

We never noticed beauty because we were busy trying to create it.
Photographer Choi Sooyoung, meets a mysterious girl in her trip to the UK.
Who is this mysterious beauty?
And what effect will she have in Sooyoung's life?
The beauty of the shot was her...


I wanted to become a photographer because I wanted to catch, capture, keep, save the most beautiful moments in life, the most beautiful people, the most beautiful places... And...simply because, no matter what happens, no matter how much time goes can always look back on your photos.
That's what I'm doing now, looking back. I still remember how we first met, that rainy day, I had to travel to London and as I walked towards the gate for the plane, that's when I saw you. A single beautiful girl standing in the middle of the airport, to be honest at first I thought you were some kind of product of my imagination...
Truly, you looked like an angel who had got lost on earth. And before I even noticed, before I realized my own actions I pulled out my camera. 


I took a picture. I was surprised by my own actions. But I didn't regret them, you were...the most beautiful person I had ever met and if I wouldn't take photograph of you, I would take a photograph of no one...or anything. The most beautiful landscapes couldn't rival with you.
I walked up to you and put a hand on your shoulder, to get your attention. 

"Ah, thank god" You said.

"Help me please, my cane" You said desperate.

That's when I noticed that...your beautiful eyes...had no glow. You looked at a single unexistant point in space all the time.
You were blind. A part of me cursed out to god for doing this to such a beautiful creature while the other reminded myself not to pity you. You probably were a strong person, or at looked like one. I looked at the ground, a bit further away was the cane, I picked it up and gave it to you.

"Here" I said as I put it back in your hand.

"Oh my, thank you so much" You said.

"Could please just lead me to gate 12?" You said.

I smiled brightly even though you couldn't see it.

"I'm going there too, come with me" I said.

You grabbed my sleeve and walked beside me.

"I'm Jessica and you helpful stranger are?"

"I'm Choi Sooyoung"

"Jessica? You're a foreigner?"

"I was born in the US"

"I see"

"Miss Choi, would you mind giving me the picture you took" You said as you smiled.

"I heard the camera" You said with a smile.

I was surprised.

"I-I-I didn't do it on purpose, it's just that, I'm a photographer and...before I noticed, I had already done it"

"Please don't be mad at me"

"Mad at you? No, I just want it, you see, I used to be a model before, this happened" You said as you pointed towards your face.

"I just like to keep my pictures, even if I don't see them"

Sooyoung's heart sank a little bit. She grabbed Jessica's hand and stopped.

"I'll shoot you...I'll shoot you, just, be my muse" I suddenly said.

You seemed surprised.

"I...I don't really think that's...I mean, I'm blind"

"That doesn't matter, just...please" I said begging.

You went silent for a little while. 

"Okay, but...make sure you give me those pictures and it's only for you, you can't expose them or anything"

"Fine" I said as I smiled and unknowingly hugged you.

You smiled sweetly.

During our flight we arranged so after we both took care of our business we would both go to Wales, Snowdon, to the mountains and then a forest to have a simple shoot. I told you to bring the most beautiful clothes you had. You smiled and waved a goodbye as you got inside that cab.

I was here...waiting. But you weren't here. My heart broke a little.
Suddenly the small hotel concierge came up to me. 

"We were told to deliver this to you" She said as she handed me an envelope.

"To Choi Sooyoung"

"Dear Choi Sooyoung, 
By the time you read this...well, let's just say that I will be in a better place, hopefully.
I thank you for in the last days of my life you made me believe in myself again, it's with great regret that I go not fulfilling our promise to meet and have those pictures taken, at the hotel desk, you'll find a box, please keep it safe. It's my only single greatest treasure.
Don't cry, please don't cry, you didn't know...and don't be sad, it would've happened wether I met you or not, still, I'm glad I did.
Just go to the mountain and think about me and how you met me, I'm sure that when you come down, you'll feel better.
Thank you for everything

With love

Jessica Jung"

"A better place?" Sooyoung suddenly let out.

I felt tears threatening to come out. I grabbed my bag and went to the desk.

"There's a box here for me" I said as I tried to stop the tears.

The lady gave me a small paper box with flower imprints.
I grabbed the box and put it in my bag. I walked out of the hotel, and walked to the mountain trail. I don't know how far I walked, I doesn't know where I got. But I stopped near a big cliff, there were two rocks. I sat on the one farther away from the cliff.
I opened my bag and took out that box, I opened it.

There was a small card.

"Keep them safe for me"

I looked through the pictures...
She was always beautiful.
And then as the sun set down in the distance, I couldn't believe my eyes.
Unknowingly I took out my camera and took a picture of the landscape in front of me with the rock near the cliff in the shot.
The camera showed nothing but my eyes showed everything, there she was sitting and smiling ever so sweetly as if posing for the shot.
She was, beautiful...

Now I smile as I am having my first expo, with that one shot as my main work, no one could see it, but I would forever...
See her siting on that rock, with that sweet smile.
The true beauty of the picture
Was her.


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milkinthebox_ #1
oh my god???!!! *screams to the void*
Love it <3<3 solf and romance !!!
wooow. it's a great oneshot. :)
PenguinWizard #4
Omg why is this a one shot?!? This story is so good! :)