youngjae focused on decoding the data while Daehyun and Jongup lent him a hand wherever needed. Zelo was scrolling through his database to map out what the city looked like from his memory.

“You know,” Youngjae started, “I think something serious is going on if the government put spies into the Resistance.”

“Maybe they're trying to take us down.” Jongup added in. Daehyun air in through his teeth and shook his head. “But they could have done that ages ago. Why haven't they?”

Zelo turned around in his chair. “Maybe that's not what they're trying to do. What if they're trying to take over the Resistance?”

“That's true. What reason would they have to create someone like Sunri? Who can control the minds of their soldiers?” Daehyun said. Jongup blinked. “With her power, she could theoretically wipe all of us out.”

Youngjae nodded in agreement. “There's no saying they haven't progressed farther with their experiments, either. I mean, look at all the research bases they have set up.”

“At this point, she's on our side.” Zelo shrugged. “We don't know her exact side yet but we can rest assured she seems to be against the war happening.”

“All this happened way too fast,” Youngjae sighed as he ruffled his hair in frustration. He turned back to his computer and looked through the files.

The four of them looked up when Yongguk walked in with a new folder in hand.

“Looks like our vacation is going to be cut short. We've got a new mission.”




“What? They've never had two transfers within one month before.” Daehyun pointed out, surprised. The others nodded in unison.

“They're changing their game plan. They're speeding things up now.” Himchan said as he handed out more information for Sunri and the boys. They opened up the folders and read through the pages.

“But what are they transferring that would require so many cargo containers?” Youngjae asked. Yongguk shook his head. “I called in to check with the main base and no other force knows what this base operates with. We assume it's something we've never seen before.”

“Is it more Mindless Soldiers?” Jongup asked. Himchan looked at him. “I doubt it. Their bases are always land-borne. Why would this one be water-borne?”

“Maybe it's more test subjects?” Zelo questioned. Yongguk sighed. “It beats me. The boss just wants us to go and investigate this for now. No action will be taken until we know what they're doing.”

“Is it just our team?” Sunri asked. Yongguk nodded. “The boss didn't want too many to get involved or to know of this yet.”

“So we have to inspect these ships at sea and figure out why they're en-route to the City?” Youngjae asked again for confirmation. Yongguk nodded.

“That's exactly what we're doing.”

“Do we get air vehicles then?” Daehyun asked, looking at Himchan for the answer. Himchan held up a new set of keys with a smirk.

“Hell yeah, we do.”




“Holy , when did this get here?” Youngjae asked with a slack jaw as he stared at the giant vehicle on their roof.

“One of the workers flew it in for us. It's a vertical take off and landing aircraft. We never had to use this as we were mainly always grounded.” Himchan explained.

“Okay, so what does it do? Isn't this just like a helicopter?” Daehyun raised an eyebrow. Himchan gasped, offended by the comparison.

“This is nothing like a helicopter. First off, this baby has two heavy auto-cannons mounted on either sides of the platform. It has a top-class guided munition launch system and twin missile launchers. This vehicle is used for the Resistance's air assault and support aircraft. So, it primarily serves as an attack craft. Plus, did you hear anything as it landed? It's nowhere near as loud and obnoxious as helicopters, okay?”

“When did we have something like this?” Jongup blinked as he walked up closer to inspect the said cannons. “We've always had them. Certain vehicles are used for certain teams.” Sunri spoke up.

“Wait a second, why do we have two?” Zelo blinked when he walked around the back and saw the second aircraft there.

“These aircrafts only seat four passengers at max. We're going to split into two.” Himchan explained. Yongguk nodded as he checked his watch.

“You have two hours to pack ammunition and anything else we need for the mission. Once again, this will be a non-hostile mission unless told otherwise. It will remain a stealth mission until we are given other orders. Meet back at the aircrafts by then.”




When the boys finished preparing their own bags, they headed out to the back. When she heard their footsteps, Sunri looked up. She smirked as she pushed herself off the body of the aircraft and twirled one pair of keys around. Daehyun raised an eyebrow.

“You can pilot that thing?”

She smiled. “I can operate any machine and any vehicle I get my hands on, sweetheart.” Daehyun chuckled and walked towards her. “Then I'm sitting with you.”

“I'll go with you too. The others will go with Himchan.” Yongguk instructed. Youngjae groaned as he lugged his bag along with him.

“Great. I'm definitely getting sick on the ride.”

Himchan glared at him as he passed by and knocked him on the head with the keys. “Fly your own to the ship, then.” Youngjae turned around and flashed him a smile.

“My bad.”

“If you see our vehicle go down, assume those two probably caused it, okay?” Zelo rolled his eyes as he buckled his belt on. He tugged on it a few times to make sure it was snug before resting his head against the seat.

“Coordinates set,” Sunri spoke into the communication device. She turned back and when she saw Yongguk hold a thumbs up, she revved up the engine and the aircraft began to lift from the ground.

“Ready to move out,” Himchan repeated.

author's note 

Sorry for the long wait but the chapter's finally out! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Things are sort of picking up, aren't they? Sorry the chapter's a bit short compared to the previous ones but I couldn't move the plot along without ending it short halfway so I had to just get this shorter one out there! It's around 2.5k words compared to the normal 4k ones but I'll make the next one longer for sure.

But holy cow, my B.A.P feels are overloading right now- I just watched their True Awake!! Tour Finale on V app with a few friends and I'm so dead. Thank you for existing, B.A.P. 

Love their new album lots! Their new song 'That's My Jam' comes out with the MV tomorrow! I'm so excited. 

See you in the next chapter!


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Is this still being updated?
Chapter 7: Revisiting this story because the plot is genuinely fun and I really can't wait to see what's coming next. Author-nim hwaiting!
Chapter 7: Everyone just turned sassy all of a sudden. But then it fits daehyun. Like did you see daesuk yesterday?! Hahahah dyingg
Chapter 7: Hungover Daehyun... lol he's so sassy.
Oh and wow Sunri continues to amaze me. She's kind, and can also pilot any vehicle... nice!
Chapter 6: Omg. Yaaasssssss. The end was so cute. LOL. Leave it to Daehyun to get drunk. Ah he was so cute. ;;;
slushyplushie #6
Chapter 6: Oh my god. Drunk Dae is so ing adorable. Zelo is irritated and freaked out. Damn. This is so cute.
Kpop_galaxy143 #7
Chapter 6: Awww yh i went to the nyc concert and it was littt their skin is so gud and theyre so beautiful ughhh i wanna go again p!!
Chapter 6: Ahahahahahahhahahh.. Daehyun really cute there when he get drunk... XDDD Can't wait to know what will happen next.. Thanks for your update~!!
Chapter 6: I went to the LA show and I died and cried.. not at the same time but you know what i mean. They are real and i cant believe i saw them. Im still in AWE theyare beautifulll.

And drunk daehyun. AMAZING
Chapter 6: This chapter was A+ material haha. I loved every moment of it. The new experiences that B.A.P are exploring is never going to get old to me. I hope to see more drunk B.A.P more. :P