Earth to Ashes

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He was a survivor who fought for his life, who continued to do so every day, yet somewhere along the way he forgot to live.



There is character death and somewhat explicit scenes, so please heed this if you happen to be sensitive to that sort of thing. If you can't handle The Walking Dead, you probably can't handle this.

Genre: Action, Fantasy, Angst, Friendship


Disclaimer: There will be violence as this is a post-apocalypse type AU, so viewer discretion is advised LOL.

Length: Approximately a 15k three-shot.


Inspired from “The Walking Dead” (I’m so emotionally attached to that show especially Daryl //sobs//) and every story I’ve read about in the apocalypse/dystopian genre plus a little bit of the manga “Seraph of the End” and the anime “Attack on Titan” (//sobs also//). Granted this does not mean its a Zombie AU or Titan AU, I'm trying to make it my own type, so I hope you guys like it. 


P.S. the other places I haunt - x


Music Soundtrack

Famous Last Words – My Chemical Romance

Beautiful Killer - VIXX

Heaven’s Gonna Wait – Hedley

Comeback – Redlight King

Bring Me To Life – Evanescence


Dance With The Devil – Breaking Benjamin

Leave Out All The Rest – Linkin Park

Burn Out – Block B

Guren No Yumiya – Linked Horizon

Continued Story – Hitomi Kuroishi


Tender Rose Writing Contest - 1st place winner under the category "Fast Track" with the theme of "Exodus"



Thank you to --YatLuvG at ❝G-Way❥Graphics❞ for making my beautiful poster~


Also a special thank you to emchan for coming up with the chapter titles (because I at making them) omg. <3


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41 streak #1
Chapter 4: Thank you authornim for writing and sharing this amazing story..also thank you for explaining and clarifying the story, behind reasons and the hidden secrets and meanings, revelation... it explains a lot but I think I'm still a bit confused... I mean I understand the explanation but I feel like I didn't catch some... woah sure it's a masterpiece and unique... I really wish there was more chapters to read... feeling bad that it's already end... heartbreaking but it still gave and left so many things to learn... one of the best story and chanyeol ff.. I'll definitely highly recommend this story to read everyone...well written everything... really enjoyed reading the whole story..amazing, interesting, catchy, mysterious, exciting, thrilling, suspense altogether in one story...🙌👏🤧💔😞🥹🥺😭😭😍❤️🤗🙂👍🫶🍒🍒🍒🍒😔😪🫰💔🤧😭😭❤️
41 streak #2
Chapter 3: Omg... I'm totally dumbfounded and speechless... the whole survival journey was so nerve-wracking and thrilling... it really broke my heart and gave me a lot of goosebumps.. but the plot twist was so insane and it actually somehow confused me about the mysterious situation and them.. atleast they tried their very best to the very end not to let those darkness to consume them fully... where survival is tough, rough and hard, they somehow made it together to the end.. glad that they found some ulterior motive, clue, reason and solution to survive in the new world of darkness... I'm still quite shocked and confused.. but actually satisfied with the outcome... what about that mysterious shadow and how even both chanyeol and jinae got that infection.. minsoek was one of them right..ugh.. can't wait to read next chapter...
41 streak #3
Chapter 2: Omg.. glad that so far they survived 👏 🙌... that was definitely a nerve-wracking situation... chanyeol's decision to go back to them and saved them...was truly appreciated... chanyeol's survival journey truly made me emotional and that was definitely heartbreaking..but really appreciated how he survived all the time and did all shorts of things.. chanyeol, such a thoughtful guy and a great survivor..loved this chapter..but omg.. the last part was so scary and creepy... so worried for them...
41 streak #4
Chapter 1: Feeling more sad and heartbroken... the situation and incident really gave me goosebumps and thrill while reading this whole chapter... feeling so emotional and sad for chanyeol that he had to go through this alone.. also sehun.. TT TT TT.. omg.. so interested to know about that girl, her brother and their survival story..when surviving is too difficult for people... awww... feeling bad for baekhyun and his family.. just why... TT TT TT TT.... I'm already in love with the story..too catchy and interesting..🥺😞💔🤧🤧
41 streak #5
Woah.. interesting description and forward.. so excited to read.. walking dead, that's one of my favorite series... but still I can't quite watch it without screaming 😭 😍🙈
25 streak #6
Chapter 3: Beautiful story, your writing is amazing! Loved how you used greed and selfishness as reasons for this darkness, it was a very interesting idea and fitted the story just right. It's also quite scary if you think about it, like I would not want this happening to our world, though with how people are nowadays I can definitely see it happening! lol
RinaBelle #7
Chapter 4: This was epic.
Yoshinon #8
Haunting but beautiful...
I can see the inspiration from The Walking Dead and Attack on Titan what with all the horrible stuff Chanyeol had to go through. I feel sad for him really, he lost everything and was alone almost from the start T__T but I'm glad this has a happy ending.
I agree, Chanyeol really does fit the apocalypse/post-apocalypse au, he's the perfect choice
Thank you so much for writing this! <3
Chapter 1: I’ve only read the first part and I am amazed, holy cow you are a great author
Chapter 4: I just wanna say that you're a genius. Period.