My Turtle is Evil!


Yesung was jealous of Heechul who had a cat upstairs, and because of that, he decided to get a turtle.


Several years down the line, that proved to be a mistake.


Just what will Super Junior do with that turtle on the loose?


AN -- First fanfic on here~~! I'm happy about that <3


I had this idea several days ago and it's only now I thought about putting it up here.


Please, don't bash, it's not real; just a fanfiction, but any grammar or spelling mistakes ect. please point out in a comment (They are loved, no matter what they are!).


Warning - Evil!DdangKoMa, Various Super Junior Pairings, evil comedy ahead.


There will not too much rated-ness; I'm too young for that, my innocence will die! Whenever someone swears, it will be edited out, but I will post the original with the swears on a different site.


Please enjoy! (The first chapter will either be up late today or tomorrow)


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400 streak #1
Well? Still waiting, I guess...
400 streak #2
2010 and there's still no update, oh I'm dying to know about this story T^T
The plot is interesting and are you going to start this story? :/
oh my! Update pleaasseee.... <br />
Samona #5
Can't Wait.^_^
hay update it